multithreading - what is a relocatable executable and why it is needed -

What is the use of relocatable executables and how is it generated and how is it used?

What if someone can explain me the embedded system, it would be great

thanks advance @

An important consideration for an embedded system restoreable image is this:

  • A jump anywhere Or call instruction, it should be coded completely as a relative address. For example, in x86, the jmp opcode can be:
    • E9 , which is jmp rel32 , or
    • EA , which is jmp ptr32 .

The reason why you should code in this way is particularly relevant for embedded systems. In contrast, in an embedded system, an Image Loader , which keeps the executable in memory and prepares it for execution. The part of the preparation done by the image loader includes the rewriting of any complete address according to the transferable executable in memory. This is an operating system feature that raises the presence of "transfer table" in executable images. Without a single operating system facility to parse and operate on these tables, there can be no transfer.

In embedded system settings, the general approach is not to implement an operating system feature that replicates the full address, but to avoid this, the full address


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