c# - SQL Server communication protocol issue -

I am using VSTS 2008 + C # + ADO.Net + SQL Server 2008. What type of communication protocol is using SQL Server 2008, more details of my questions,

  1. If the connection string looks like this, is the Named Pipe or TCP / IP used ? Is the use of different communication protocols dependent on client and SQL Server on the same machine?

    Data Source = Labace 1; Initial Catalog = Customer DB; Trusted Contacts / Truth; Asynchronous

  2. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, there are items named "SQL Server Network Configuration" and "SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration". I think the configuration options (for communication protocol) of both named pipes or TCP / IP are, what are the differences between "SQL Server Network Configuration" and "SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration"?

Connecting locally on the server

When you connect client applications (client applications and SQL Server on the same computer) from the local client, Connection used by Shared Memory Protocol to connect locally by using shared memory protocol by default The SQL Server Native Client accepts the following formats:

  • For the named instance of "(local)" for the named instance,
  • " Localhost "
  • " Localhost "
  • " Localhost \ "for any name
  • ". \ "
  • To connect locally using other protocols (for troubleshooting), enable the following protocol:

    • Connect to the client nickname that specifies a protocol For more information, see "Alias" in SQL Server Configuration Manager Support.
    • Computer name prefix with protocol (for example, "np:" or "tcp:").
    • Connect to the IP address which returns results in TCP / IP connection.
    • Join the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) which is a TCP / IP connection (for example, "..com" / li>

    Connect to the network

    By default, the default protocol for the SQL Server client is TCP / IP . If the connection can not be used for TCP / IP, the other Attempted protocol is attempted. A shared memory connection can not be made on a network To enable or disable the client protocol, use the SQL Server Configuration Manager, and to change the order in which connection efforts are created.

    In the SQL Server Configuration Manager, for the Client Protocol I can define an order - I think that is the client with which the client tries to connect to SQL Server. Whatever the protocol

    • L server network configuration is about the configuration of the network protocol on the server side of all things
    • The SQL Native Client Configuration is the client-side configuration

    If you have both With a god box, you will see both of them. A regular PC connected to a SQL server is usually not installed locally on SQL Server itself, so server-side settings are meaningless, obviously.



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