
Showing posts from February, 2010

c# - Named Pipe Quota problem -

I have a problem transmitting a file-size thing through WCF that uses designated pipe binding < / P> & lt; NetNamedPipeBinding & gt; & Lt; Compulsive name = "big message" Maxbuffarpool Size = "524288000" Maximumized Message Messaging = "655360000" Maxbufarism = "655360000" & gt; & Lt; ReaderQuotas maxStringContentLength = "655360000" maxArrayLength = "2000001" maxBytesPerRead = "2000001" max-name tableactor = "2000001" /> & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; / NetNamedPipeBinding & gt; And this service definition is & lt; Service name = "BusinessService.TaskService" behaviorConfiguration = "BusinessService.TaskServiceBehavior" & gt; & Lt; Endpoint address = "behaviorconfiguration =" customEndPointBehavior "binding =" net nempip binary "binding configuration =" big message "contract =" busi

php - CodeIgniter get_where -

I am trying to use get_where to get a list of all database records where the owner login equals the user is. This is my job in my controller; function files () {$ owner = $ this- & gt; Auth-> Get_user (); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Get_where ('file', array ('owner =' = & gt; 'owner')) - & gt; result (); } And in my opinion I have the following; & amp; Php foreach ($ query- & gt; result () as the $ line):? & Gt; & Lt; Period & gt; & Lt ;? = $ Row-> Name & gt ;? & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt ;? Php endforeach; ? & Gt; When I try to access the scene, I get a fatal error: Call the result of a member function () on line / 1 / views / account / files.php On non-object. Thanks There is a framework based on codeigner principles. Consequently, you will typically use application logic, data separation, and "output" in your respective areas for codeigner use. In this case: contr

c# - How to catch InvalidReference error in NVelocity -

I am using the library on codeplex NVelocity and on the error when I execute No parameters were found in the Evalute method and template text on VelocityEngine example. How do I get this? I know that in the IInvalidReferenceEventHandler interface, I did not get any information about using it in the NVelocity .App.Event namespace I would appreciate any kind of gratitude. I have found a solution. I created EventHandler class: Public category NVelocityEventHandler: IInvalidReferenceEventHandler, IMethodExceptionEventHandler {#region IInvalidReferenceEventHandler member public object invalid GetMethod (NVelocity.Context.IContext reference, string reference, object Object_Renamed, string property, NVelocity.Util.Introspection.Info information) {return "invalidGet method:" + reference; } Public Object Invalid Mode (NVelocity.Context.IContext Reference, String Context, Object Object_Renamed, String Method, NVelocity.Util.Introspection.Info Information) {Return

javascript - Ajax: injecting code into Internet Explorer -

I'm having trouble getting a follow-up code to work in Internet Explorer, it does not seem that executing code To be sent back to the server via Ajax, it is nothing: var ajax = new ActiveXObject ('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); ('receive', 'http: //',true); Ajax.setRequestHeader ('connection', 'pass'); Ajax.onreadystatechange = function () {if (ajax.readystate == 4) {document.body.inner HTML + = '& lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; + Ajax.responsetext + '& lt; / Script & gt; ' ; }}; Ajax.send (''); I have still tried to do this with no luck; document.body.innerHTML + = '& lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; ('+ Ajax.responsetext +') () & lt; / Script & gt; Cheers > .text value. var scrElem = document.createElement ('script'); ScrElem.type = 'text / javascript'; ScrEl

html - What are the merits of using tt, i, b, big, and small tags? -

TT, I, B, big and small tags have not been disliked, but it is possible to get rich effects with CSS is . What is the ability to use these? However, it is small and easy to use, the issue is a semantic markup in hand - basically, someone There is no question that gt; & Lt; Strong & gt; and & lt; Em> What does it mean for the user? It is especially important for cases where color and font weight are meaningless (i.e., a blind person using a text-to-split system). If you are working for a US government agency, any government in the US, not just feds), you are the US bound with the Disability Act. Feds are specifically bound by Section 508 ... but in practice, it is also good to follow. In order to reduce the likelihood of the case, companies must also follow the guidelines and then the party will have to give a new look to handle these issues properly. ps is an element that has not mentioned you that I am always disturbed, especially th ... why people i

javascript - createTextRange - strange behavior in IE8 -

I have the following problem that has been filed in the text input, which works as an automatic integer for some suggestions It is drying behind it. The problem occurs when you leave the field, the text cursor in IE is located at the end of the suggested string, so you can actually only see its last part. So I used the code to fix it and it works under IE 6, but in IE8 it does not work, the field is always chosen and I can not choose anything on the page. What is my question, what is the correct way to move the cursor at the beginning of the input field? $ ('# myAutocompleter'). Blur (function () {textRange = this.createTextRange (); textRange; collapse (true); ();}); (The code used is written in jQuery.) I believe that Are you looking for the .moveStart and .moveEnd methods of the text category: $ ('# myAutocompleter'). Blurred (Function () {textRange = this.createTextRange (); textRange.collapse (true); textRange.moveEnd ('ch - call javascript from control with ValidationGroup -

If a button is set to a validation group then how do I call a JS function with the "click on button" button Can i & lt; Asp: button id = "btnTest" runat = "server" text = "test" OnClick = "btnTest_Click" validation group = "valid mail" OnClientClick = "javascript: return checkTest ()" /> & Lt; Script & gt; CheckTest () {If (Val) return true and return false} It seems that you are trying to validate something on your button click. If you are, instead of verifying the handler on the button, I will add a validator and call it my checkTest () function. Do not forget to add the validator for the "ValidateMail" verification group and set the validity of reasons = "true" on the button. This validation will cause all the beliefs in the mail because the verification group is in the fire. Does it remember the point of your question or your question?

sql - how to select columns as rows? -

So, I'm searching around and I've got things similar to my problem, but I've helped more Need is a real solution I am trying to create a query that will return 2 columns of data, the first column should be a list of column names and the second should be the value of that column. It looks Column 1 Column 2 ------- ------- Column A value_of_kalimem column B value_off_columni .... .. . I'm pretty sure that it needs to get the dynamic SQL, but I do not know how to start a query. Any help is appreciated! This should work for any table, but in my example, I just made one test one You must set the table name within your name @ YourTableNet Additionally, you need to set your line where the results are to be limited in one line, otherwise the output is looking odd with several rows mixed together. Try this: Test your test (Rowwidi int main primary key identification (1,1), call 1 int tap, call 2 varchar (30), call 3 (20), call 4 money, status value fou

vba - Excel - Red Cross where a drop down list should be -

Leave anyone in the form of a light that is why it is happening to one user but not the other. Excel 2003 is set to reduce macro security; Spreadsheet is not readable only Where is considered a drop down list, instead it has a red cross box. Kind regards, Jim make sure That there is no difference between Tool> Add-in <. / P> The other thing that is for me is the equipment> security checks, but the details do not seem to be as appropriate More thinking about what can help Users can, which can not

multithreading - C# lower thread priority in thread pool -

I have several fewer improvements when some CPU time is available. I should not do this work if other more work is going on. If I have a normal / high priority job then I want to work less important work unless important work is done. Low importance work (50 to 1000). So I do not want to create a thread per action. Although I believe that Threadpool does not allow certain priority specification, right? How do you solve it? You can revise a thread and use it to use it. Priorities have a bit UI-focused but it really does not matter.

c# - Parsing XML: Colon in my element causes XPath to miss it -

I have an XML document that I load and try to search with XPath. The root node in this file is and and file end & lt; / T: Transmission & gt; . My problem is that I can not go to the tree without using descendants. In other words, I can: SelectSingleNode ("// TransactionHeader [SHIPPERSTATE = 'CA']" ) and get a node in return. But I can not do that which should be equivalent: SelectSingleNode ("Transmission / Transmission / Transmission / Transaction / Transaction Header [SHIPPERSTATE = 'CA']") If I < Code> T: I can search an XPath on / transmission and get the full file. With t: I just got empty Or if I try SelectSingleNode ("t: transmission") I get an error with my XPath statement. I do not usually need to query the basic element, so I should be able to do my searches with using Scorpion axis but XML is valid for me and so I know this I want to know how it is. Apart from this, I do not want to ask the

c# - Invalid object name, SQL Exception. Nothing fixes it! -

Therefore, I am trying to fix it for about two months. It all started when my "Dev" machine was cut off and I set it on my laptop. It was joking on my old PC but, it does not work on my new PC and was never on the laptop. I had already structured SQL Server as much as I had missed before, but it started giving me SQLExceptions I googled it, I searched for here, I tried various solutions None of that I'll post the offensive code and I hope someone will be able to help me see my weaknesses. I'm sure this is something stupid. SqlCommand sc = sqlc.CreateCommand (); Sc.CommandText = "Select pNumber from database where pNumber = '" + number. Toastring () + "'"; SqlDataReader sdr = sc.ExecuteReader (); If (sdr.Read (). ToString ()! = Null) {sdr.Close (); Sc.CommandText = "Update word SET word = '" + Word + "' WHERE pNumber = '" + Number.ToString () + "'"; Here are the error orders where ----

c - Should useless type qualifiers on return types be used, for clarity? -

Our static analysis tools complain about a "return type on a bad type of qualifier" when in our header files The prototypes are: const int foo (); We have defined it in this way because the function is making a continuous return that can never change, assuming that with the API const clearly Is in place from I think that it is clearly similar to starting the global variable for zero, although the C standard already states that all global will be started in zero, if obvious Has not been initialized. At the end of the day, it really does not matter. (But the static analysis tool does not complain about it.) My question is, is there any reason that there can be a problem with this? Should we ignore the errors generated by the device, or should we cool the device at a low cost and reasonable API cost? (It gives the other const four * constants that there is no problem with the device.) It's usually better for your code to describe it as accurately as po

osx - Redirecting audio output -

I need to redirect the audio output of Mac to a different computer on a different computer because the audio does not have audio in the Mac . I am on snow leopard, whereas speakers in other computers are attached, there is no operating system at the moment. itemprop = "text"> Perhaps the simplest solution is to use Rogue Amoba, this system can hijack the audio and stream it locally So that you can choose it with any other MP3 player that supports the stream.

c# - Installing a self-developed Windows Service -

I'm trying to deploy a service that I wrote. Here is an installation file: Installing Assembly 'c: \ users \ brwatson \ development \ projects \ TweetLinks \ TweetLinkQueue \ bin \ debug \ TweetLinkQueue.exe' The affected parameters are: logtoconsole = assemblypath = C: \ users \ brwatson \ development \ projects \ TweetLinks \ TweetLinkQueue \ bin \ debug \ TweetLinkQueue.exe logfile = c: \ users \ brwatson \ development \ projects \ TweetLinks \ TweetLinkQueue \ bin \ debug \ TweetLinkQueue.InstallLog service TweetLinkService ... logging service in log application Tweet source TweetLinkService ... rolling assembly 'c: \ Users \ brwatson \ Development \ Projects \ TweetLinks \ TweetLinkQueue \ bin \ Debug \ TweetLinkQueue.exe' Affected The parameters are: logtoconsole = assemblypath = c: \ users \ brwatson \ development \ projects \ TweetLinks \ TweetLinkQueue \ bin \ debug \ TweetLinkQueue.exe logfile = c: \ users \ brwatson \ development \ projects \ Tweet

javascript - Using Bookmarks with jQuery Address -

I am using the jQuery address plugin () to enable back / forward buttons on my website. I would also like to bookmark for people and the ability to copy the address from the address bar and share it with friends. The address claims that it can do this, then what am I doing. My code is Function Backbutton () {$ .address.change (function (event) {// Do something on the basis of the event. // $ ('# content'). Load (event.value + '.xml');}); $ ('A') Click (function () {$ .address.value ($ (this) .attr ('href'). Replace (/ ^ # /, ''));}); P> It looks like you copy the plugin directly to the website of the plugin Your address.change function does not do anything, there are only two commented lines.

javascript - Create a div containing target div using jQuery -

I think it should be easy, but I'm not able to work it out. I want to target a div or other element using jQuery and then want to create a device with a dynamically-targeted element, for example: jQuery ('. Myclass') How can I create a div with the background-color attribute in which the 'myclus' element is set to white? Initially I have: & lt; Div class = "myclass" & gt; Some HTML elements & lt; / Div & gt; And after executing the jQuery call, I have to: & lt; Div style = "background-color: #fff" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "myclass" & gt; Post-text "itemprop =" text "> You can use the function to insert a cover around the matching elements. I prefer to use a square for background, but you can also assign CSS attributes directly to the background. / P> $ ('. Myclass'). Rap ​​($ (' (div = gt; & lt; / div & gt; '). CSS (' background-col

.net 3.5 - Refactoring the following methods to remove duplicate code -

I have a bunch of DAO classes that are similar to one unit I was thinking that someone Can help: 1) Simplify this code 2) Stop duplicating code like this for each unit. public IList & lt; IUser & gt; GetAll () {IList & lt; IUser & gt; User = new list & lt; IUser & gt; (); (Var myConnection = New SqlConnection (ApplicationConfig.ConnectionString)) ({my varicommand = new SqlCommand ("sp_GetAllUsers", myConnection)) {myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; MyConnection.Open (); (Using myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader ()) using {if (myReader! = Null) {while (myReader.Read ()) users.Add (FillDataRecord (myReader)); MyReader.Close (); }}} MyConnection.Close (); } Users return; } Public IUser GetBy (int id) {IUser user = null; {Var (in compliance) my command = new SQL command ("sp_GetUserById", myConnection) {myCommand.Parameters.Add ("@ id", system, using my myconnection = new SqlConnection (AppConfiguration.Connecti

c++ - What should I do next? -

I am learning C ++ but my problem is that I do not know what to do next. I know how to use pointers, classes etc ... in C ++, but I have not written a real program, only calculation from university (arithmetic mean, mean of deviation etc.) ... What should I do? Thanks I know how to use the indicator, Classes etc ... in C ++ but I have not written an actual program, this can not be true! It's just impossible. Before writing patterns and understanding your skills, you should write some "real world" applications. As an actual app example, you write a multithreaded network chat client / server from my experience that is where you have to implement many valuable programming concepts in a compact code.

style css working but link css not -

Is there any half of my work under CSS? div.share {status: relative; Top: -4 pixels; Left: 25px; Font-family: Tahoma; Background color: # 000000; Font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; } / * Share link CSS * / a.share: active {color: # 000000; } A.share: Hover {color: #FFFFFF; Background color: # 000000; Text-decoration: None; } div.share CSS is working on all but there is no CSS for active and hover CSS is valid, but make sure that the link has the "Share" class, if it is inside the DIV Change CSS to: div.share a: active {color: # 000000; } Div.share a: Hover {color: #FFFFFF; Background color: # 000000; Text-decoration: None; }

Creating custom class for every Stored Procedure using linq to SQL? -

) My question: When I store the 'data' to automatically record the name of the stored spCampus, then the generated class will be spCampusResult. Using SP, I will create a custom class which is going to repeat all the properties (whatever I create .dbml when you drag and drop SP) My status I am using SP ... Is it fair to say that I am treating as a class object and passing by the controller to the model and to see? Or would I be better off creating a new custom business object .dbml In the designer you can fit the object in any way. You can change the names of the properties, if you want to change the name of the returned object by sproc. It is my understanding that you can also change the level of protection of the qualities. This means for me that you can use LINQ2 SQL generated items as your DTO or commercial items because you have the power to shape them because you look fit in the designer and because they are partial classes, you Expand your beh

xpath select referenced xml node -

I have to select a node whose "name" attribute is equal to the "reference" attribute of the current node. & lt; Node name = "foo" /> & Lt; Node name = "bar" reference = "afu" /> I could not find any way to express it in XPATH. any idea. Ive tried the following: ./node [@ name = @references] ./node=@name={@references}] Obviously not working up. I think the real problem is in brackets; What type of node do I represent? Unfortunately, what you are trying to do is not possible with pure XPath whenever you have a If you start the new ingenious (bracket-worn part), then the context turns into a node that starts intriguing. This means that you can compare one in a variable directly with two different elements without any special behavior. What language are you using? You have to store the value of the "Name" attribute in a variable from the first node. For example, XSLT: & lt; Xsl: variable na

javascript - Integrating my program with a web2.0 website -

I am making cheaterbots like an Elijah, and I would like to check it with Omeg, using another person Type If it was a regular HTML page, I can parse it and send feedback on some scripts, but checking the source code, I have found that the entire page Is built using javascript, but it is uncomfortable The whole thing. Any thoughts on how to do this? OK, you should ask people to have Omega APIs . I have not seen an open API, but maybe they can give you some additional information. You can also try the firebug, it lets you see all the requests that have been made and their goal. Site AJAX is powered, this is the reason why you can not see the design script directly in the page. You can (1) create a program that sends a post request to the target shown in the Firebug net panel and passes data to a chat-bot or (2) creates that browser plugin Which (very easy in Firefox) You may need a browser plug-in due to cross-domain request limits, and because you can not see message

iphone - Should an NSLock instance be "global"? -

Should I use a single NSLock for example in the application representative, for all classes ? Or is it fair that start each of your classes according to your NSLock frequency? Does locking work in another case, if I, for example, have access to a managed object presentation which has spread to two view controllers? If multiple objects only access your object to read your content, Not at all if at least one object accesses your object to write / update your content, then it does not matter that other objects use to read or write / update your object: this In case you lock The Shykta. Now, to keep your object safe (in a significant part of the code where many objects can access it), you should use the same lock instance, after which all of the objects Possible objects to protect you from whatever you want. If your application is required to protect such an object, which can be reached simultaneously with the majority of classes, then it is okay to have a lock example.

.net - What exactly happens when my process is killed? -

I have a mixed process with native and managed code, which is running on Windows Server 2003. When I kill my search from within the Explorer, it goes to the 100% CPU state and stays for a while before moving away (sometimes 10 minutes). During this time I can not "kill" it or can not do anything else. What happens during the process when I kill it through the kill of the Process Investigator? I believe that it does not call any Destructors, so what could be the reason for such CPU usage? Thank you, donation Obviously something trying to continue Is causing the hang / stalemate situation you are seeing. I can try to use some tools and find out what's going on, but I should probably give you master status ... I am able to use those methods The problems they had with their own applications, which they described as problems outside.

sql - Friend relationship query -

मेरे पास निम्न तालियां हैं: USERS तालिका उपयोगकर्ता नाम ईमेल पासवर्ड स्थिति मित्रों टेबल आईडी user_id मित्र_id बनाया एक उपयोगकर्ता के मित्र ढूंढने के लिए, मैं इसका उपयोग करता हूं: सेलेक्ट f.friend_id, u.username मित्रों से जुड़ें मित्रों से जुड़ें m.user_id = f.friend_id और m.friend_id = F.user_id उपयोगकर्ता यू यूस पर यूज़ करें यू.युजर_आईडी = एफ.फ्रेंड_आईडी WHERE f.user_id = 1234 ... जो महान काम करता है ISSUE मैं अन्य तरीकों से एक समान क्वेरी को समझ नहीं सकता, हालांकि उन सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को ढूंढें, जो अभी तक मित्र नहीं हैं। यह कुछ के साथ, सभी दोस्तों को प्राप्त करना होगा, सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को प्राप्त करना होगा, सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को छोड़ दें, जो शेष छोड़ने के लिए मित्र हैं? SELECT u1.username, u2.username as notfriend से यूजर यूओ यूओ यूजर यू 2 पर यू 1। यूजर। यूअर यूआई.यूएसयूआईयूआईडी यूआई.यूएसएआरआईआईडी यूआई.युजर.आईएडी = एफ 1 पर दोस्तों एफ 1 पर जुड़ें .user_id और u2.user_id = f1.friend_id बाएं जुड़ें मित्रों को यू 2 पर दोहराएं f2.user_id = f

python - pycurl installation on Windows -

I'm not able to install pycurl on Windows on Python2.6. Getting the following error: C: \ Documents and Settings \ vijayendra \ Desktop \ Downloads \ pycurl-7.19.0> Python install --curl-dir = "C: \ Documents and Settings \ vijayendra \ Desktop \ downloads \ curl-7.19.5-win32-ssl \ curl-7.19.5 "Using the Curl Directory: C: \ Documents and Settings \ vijayendra \ Desktop \ downloads \ curl-7.19. 5-win32-ssl \ Curl-7.1 9.5 Traceback (most recent call final): File "", line 210, & lt; Module & gt; Os.path.isfile (o), o AsserttionError: C: \ Documents and Settings \ vijayendra \ Desktop \ downloads \ curl-7.19.5-win32 -sll \ curl-7.19.5 \ lib \ libcurl.lib What is the error about any idea and how to fix it? Unzip it and copy it to your site-package :) < / P>

visual studio 2005 - vcredist_x86.dll and version 8.0.50727.4053 -

Visual C ++ 2005 I'm building my system using CRT DLLs version 8.0.50727.4053. I believe this is the latest and was automatically updated by Windows. On this user system, this version of DLL was not found. I used vcredist_x86.exe as a part of our installer to install runtime DLL in the past. It is used to work. My problem is that the latest version of vcredist_x86.exe (Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005 SP1 RedVirable Package (x86) also does not install this version of DLL. So what if the vcredist_x86.exe file is required? Should my problem be solved by linking a specific version of CRT to CRT? Is this a preferred method? < P> Thanks, Paul Update: There are other people who are vcredist_x86.exe (Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) 8.0.50727.4053 does not install. UPDATE2: At least one person suggests to force to use the previous version of CRT () However this will add to an important complexity in our projects. After JSPEEE's advic

javascript - How would I position a marker at the bottom of the map in Google Maps v2? -

I have a webpage that I have just released an update so that the contact details appear in an info window coming from the marker. After the marker is centered, due to the small size of the info window, the map may fit in the marker and information window until the bottom of the frame. If there is an easy way to set up this offset so that the marker map appears at the bottom of the window and there is no pan in it? Thank you. You can properly center the map before adding the marker: < Pre> var someZoom = 13; Var center = new GLatLng (37.4419, -122.14 9); Map.setCenter (center, some zoom); Zoom is also optional. You can zoom in on whatever you can to: map.setCenter (center); If you want to focus on a particular pixel, instead of the latitude / LAG, you can use this to convert the function: < Code> ContainerPixelToLatLng (Pixel: GPoint) I think you should spend half an hour and review the docs:. I read detailed documentation while working on my w

c# - How to unit test private methods in BDD / TDD? -

I am trying to program according to behavioral evolution, which states that no line of code fails to test the unit Should be written without having to first. My question is, how to use BDD with private methods? How can I test the unit personal way? : What is a better solution than this: - When using personal methods first in public and then making private, I use those public methods that use those personal methods; or - All personal methods in C # using the Internal and InternalVisibleTo attributes. Robert When you write a code test for the first time, you do not have any personal methods at this point in the public interface. Then you write the code to pass the exam. If any code is considered in the private system, then it is not important - it should still be there because it is used by the public interface. If the code is not written before the test, then - pure, anyway - the reflection can be used directly to offend personal methods; Although this is a techniqu

forms - Select element: Short and Long names without javascript? -

Does anyone & lt; Select & gt; When is it short, the text to show the small display text and the longer the text when it's expanded? I & lt; Option & gt; I've come to the "label" attribute for. Example: The expanded menu will be displayed: Visions 101 Religious Studies 202 Introduction to Meditation 303 Mind and its potential 404 ... while the collapsed menu will appear (for the same item MIDI 303 MIND 404 P> What I'm using for: I am trying to clear the layout of a form with many select menus. It is possible to get the width of the uniform for the menu while using it, but when the menu collapses, the items with the display text are cut off. Displaying the small text will correct it. No, I do not know about this, would be able to do something without using JS. Something like this could be a possible starting point , But only works in Firefox: & lt; style & gt; .sel: focus.l {display:; visibility: v

c# - how to know when download is finished -

Hello I am making an online shop, people in this shop should buy the file with the zip extension. They pay with their credit card or other methods and download the product How do I know when I finished product download? Thank you Unfortunately there is no good way to do this because some clients can not download the file once (For example, DownloadManers have divided the download into several parallel part downloads). The options are: If it is very important for you that it can be downloaded only once: you simply do not support launching, then you log in The file may be fully downloaded (as the last byte has been sent). This can be a great job if the download is small. Otherwise you can provide some grace data (we generally allow customers to download 5 times the size of the actual download) and log every download attempt. You should not just calculate download bytes (because the download can be interrupted). And do not determine that all sections have been downloade

xpath - Return value from XPathSelectElement(s) in C# -

how to node.expath select element () and node.expathasaccredited elements () Behavior occurs when the selection is a nodeset with nodesets or non-elements? For example, do they always return something or they can throw exceptions? Can return value be empty or is it always an IEnumerable type? The detected XML is stable: & lt; A & gt; & Lt; B c = "d" / & gt; & Lt; E & gt; Fgh & lt; / E & gt; & Lt; E & gt; Xyz & lt; / E & gt; & Lt ;! - Comment -> & Lt; P / & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Here are some XPath strings to describe; I would be grateful for the behavior of both XPathSelectElement and XPathSelectElements in each case (I have set the required XSLT nodes below - if you disagree, please comment) // //b // b [1] // C // @ c // b | // @ c // e / text () // comment () count (//b) and expected return value 1 element < 1 element 1 element 1 element 1

Converting svn to git, how to get the branches not to be just remote in the svn repo? -

I am quite new to git and I am trying to transfer the svn repository to GIT. I have followed the guidelines below so now I have a GIT repo on my server. So, if I "Master" the answer to GIT "GIT" branch and if I get a list of all the branches in the SVN repository "GIT Branch-R". One of my previous SVN checkin's branches, but when I did "GIT SVN Clone", then my command in that branch (not yet merged with the trunk) was my Master's Branch (GIT) What are I missing here? In addition, if I "cluster GIT" on my development machine, then I get the file ok. But if I do "GIT branch-R" then I can see only the master branch and can not see remote branches. " Since we are all getting rid of SVN-repo, I have SVN branches in all GIT-repo so that they can be accessed with developer clients. Again, I am a total GIT novice So, if something fundamental I ' update After doing some RTFM (Man GIT-SVN), I have a b

c# - Why the barcode did not respond to image capture Command -

I am working on writing a program that is writing (send commands to barcode) I read in the PDF Creator Barcode that the command to capture the image is IMGSNP so I pass it to write the work as serialport obz (written "IMGSNP") but why not barcode order To answer? And did not capture the image :( Is it wrong (I may need to take an image in some cases, not for barcode but image for passport or product etc.), which has no barcode barcode maker Handheld (4800p) Thanks for any help Here is my code Private serial port com; Personal representative Zero Detaire Dell (string text); Private zero form 1_load (audio Junk sender, Eventarges e) {Com = New SerialPort ("COM4"); Com.Open (); Com.DataReceived + = New SerialDataReceivedEventHandler (port_DataReceived);} Private Zero Portsdata Recover (Object Sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs E) {Com.Encoding = Encoding.Default; BeginInvoke (New DataReadDel (DataReceived), New Object [] {Comm. RedExisting ()}}} Private Z

warnings - Why does Perl warn me about using pseudo-hashes? -

Pearl is warning me about using a pseudo-hash in my program: < P> pseudo hash unchanged How do I convert the following code so that it does not use a pseudo hash foreach my $ hash (@arrayOfHash) { Print key% {$ hash}; } The problem is not in that code The problem is that @arrayOfHash / Code> In fact the cover is included, is not hashref. If for some reason you can not fix @arrayOfHash , you can work around it by: foreach Mary $ Hash (@reoffhash) {my% hash = @ hash; Print key% hash; }

stored procedures - which data collection should be used to return a table -

I am using a stored procedure to create a temporary table and return it to a data collection: Public Static & gt; & Gt; Data collection & lt; & Lt; Report data (int intUserID) {SqlConnection con = Sql.getConnection (); Try {SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand (); CMD = New SQL Commands ("USP_Get_Ristals", Con?); Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("UserID", intUserID); Con.Open (); // put in data collection // return data collection} hold (exception pre) {// log error con.Close (); } Finally {con.Close (); }} I do not know which data collection is best for returning. I might need to do some processing on this, although I'm not sure what would be best, performance is not a matter of major concern. I was thinking about a DataSet or DataReader, but I did not know whether anything Better suited or best practices thanks "Text"> is a general choice and works well for most things. Yo

Rails Condition Statement Issue -

I have no idea why I am having trouble with this simple thing but this situation statement is not working just is. @ Battalion = Battalion.Find (Param [: ID]) @ Soldier = @ Battalion Solars (: Terms => ["SeniorLoader =?", "No"]) This reflects the array of soldiers but my position has not been determined. I am sure that I am doing something very simple wrong but I can not seem to know what it is. Any help would be greatly appreciated Based on the syntax you have In two lines, you can try the statuses as the property of the soldiers, and not actually trim your list below: @soldier = @ battalion .soldiers.find (: all ,: terms => ["seniorlider =?", "No"]) The search method will help you sort through your soldiers I also recommend To make some great loads on your first line, @battalion = Battalion.find (params [: id] ,: include => "military") Therefore, the @ battalion object will already have informati

php - mod_rewrite needed -

Says that I have a domain and I have wildcard DNS turned on. User can register on with username and password. After registration, redirecting to begins. The address bar will still show What will be the contents of the .htaccess file to accomplish this? I have zero expertise with mod_rewrite. Please advise. Thanks and relation. Assume that your host is configured to serve all hostnames with the same DocumentRoot , then you want something like this: Rewwighting On # IF did not get example and mail RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST}! Example \ .com RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST}! ^ Www \ .example \ .com #then Regenerate RewriteRule ^ (. *) According to this rule $ Script / script.php? User =% {HTTP_HOST} If you are not on a shared hosting and can not specify a debug-log file, you have to test yourself on a test server that you have.

java - Hours corrupted when subtract one day from GregorianCalendar -

मैं निम्न कोड का उपयोग करता हूं: कैलेंडर कैलेंडर = नया ग्रेगोरियन कैलेंडर (0,0, 0); कैलेंडर.सेट (कैलेंडर.आईईईआर, 1 9 42); कैलेंडर.सेट (कैलेंडर। MONTH, 3); कैलेंडर.सेट (कैलेंडर। DAY_OF_MONTH, 4); दिनांक 1 तारीख = कैलेंडर.getTime (); Calendar.add (कैलेंडर। DAY_OF_MONTH, -1); तिथि 2 तारीख = कैलेंडर.getTime (); System.out.println (दिनांक 1 + "\ n" + दिनांक 2); यह कोड आउटपुट इस प्रकार है: शनि 04 अप्रैल 00:00:00 ईस्ट 1 9 42 शुक्र अप्रैल 03 01:00:00 ईस्ट 1 9 42 असल में मैं 1 दिन घटाता हूं और समय को संरक्षित किया जाना चाहिए। लेकिन क्यों उत्पादन की दूसरी पंक्ति में समय 1 घंटा है, जबकि 0 होना चाहिए? संपादित करें: वर्तमान में मैं अपने कोड को यूरोप / हेलसिंकी टाइमज़ोन। मुझे लगता है कि आप फिनिश टाइम ज़ोन का उपयोग कर रहे हैं। फ़िनलैंड में, डेलाइट सेविंग टाइम को 1 9 42 में 2 अप्रैल, 23:59:59 से अप्रैल 3, 1:00 बजे तक समायोजित कर दिया गया था। 3 अप्रैल, 0:00:00 से 0:59:59 समय अवधि मौजूद नहीं है, इसलिए जावा कैलेंडर एक बेहतरीन प्रयास परिणाम बनाता है।

c++ - Instantiating objects and object members -

Something like my program does not crash below, but I'm pretty sure it's similar to the design I For, the output is not correct. It does something similar: 0x537ff4 5471612 Main program output for indicator address (zero). The problem can be display_ in the Drv key. Here's the code: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include "debug.h" class LCDText {public: int rows_; LCD text () {rows_ = 10; }; }; Class Generic (LCDText * LCDText_Public: Generic (LCD text * LCD text) {LCDTETI = LCD text;}; zero setup () (error ("% p% d", LCDTET_, LCD text _- & gt; Rows_) ;}}; Classroom demonstration: Public LCDtext {generic * Visitor_; public: display (normal * visitor) {visitor_ = visitor;};}; class Dow: public generic {display * display_; public: DRV (): generic (LCD) Takd *) Disple_) {display_ = new Display (normal *) this); }; ~ DRV () {delete_ display_; }; }; Int main () {Drv drv; Drv.Setup (); Return 0; } This code: Dow () : Gener

arrays - How can I build a 2D matrix from standard input in Perl? -

OK, I'm struggling all this weekend, and I've got a lot of help, but I still do not I'm getting this. Here's my code: What I want to do is create some matrix from user input, and eventually I want to multiply them. another story. The input is as follows: 1 2 2 4 4 6 6 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 Sub Make Metrics {my ($ input) = @_ ; My @mate; While (& lt; $ input & gt;) {if ($ input eq "") {print "this is empty \ n"; Return; } And {push @mat, [partition]; } Return \ @mat; }} My @ a = (); While ($ a = <> Why does not this work? Why can not it make an array of matrix in @matrices ? Is this a return statement in subtitle? My goal is to place two matrix in the matrix array. Thank you for all of your help. You think that & lt;> operator line while (& lt; IN input & gt;) is incorrect. It tells Perl to read with a filehead $ input However, the substrate in which you have passed is not a file hand, this is a pie

c# - When TextBox TextChanged event is fired? -

My question is: As we know that for the VestStart textbox, storage and reinstallation The checkbox and such control values ​​are not done by the LoadPostData () method that implements the iPostBackDataHandel interface. And even after the load level, we know that RaisePostBackEvent is in phase and clicking or pushing related events such buttons, if the text is turned into a text box, its TextChanged event will be removed . So, if the system changes the text, then if the viewstation is not responsible for that, and which mechanism actually removes the text box text changage event? I'm really confused at this point. Thanks in advance I think this is working like this : Textbox Control IPostBackDataHandler implies instead of IPostBackEventHandler because it has been removed by its text state. So if there has been a change in postwall which if (present value == tap ||! Present value, eclus (post value)) {text = post value; Return true; } Keep the part so it re

iphone - Any hint about stretching MkAnnotationView? -

Is there a way to pull bubbles illustrate the description of an explanation? I have to use a helper view and thus need to modify the size of the bubble. It is apparently being pulled in the lower layer and all the scenes are dragged on it. Thanks! We, what you mean, MKAnnonationView automatically adjusts the size of the text and whenever a helper The scene is set, so why do you want to spread it yourself? Do you want to set a leftCalloutAccessoryView with a bigger size and you want to see a secondary view to adjust yourself? Does this matter describe you?

forms - C# webbrowser sudden refresh -

I use Visual Studio 2008. There is a system in my form. Windows .form. Vibbrozer Control I have a custom header just above the Custom Border control. A webbrow contains a form with a selection / drop-down item created with HTML when I click on the drop-lists and overlap custom headers (due to several options in it) browser refresh When I click on the higher reserve version it does not touch the box at the top, it is not refreshing and everything works well. How can I solve this refresh problem? It will be helpful to see some source code to help you further. Without it, I can only suggest that you try to shorten the list or redistribute the user interface if possible. In addition to this, is there any javascript referenced anywhere?

Run make with Makefile in memory -

Suppose I have an encrypted makefile, I want to write a pell program to decrypt it and want to make it make-run. F Is it possible to write decrypted makefiles without writing it back to the harddisk? Does your program write decrypted makefiles in standout and pipe to create it? Make a man, the part that says: If the message is `- ', then the standard input is read.

combobox - Unlock/lock form objects with vba -

I have Excel worksheets with 2 comb boxes and 3 scrollbars. I will remove all the form objects (and a cell) I want to protect the sheet. When I try to protect the sheet, I can not use the scrollbar and the cumbodex. How can I unlock them, keep security with VBA for the rest of the sheet? I tried to unlock the cells linked to the form object but it still does not work. Thank you AB why not cells Need to be modified on a very hidden worksheet. Create a named category "InputCell" in a separate worksheet, for example "SheetWithInputCell". Set the cell link of the combobox in the named range by using the = input call. Then set the worksheet in DeerHide. A lot of hood means that users can not right-click on the sheet tabs and can not show them. To set the sheet to hide very much, go to VBA IDE (Alt + F11) and view the Properties window. If you can not see the property window, select View> Properties window. In Project Explorer window (see> Proje - Retrieve date/time of an http request -

क्या ASP.NET (अधिमानतः VB.NET) में अनुरोध के दिनांक / समय को प्राप्त करना संभव है? मैंने कोशिश की है HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers.Get ("date") , लेकिन यह कुछ भी नहीं (रिक्त) देता है। ठीक है, डेटटाइम.Now अधिकांश परिस्थितियों में नौकरी करेगा। यदि आप क्लाइंट मशीन पर तारीख और समय जानना चाहते हैं, तो आप अनुमान लगा सकते हैं कि ग्राहक के समयक्षेत्र को ऑफसेट जोड़कर / घटाया जा रहा है।

how to use JRSwapFileVirtualizer for jasper reports in java -

How to use JRSwapFileVirtualizer for astrologer report in Java, this is the code I use .. JRSwfFileViricalIsizerVerchualizer = Null; Virtualized = New JRSwapFileVirtualizer (10000, new JRSwapFile ("F: //", 1000, 1000), Incorrect); Param.put (JRParameter.REPORT_VIRTUALIZER, Virtualizer); XmlDataSource = New JRXmlDataSource (report file, "/ table / tr"); JasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport (jasperpath, param, xmlDataSource); However, I get the heap space error (outofMerieException), and the file that is created is empty. The first parameter of the creator of JRSwapFileVirtualizer is the maximum number of report pages that are stored in the primary memory (RAM) Before the sections of the report are stored in Virtual Memory (Disk). So if your report page size is not more than 10000 pages then you are not able to store them in virtual memory and even if you write a virtualizer code, you are not actually using this beauty. / P> JRSwapFileVirtual

c - What's the difference between the -symbolic and -shared GCC flags? -

With the description of the documentation, they do the same thing, except that "not all systems" support was shared and " Only a few systems "this symbolic support (it is not clear that this is the same group of systems): - Create a shared object, which is to make an executable Items can be added to all systems do not support this option. For taxable results, you must specify the same set of options used to generate alternative specified time code (-fpic, -fPIC, or model suboptions). [1] - Symbolic bind reference for global symbols when creating a shared object. Warn about any unsolved references (unless the link editor option is overridden by Xlinker -z-Xlinker defs) only some systems support this option. I suspect that "a shared object is formed that can be added to make an executable from another object", but it seems that about any library Does this mean that the resulting object can be linked statically? summary: -Sambulique intra-sha

mysql - a little more help in this simple script about date() function in PHP -

क्यों यह काम नहीं करते? यह थोड़ी देर लूप में है: $ postdate = date ("j f", strtotime ($ row ['insert_date'])); अगर ($ postdate == तिथि ("जे एफ")) {$ postdate = "today"}; $ टेबल। = Bla bla bla "$ postdate"; यह मेरे ब्राउज़र में 'if statement line' पर एक त्रुटि देता है ... $ postdate अगर बयान से पहले 14 अक्टूबर की तरह कुछ है! धन्यवाद अर्धविराम को ब्रेसिज़ के अंदर होना चाहिए, जैसे: यदि ($ postdate == तिथि ("जे एफ")) {$ postdate = "today";}

python - Why can't I do SHOW PROCESSLIST with QtSql (PyQT)? -

I am a Python and QT NB. I do a small app with PyQT4 for monitoring my home MySQL server I was trying to, therefore, the classic show processist was my first idea to parse it and show it in a beautiful UI. Nothing, really. But for some reasons, when querying this QT SQL module does not return anything, though it works with other queries like SHOW TABLES etc. I found an old (2002) message in a mailing list [1], and a reference in the maththivity code [2], but none of these clearly expresses it. Here are some code: db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase ('QMYSQL3') # qmysql also db.setHostName (host) db.setDatabaseName (dbname) db .setUserName (user) db SetPassword (password) () q = QSqlQuery (db) q.exec _ ("show processor") print q.size () # returns 1! As I said, it works fine with other queries (SELECT, etc.). Am I doing something wrong? Thanks! [1]: [2]: / p?

How do I return a value from a console application to a service in .NET? -

मेरे पास एक .NET सेवा है। मेरे पास एक .NET कंसोल अनुप्रयोग है। मैं सेवा कॉलिंग की पंक्तियों के साथ कुछ चाहता हूँ प्रक्रिया। प्रारंभ ("कंसोलएप। एक्सई") और कुछ जानकारी प्राप्त करने से ऐप से वापस आती है, आदर्श रूप से सिर्फ एक नंबर लौटाता है। मैं यह कैसे करूँ? संपादित करें: मुझे ये पता होना चाहिए: प्रक्रिया। प्रारंभ ("myapp.exe" ) .ExitCode - लेकिन मैं कंसोल ऐप में निकास कोड कैसे सेट कर सकता हूं? प्रक्रिया p ​​= प्रक्रिया। प्रारंभ ("app.exe"); p.WaitForExit (); इंट नंबर = पी। एक्सटोड; और app.exe में आप Enviroment.ExitCode सेट ...

c# - Learning by example - terminology (?, :, etc) -

When you were a child, have you ever asked your parents to write some words and they saw you Was told for? My first impression was always like, "OK if I can see it, I will not need it". (Yes, yes, I know phoneticity) ... Anyway, I was looking at some code and I found such an example: txtbx.CharacterCasing = (Checkbox checked)? Character Casing Upper: Character Casing. Normal; I can find out what this operation does, but obviously I can not do this for Google? Or: And I can not find them while searching for "c # operators", LINQ, Lambda Expression etc. So I have to ask this silly question so that I can start reading about it. What are these operators? ?: , and the best way to find out here is to ask for! status? First_preview: second expression; If the condition is correct, then the first expression is evaluated and the result is created; If wrong, the second expression is evaluated and the result is created. The assignment is very usefu

multithreading - what is a relocatable executable and why it is needed -

What is the use of relocatable executables and how is it generated and how is it used? What if someone can explain me the embedded system, it would be great thanks advance @ An important consideration for an embedded system restoreable image is this: A jump anywhere Or call instruction, it should be coded completely as a relative address. For example, in x86, the jmp opcode can be: E9 , which is jmp rel32 , or EA , which is jmp ptr32 . The reason why you should code in this way is particularly relevant for embedded systems. In contrast, in an embedded system, an Image Loader , which keeps the executable in memory and prepares it for execution. The part of the preparation done by the image loader includes the rewriting of any complete address according to the transferable executable in memory. This is an operating system feature that raises the presence of "transfer table" in executable images. Without a single operating system facility to pa

How do I access the iPhone camera API without the camera interface? -

How can I take a picture without leaving the camera's interface in my iPhone app? Did you read things about the camera controller, should I look at it, or just an easy way to make a picture from a picture? You can not access the camera without the iPhone API, however, Provide you to use your custom view at the top of the camera interface, what you have to do, the feature of the camera overlay is set to the UIImagePIckerController, as the solution posted in the comment explains, Can reach, but through private frameworks which AppSto Can damage the acceptance opportunities for R

c# - How to use TCPListener (or other method) to bind to device on the network -

I have a network address of port xxxx. This is a valid address on my network I have tried to use TCPListener to create a connection to the server, but error "error ..... System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: requested address System.Net. DoMind (EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress) on SystemNet.Sockets.TcpListener.Start (Int32 Backlog) on ​​System.Net.Sockets.Socket.bind (EndPoint localEP) is not valid in reference to Sockets.Socket System.Net on WinMarkTest When I use the myListener.Start () method at .Sockets.TcpListener.start () in Server.Main () C: ..... \ Server.cs: line 49 " . Is the "Local Address" server address to use TCPListener? How and how I can create this connection is within my internal network (on my side of the firewall) TcpListener will be running on your server waiting for a special connection to the port. A TcpClient will be used to make a connection to the 19 address. So when you

Use of WndProc for my app -

I would like to know, if I have my C #. If I use WndProc in the application, can I have a problem if an app is installed in different versions of Windows or other platforms to handle at least events in my form? Like XP, 2 of 3 and so on? Unless you do it wrong, do not root app one Work in the same way, and they work on all versions of Windows (assuming they are written correctly). In general, if you go beyond WinForms and start using WndProc or Win32 API functions (P / Invoke), I recommend that you read, which can be used with local window methods Many common losses describe while working.

Problems with java.math.BigInteger -

मेरे पास एक विधि के शीर्ष पर निम्नलिखित कोड है: BigInteger foo = BigInteger .valueOf (0); बिगइंटेर triNum = BigInteger.valueOf (0); // सेट न्यूनतम मान 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * ... * 199 * 200 BigInteger min = BigInteger.ONE; BigInteger temp = BigInteger.ZERO; के लिए (इंट I = 1; i & lt; = 200; i ++) {temp = BigInteger.valueOf (i); Min = min.multiply (temp); } System.out.println (min); जबकि (triNum.compareTo (मिनट) & lt; = 0) {foo.add (BigInteger.ONE); TriNum = triNum.add (foo); System.out.println ("त्रिकोण:" + त्रिनाम); } यह मान (1 * 2 * 3 * ... * 199 * 200) में एक मिनट लोड करने वाला है, और उसके बाद त्रिकोण को पहली त्रिकोण को ** सेट करें ** न्यूनतम से अधिक मूल्य के साथ। समस्या यह है, जब मैं विधि चलाता हूं, मुझे एक टर्मिनल विंडो होती है, जिसमें "त्रिकोण: 0" की एक सूची होती है जो कभी भी स्क्रीन को स्क्रॉल करती है ... मैं ' मेरे कोड में कुछ भी नहीं देख (हालांकि यह पूरी तरह से संभव है, मैंने कुछ गलती की है, और मैं गणित से कुछ अपरिचित हूं।), और यह बिगइं - Convert to Master Page -

I have 3 ASP.Net pages. I submit a form, a submit button and a javascript next to each function, which it validates textbox data When I change these 3 pages into a master page / content page, the most of the three forms to merge and submit the function What's the best way? Thanks in advance! Only because the form of multiple pages does not mean that form processing logic is in a master page Should be restored. Wherever the form is defined, CodeBehind usually has the best place for form processing logic.

racket - Detecting EOF in a Binary File using Scheme -

(परिभाषित करें- सभी-इनपुट) (स्थानीय ((रेखा को परिभाषित करें (बाइट- & gt; सूची (पढ़ें -बाइट 4)))) (यदि (eof-object?) रिक्त (विपक्ष पंक्ति (पढ़ना-सभी-इनपुट))))) (शून्य (पढ़ना-सभी-इनपुट)) < P> उपरोक्त कोड विफल होता है क्योंकि बाइट्स-> सूची में बाइट स्ट्रिंग के तर्क की अपेक्षा होती है, लेकिन इसे < पूर्व (> (कोड ((eof-object? B) खाली) (और (विपक्ष बी (पढ़ने के लिए) All-input)))))) (शून्य (पढ़ना सभी इनपुट)) यह फ़ंक्शन बाइट्स की एक सूची में बाइट्स पढ़ता है।

How do I shut down my OS with Java -

मैं अपना ओएस जावा के साथ कैसे बंद कर सकता हूं? से: पैकेज com.deepak.entertainment; आयात; आयात करें; पब्लिक क्लास दीपक {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) इंटरप्टटेड एक्सपेशेशन फेंकता है {रनटाइम रनटाइम = रनटाइम.गेटरीटाइम (); कोशिश {प्रक्रिया प्रक्रिया = रनटाइम.एक्सएसी ("सी: \\ Windows \\ system32 \\ cmd.exe"); आउटपुटस्ट्रीम ओएस = process.getOutputStream (); Os.write ("shutdown -s -f -t 90 \ n \ r" .getBytes ()); os.close (); process.waitFor (); } पकड़ (IOException ई) {e.printStackTrace (); }}} पर क्लिक करें

c# - Why does FxCop treat protected as public? -

Why does FxCop treat protected members like they are throwing DoNotDeclareVisibleInstanceFields error? I am pretty sure that the protected member is a valid code design. I'm not sure what it meant to you, but the general protected members included a class interface Are the part. You do not want public member variables because they make your implementation inflexible. Protected member variables do only because the classes you receive will depend on them, thus making your implementation inflexible. Asph

ajax animation Control -

I have a popup login in my webform. I tried to use the AJAX animation control for the panel, which means popups. When I click on the hyperlink I want to pop up the phadin. Can I use the animation control right? Anyone knows, please help me .. thanks .. You can get some help

python - How to get all related/parent instances from set of child instances without looping through latter set -

कृपया निम्नलिखित Django मॉडलों का ध्यान रखें: ParentModel (models.Model): .. बच्चे मॉडल (मॉडेल। मॉडल): माता पिता = मॉडल। विदेशी (पैरेन्टमोडेल, संबंधित_नाम = 'बच्चों') मान लीजिए कि क्वेरी के रूप में उपलब्ध डेटाबेस में सभी बच्चों का कुछ सबसेट है ( इसे 1 सेट पर कॉल करें)। अब, मैं सभी माता-पिता के सबसेट तक पहुंच हासिल करना चाहता हूं (इसे दूसरे सेट पर कॉल करें), जिसमें कहा गया है कि 1 सेट से बच्चे संबंधित हैं। कैसे क्या आप ऐसा करते हैं कि पायथन स्तर (और संभवत: डीबी हिट की एक रैखिक संख्या के कारण) पर 1 सेट के बिना पाशन, यानी केवल एक या दो डीबी हिट के साथ? धन्यवाद! मान लें कि आपके पास बच्चों नामक एक क्वेरी है: ParenModel.objects.filter (children__in = बच्चे)

javascript - Enabling cross domain scripting in the intranet -

I'm having some problems with an application that integrates a set of SharePoint, SQL reporting services and custom forms SSRS Custom Forms Li> In MOSS, my portal requires an opportunity to popup a custom form in order to capture user input, I use it by using a jQuery dialog (using the boxer) , Which passes the iframes in the custom form and the URL of the portal in it, when the custom form is terminated, then it is passed to the family window (MOSS portal), which sends the passed URL to it. , Which effectively refreshes the page. Unless we throw in the complexity of SSR, now in Moss, I have a report that lists some data, but the SSRS Report Viewer Web Part seems to be interested in the contents of its report, Which means that hyperlinks from the report can not ask parents to overlay the same dialog (as it is a cross domain) and if it has to be overlayed, it will only overlay the iframe. Sorry for the long post, access to the point - this is an internal intran

Get the request uri outside of a RequestHandler in Google App Engine (Python) -

तो, एक webapp.RequestHandler subclass के भीतर मैं self.request.uri का उपयोग करने के लिए उपयोग करूंगा अनुरोध यूआरआई लेकिन, मैं एक RequestHandler के बाहर इस तक नहीं पहुंच सकता है और ऐसा नहीं है। कोई भी विचार? मैं अजगर चला रहा हूं और मैं इसके साथ-साथ GAE पर भी नया हूँ। आपको आमतौर पर कुछ प्रकार के अनुरोधहैंडलर या अपने गैर- WebApp ढांचे के समतुल्य में सब कुछ करना चाहिए। हालांकि, यदि आप वाकई आग्रह करें कि <1>

c++ - ImageList and BltBit - ting -

I have trouble in the HDC of the device from the pre-made Compactable HDC in CE bluetoothbit. The following code works: hdc = pdis-> HDC; FillRect (hdc, & amp; (pdis- & gt; rcItem), (HBRUSH) gatestock object (blackbrew)); ImageList_Draw (Hilb, Image Index, HDC, 15, 30, ILD_NOML); Although the following draw only the black rectangle and do not place the image on top. hdc = pdis-> HDC; HDCME = Contremable DC (HDC); FillRect (hdc, & amp; (pdis- & gt; rcItem), (HBRUSH) gatestock object (blackbrew)); ImageList_Draw (Hitam, Image Index, HDCMM, 0, 0, ILD_NOML); Bitblatt (HDC, 15, 30, 130, 100, HDCMM, 0, 0, SRCCOPI); Any idea is most welcome. Best Relationship E Do not do that you think it does is. From the linked page: Before using any application memory device reference for drawing processes, you must choose a bitmap of the right width and height in the device reference. This can be done using the function to specify the height, width and col

Reset input values from GET url params using jQuery -

This may sound strange, but I want to be able to fill a static web form with a GAT Ultimate List. Say that I have a page, 'self.html': form action = "self.html" method = "receive" accept -charset = " Utf-8 "& gt; & Lt; Label = "40" & gt; new query? & Lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" name = "40" id = "40" value = "yes" & gt; Yes and amp; Nbsp; & Lt; Input type = "radio" name = "40" id = "40" value = "no" & gt; = & Lt; Label = "41" & gt; What is your favorite color? & Lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "43" value = "" id = "41" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; Whenever there is an input change, I need a form to submit myself: $ (document) .ready (function ( ) {$ ('Input') .change (function () {$ ("f