c# - When TextBox TextChanged event is fired? -

My question is:

As we know that for the VestStart textbox, storage and reinstallation The checkbox and such control values ​​are not done by the LoadPostData () method that implements the iPostBackDataHandel interface.

And even after the load level, we know that RaisePostBackEvent is in phase and clicking or pushing related events such buttons, if the text is turned into a text box, its TextChanged event will be removed .

So, if the system changes the text, then if the viewstation is not responsible for that, and which mechanism actually removes the text box text changage event?

I'm really confused at this point.

Thanks in advance

I think this is working like this :

Textbox Control IPostBackDataHandler implies instead of IPostBackEventHandler because it has been removed by its text state. So if there has been a change in postwall which

  if (present value == tap ||! Present value, eclus (post value)) {text = post value; Return true; }  

Keep the part so it returns true and executes the TextChanged at the end. Pff is confusing but it sounds easy.

  using the system; Using System.Web; Using System.Web.UI; Using System.Collections; Using System.Collections.Specialized; Public Location MyTextBox: Control, IPostBackDataHandler {Public String Text {Received {Return (String) ViewState ["Text"]; } Set {ViewState ["text"] = Value; }} Public events event handler text change; Public Virtual Bull Load Post Datas (String PostData, Nomewoles Collection Postcolling) {String Attribute Value = Text; String Post Values ​​= Selection of Post [postDataKey]; If (present value == tap ||! Current value.Equals (post value)) {text = post value; Return true; }       return false; } Public Virtual Zero RaisePostDataChangedEvent () {OnTextChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } Protected Virtual Zero Onnetxt Change (EventArgs E) {If Text Changed! = Null) Text changed (this, E); } Safe Override Zero Submission (HtmlTextWriter Output) {output.Write ("& lt; INPUT Type = text name =" + this.UniqueID + "value =" + this.Text + "& gt;"); }}}  


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