iphone - How can I change the "Loading Movie..." message in MPMoviePlayerController? -
When I launch an example of MPMoviePlayerController for a remote URL, the top bar "Loading the movie. . "- Is there a way to change this message in a custom?
You can create a UIImageView with just one image you want to display (or label or whatever Anything) and add it to your movie display controller view.
UIImage * loadingScreenImage = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "loadingScreen.png"]; Loading screen = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: loadingScreenImage]; // ivar & amp; Asset has been declared in the interface file [self.view addSubview: loadingScreen]; [Loading screen release];
Then you can instantiate the movie player and register to get the notification on loading the flat:
movie player = [[MP3 MPV Player Controller Alok] initWithContentURL: movie.trailerURL]; If ([Movie Player TOSelectors: @Selector (LoadState)]) [[Movie Player Preparation Topless]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: Self Selector: @Sillector (Movie Pleasure LoadState Changed :) Name: MPVplayer LoadStatched Change Information Object: Movie Player]}
Then in your notification method, Logic view to add:
- (zero) movie playerloadstate switch: (nsnification *) notification {// until the state is not unknown, start playback switch ([movie player loadstate]) {Case MPA Pivilodstetagyat brakes; Case MPMovieLoadStatePlayable: // Remove Supervisor [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] Remove observer: Own name: MP3 MPVplaylayerStartedDead Change Notification object: Zero]; // set of movie player set frame [movieplayer.viewSet Frame: CGRactMake (0, 0, 480, 320)]; [Movie Player Set Control Style: MPMVE Control Style Fullscreen]; [Movie Player Set Fullscreen: Yes Animated: Yes]; [Self.view addSubview: [movieplayer view]]; // Play Movie [Play Movie Player]; ...}
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