
Showing posts from May, 2014

Datetime in java and default datetime mapping in hibernate -

I need some help about the state of confusion. Since I came from C # .NET, I was just like C # datetime for Java. While I manage to create a helpful method for converting date objects such as "2009-10-16 11:14:34" string representation of the date. Here is the method public static date convertToDate time (string string date) {DateFormat df = New SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss"); Date; Try {date = df.parse (stringDate); } Hold (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } return date; } Now I just want to continue now (I mean now date, like the actual date) like new date () and the same representation in the database in that date yyyy-MM -dd is HH: mm: s. Unless I am getting fundamental Because I am using Hibernate, is it due to the mapping file? If so, then I have 2 questions 1 then how to map my property so that the new dates will be formulated in this format yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: s2 How to do a default Datamate mapping so that the property is

How to hide parts of HTML when JavaScript is disabled? -

I am trying to adjust users without JavaScript (by the way, is it worth the effort nowadays?) < / P> In a HTML file I want to execute it if the script is on , and the other part if the scripts are closed tag pre-eats me, but how to get it later? How can I mark a portion of HTML so that the browser can not be parsed if the script shutdown ? Here is a video tutorial how can this be done with jQuery: < P> Code: & lt; Body class = "noScript" & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ ('Body') removeClass ('noscript'). & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; And then just hide related elements under body.noscript . Edit However, jQuery is probably bloated for a small fix like this, so I suggest that there is no need for a digital.

web standards - Is the "address" HTML tag still used? -

I do not see the use of address tags around all Is it still relevant to use Address Tag these days? Does it ever arise to reject any proposal? It is still in the following: address The element represents the contact information for its closest article or body element of the ancestors. If this is the body element, the contact information applies to the entire document. The address element should not be used to represent arbitrary addresses (such as postal addresses), unless those addresses are actually related contact information (< Code> p element is the appropriate element to mark the postal address in general.) Address element should not contain information other than contact information. You are right, it is not often used, but it should be. I think there was a problem in styling it in previous versions of IE, maybe that is why it never stopped?

How to prevent items from going to another page in Reporting Services 2005 -

I currently have the following problem: I have two metrics in the same report, but Let's go to another page. Actually, at any time, I would like to fit all my documents on only one page. The use of pages in HTML is just a pain, as it is in the axle format, the way. My question can also be repeated in this form: for at least html and for Excel output, how to put all the elements of the report on a single page (even if it is too long) ?

Is there a developer licensing program for OSX? -

Microsoft provides a bunch of incentives to develop software for developers (like MSDN) and startup (such as BizSpark). MSDN for example Microsoft platform with low investment, Windows does not exist in my software without purchasing the full license of that version To test every version of BizSpark is even better, giving all software for free, as long as it is used for business purposes of startup. Does the apple offer something like this? PS is by far the only legal way to check our software on OSX, that is to buy a Mac mini, which is almost equal to MSDN and with the tenth of the profit (as far as software development is concerned). has not come. The closest thing to me is the Mac Developer Program which gives you access to various resources but specific your question You currently have access to software for development and other compatibility testing tools for compatibility testing etc. You still need a Mac to use many benefits, but if you are a member then you get a

javascript - How can I preserve the page scroll position when opening a dialog in response to a link trigger? -

I would like to know how to create a scrolling status when I open a jQuery dialog. I am using my dialog to open: & lt; One class = "link" onclick = "openmyDialog ();" Href = "#" & gt; Open a dialog & lt; / A & gt; More functions: function openmodialog () {$ ("# dialog") Dialog ('destroyed'); $ ("#in dialog") HTML ("message"). $ ("# Dialog") Dialog ({button: {"yes": function () {$ (this) .dialog ("close");}}, resizable: false, dragable: true, model: true, title: 'error '}); return false; } You are not returning your return value to the click handler correctly: < / P> onclic = "return openmodylog ();"

c++ - Why does ofstream sometimes create files but can't write to them? -

I am trying to use the off-class class to write some stuff in the file, but whatever happens File is created, and then nothing. I have some bus code: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; Fstream & gt; # Include & lt; Cstring & gt; # Include & lt; Cerrno & gt; # Include & lt; Time.h> using namespace std; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {ofstream file; ("test.txt"); If (! File) {cout & lt; & Lt; Strerror (error) & lt; & Lt; Endl; } And {cout & lt; & Lt; "All are fine!" & Lt; & Lt; Endl; } For (int i = 0; i When I make a console application, everything is fine, so I'm afraid the code is not fully representative. However, I am using code in a very big project like this - to be honest - I do not fully understand (neorostim). I should write some classes that have been compiled for a DLL which can be loaded by Neurostim. When code is run, "test.txt" is cre

visual studio - Decrease time to attach & load symbols -

Generally, what are your recommendations on this? At present, it takes about 10 minutes to attach SharePoint 2007 to IIS processing hosting at the local level. Make Make sure your symbol path includes a local cache directory so that whenever you attach Even then, he does not download symbols from Microsoft's public symbol server. In addition, I have not tried to do this with Visual Studio, but you should be able to set up an identifying module for which you do not have symbols.

ruby - Import CSV in batches of lines in Rails? -

I am using a fast CSV V to import an uploaded file into the model, and this small file Is working very well, though when I try to import a large dataset (21,000 lines), it takes ages and I get the browser timeout on the live server. This is my current working code: logon = 0 presence. transaction (file: header = & gt; true). Do do Row | Line [1] = date. Published (line [1], '% m /% d /% Y') record = @ event. (: union_id = & gt; line [0],: dob = & gt; ; Line [1] ,: gender => line [2]) If recorded, logcode + = 1 end and end I would love to use the background process , But the user is required Therefore, I was thinking that I should use and read only a small number of rows, set a counter, then update that Considering the progression of C type, then run the method again using the previous counter as the starting point. I can not seem to see how to read fast CSVs to read only a certain number of rows and also set offset for the s

c - Pointer Dereferencing = Program Crash -

अहस्ताक्षरित int * pmessageLength, MessageLength; Char * pszParsePos; ... // डेटा में pszParsePos ... printf ("\ n संदेश की लंबाई \ nb1:% d \ nb2:% d \ nb3:% d \ nb4:% d \ n", pszParsePos [1], pszParsePos [2] , pszParsePos [3], pszParsePos [4]); PmessageLength = (अहस्ताक्षरित int *) और pszParsePos [1]; MessageLength = * ((अहस्ताक्षरित int *) और pszParsePos [1]); // प्रोग्राम समाप्त होता है आउटपुट: संदेश की लंबाई बी 1: 0 बी 2: 0 बी 3: 0 बी 4: 1 टी क्यों यह मेरे कार्यक्रम दुर्घटनाग्रस्त है समझ में नहीं आता क्या कोई इसे समझा सकता है, या कम से कम एक वैकल्पिक पद्धति का सुझाव दे सकता है जो क्रैश नहीं करेगा? आपके समय के लिए धन्यवाद! बस त्रुटि का अर्थ है कि आप गलत संरेखण के साथ डेटा तक पहुंचने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं। विशेष रूप से, ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि प्रोसेसर को int को कहीं और की तुलना में अधिक सख्ती से संरेखित करने की आवश्यकता होती है, और अगर आपका * pszParsePos गठबंधन किया जाता है, तो एक int सीमा (जो कि आप इसे कैसे प्रारंभ करते हैं, पर ऐसा होता है, उदाहरण के

forum - Measuring popularity for a particular post? -

I am trying to measure the popularity of a post, but there is no current system which can do this, That means that one has to make one. Can someone guide me to make an estimate that brings popularity to a post? I answer like # of answers, number of ideas, age of post, stick vs. non-sticky etc. Should play as a factor. I know that I am asking a lot because it is not an easy question to solve, but if someone can refer me to an online resource to help me on this work, it would be appreciated. Check out some of these other questions: Or, and about Jeff's stack overflow.

javascript - Call the methods in mootools class -

I have a question about calling other functions in class. For example: var f = new class ('foo', {test1: function () {var table = new element (...) ... ... $ (table ) .getElements ('Input') Each (function) {input.addEvent ('change', function ()} {// How can I call test2 and pass input element?}}})} }, Test2: function (e) {warning (e);}}); Thanks. var f = new orbit ('foo', {test1: function) (var table = new element (........); var me = it ; $ (Table) .getElements ('Input'). Each (function input) {input.addEvent ('change', function () {me.test2 (" Foo ");});})}}, test2: function (e) {alert (e);}});

php - netcat "Connection refused" on localhost -

I am trying to get a value from the net cat connection started with a php file, but it dies with it Goes: Localhost [] 2000 (?): Connection refused I do not know why, but it works well If I do it as ssh (www-data) as apache user, I have done this: 1) Start an endless loop serving a date with a little longer. R: $ (while true; -l -p 2000-c "sleep 5; date" done;) & amp; 2) Check what is happening: $ su www-data $ nc Localhost 2000 Fri 16 Oct 21:33:20 Cote 2009 3) Create /var/www/test.php as follows: & lt; Pre & gt; & Lt ;? Php exec ('nc localhost 2000 & gt; & gt; / var / www / dates.txt 2 & gt; & gt; /var/www/errors.txt & amp;';); ? & Gt; & Lt; / Pre & gt; 4) Run it on a browser: 5) Finally, take a look at both the txt, the dates are empty (nothing like the response in # 2) and the errors in "Connection refused" error. The server is a LAMP c

ide - How do I change in an eclipse web project the WebContent folder to something different? -

गैलीलियो रिलीज के साथ एक सामान्य जावा प्रोजेक्ट को गतिशील वेब प्रोजेक्ट में परिवर्तित करने के लिए अंततः संभव है। दुर्भाग्य से यह मानता है कि वेब सामग्री एक फ़ोल्डर WebContent में स्थित है, जो किसी मौजूदा प्रोजेक्ट के लिए जरूरी नहीं है मैं इसे बदलने में किस तरह सक्षम हूं? MyEclipse में यह काफी आसान है, लेकिन शेयर ग्रहण के साथ मुझे कोई विकल्प नहीं मिला! मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि आप "स्टॉक एक्सप्लिप्स" का क्या मतलब है, लेकिन हैलियस इस कार्यशीलता को बहुत ही सीधा-आगे के रास्ते में अनुमति देता है: अपने डायनामिक वेब प्रोजेक्ट पर राइट क्लिक करें और "गुण" खोलें। ढूंढें तैनाती का विधानसभा और आपको वहां से संदर्भ पथ सेट करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए।

search all the files and directories to create thumbnails in php -

I want to search through files and want to create images from JPG files. The code is: $ dir2 = opendir ($ direction2); $ Dir = opendir ($ direction); Function create_fcat ($ direction, $ width, $ direction2, $ dir) {while (wrong! == ($ fn = readdir ($ dir))) {$ n_dir = $ direction '/'. $ Fn; If (is_dir ($ n_dir) & amp; $ fn! = '.' & Amp; $ am!; $ Fn! = '..') {if ($ handle = opendir ($ n_dir)) {create_fcat ($ fn, $ Width, $ direction2, $ handle); }} Otherwise ($ fn! = '.' & Amp; $ fn! = '..') {$ ext = Strokehold (substr ($ fn, strlen ($ fn) -3); If ($ ext == 'jpg') {if ($ img = imagecreatefromjpeg ($ direction. '/'. $ Fn)) {$ width_original = imagesx ($ img); $ Height_original = imagesy ($ img); If ($ width_original & gt; $ height_original) {$ new_width = $ width; $ New_height = Floor ($ height_corein * ($ width / $ width_original)); } And {$ new_height = $ width; $ New_width = Floor ($ width_original * ($ wi

algorithm - Java NullPointerException -

I'm writing two sections to handle simple auctions. I have a classroom ready and working, Who manages operations for an auction, and to keep track of available auctions now, I am writing another class like an auction house. While testing the following section of the class: import java.util.ArrayList; Public Class Auction House {Private Arrival & Lieutenant; Dutch Overview & gt; Huutokaupat; Public auction house () {} Public Zero AddOption (DutchAlternative Newaction) {Huitakapet.ed (new action); }} The main code ("Kopup" is a test and functional object-variable) with the following code: Auction = lock = new auction ); Talo.addAuction (kauppa); I get: "Exception" in thread "main" at java.lang.NullPointerException (AuctionHouse. Java: 13) ( How can I fix the problem? < P> You have never created an ArrayList

What tool do you use to build an Erlang program? -

Do you use the tool to create an Erlang program: amac, makefile or other? Since these answers, a new standard has emerged in the Erlang community: Rebar

php - file_exists() for a file that contains (&) in filename -

$ filename = "सारा और आईएमपीई"; अगर (file_exists ($ filename)) {...} अगर फ़ाइल नाम " और " है तो file_exists के लिए PHP वापस नहीं आती है कैसे काम करने के लिए file_exists के लिए $ filename में " और " बच सकता हूं? पहले से कोशिश की urlecode () , urlrawencode () , htmlentities () , और '& amp; एक बैकस्लैश (\ & amp;) ... नहीं जा ps के साथ इस स्क्रिप्ट को लगता है कि यह RedHat5 चलाने वाले लिनक्स सिस्टम पर है मेरे लिए काम करने के लिए सुनिश्चित करें कि आप जिस फ़ाइल की जांच कर रहे हैं वह निर्देशिका में है जहां आपकी स्क्रिप्ट चल रही है। getcwd () का उपयोग यह देखने के लिए कि आपकी स्क्रिप्ट कहां चल रही है। उदाहरण के लिए यदि आपकी स्क्रिप्ट मेरी / स्क्रिप्ट / स्क्रिप्ट.php में है लेकिन अगर यह मेरी / अन्य / लिपियों / index.php पर किसी अन्य स्क्रिप्ट के द्वारा शामिल और लागू की गई है तो आपकी स्क्रिप्ट वास्तव में मेरी / अन्य / स्क्रिप्ट निर्देशिका में चल रही होगी, न कि मेरी / स्क्रिप्ट निर्देशिका जैसा आप उम्मीद कर सकते हैं

java - Eclipse JDT ASTVisitor - how to tell if a field is read or written in a method? -

I am writing an eclipse ASTVisitor to tell how a field is read or written in a method? The information provided "You need to vist the assignment node. The field is written on LHS, while the field on RHS expression is read." After I go to the assignment and get LHS and RHS which are both of the expressions, how do I tell if the expression has a field? If you are working on AST, then I suggest working with it. This is a very easy tool to understand JDT AST. Your view will work, I use a variable inside the visitor to indicate that I am in an assignment. Public Boolean Visit (Last Assignment Node) {inVariableAssignment = true; . Accepting Node.getLeftHandSide () (this); InVariableAssignment = false; . Accepting Node.getRightHandSide () (this); return false; } Now, when I do something like SimpleName or QualifiedName : Public Boolean Visit (Last Simple Name Node) {if (! Node.isDeclaration ()) {Last Iibing Nodebading = Node. Rollingbung (); If (nodebading

php - CURL Authentication being lost? -

I am correcting login via the kernel. I have a variable that I am using to display the returned HTML, and it is returning to my user control panel as though I am logged in. After authentication, I want to communicate with variables with a form on another page; But for some reason an HTML version of the HTML header is returning an unauthorized version (such as the original authentication never happened.) I have a cookies.txt file with 777 permissions, and when I certify I tried to get the contents of the same page shown and it seems that I am losing any affiliate session / cookie data somewhere on the way. Here is my curl file - Curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $ header); Curl_setopt ($ this-> Curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $ this-> Cookies); Curl_setopt ($ this-> Curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $ this-> Cookies); Curl_setopt ($ this-> Curl, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true); Curl_setopt ($ this-> Curl, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true); Curl_setopt ($ this-> Curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOC

agile - Are there any web apps that do user stories cards? -

We deliver agile development and can actually be a solution like story card on a wall / board, only one webpage Any suggestions on where you can easily drag and leave them? Thank you. This is perfect for something like this, it is very simple, yet flexible it is described above PivotalTracker is like a simple version.

Can't use DLL (written in C++) in Delphi: The procedure entry point could not be located -

I've compiled a DLL in Visual Studio (the source code is in C ++, which I hardly understand). Here is a piece of Scraper.h : Struct swin {char title [512]; Hwd; hwd; }; SCRAPER_API bool ScraperGetWinList (SWIN winList [100]); Now I am trying to use the above work in my Delphi application: type tWin = record title: string; Hwnd: hwnd; End; Function ScraGetWinList (var WinList: TWN Aare): Boolean; External 'Scraper.dll'; Var myWilList: Array [1..100] of Tewin; Process TMainForm.GetWinListButtonClick (Sender: TObject); Start ScraperGetWinList (myWinList); ... This project is not compiled, and I get the following message: The process entry point may not be located in the ScraperGetWinList Dynamic Link Library: Scraper.dll . What am I doing wrong? With my Linux experience, I would say that you have encountered the so-called "issue" of your process The entry point is not "ScraperGetWinList", but nothing like "_ZN18ScraperGetWinLis

php - Quickly convert simpleXMLObject to STDClass? -

A quick acceleration of converting a simple XML without running manually on any normal stdclass object manually The way? After getting the data, I have to work better with normal objects. I suggest that using XMLReader , which extract data It lends itself well and stores it as any kind of desire instead of SimpleXML This is particularly good for regular documents used (I use it, expanded in the form of RSS Rider for RSS), expecting a lot As that is fast and bonus SimpleXML .

iphone - How can I change the "Loading Movie..." message in MPMoviePlayerController? -

When I launch an example of MPMoviePlayerController for a remote URL, the top bar "Loading the movie. . "- Is there a way to change this message in a custom? You can create a UIImageView with just one image you want to display (or label or whatever Anything) and add it to your movie display controller view. UIImage * loadingScreenImage = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "loadingScreen.png"]; Loading screen = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: loadingScreenImage]; // ivar & amp; Asset has been declared in the interface file [self.view addSubview: loadingScreen]; [Loading screen release]; Then you can instantiate the movie player and register to get the notification on loading the flat: movie player = [[MP3 MPV Player Controller Alok] initWithContentURL: movie.trailerURL]; If ([Movie Player TOSelectors: @Selector (LoadState)]) [[Movie Player Preparation Topless]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: Self Selector: @Sillector (Movie Pleasure

.net - Does Resharper Code clean up support this -

I have a project in which there are classes of methods that look like this: < Code> public class person {private string _name; ... public zeros setname (string name) {this._name = name; } Public string getName () {return._name; } ....} There is no way to get the Repository code cleanup feature (or any other device from there), for this, refactor code above. public class person {public string name {get; Set; }} I think there is no such tool that does this, but it hurts to not ask for it right? Thanks is a "Convert to Auto Applied Asset" refactoring .

zend search lucene - Zend_Search_Lucene - How do I limit the results to a certain language? -

I have indexed a website that is available in 14 languages, so far so good now I only get the result of the visitor's language I want to limit my licensed search to display. Is there a (query) parameter or an option that I can set? Unfortunately I could not find anything. If I should be related to this, then I am working with Zend_Search_Lucene. Because different analyzers and tokensisers are required in different languages, I expected that you Will maintain a separate index for the language, in which case the problem is trivial. If you maintain a separate index for each language, you must enter a non-tokenized field in each keyword, which includes a language keyword (such as "English" or "Spanish") And by adding a Boolean filter to your query, each hit should match that keyword.

css overflow / inline elements -

When you put an inline list of items with a fixed width and set a hidden overflow, then the element vertically Let's stand. Any CSS hacks are hidden, while they are meant to be inline to remain inline. Probably using overflow: is hidden without width? Thank you in advance! There are several methods that can be used to create horizontal lists. The main element is "Display: Inline", which is applied to the "Light" element Read this article for details:

client server - How to kill the nameserver process in java -

I created a client server application using an IDL file for client server communication across the network. Both client and server programs are in Java when the user exits, both the server and the client exit. Although I'm unable to kill the name server process. tnameserv -ORBInitialPort 1050 How do I kill the nameserver in a client or server program (which is in Java)? When you run tnameserv, you can kill commands (linux, unix) or ctrl + c (windows ) If linux / unix is ​​on, then this should do the trick: killall tnameserv P> Edit: If you want to release killall command with java usage: runtime.exec ("killall tnameserv"); Thoughts: It seems weird to start tnameserv outside our program, and then try to hit it with it. (Permission issues, other users using names, etc., etc.) Depending on your needs, why not start your TV app from your app?

ruby - wrapping elements with nokogiri? -

एक xpath दी आप ऐसा कुछ कर सकते हैं Doc.xpath ("/ html / body / a")। रैप ("& lt; span & gt; & lt; / span & gt;") और स्पैन टैग के साथ सभी लिंक लपेटें? doc.xpath ('/ html / body / a')। प्रत्येक {| a | A.swap ("& lt; span & gt; # {a} & lt; / span & gt;"}} बेहतर समाधान मिला (@ फ़्राँग के अनुसार संपादित करें) < कोड> डॉक्टर खोज ('ए')। रैप ('& lt; span / & gt;')

iphone - How do I append a new item to a plist? -

In my iPhone app, I have two plugin files to store "themes" are the same readable file Includes the default theme, and includes custom themes that the user has created. I am using plist files because it is very easy for me to read from plist and create new theme objects. My plist dictionary has an array of objects. Is there any easier way to attach a new dictionary object to my Plast File? Or do I need to read the file in memory, add new dictionary object, and write it back to the file system? Thank you! With cocoa, you should read the file in memory, attach the new dictionary object and file it on the file system Must have to write back. If you use XML Plist, you can easily parse it and write file incrementally, but it will be big enough, so it is unlikely to be worth it. If writing again is taking too long, you should check to use a database instead (perhaps through core data) until the file is large, I suspect that this iPhone There will also be an issue w

performance - What is paging effect in C++? -

I came across because I was trying to learn the array and vectors in C ++. What is the "paging effect" mentioned in the post? Also, to test your understanding, I think the Vector uses more time due to dynamic memory allocation. Am i right Additional questions: but vector & lt; Int & gt; Arr (10000) Already enough memory for 10000 int is not allocated? Itemprop = "text"> If you pressed push_back If you use, vector uses dynamic allocation, but you can apply it to allocate prior to memory with reserved (). Checked builds (normal in debug libraries) also check the limit of vector operations, which can slow them down in debug mode. Release build should not be slower than raw C. Paging means taking memory on the disk when physical memory is complete. You have to be careful over time if you think the memory being paged is to run a normal technique multiple times and to reject the longest time. Edit: You should never use raw 'C' type

c# - SQL Server communication protocol issue -

I am using VSTS 2008 + C # + ADO.Net + SQL Server 2008. What type of communication protocol is using SQL Server 2008, more details of my questions, If the connection string looks like this, is the Named Pipe or TCP / IP used ? Is the use of different communication protocols dependent on client and SQL Server on the same machine? Data Source = Labace 1; Initial Catalog = Customer DB; Trusted Contacts / Truth; Asynchronous In SQL Server Configuration Manager, there are items named "SQL Server Network Configuration" and "SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration". I think the configuration options (for communication protocol) of both named pipes or TCP / IP are, what are the differences between "SQL Server Network Configuration" and "SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration"? Connecting locally on the server When you connect client applications (client applications and SQL Server on the same computer) from the local client, Connecti

wpf - TreeView items disappear -

I have a TreeView that is generated in the code, and it will appear in the end: & lt; TreeView & gt; & Lt; TreeViewItem header = "X" & gt; & Lt; TreeViewItem header = "Y" & gt; & Lt; TreeViewItem header = "Z" & gt; & Lt; StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal" & gt; & Lt; Text block width = "100" text = "some text" /> gt; & Lt; Text Box Width = "100" Text = "TextInbox" /> & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal" & gt; & Lt; Text block width = "100" text = "some text" /> gt; & Lt; Text Box Width = "100" Text = "TextInbox" /> & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / TreeViewItem & gt; & Lt; / TreeViewItem & gt; & Lt; / TreeViewItem & gt; & Lt; / TreeView & gt; The problem is that when you fully expand this tree

java - Is HTTP PUT supported in J2ME? -

In the MIDP 2.0 API, I have seen a strange thing: HTTP Connection Classes make clear references to Epidox, GET, Post and Head methods, but there is no other way, does that mean they are not supported? I also tried to check the MIDP 2.0 device, but no hard facts could be found about it. I can try it on some phones (phones), but can not try them all Do anyone know what HTTP methods are required by phones implementing the MIDP 2.0 device ? Or any experience in finding phones that do not support / support HTTP PUT? If PUT is not supported, then are there any (portable) workarounds to implement it? Apply HTTP at the top of SocketConnection? This technology is not supported by I'm sure there are wrapper classes but I'm sure they Start your own bugs and will work around. It is not difficult to write a simple cover, a decent disposable writing bug free one way mm is complicated

Can Outlook Forms be viewable by other not using Outlook as their email program? -

I created a custom outlook form in 2007 and I have some receipts that need to be visualized but use Outlook Do not Email Email Programs Is it possible to change the form, to ensure that they can view the form as an email? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I do not think so.

installation - Expression Studio not prompting for serial -

I have an MSDN registered copy of Expression Studio on my machine and recently got a paid licensed copy. . I uninstalled and removed it which I was getting in the registry that looked related to it. However, every time I try to install an expression to use my new license, it does not indicate and just installs. It appears that somewhere the old registration code is being stored anywhere, but where I can not find it. Solution : Under the help expression "enter the menu" product key " I have not been inspired to install it for Expression Studio for the first time? As long as you own a license as long as you are good to go.

sql server - SQL Query : How to loop with inserting similar data -

I have SQL database (sdf file) I would like to create dummy records to fill a certain 22 MBytes for the size database. I have a simple command: Log in (time, source, matte, sub id, description) value ('200 9-09-17 01:20: 35 ',' 1 ',' 1 ',' 60 ',' test record ') What I have to do, is able to create a loop which does this, The size reaches 22 megs. Please help with the sample code. I am using Server Explorer for my database connection. I was unable to install SQL Server so can not use Management Studio: ( I need to add a single query to the command: -) If you want to execute this command multiple times, try it: Login ( Time, Source, MIDI, Subid, Details) Price ('2009-09-17 01:20:35', '1', '1', '60', 'Test Record') Go 255 if you have any number after "geo" So shall specify, it will be executed in succession several times. Mark

math - Convergence of Mathematics and Programming Languages -

It seems that there is a strong movement for the convergence of mathematics and computer programming languages, this is especially evident from its effect. I feel that many incidents that can be done in mathematics can be mathematically even modeled logically. I do not think that we want to take advantage of a purely logical language or purely mathematical traction traction for general purpose programming, but I want to list the benefits of every paradigm. I want to know: / P> What are the benefits of modeling programming languages ​​or language features on math? What are the advantages of the principles of modeling of a language? Formal logic? Can a general purpose language either leave argument or math? What are some languages ​​that really show the benefits of any approach? Does the hardware features make one approach more attractive to the other? First of all, I do not see much difference between logic and math; The latter is only systematically

c# - get xml attribute using linq -

Suppose I have an XML similar to the bottom & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Valid Status = "Yes" Last_Accounted = "2009-07-05T11: 31: 12" & gt; Etc ... etc & lt; / Validate & gt; How can I get the status of a position in a valid element in C #? There will be only one valid element, how can I do this with linq? ... or if this could be the simplest way XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load ( "File name"); // string position = xdoc.root.Attribute ("status"). Values; @ mark suggest string position = (string) xdoc.root.Attribute ("status");

sql server - T-SQL: Looping through an array of known values -

This is my scenario: Assume that I have a stored procedure in which to store another Process on a set of specific IDs required; Is there a way to do this? i.e. Instead of doing so: exec p_MyInnerProcedure 4 exec p_MyInnerProcedure 7 exec p_MyInnerProcedure 12 exec p_MyInnerProcedure 22 exec p_MyInnerProcedure 19 do something like this: * Magic where I specify in my list 4,7,12,22,19 * selected magic cursor for FAST_FORWARD * Select Magic * Open MacCars Fetch from MyMaster @MyId WHILE @@ FETCH_STATUS = 0 My main focus here is my main goal here mainly maintenance (add / add attachment to change business Easy to list), as well as being able to list everyone at BEGIN exec p_MyInnerProcedure @MyId FETCH ID is on a single line next to my console ... Display Should not be bigger as a problem declare @ id table (IDX int identity (1,1), id int) Insert DIDS 4 Select Union 7 Select Union 12 Select Union 22 Select Union 19 Announce Ii int declare @cnt int select @i = minute

iis 7 - 2.0 Button click method works inconsistently in a web garden -

We have an ASP.NET 2.0 web application that is running on IIS7. This is using Web Park and state server On the page, there are many user controls on one of the user controls, we have added logging to the button_click event which writes a line in the log Whenever that method runs. When we click on the button, it displays only the log entry periodically - this indicates that the event is not always in the fire when clicking the button. We have added logging because we suspect that the method of clicking the button was not always going on when we clicked on the button. The evidence that we are seeing, confirms our doubts. When we remove the web garden and return the site to a single application pool, the application returns to normal - the button event always fire when we run applications on the local developer machine , Then it works normally. Have you seen any such behavior? Are there any recommendations on the next phase that we can take to reduce the problem? EDIT:

sql - Using an object type in a select statement in Oracle -

I have a function that returns an object with 3 values. Is there a way to call that function with a selection statement, and each value is a different column? I could break it in 3 functions, but the value is related, so I wanted to put it as one for display reasons. (I.e., Oracle does not need to call 3 identical complex functions for every line in the query.) Type the following: Type test_obj object (a number, B NUMBER, C NUMBER); Create test_func or replace function (pinput number) with return test_obj returns test_obj (0, 0, 0); End test_func; I want to be able to call test_func from a select statement, but sometimes without calling the function, there can be columns A, B and C. I probably thought of something like that, but it does not work: choose iv.col1, iv.col2, iv.func_data.a, iv.func_data.b, iv.func_data.c From (Select MT Col1, mt.col2, test_func (mt.input) as func_data from my_table mt) iv Any method of doing something like this in Oracle 10G Is there a be

sql - best time to SELECT value in Oracle nested query -

From the optimization perspective, I want to know when SELECT is best for some honorary data data is . Specifically, I have this query: Where do I place this part? SELECT 'string 1' from the double union with the 'double string' from the 'string 2' AS segment FROM dual union all selected 'string 3' H2> In the external question I need access to the Segment column in my external SELECT and looks like I SELECT when it is needed, i.e. SELECT ..., segment, case when segment = 'string 1' and then ... end ... by ('string1' Select Twenty Unions From all Select 'String 2' AS Segment Dual Unions with 'String 3' from AAS Segment (SELECT ... FROM ... GROUP BY ...) WHERE ... Verses InInstant Query However, it is better than Select my arbitrary string in the most simple question : SELECT. .., segment, case when segment = 'string 1' then ... end (... SELECT ..., SELECT 'STRIN 1' AS SELECT

soap - XSL Transform - Remove Parent Node -

& lt; soapenv: लिफाफा xmlns: soapenv = " / "Xmlns =" ​​कलश: "& gt; & LT; soapenv: शरीर & gt; & LT; upsertResponse & gt; & LT; परिणाम & gt; & LT; बनाई & gt; सच & lt; / बनाया & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; 0011 & lt; / आईडी & gt; & LT; सफलता & gt; सच & lt; / सफलता & gt; & Lt; / परिणाम & gt; & LT; परिणाम & gt; & LT; बनाई & gt; झूठी & lt; / बनाया & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; 0012 & lt; / आईडी & gt; & LT; सफलता & gt; सच & lt; / सफलता & gt; & Lt; / परिणाम & gt; & Lt; / upsertResponse & gt; & Lt; / soapenv: शरीर & gt; & Lt; / soapenv: लिफाफा & gt; ** मैं इसे कैसे बदल सकता हूं ** & lt; upsertResponse & gt; & LT; परिणाम & gt; & LT; बनाई & gt; सच & lt; / बनाया & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; 0011 & lt; / आईडी &a

How can I add an underscore before each capital letter inside a Java String? -

I have a string like "HelloWorldMyNameIsCarl" and I want to create something like "Hello_World_My_Name_Is_Carl". How can I do this? Yes, regular expressions can do this for you: < [AZ ] "HelloWorldMyNameIsCarl" .replaceAll ("(. ((.) ([AZ])", "$ 1_ $ 2") expression [AZ] will match each upper case sheet and it will be inserted into another group. To avoid changing the first 'H' you have to first group . is required. As mentioned, this solution does not work for arbitrary language. To capture any uppercase letters defined by Unicode Stargard, we need the \ p {Lu} which matches all the uppercase letters, therefore the more general solution "HelloWorldMyNameIsCarl" .replaceAll ("(.) (\\ p {Lu})", "$ 1_ $ 2") appears Thanksgiving

nhibernate - TM1 API for LinqToEntities -

IBM Connos TM1 is a multidimensional database that my company thinks is the latest and greatest I went to classrooms, and , It is good for analysis. Of course, my company's finance people only look at websites like Excel Add-in or Excel, and think "All this is for data entry applications only!" My response is "I thought you needed an OLTP solution!" Those who are in IT because they ignore. What I'm looking for is something that is a suspicious integration with my favorite Microsoft development tools. I want to deploy a Silverlight Data Entry / OLTP tool. I also see that TM1 is unmanaged DLL which provides complete access to the data engine. Since IBM bought TM1, I do not see a friendly future for Microsoft and TM1. Is it completely irrational that LinqToEntities can make an ORM as TM1? Is LinqToEntities ever used to talk on a multi-dimensional database? What about en hibernate? I would like to say to our finance people, it is certain that we use TM1 and

HTML/CSS positioning for Menus “float: bottom” -

I am creating a horizontal menu, and I can not understand how to align all menu options under one container . What I'm trying to do is an example to show, but the CSS code does not work as needed. Can you provide suggestions for all the menu tabs to sit down? & lt; Style & gt; .example1 {status: relative; Width: 32 AM; Height: 10 AM; Background color: #fbc; Background color: #FDB; Margin-left: auto; Margin Correct: Auto; Padding-down: 0; }. Inventory Menes {Status: Completed; Bottom: 0; Background color: #F00; Padding: 0; Left: 1am; }. Inventory Menu {Padding: 1 AM; Height: 1 AM; Width: 7 AM; Background color: #fbc; Margin: 0 AM 1 AM; Swim left; }. Inventory menuscted (padding: 1am; height: 2am; width: 7 am; background color: # fbc; margin: 0 1 am 0;; swim left;) & lt; / style & gt; & lt; div id = "Example1" class = "example1" & gt; below: 0 method works in Firefox, Netscape 7+, IE5 + / Win, Opera 7+, Konqueror 3, Safari and IE5 / M

dll - adding a reference -

I've added it to myextsharp.dll in my project it's compiled everything on my desktop and works fine if i If I install my application on another computer, then this user is looking for the same file itextsharp.dll on the desktop. How do I create it so that the DLL is built in the project ?? What's with the desktop now ?! Bundle all your workplace assemblies in the same output folder as the main assembly of your application. While setting up the setup ... I am using MS Project setup ... I'm sure all deployments point to a common folder goal. Does not understand your determination with the desktop ... pls I know that it requires some sort of. The only thing that is usually deployed on the desktop is the shortcut of the app.

c# - Filtering one List<string> from another via LINQ -

I have a master list of colors: list & lt; String & gt; Complete list = new list & lt; String & gt; {"Red", "blue", "green", "purple"}; I am on the list of existing colors of a product list & lt; String & gt; Real collar = new list & lt; String & gt; {"Blue", "red", "green"}; How can I get a list back in the order of the complete list? (Red, blue, green) var ordered = full list. Colour); If that does not work, then do this var ordered = real collar. Difference (full list);

ruby on rails - Is validates_presence_of necessary if using validates_length_of? -

एक ActiveRecord मॉडल में यह validates_presence_of का उपयोग करने के लिए सबसे अच्छा अभ्यास / आवश्यक माना जाता है Validates_length_of ? उदाहरण के लिए: वर्ग कंपनी & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस validates_presence_of: नाम validates_length_of: नाम,: में = & gt; 5.30 अंत मेरे लिए, यह बेमानी लगता है 5 से 30 के बीच लंबाई होने का मतलब है कि विशेषता भी मौजूद है, फिर भी मैं देखता हूं कि यह हर जगह इस्तेमाल करता है इसका अर्थ यह भी है कि प्रयोक्ताओं को एक ही लापता विशेषता के बारे में दो त्रुटि संदेश मिलते हैं, जब वास्तव में केवल एक की आवश्यकता होती है। क्या मैं कुछ याद कर रहा हूं या क्या लोग डेटा को मान्य करते हुए अति-उत्साही हैं? : allow_nil = & gt; आपूर्ति करते हैं, उन मामलों को छोड़कर; div = या : allow_blank = & gt; True को validates_length_of। allow_nil और allow_blank विकल्पों के लिए किसी भी मान्यता में डिफ़ॉल्ट मान गलत है। Validates_presence_of केवल तभी विफल हो जाता है यदि विशेषता न तो शून्य या रिक्त है इसलिए validates_presence_of को आपूर्ति की गई मान्यताओं के द

css - Align= "center" effect on data shown gridview rows -

I am facing a strange situation, I am developing an website, and I have a gridview Control added, it is placed inside the TD tag When I ran online on the website, I noticed that the figures shown on the rows are moved to the left, whereas their title tag is centered, therefore I want TD to be align = "center" / code> property, each Trying to show centered data column, and the site while offline debug it works perfectly. However, when I ran the site online (after uploading), the data is still shown Try this: & rt; Rochelle horizontal alliance = "center" /> & Lt; AlternatingRowStyle Horizontal Align = "Center" /> - SQL Full text search with foreign key columns -

I have a column (Table 1), out of which two columns I want to index. There is also the Article column (foreign key), with this ID I want to use joining to get "articleTitle" from the article table (Table 2), and able to search in this column of the curse Ho. How do I create it? What kind of index? Do I need to index both tables? And how do I write the selection query for that? You will need to create a visual and index that < P> I spent a lot of time a while ago and the scene was the only way i was able to do this I even put everything in 1 column. This means that I added all the columns from each column to a column. For example, you have a simple table with the ID, first, middle, last name column. In my view I will give them a riddle in 1 column in my scene. Therefore, for a line of ID: 1 - First name: Joe - Middle name: Bob - Last name: Joe you will see 1 Bob It was because I came to know that if all the columns were not there then some r

jquery - Creating filterable search -

I was thinking that someone has any examples or tutorials on how I can create similar search fields on I left I like the sliders and how you can select a category and it will be automatically updated. In addition, can it be done with jQuery? Thanks for any help / information. , there is a library with user interface widgets, after that category you can get search results And can show them in your document.

rest - How to create XML file that uses two DTDs? -

We are building an REST service where the client will keep a financial portfolio from XML. Portfolio XML will use a published standard XML DTD. We want to add some bits data to Portfolio XML. We want to have the ability to validate XML against published DTD. But if we add additional fields then the DTD verification will no longer fail. Is there a way to create a new DTD, which includes existing DTD and our new areas? You can include standard DTD published as an external DTD, then your XML document Create an internal DTD, or create another DTD that adds new elements and add one too. It has been taken from an internal DTD (for example): & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE note [& lt ;! Trigger Note (From, From, Title, Body) & gt; & Lt ;! Element (#PCDATA) & gt; By & lt ;! ELEMENT (#PCDATA) & gt; & Lt ;! ELEMENT TOP (#PCDATA) & gt; & Lt ;! ELEMENT body (#PCDATA) & gt; ] & Gt; & Lt; Comment

forum - What would you want in a self-hosted project support/information web app? -

Trac is often confused to install and is quite a bit too big because my next project Trac will be a lightweight PHP option. I Bug Tracker For Forum (s) Static Page (Easily of Course Edited) Markdown support No code repo hosting (I consider it a feature because most people like to use it as a third party, My question: If you want to use a self-hosted app to create a website about one of your open source projects, So what would you do? Is there something missing on that list? Can you really do the ability to host the code repo on the site altogether, or can you fix the code to host elsewhere (Google Code, GitHub, BitBucket), and only major version uploads Are you using the site? Summary: If you want to use self-hosted apps to provide information and support for an open source project of your own, how would you like it to be? Redmond is my current favorite, I usually do it .

Hibernate question -

I do not understand why Gavin King calls org.hibernate.Query an interface As long as I know, An interface is a group of related methods with empty bodies and the methods of this 'interface' are already implemented. I would appreciate any answer about this. org.hibernate.Query Every interface in Java, only method announcements There is no method body, I do not know why you think that why you have implemented it, it is not so.

How do you model this in django? -

Considering square model as follows: How do you do this in class houses (models.Model): foo = models.CharField (max_length = 123) class.model: foo = models.CharField (max_length = 123 But these foreign key: model.odel (models.Model): bar = models.CharField (max_length = 123) home = models.ForeignKey (house) caravan = models. ForeignKey (caravan) Definitions of purpose How do you code it in the Django? Its intention is to reuse the same model "door" for both "house" and "caravan". After digging deep, I Found this; is this problem Model: Fu = Model Cheerfield (max_long = 123) Class caravan (model model): foo = Model CharField (Max_length = 123) class door (models.Model): bar = models.CharField (max_length = 123) home = models.ForeignKey (home, zero = true, empty = true) caravan = models.ForeignKey (caravan, void = true , Empty = true) square-door (models.model): bar = Model .carfield (max_long = 123) class caravan (

c# - Good introduction to the .NET Reactive Framework -

In addition to Microsoft documentation, is there a good start and tutorial for the Microsoft Reactive (Rx) framework? Besides, what is a good example (with code) which makes the reactative a programming problem easy to use which is challenging to use traditional asynchronous coding techniques? A lot of code examples showing how to use different features of the NIT RX framework here The Wiki site is: This is the most comprehensive site out of me, and the fastest is the start of it.

cocoa - autorelease pool causes crash in RubyCocoa application -

I'm crashing in my application, which says to pop an unknown autoresphere Trying: 10/19/09 11:40:11 AM MyApp [89480] *** Attempt to pop an unknown / autoreclos pool (0x11bc800) How to trace it? Since this is a Rubikoko application, it is almost impossible to trace it with GDB in the XDC environment. So most people are about logging. New And from the same author - one in CFLog Insert the brakes. The link is really useful! - In IIS7 configuration, what file types are affected by the staticContent element? -

How does the IIS7 show that the file is being served when the dynamic content is static? IIS checks whether the handler mapping is file extension. If not, use the StaticFileModule to determine which file path is sent to the module defined in the StaticFile handler mapping, to determine whether There is no mm type.

c# - How do I import this function from inet.dll into .NET? -

I have never done this before, and I have been stumped in such a way that how do i translate datatypes into c # Do it Here is: BOOL Internetetoption (__in HINTERNET hInternet, __in DWORD dwOption, __in LPVOID lpBuffer, __in DWORD dwBufferLength); All I am trying to set a proxy setting on a WebBrowser control How do I map these data to C #? Take a look at the documentation and sample code. / P>

php - Create unique alpha numeric string for an input string/url? -

I want to make an input string less than or equal to 10 characters which can be a URL < Pre> or an alphanumeric string programming 124 But the result should be unique to each input ... Does any of their functions or classes that you use in PHP for your projects ... thanks ... If you want a unique and random string, you can use the following functions to create a random string: function randstring ($ length) {$ charset = '0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRTUVAWXAJBDFGILMNAPCrustWwox'; $ Str = ''; While ($ length -> gt; {$ str = $ charset [rand ()% 62]; } Return $ str; } After creating a new string, check your database, if that string already exists. If so, repeat that step until you generate a unique string. Then store that new string in the database: {$ randString = randString (10); // look at your database if $ randString already exists and the result is stored in $ $ (while $ is present); // New ra

initialization - What happens to a declared, uninitialized variable in C? Does it have a value? -

If I type in C: int num; Before I assign anything to num , what is the value of num uncertainty? Fixed variables (file scope and function constant) are started at zero: int x; // zero int y = 0; // also zero zero foo () {static int x; // even zero} non-fixed variables (local variables) unsure are defined in the undefined behavior before giving the results of the value. void foo () {int x; Printf ("% d", x); // compiler is free to crash here) In practice, they initially have some nonsensical value - some compilers can also put it in specific, fixed values ​​to make it clear. When a debugger is watching - but speaking strictly, the compiler is free to do anything to summon due to crashing. Instead, why is this undefined behavior rather than "undefined / arbitrary value"? CPU architecture that has additional flag bits in their representation for different types. A modern example would be; Of course, the standard standard draftster was con

JavaFX Trigger an action while a button is pressed -

I am trying to create a scroll button using an image button, which should scroll some images when pressed . I tried to do this with the primary bountdown property of MouseEvent, but it clears the app: ivbutton.onMousePressed = function (e) {while (e.primaryButtonDown) {// Scroll Stuff} Do you know a way to create such a button? Thank you. Can you link scrolling in timeline animation? After this the button can control the start of time and the stop. For example, it is similar but it regulates the rotation of a square (you may be able to use translate transsons): import Javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle; Import javafx.scene.paint.color; Import javafx.animation.transition.RotateTransition; Import javafx.animation.Timeline; Import javafx.scene.control.button; Import javafx.scene.Scene; Import javafx.stage.Stage; Import javafx.animation.Interpolator; Def r = rectangle = x: 80 y: 80 height: 100 width: 100 archite: 50 arc wide: 50 filling: color .VIOLET} def rotatransition =

How does emacs url package handle authentication? -

I have not seen a really good example on the Web How can I add authentication for a request like this? (login login-show-post) (interactive) (but (url-request-method "GET") (url-request -extra-header '(("content-type". "Application /) ") (URL-Get" http: // localhost: 3000 / essay / 1.xml "(lambda (status) (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer)))) for example, a The user and the administrator have: admin? I have a belief that url.el is designed for most interactive operations That is, you do a call without authorization, the server responds with a 403 status of "authorization required" (correct code?) And the url.el user's name and password To ask the user. You can see your code, where I try to make the program work. Actually, I'll create an HTTP authorization header (base64 encoding is adding the correct headers to the correctly formatted string and D url-request-extra-headers ) then a In the second step

vim regex with meta-characters -

I have text in a text file For example this is some text cv_1 For example, this is some text for cv_001, for example this is some text for cv_15 I have to regex cv _ to match cv_1 *? Trying to use \ S , in the text cv_001, cv_15 I know that regex works though, when I try in VIM, then nothing like this matches. Do we need to do something special in VIM? Pearl non-greedy "?" Do not work in four Vim, you should use it: cv _ \ {-} \ s Instead cv _ *? \ S There are some quick references to the match: * (0 or more) greedy matching \ + (1 or more) greedy matching \ { - (0 or more) Non greedy match {{- n,} (at least n) Non greedy match

flex - Is there a program that uses static analysis to look for bugs in actionscript code? -

Is a program that uses static analysis to look for bugs in the actionscript code? It is probably the same thing that you can tune / train it to meet your needs. .

c# - System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog does not enforce default extension -

मैं SaveFileDialog और FileOpenDialog करने के लिए एक विस्तार लागू करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा दर्ज फ़ाइल का नाम मैंने प्रस्तावित नमूने का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है लेकिन यह उद्देश्य से काम नहीं करता है: var dialog = new savefileDialog ()) dialog.AddExtension = true; Dialog.DefaultExt = "foo"; Dialog.filter = "फू दस्तावेज़ (* .foo) | * .foo"; यदि (dialog.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.OK) {...} यदि उपयोगकर्ता एक जहां किसी फ़ाइल में पाठ test टाइप करता है < कोड> test.xml अस्तित्व में होता है, संवाद नाम test.xml का सुझाव देगा (जबकि मैं वास्तव में सूची में * .foo देखना चाहता हूं )। इससे भी बदतर: यदि उपयोगकर्ता test.xml का चयन करता है, तो मैं वास्तव में आउटपुट फ़ाइल नाम के रूप में test.xml प्राप्त करूँगा। मैं यह कैसे सुनिश्चित कर सकता हूं कि SaveFileDialog वास्तव में केवल उपयोगकर्ता को एक * .foo फ़ाइल चुनने की अनुमति देता है? या कम से कम, जब उपयोगकर्ता सहेजें ? पर क्लिक करता है तो एक्सटेंशन को बदल देता / जोड़ता है / सु

Error while uploading file in PHP -

While uploading the file to PHP, I am not able to upload all types of files, if a file is filename In the meantime is not able to download. Anyone can correct this code This is my upload code check and verify something on file upload below The script provided can help you: // 5MB maximum file size $ MAXIMUM_FILESIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // Valid file extensions (images, words, excel, powerpoint) $ rEFileTypes = "/ ^. (Jpg | jpeg | gif | png | doc | docx | txt | rtf | pdf | xls | xlsx | ppt | pptx] { $} $ / I "; $ Dir_base =" / your / file / location / "; $ IsFile = is_uploaded_file ($ _ files ['filadata'] ['tmp_name']); If ($ isFile) // Do we have Is there a file? {// sanatize file name // - Delete / delete extra spaces to _, // - Delete non-0-9A-Z. _-Characters, // - leading / trailing spaces Remove // ​​Check that below 5 MB, // check the legal file type File extensions for $ safe_filename = preg_replace (array ("/ \ s + /&qu

c++ - Active Wait in Windows I/O Driver -

Continue the question in: Accepting the answer to that question Thanks to doing, I realized that keeping the windows waiting for the data is the driver's responsibility. As I am using Dakan, I can see driver code. When you do not return any data, the OBOBL forces fulfill the IRP request to stop waiting for windows data and close the file. What I have to do is catch the application, the data is available and as I have said in the original question, the user should be able to cancel this process at any time. The request to complete the code is: Pirip irp irp-> IoStatus.Status = STATUS_END_OF_FILE IoCompleteRequest (IRP, IO_NO_INCREMENT); Actually, I can return any error code, and I wanted to know that some status codes (one of the NTSTATUS values), windows waiting for the data Forces, and returns that status code I have already tried to return STATUS_WAIT_0, but it does not seem to work. Thank you again :) You should return STATUS_PENDING and cancel fo

Has anyone created a Rails app with support for Jquery-ui & Themes -

Does anyone have got a Rail app that is playing well with JQuery UI and Themes? Want general basic layout, styles, authentication and other alternate devices in it. There is the idea of ​​creating this original application by using a rock and setup yml files. Once run, I would like to be able to "skin" or theme various applications, use cases and wonder if someone actually used JQuery UI with rail and How easy it is to integrate If you can recommend any starting point then I would appreciate it most. In advance thank you Ideally, your Javascript is far less than your backend is gonna be. Rails do not need to 'integrate' with jQuery. Rail requests and response flow should be just to handle. JQuery UI takes elements that already work and turns them into themed widgets. Most of your UI elements are really progressive enhancements on the working site. JEI UI is as easy as setting up theming folders, or setting a variable. You can have control over the rai

c# - Is the Workflow Foundation Storing State in Memory a Problem? -

We have a contractor who has developed a system that uses the workflow foundation in NAT 3.5. One of my colleagues is worried about "workflow service storage conditions in memory and it is probably getting out of synchronization with our underlying database". Is his concerns justified? How is the state stored in memory? WF has persistence service when the example workflow goes into idle condition. You can ensure that the WF is maintained in your database. We do not have any problems. Restarting WF Runtime for creating a specific workflow information - WF to DB Will be raised and executed in the right position. OK, once again reading you can mean that if you store the state in the workflow (such as the properties of an dependency of an activity) it may be out of sync It depends much more if it is okay or a serialized object created with DB data can be in WF from synchronization, if the original data has changed. If this is a concern, then you want to recreate some

multithreading - How does the Process Scheduler in iPhone OS really work internally? -

I want to know in detail about whether this is a real time scheduler? An Interactive Scheduler? How does the process scheduler in the iPhone OS? Does the applet publish some technical notes or documents that tell these things in deep detail? I want to know every detail about it. What is the following strategy? first come first serve? The smallest job first? Smallest-Time-Remaining-Short-Processing-Time? round robin? Prioritization or even multilevel feedback queue scheduling? The shortest time? Deadline-dependent scheduling? Some Apple People who have written all this, so to ensure they are on SO please answer. Assume that the iPhone OS is similar to the Mac kernel on Kernel Mac, section states Like Mach and most BSD Unix systems, this includes an advanced scheduler based on the CMU Mach 3 scheduler. Describes the remaining scheduler of that section in detail.

css - Getting absolute positioned item over a relative one. (IE) -

Please refer to an item with a full position to be problematic in IE (6 and 7) which is relatively relative . The yellow box (full) should appear on the blue box (relative). I tried to give the blue color a yellow index down to yellow, but it did not seem to work. Any help would be great. You have to set the z-index on the orange box, because it is one of the yellow boxes. In IE 6/7, the yellow box will contain only the higher z-index compared to the other elements within the orange container. #orange {position: relative; Z-index: 1; Background color: orange; } #Blue {background-color: blue; Height: 100px; Hidden flurry; Status: Relative; Width: 300px; }

python - Foreign key needs a value from the key's table to match a column in another table -

Forget the excessive amount of code, but I'm not sure I can explain my question otherwise. > I have a Django project on which I do the following: class projects (models.model): name = models.CharField (max_length = 100, unique = True) Dir = model.carfield (max_long = 300, empty = true, exclusive = true) def __unicode __ (self): back self Name; Class ASCLASS (model.model): name = model.carfield (max_length = 100) project = model. Phoenis (project, default = 1) def __unicode __ (self): return self. Name; Class entry (models.Model): project = model. Fourhenki (project, default = 1) esclasses = model. There is a question here: There is no such way, to save the saved function of the model without override, so that the entries are only for those Allow classes that have the same project ID? ************ **************************************************************************** ***********************************************************************************************