
Showing posts from February, 2012

Signed Java Applet Throws Security Exception on Connect to a Webservice -

I have a Java applet running on Tomato 5.5. This is signed (-iscerts) I still get an access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission createClassLoader) , when my app tries to connect to the WebSaver (Already in this line): ws_locator = new My_WebserviceLocator (ws_adress + "? Wsdl", new javax.xml.namespace.QName ("http: //impl.webservice" , "My_Webservice")); Since there are some similar questions, I read them: Yes, the applet may have been signed, but I Catalina.policy has been added: grant codebase "file: /home/me/apache-tomcat-5.5.27/webapps/myapplet/-" {permission; }; Grant Codebase "file: /home/me/apache-tomcat-5.5.27/webapps/myapplet/applet.jar" {permission; }; And here's the general stuff here: codeBase "file: $ {Java home} / jre / lib / Ext / - "{permission; }; With no re

.net - Windows App or Local Web App -

I have a new project, requirements are: Organized users on multiple geo Group We can not rely on internet connection continuously, if it goes down during testing. My question is: Q1. Based on the internet connection handling, I think I have 2 options? Locally installed net web app on each assesment center. Net Windows app on each assesment center. Q2. Any way I am looking to store results as XML on the local server when the internet is available then the exam is pushed on the central database by the administrator. this is right? Any advice will be very epicated. Thank you. Code Warrior In addition to this, my partner advised me that "it is proper to keep an eye on." Apparently But with CouchDB you can repeat it locally, offline, and then later.

Geneva Framework licensing cost -

According to Microsoft, the framework has been released once in year 2009, which is free of BR or its use Associated license fees? Any insider information at this level will be appreciated My estimates That your Windows license will allow you to use it for free.

visual studio 2005 problem with windows flying open -

I am going through the problem of installing a new computer and I am having problems with VS in 2005. Whenever I debug all windows (properties, clock, error list, stack, ...), all of the time has been undocked. This time I tried to dock them and stopped them. When I stop debugging more windows all the uncompressed pops up, it keeps getting more and more ... I tried to shut them down and docking but they stand out. P> It can be helpful to reset your settings (even if it says VS2008, it still applies to 2005).

mysql - How to migrate an old Database into a new Database using Microsoft Access -

Actually this task is very easy when you think about it, but I'm going to have Microsoft Access Or MSDN I have to create a connection to create a new database and ask the old one. After validating the old data, everything is written in a new forest in my new database. Any thoughts? Add: The old database is Firebird > The database needs to be reconfigured and migrated to the new MySQL database. You need to create a schema separately in MySQL, but it is not difficult, too many tutorials And maybe you can find a firebird tool to export the DDL to a script that is just easy to operate, or modify. If you want to use the middle entry, simply attach each of the two external databases (ODBC or driver's choice) with Access. You can use Query Designer Wizards as a query for any other situation ... inside INSERT ...

How to prevent a component from being dragged out of the stage in Flex 3 -

I think there is a simple solution to this question, just not enough to find it. Q: How can you prevent a heading window from being pulled from the screen / platform in Flex 3? Is there a way to restrict the title window in the viewing area? Example: Suppose I have an app that takes 100% of the screen. After this, I create a title window through the popup manager. Then I can click and drag the window on the screen to hold, then release the mouse button. That window is now lost somewhere off-screen Itemprop = "text"> This is a very old post, but here's another way to do this: Whether you are expanding the components or not, add the following line to the definition of title windows: Go ahead: Import the "doMove (event)" app library Add Import (mx.core.Application;) and Doodle Functions: Personal Function doMove (Event: Event): Zero {// layout in TW Confidence is appW: Number = Application.application.width; Var aph: number = application applic

Access denied when my servlet tries to SSH from Tomcat -

I wrote a circlet which uses the library's Ganima-SS2-build 210. jar (it uses these sections Is: import ch. Ethz.ssh2.Connection; import ch.ethz.ssh2.Session; import ch.ethz.ssh2.StreamGobbler;) to run commands on an SSH connection (for testing purposes it connects to my local machine ). When I run my class as a standalone app, it works, but when I deploy it in Tomcat and Tomcat is started as a starlet, then I get this exception ( I have cut the end, as I thought it was probably not a release, but if it is helpful then I can include it all): java Access denied on .security ( Ion connect, resolution) Java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission ( on java.lang.SecurityManager.checkConnect at ( read 46) Access. ControlContext.checkPermission ( Security Manager. Java1034) at

linker - Why does compiling a shared object with GCC always result in undefined references to main? -

I'm running Solaris, so it is possible that it is specific to running GCC on Solaris if I share a GCC Use to create objects, and then run nm to see the undefined symbols, then there will always be a reference to the main: [624] | 0 | 0 | NOTY | GLOB | 0 | UNDEF | Main If I manually generate the same shared object using LD, then the main reference does not exist. If I run nm in the / usr / lib system library None of them shows the context of the main, only the shared library compiling themselves with the GCC. The applications compiled against these shared libraries work well and without any errors, but I still do not understand why there is any clue why the reference to the main location is in the first place? You have forgotten the -shared option in your GCC < / Code> link command line. EDIT: And you have forgotten the option ( -fPIC ) on your compile command line (which is causing all transit errors on link time). If you still get the transfer error

osx - get console log on MacOSX from another application -

With the application utility /, I can see the console output of applications. Is there a way to access this log from any other application? To be more specific: I am writing a crash handler for my application and I think this console adds the output to crash information. Ah, it just got to know that the file /var/log/system.log contains that information.

sql - How do I update specific fields using a cross reference table? -

I am working on a glass type database in MS Access. Basic information about a table glass in the DB list: a unique ID ("glass number"), description, value per square feet etc. Table 1 "GlassInfo": Glass Details CostSqFt TemperCost LamiCost 0001 "Heavy Glass" 1.38 0.18 0.65 0002 "0001 Tempered" 1.50 0.18 0.65 0003 "0001 Laminate" 1.62 0.18 0.65 < P> A table is a cross reference, in which all the "glass of the base is listed" (non-tempered glass) and the number of glass after dusk, etc. Table 2: Glascier: Basestime Sama 0001 0002 0001 0003 How do I pass an SQL query and GlassInfo.CostSqFt with GlassInfo.CostSqFt to GlassCR.BaseType . For that GlassInfo.GlassNo ? Originally, how do I "parent" glaseno CostSqFt ? Itemprop = "text"> UPDATE (Glasscir AS C Inner Joinin Glass ASF i1 on C. Base type = i1.GlassNo) INNER Glassinefine forms I at 2 c. ISAS = i2.GlassNo SET i2.CostSqF

Profiling a Java Application in Eclipse? (plug-in) -

I'm looking to find barriers in my Java application. I'm thinking this can be useful: Another good plug-in to use? Edit OK, it is not necessary that an eclipse should be plug-in but it would be nice and, I am more interested in speed. If you can use Sun Java 6 in JDK (even IBM) it works out of the box Does and can answer many initial questions. Note that on Windows you need to apply jvisualvm with the same Java binary, as you would like to check for best results. (visualvm Netbeans is a stand-alone subset of profiler)

svn - Using diffstat with subversion? -

Can someone give me an example, how can I use diffstat with subversion? I mean, analyzing and producing statistics about one or more commits. Note: Examples of the Linux command line are correct;) You can simply pipe any difference to diffstat, for example, if you want a state of changes made in a specific modification, just get that change from svn and it diffstat the pipe . $ svn diff -r1234: 1235 | Diffstat You can explicitly create pipe in that svn, which includes the difference between the branches, tags and the folders and the range of modifications. $ svn diff svn: // server / trunk svn: // server / tags / tag1 | Diffstat $ svn diff -r 1000: 2000 svn: // server / trunk / file1 | Diffstat

xmpp - Using jabber as a cruisecontrol publisher -

मैंने क्रूज़ नियंत्रण में निम्नलिखित प्रकाशक की स्थापना की है: & lt; jabber host = " " port =" 5222 "उपयोगकर्ता नाम =" क्रूज कंट्रोल "पासवर्ड =" क्रूज़ नियंत्रण "प्राप्तकर्ता =" "chatroom =" true "buildresultsurl =" http: // क्रूज़ यदि मैं चैट रूम को गलत कहता हूं और एक ही प्राप्तकर्ता को दर्ज कर रहा हूं, तो सब कुछ महान काम करता है। मेरे पास समस्या एक चैट रूम में बिल्ड अधिसूचना भेज रही है मैं chatroom value को true सेट करता हूं और पूरी तरह से योग्य चैट रूम के नाम को दर्ज करता हूं, मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: 2009-10-16 13: 34: 10,818 [थ्रेड -70897] एरर जब्बर पब्लिशर - नहीं किया जा सका प्राप्तकर्ता को संदेश भेजें या चैट रूम से सर्वर पर कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं: at org.jivesoftware.smack.GroupChat.join ( नेट पर org.jivesoftware.smack.GroupChat.join ( पर। Sourceforge.cruisecontrol.publishers.jabberPublisher.init (JabberPublish

Fortran pointer functions: why does this code's behavior depend on the order of function calls? -

reference The toy Fortran code below gives the call to two indicator function. That is, both functions return a pointer, in fact, they are both array indicators. They both try to do the same thing, which is to return an integer array pointer that refers to an integer array having three elements, 1, 2, and 3. The first function pointer assignment operator (=>) to point to the function pointer to point to an allocated array that holds the data, the second function allocates the block of dynamic memory, through the pointer, to store the data. The calling program only prints the elements of the returned array. Here I feel weird. If I indicate a , the result of function1 , the results are not correct. The first element of a appears to be "clustered": a is 0 , 2 , 3 < / Code>. If I indicate the result of b for function2 , then the result is correct i b becomes 1 , 2 , 3 . Strangers still point to a to function1 after function2 cha

javascript - IE can't see objects in .load DIV Jquery -

I have a loading on one page that loads onclick events on the parent page using the following javascript . It loads into a DIV. Function Load Communication (Element Selectionor, Sourceal) {$ ("+ + element selector +" ".load (" "+ sourceURL +" ") ;} Then on another click event (in the new form), one of the fields in the field is populated with a random password & lt; label & Gt; Password: & lt; / labels & gt; & lt; input type = "text" name = "password"> & gt; input type = "button" value = "Generate password" onClick = "genPwd ()" /> function genPwd () {$ .post ("rpc.php", {method: "genPwd"}, function (data, text Tatus) {JavaScript.Project.value = data.message;}, "json");} All javascript on page is included on load time. Chrome and FF are okay with this but IE8 says that document.form.password is not presen

Detect Errored Devices on Windows XP with C#/pInvoke -

How do you ask the status of all known devices? Where device is USB connected hardware (camera, credit card reader), PCI bus connect hardware, or hard drive. Anything that can be shown as irregular in device manager, is that interest. There is a lot of moving parts to slow and wrong running. If you need fast / more reliable access, then try the SetupDI API (see) can start with C # announcements.

c++ - How to write an evaluator for a string like "(1+3 * ( 5 / 4)) and get a numeric result -

This is an interview question, I'm confused about its solution, I'm thinking that pushing these operators And needing a pile to pop, Operand, but do I need two piles, operator for one more operand? Or just what a stack would be? I think we need two piles, but is there a way to use a stack? I am also a little confused how this will work, every time I take an operator, two of my top operatives and press the result in the stamp Prioritization is the first bracket , Then split, multiply and the last subtraction, and beyond that But how to check for pop-ups do two operands and essential arthritic operations? Take a look at this. The Shunting Yard Algorithm is a method for parseing mathematical equations, which is specified in infix notation. It can be used to make output in reverse polish notation (RPN) or as an abstract syntax tree (AST). The algorithm was invented by Edsher Dijxtra and the name of the "Shunting Yard" algorithm was given because it opera

Vim: create marks across files? -

एक सुविधा जिसका मैं अक्सर वीम में उपयोग करता हूं m ark और jump-to-mark ( ' ) ... लेकिन वे केवल एक फ़ाइल के भीतर काम करते हैं। क्या कोई भी चिह्न बनाने के लिए जो फाइलों में काम करता है? उदाहरण के लिए, इसलिए मैं a को की 42 पंक्ति पर बना सकता हूं, फिर जब मैं ? हां चिह्न के लिए कैपिटल अक्षर का उपयोग करें। सभी फाइलों के दौरान चिह्न हो सकते हैं ऐसे निशानों का उपयोग करने के लिए ऊपरी-केस रजिस्टरों का उपयोग करना है i.e. A-Z निचले-मामला रजिस्टरों का इस्तेमाल केवल फाइलों के भीतर किया जाता है और फाइलें नहीं बढ़ाती है ऐसा कहने के लिए, यदि आप फ़ाइल "foo.c" में एक चिह्न को "a" रजिस्टर में सेट करना चाहते हैं और फिर दूसरी फ़ाइल पर जाएं और 'a' दबाएं, तो कर्सर पिछले स्थान पर वापस नहीं जाएगा यदि आप एक चिह्न चाहते हैं जो आपको किसी भिन्न फ़ाइल पर ले जाएगा तो आपको ऊपरी-केस रजिस्टर का उपयोग करना होगा। उदाहरण के लिए, एमए के बजाय एमए का उपयोग करें

Tutorial for using JavaScript on a Desktop -

I need to do some script in java script. I am working on this, but some solutions for some problems Could not find First of all, I need a good tutorial, but not for the internet page but for a desktop script. Things do not know like: 1) I wanted a simple message box to debug my program, I have used: var name = prompt (" What is your name "," type name here "); When I run it, I get an error of "expected object" 2) The way to open the file could not be found Depending on your comments, I think that you are trying to run a javascript file directly on Windows, double-click on a .js file in windows. The click (maybe) will run in it. The prompt () function will not work in this way, because WSH offers very different from browser-embedded engines. The following code should fulfill your intentions. However, if you want anything more than a simple popup, then there is only one way to do a complex GUI with JScript on the desktop. var fso,

c# - SQLite INSERT Statement -

I have created the following insert method that works very well but I know that it can be more efficient Can anyone show me how to use this method to use the parameter and / or increase its capability? Public static void SQLiteTableINSERT (string filename) {int colCount = 0; (Using SQLiteConnection Conn = New SQLiteConnection (SQLiteConn.Conn)) (SQLiteTransaction using sqliteTrans = Conn.BeginTransaction ()) (SQLiteCommand CMD = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {DataTableColumnNames (); String query = "INSERT" + tableName + "(foreach (string name in DtColumns) {query + =" ["+ name +"] "; ++ colCount; if (call count It should use the prepared statement in the Stave, then binding in that prepared statement, the data basics for the parameters are explained here for C / C ++: I doubt That you are using dotConnect so that you want to mention it for your specific example: Applies to the same principle. You write SQL as a string string that is easy to - Adding Control to Container Control that is in User Control - How to properly initialize? -

मान लें कि मेरा उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रण MyUserControl है, जिसमें कंटेनर नियंत्रण है (यह एक सर्वर नियंत्रण है , लेकिन यह सिर्फ एक पैनल हो सकता है) और एक ड्रॉपडाउन सूची। ड्रॉपडाउन सूची प्रारंभ में कंटेनर नियंत्रण में नहीं है। इसके कोड-पीछे में, मैं OnInit को ओवरराइड कर रहा हूं और यूजर कंट्रोल का निर्माण कर रहा हूं, जिसमें ड्रॉपडाउन सूची को शामिल किया गया है और ड्रॉपडाउन सूची को अपने कंटेनर नियंत्रण में जोड़ना शामिल है। मेरे पास एक सार्वजनिक संपत्ति वर्ष है, जो एक पूर्णांक है I वर्ष के मूल्य के आधार पर, मैं ड्रॉपडाउन सूची को पॉप्युलेट करना चाहता हूं। समस्या यह है कि OnInit में, वर्ष हमेशा 0 होता है। पृष्ठ पर Init, मैं वर्ष निर्धारित कर रहा हूँ, लेकिन यह तब तक नहीं चलता है जब तक कि नियंत्रण के Init चलाता है। अगर मैं पृष्ठ पर प्रीइंट पर मान सेट करने का प्रयास करता हूं, तो पृष्ठ ने नियंत्रण को आरम्भ नहीं किया है और मुझे नियंत्रण के लिए एक मान सेट करते समय अमान्य निरर्थक संदर्भ मिलता है। मेरा प्रश्न यह है: मैं कैसे ठीक से नियंत्रण प्रारंभ करें? यदि नियंत्रण वास्तव में आरंभ हो जाता है तो म

updating iPhone view without user input -

Writing a 4-player iPhone game app with a programmable mix of human-auto computer player, each player is presented with a "Game View "Must be updated after it is started. I am using "setNeedsDisplay" to update this view. However, this view updates only when my "turn processing" code is "finished" and it is waiting for a human player's touch to trigger this code again. For the auto computer player, the display is updated only when the next human player is waiting for the turn again, therefore, for the game of all auto computer player, the whole game is played for the first time ( The app ends) SetNeeds draws once before the display - Showing the last game view status. Does the auto computer player change the rate once every time a human player can see (such as once). In general your game code It would be better to run on a separate thread and keep the display on the main thread. In a pinch, however, you can do this to update t

iphone - Unable to assemble multipart/form-data request -

I'm trying to implement the file upload functionality in the iPhone app. The server code is tested and when the file is uploaded from the desktop browser, I went to implement the objective-c client code. I'm manually requesting HTTP requests together, and despite this it looks correct, it is rejected by the server (the server handler is unable to extract parts of multilevel content). In frustration I have simplified the form only one parameter, but it still does not work. I have captured network traffic and I can see that Wireshark could not parse my multilevel content (there is a look on the screenshot :,) I'm sticking it down below in hope That is, you can see the errors I can not see. Thanks in advance. Firefox: Post / Cuegent / Action / Gallery / Post HTTP / 1.1 Host: [...] User-agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X10.5; N-GB; RV: Gecho / 200 9 824 Firefox / 3.5.3 Accept: Text / html, App / XHTML + XML, Application / XML; Q = 0.9, * / - Permission based on one column - secure? -

I am developing an initial version of my site and before making the production version, I would like people's opinion whether I ' The main purpose I'm going on about the right way about things is to allow users to share playlists. I have user tables (ASP.Net subscriptions), playlist tables and a permission table. I want to make a user a playlist and access / reject it for a given user. I have the view that the "pStatus" column in the permissions table where 0 / null = deny, 1 = reads when a user requests permission to access a playlist, then the manufacturer chooses the pStatus calculation. The column has then been changed accordingly to the recipient, after reaching the recipient's profile page, the scan of the column is used to view all the playlists that are received and the relevant playlist is displayed. Is this a skilled and secure way of working? (nb - playlist can be considered similar to Facebook group) Thanks for any advice

bash - How to create Cron job to backup MySQL and FTP backup to my backup server? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 2 जवाब 5 उत्तरों मैं एक क्रॉन जॉब को चलाने के लिए सेटअप करना चाहता हूं जिससे कि यह अपने MySQL डाटाबेस को स्वचालित रूप से बैकअप लेगा, जबकि डाटाबेस चल रहा है, और तब FTP बैकअप सर्वर पर बैकअप। मुझे लगता है मैं इसे एक बाश स्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग कर कर सकता हूं। क्या कोई यह पूरा करने का एक अच्छा तरीका जानता है? धन्यवाद अग्रिम। यह lftp कमांड लाइन ftp क्लाइंट का उपयोग करके एक बहुत आसान तरीका है: < P> Mysqldump -f [डेटाबेस] | जीज़िप & gt; /backup/[database].dump.gz lftp -f /backup/lftp.script lftp.script: खोलें backup.ftp.example .com उपयोगकर्ता [उपयोगकर्ता नाम] [पासवर्ड] सीडी / बैकअप एमवी वेबफ्लैग डाम्प.gz.8 वेबफ्लैग डंप.gz.9 एमवी वेबफ्लैग डंप.gz.7 वेबफ्लैग डंप.gz.8 एमवी वेबफ्लाग डंप.gz.6 Webflag.dump.gz.7 mv webflag.dump.gz.5 webflag.dump.gz.6 mv webflag.dump.gz.4 वेबफ़्लैग। Dump.gz.5 mv webflag.dump.gz.3 webflag.dump.gz .4 mv webflag.dump.gz.2 webflag.dump.gz.3 mv webflag.dump.gz.1 webflag.d

object - iphone multiple NSTimer troubles -

I am still new to programming so please forgive me if it is silly I am doing a simple game programming and different - I need multiple timers to send different messages at different intervals, so when creating a game, the following is said: [self gameTimerValidate]; [Self score timer evaluation]; - (zero) GameTime Validate {GameTimer = [NSTimer Scheduled Timer With Time Interval: [myGame gIntervalSpeed] Goal: Self Selector: @selector (gameTimerInterval :) userInfo: Zero repeats: Yes]; } - (zero) ScoretimeWillidate {Score Timer = [NSTimer Scheduled Timer with Time Interface: 0.02 Target: Self Selector: @Selector (ScoreTime Interface :) User Information: Zero Repeats: Yes]; } I have the timer and gaming timer declared in my title file ("NSTimer * gameTimer;"). I invalidate the timer while pausing the game or completing the level, and call the methods above again when starting the game or at the next level. I am trying to think of today why the game is stopping. The

.net 2.0 - How can Windows Sidebar Gadget communicate with my desktop app? -

I have one. NET 2.0 is the Windows desktop application (time-sheets) that I wanted to develop and add a gadget interface What is the easiest way to communicate my gadget with my app? I had an idea that I had had an underlying web server inside the app, and the gadget controls communicate with the app using AJAX. However I hope this is a simple solution. You wrote the technology with the gadget and the app was not written, then it is difficult to answer . Assume that you can use NET, WCF will be very easy with designated pipes binding. Just set some lines of code to it.

javac - Where is the source code for the java compiler? -

I am looking for the source code of Sun's standard Java compiler, javac . jdk1.6.0_07 contains some classes that are related, but they are the interface ( java.lang.Compiler and ) . com.sun.mirror. * and com.sun.source. * There are also some packages under , which are the interface to represent the Java abstract syntax tree. But I can not find the compiler source - nobody knows where it is? View this site in the Source Mercurial repository. (for JDK 1.7) (for JDK 1.6) In the header of the two sites that I was associated with you, download for the sources Find the link (in Bees 2, Zip and GJ format) There you have src \ share \ classes \ com \ sun \ tools \ javac \

multithreading - Do atomic operations become slower as more CPUs are added? -

x86 और अन्य आर्किटेक्चर विशेष परमाणु निर्देश (लॉक, cmpxchg, आदि) प्रदान करते हैं जो आपको 'लॉक फ्री' डेटा लिखने की अनुमति देते हैं संरचनाओं। लेकिन जैसा कि अधिक से अधिक कोर जोड़ रहे हैं, ऐसा लगता है कि इन निर्देशों को वास्तव में पर्दे के पीछे करना होगा (कम से कम कैश संचय बनाए रखने के लिए?)। यदि एक परमाणु जोड़ दोहरे कोर सिस्टम पर आज 100 चक्र लेता है, तो भविष्य में 80 + कोर मशीनों पर काफी अधिक समय लग सकता है? यदि आप कोड लिख रहे हैं, तो क्या यह वास्तव में ताले का उपयोग करने के लिए एक बेहतर विचार है, भले ही वे आज धीमे हो? आप सही हैं कि टोपोलॉजी की कमी, एक या दूसरे मार्ग, कोर के बीच संचार की विलंबता में वृद्धि, एक बार जब गणना कुछ दर्जन से अधिक होने लगती है। मुझे वास्तव में पता नहीं है कि इस तरह के स्केलिंग से निपटने के लिए x86 कंपनियों के इरादे क्या हैं। लेकिन परमाणु संचालन के मामले में तालों को लागू किया जाता है इसलिए आप वास्तव में उन पर स्विच करने की कोशिश करते हुए जीत नहीं पाते हैं, जब तक कि उन्हें एक अधिक स्केलेबल तरीके से कार्यान्वित किया जाता है जितना कि आप अपने खुद क

ide - How to set print margin in Visual C# 2008 -

Is there a setting in Visual C # 2008 to set that character width in which I want to see a margin line code Editors? I do it in eclipse: Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editor -> Print Margin, Column = 80 But I did not find any print margin setting while searching online or Nearby is in the setting. This is impossible from the AFAIK menu, but Omeidins enables this feature, or you manually Registry can edit (not very good, but it works): Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ VisualStudio \ 9.0 \ text editor] "Guides" = "RGB (212121212) 99, 109" here RGB (21212121212) - margin color; 99, 109 means that we want two margin guides: after 100 -ths and 110ths,

are there some libraries like java httpclient in ruby -

I want to know whether the libraries have Java's website which is in Ruby? great thank you. If you do not want external dependencies, / if you need raw performance, then you have a good Want a mid-road solution, and if you need to be quick and dirty that will never see production use. Patrons are usually my favorite solution.

PHP: Using APC as general cache, XCache as opcache, possible? -

I'm really intreagued with the usual cache aspects of APC and want to use it in my code (I know that How is this, No is a problem). However, I am now using Exchach as an escache and want to continue to do this because I have this "right" to my special needs. The reason I want to use the APC cache as a normal cache is that I am not happy with the peer: peach from the cash light because it gives it in the case of carriageing as a caring Because it stores it's disk, and disk I / O is a barrier while RAM is not there and the APC is in the storage variable, not in the files on the disk. So, anyone has any experience or knows whether it is possible to setup this APC thanks P>

redirect - DotNetNuke Page Redirecting -

When I see my DotNetNuke application from the server, it automatically redirects to error.aspx. "post-text" itemprop = "text" I provide my DotNetNuke application to the default .aspx service How can I do this? > Raghu, I do not think this problem is the default page. The problem is that there is an error in your installation. Check event log: admin \ event viewer I think you will get errors You have many DotNetNuke questions which are managed very well, it is very actively managed, and you will find many people there who can help you get started. With DonnetNuke

c++" fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'blabla': No such file or directory" only in Release Build -

Whenever I compile my project in the release build, I get this error: Error 29 Fatal error C1083: File can not be included: 'NX_Win32Wrapper.h': There is no such file or directory I get another file, just In a different file (complains about the error different files). In the second error, the file that I previously included (at the top of the included list) goes for the first error, but immediately after this: (This is the "main". CPP file, where Main () and GameV2 is my project name #include "stdafx.h" #Include "GameV2.h" I know now the code But I think I have to post everything: P Do you have any suggestions that should be checked by me? Check that you are using Visual Studio. Check the directories included in the project properties for the release goal. You only set the appropriate directory for the debug target.

SQL Server Agent Job Timeout -

I had a SQL Server job run that lasted longer than usual, and I actually did a set timeout with Could stop it after a certain period. I may be a little blind on this, but I can not find any way to set a timeframe for the job. Does anyone know of a way to do this? Thank you We do something like a night part of the job processing subsystem The code given below - in reality it is more complex than reality; For example, we are processing many other mandatory sets of jobs, and have read job descriptions and timetable values ​​from configuration tables - but it captures this idea: DECLARE @JobToRun NVARCHAR (128) = 'My agent job description @ dtStart DATETIME = GETDATE (), @ dtCurr DATETIME DECLARE @ExecutionStatus INT, @LastRunOutcome INT, @MaxTimeExceeded bit = 0 DECLARE @TimeoutMinutes INT = 180 EXEC msdb.dbo .sp_start_job @JobToRun SET @dtCurr = GETDATE () WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN WAITFOR DELAY '00: 00: 10 'SELECT @ ExecutionStatus = current_execution_status, @OpenRu

Microsoft Web Expression 3.0 syntax coloring -

Is there a way to import Visual Studio 2008 color schemes into Expression Web 3.0? I can change the font and the font size, I can change every aspect of coloring from the tooling-> Page Editor options from the menu ... but there is a way to import settings from VS 2008, I do not have to manually Want to set everything in the form

How can I get CVS to delete a folder I just checked in? -

I run CVS on my Mac OS X and access it from Windows VM. It works great (though the version of CVS that comes with Mac OS X is really old). But I am worried that I can not tell the project folders if I have checked this project or not. Is there a way to delete a folder by forgetting the CVS command so that I can only edit the project that I have checked? Since I am the sole user, I can follow strict check-in / check-out rule. In addition, is there a way for CVS to automatically add new files? I'm not sure what new classroom I can make, I can best remember them so that I can add them to the project in the CVS. I know that maybe I make new files in cvs add , but then I often create a new class and then delete it when I decide that I do not need all this later . It should be best to add and remove such files from CVS. Or maybe I should switch to a different source control system (which is easily installed, runs on Mac OS X, and has a Windows client)? You can use " - Retrieving the Windows username from a logged-in machine through an intranet application -

How to make an application, running on a production server , accessing the machine's login username Can a user log in from an app? For example, I am currently logged in to my machine at Intra corporate intranet. My username will be INTRA I have a database Specific user name and restrict access to an application to check this intranet user name against the database and take advantage of usernames throughout the application. Currently, I use the following code for the user name: String = Thread as the Private Username. Current Principal. Identity .name This is working very well on the local host, but while authenticating against the database on a development server , I get the following error: User 'NT AUTHORITY \ ANONYMOUS LOGON' login failed for user. Is this a wrong approach? Is this also possible, or is it a lot of security problem? This app will be an internal intranet application running in an IE store. Web already exists. The relevant pieces

visual studio - Sync two SQL Server databases -

I have two databases: Source SQL Server Express is a database by the client and the database is backed up by the SQL Server 2005 database. In the form what database do I need to initially target DB to synchronize the source if there is a difference between them and one side to the target from the sync source. I'm not sure which tools are available I tried to lose this issue and found a tool to sync the database in the MS VS Team Edition (2005), which will allow T-SQL scripts Can not even make sure that it is a good one, or can I use scripts as a scheduled job on SQL Server (target server)? By the way, I do not have a team version yet, but I have a VS 2005 Pro Any suggestions? The easiest and most efficient way to sync two databases with one-way (A to B) Fast way A is the backup database and it is restored to B It can be done by T-SQL, let me know if you want me to post a SQL statement

pseudocode - 2D World design question -

I am facing a problem which is probably very common in sports-design. Suppose we have got a 2D world The size of the world M x N rect There may be some things in the world involved! / Li> The item may be zoomed in / out of the browser window The li> browser window can be placed on top / bottom + left right , While in the expansion of the world's reset. How should I go about implementing it? I'm particularly worried about the browser window, does anyone read good? This is not a homework - this is one thing I have set myself to complete.

sql - sort postgres table data in php through array -

I have a postgrace database with a table named Work Order, in which there is a column called date_out where date is entered as 2009-09-23 I want to sort this table data in a PHP page based on a user's date range, i.e., date table, 2009-09-01, 2009-09-31 to adjust the table. For this, I am preparing an account package for my company. Is there any way I can do this. I can connect to my database, but I do not know how to sort the data. Besides, I can limit the number of views to see 15 lines, then on the next page? Thanks for anyone who can help me. I'm not sure why you want PHP This is a job that can easily handle postgres : Visits from public, where the order of visit offset 2 LIMIT during the journey between Date '2009-10-19' and date '200-10-20' 3;

sockets - Delphi: TTcpServer, connection reset when reading -

I am trying to implement one for Delphi, but there are some problems with communication. Fitnesse will start my process, and give me a portmember as a command line argument. Then I should make a socket on the port number given to me, and fitness will connect to that port I am using a TCPCP server for the job: < Pre> TcpServer1.LocalPort: = ParamStr (ParamCount); TcpServer1 Active: = true; On OnEXEPT () -Event, I send the protocol version to use as specified in the protocol. Process TForm1.TcpServer1Accept (From: TOBject; ClientSocket: TCustomIpClient); Var s: ansistring; Start clientSocket. Syndrome ('slim - v 0.0', # 10); SetLength (S, 6); ClientSketts Receavebook (S, 6); End; When I call ReceiveBuf (), the process ends, and fitness throws an exception: connection Reset I have seen what sent and received. It shows that my code sends the protocol version, fitness sends back a message, and when I try to get this message

Mapping with BizTalk + Multiple nodes to a single one -

I am trying to mapping this XML with: & lt; Rootxml & gt; & Lt; Documents & gt; & Lt; Document & gt; & Lt; Iddoc & gt; 1 & lt; / Iddoc & gt; & Lt; TOTAL_PRICE & gt 1000 & lt; / TOTAL_PRICE & gt; & Lt; / Documents & gt; & Lt; / Documents & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; & Lt; Iddoc & gt; 1 & lt; / Iddoc & gt; & Lt; Iditem & gt; 1 & lt; / Iditem & gt; & Lt; Quantity & gt; 1 & lt; / Quantity & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; 800 & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; & Lt; Iddoc & gt; 1 & lt; / Iddoc & gt; & Lt; Iditem & gt; 2 & lt; / Iditem & gt; & Lt; Quantity & gt; 1 & lt; / Quantity & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; 200 & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Taxes & gt; & Lt; Tax & g

c#: How do I determine if the ScrollBar for a Scrollable control is currently displayed? -

Is there a way to check that the scrollbar is currently displayed or not for control? I want to use it so that how can I determine the size of children in the control of scrollable, which depends to a certain degree whether the scrollbar is displayed or not (scrollable control can be dynamically resized) . Try the horizontal scroll and verticalscroll visual properties for control with the autosave property: // Checks horizontal scrollbar visibility. YourScrollableControl.HorizontalScroll.Visible; // horizontal scrollbar visibility checks yourScrollableControl.VerticalScroll.Visible;

regex - how do I replace nonrepeating character through .Net regular expression -

I have the string using Regex, I want to replace "D" with "DD". Replay, but only if D is not repeating. For example, if the string is "m / d / yy" then I want to change it to "m / dd / yy" However, if the string is "m / dd / yy" then I want to keep it the same , And not want to change it in "m / dddd / yy" How can I do this? I tried Reg.Replace (datePattern, "\ bd \ b", "dd"), but that does not seem to work. (.) (? & Lt;! \ 1) (?!! 1) literally means "character, neither nor after itself".

silverlight - Bind to the page datacontext from a combo box in a data grid -

I have a page with a visual model. I am setting the binding source of the combo box for the visual model from the templated DataGrid column. It gives me a blank reference error. This is my XML: & lt; Navigation: Page. Resources & gt; & Lt; Vm: SiteViewModel x: Key = "ViewModel" /> & Lt; / Navigation: Page.Resources & gt; & Lt; Navigation: Page.DataContext & gt; & Lt; Binding source = "{static resource view model}" /> & Lt; / Navigation: Page.DataContext & gt; ... & lt; Data: Datagrid itemsource = "{binding current site. Contact}" & gt; & Lt; Data: DataGrid.Columns & gt; & Lt; Data: DataGrade Template column header = "role" & gt; & Lt; Data: DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; Combo box itemsource = "{binding path = roles, source = ???}}" & gt; & Lt; ComboBox.ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt

Embedded music player not working in opera and mozilla browser -

Only the embedded code works in the media. How can I enable Opera, Mozilla and other browsers to work? I'm using this code below. & lt; HTML & gt; & Lt; HEAD & gt; & Lt; / HEAD> & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Object ID = "player" height = "0" width = "0" class = "CLSID: 6 bf 52 a 52-394 A-11D3-B153 -00C4F962AA 6" & gt; & Lt; / Object & gt; & Lt; INPUT TYPE = "button" NAME = "BtnPlay" VALUE = "Play" OnClick = "StartMeUp ()" & gt; & Lt; INPUT TYPE = "button" NAME = "BtnStop" VALUE = "Stop" OnClick = "Shutdown ()" & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; & Lt ;! - Function StartMeUp () {Player.URL = "laure.wma"; } Function shutdown () {Player.controls.stop (); } - & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; You are using the Windows Media Player

Where can I learn about recommendation systems? -

I want to play with the creation of a recommendation system, and I mean that the algorithm that looks and / or Reviews posted by a user and then make recommendations for them, which use NetFlex or Amazon. How are some good resources to learn how to write something like this? Where should I start? See the Wikipedia page on it and also, on some different recommended engines, full source code Is a good source. And obviously there is also some good links in it. If you start your own writing, you want to use a corpus. I would actually recommend using just set the data in two pieces. Train your first piece and score your algorithm on the second piece. Adenda: Some related and horror applications are as follows: User's gender, age, home income, IQ, sexual orientation, etc. Perhaps you can do most of these features with the Netflix Prize dataset with a fairly high degree of accuracy. Luckily.

php - Rounding Mechanism to nearest 0.05 -

I want to solve the sphere system using php4,5.2 and below (5.3 not) Currently I make 0.05 goals I am, some like this page: before the goal. 89.90 after the round 89.90 89.91 | 89.90 89.92 | 89.90 89.93 | 89.95 89.94 | 89.95 89.95. 89.95 89.96 | 89.95 89.97 | 89.95 89.98 90.00 89.99 | 90.00 I try to use the string to split it and add it manually, but there really is not a good solution, here it is hoping someone solves it To find out. Use this function function rndfunc ($ x) {Return goal ($ x * 2, 1) / 2; }

linq - Parse string as DateTimeOffset in Expression<Func<T, bool>> -

अरे, मैं एक अभिव्यक्ति & lt; Func & lt; T, bool & gt; & gt; बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं जो कि एक स्ट्रिंग संपत्ति को कनफेट किया जाता है / एक डेटटाइम ऑफसेट में डाली जाती है, ताकि डेटटाइम ऑफसेट ऑपरेशन उस पर किया जा सके। हम अपने डेटा प्रदाता के रूप में Linq2SQL का प्रयोग कर रहे हैं, जो स्ट्रिंग को डेटटाइमऑफसेट के समकक्ष समनुरूप रूपांतरित करने का समर्थन करता है। आदर्श रूप से मैं सीधे IQueryable डेटा स्रोत के भीतर अभिव्यक्ति का मूल्यांकन करना चाहता हूं, और एक IEnumerable के रूप में मेमोरी में नहीं। मैं दूर करने की कोशिश की एक उदाहरण के लिए नीचे देखें: सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyClass {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग मायवल्यू; } अभिव्यक्ति & lt; Func & lt; MyClass, bool & gt; & gt; फ़िल्टर = एमसी = & gt; दिनांकटाइमऑफ़सेट। पर्स (एमसीएम वेल्यू) & gt; नया दिनांक समयऑफसेट (2007,1,1); दुर्भाग्य से, फ़िल्टर की इस परिभाषा में स्मृति मूल्यांकन होता है। चूंकि अंतर्निहित भौतिक तालिका स्तंभ nvarchar not datetime है, मुझे लगता है कि आप भाग्य से बाहर हैं LINQ2SQL प

c# - Make a borderless form movable? -

Is there a way to create a form that has no limit (formbord style is set to "none") when Was the mouse clicked down on the form just as if there was a limit? Thank you. The article on CodeProject gives the details of a technique. Basically boils down to: public const int WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = 0xA1; Public const int HT_CAPTION = 0x2; [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute ("user32.dll")] Public static extern int SendMessage (IntPtr hWnd, int message, int wParam, int lParam); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute ("user32.dll")] Public static extern bool ReleaseCapture (); Private Zero form 1_MouseDown (Object Sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) {if (e.button == MouseButtons.Left) {ReleaseCapture (); SendMessage (handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HT_CAPTION, 0); }} This essentially does the same thing as grabbing the title bar of a window from exactly the window viewer's point view.

cannot get makefile to work with Qt library -

मेरे पास मेरे प्रोग्राम में 3 फ़ाइलें हैं: App_interface.h, App_interface.cpp, main.cpp। मैं अपने प्रोग्राम को संकलित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं जिसके लिए क्यूटी लाइब्रेरी की आवश्यकता है। मैंने सिर्फ क्यूटी लाइब्रेरी को डिफ़ॉल्ट स्थान में स्थापित किया है। यह मेरा मेकफाइल है: यदि आप सोच रहे हैं कि मैं इस मेकफाइल में क्यों नहीं मॉक का उपयोग नहीं करता है, तो 1) मुझे यह नहीं पता कि यह कैसे करना है। 2) मैं सिर्फ कंपाइलर त्रुटि "नहीं मिल सकता है ... फ़ाइल" रोकना चाहता हूँ। धन्यवाद # परियोजना: App_interface # 10-19-09 # # सामान्य चर CPP: = g ++ OBJS: = main.o App_interface.o # Qt निर्देशिका QTLIB: = /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.3/lib QTINC: = /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.3 / QTMOC शामिल हैं: = / यूआरएसआर / लोकल / ट्रोलटेक / क्वाटी 4.5.3 / बीबी App_interfaceV1: $ (ओबीजेएस) $ (सीपीपी) $ (ओबीजेएस) -ए ऐप_इंटरफेस V1 $ (क्यूटीएलआईबी) मुख्य.ओ: मुख्य सीपीपी App_interface.h $ (सीपीपी) -बी $ (क्यूटीआईएनसी) -सी मुख्य सीपीपी-ओ मुख्य.ओ ऐप_इंटरफेस.ओ: एपीआईइंटरफेस एच $ (सीपीपी) -बी $ (क्यूट

unit testing - Run Jettys ServletTester within JUnit test -

I'm trying to run Jettys ServletTester in my JUnit test. To test setup I first created a simple HelloServlet , but when I try to request a servlet, I get a invalid access so far That I have so far: my unit test @ first public zero set up throws exception (exception) {tester = new ServletTester (); Tester.setContextPath ("/ reference"); Tester.addServlet (HelloServlet Class, "/ Hello / *"); Tester.start (); } Public Zero Tyride () throws exception after {tester.stop (); } @Test Public Zero Examination Default Services throws an exception {HttpTester request = new HTTPTTER (); Request.setMethod ("GET"); Request.setHeader ("host", ""); Request.setURI ("/ Reference / Hello / Information"); Request.setVersion ("HTTP / 1.0"); HTTPTestor feedback = new HTTPTaster (); Response.parse (tester.getResponses (request.generate ())); AssertNull (response.getMethod ()); AssertEquals (200, response.getStatu

How to disable autoescape in django feeds? -

I use the Django feed framework to organize RSS feeds for my website. I need to put some hyperlinks to eat items, but some of them are autocap ("<" with "& amp; lt;" and so on) is it possible to tag in my feed (As I think, I can not use the {% autoescape off%} tag in the feed template)? Thank you. Read on and try the following syntax. Where the data resides in your variable where {{data | Safe}}

qt - Carbon, LSUIElement, and showing a window -

I have a carbon LSUIElement application that runs in the background (possibly with the icon in the menu bar, depending on the pref) And sometimes the user needs to show a dialogue - sometimes a user responds to the incident, but sometimes in response to the failure or similarity of some background work. (I am using QT 4.5, so the application will be Coco based with Carbon based Qt 4.6 things, but it seems that the problem can also be present there). The problem is that when I open a window, and show it, it is not on the front I think that it is an artefect of having an LSUIElement app. To work around the problem, I tried to go directly to the window server: (For this, uses QT Carbon in SelectWindow, and in Cocoa [makeKeyAndOrderFront]. Window ID is to be obtained, it will be easy with QT-coco, because I can use NSWindow: NativeVindo) WindowRef Ref = HIVGetWindow ((HIVIIFF) aWidget-> WinId) ); CGSWindow wid = GetNativeWindowFromWindowRef (ref); CGSConnection cid = _CGSDefa

Searching for a phrase using SQL Server Full text search -

I want to use SQL Server 2008 Full Text Search to get the archive in which the word as a whole word or Get the phrase. Not as a part of the text within the field and field. For example: I have many records in which the word 'inheritance' field contains the entire text and other fields in which the beginning of time, and the same word at the end of the text within the field. I have to get only records containing the words 'inheritance' as the whole text in the record. Thank you. If you want only those rows in which a specific field matches a specific string You do not have to use full-text search at all, only one common SQL query: select from * to- whereframe = 'succession'

wpf - Nested RichTextBox -

I am creating a small custom scientific editor using RichTextBoxes. The user can insert a 'formula' UserControl in which one Or more rich textboxes, which allows more 'formula' controls to be included - it replicates the minimal functionality of mathematics. When I insert the user control, it looks OK What's a way to enable the control back in the RichTextBoxes control and enable the control in the Rich Textbox? Net 3.5 is the solution here:

c# - How to return a verbatim string from ConfigurationManager.AppSetting["settingname"].ToString() -

मैं ConfigurationManager.AppSetting ["blah"] का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। ToString () विधि प्राप्त करने के लिए जिस फ़ोल्डर में मुझे ज़रूरत है, उस फ़ोल्डर का पथ लेकिन जब मैं Directory.GetFiles (path) । का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करता हूं तो पथ पर असमर्थित फ़ॉर्मेट एक्सपॉशन फेंक रहा हूं। वापसी मूल्य में एस्केप वर्ण होते हैं शामिल है और मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि इसे अतिरिक्त वर्णों को लौटने से कैसे रखा जाए यह वही है जिसको वापस करने के बाद यह दिखाई देता है: \\\\\\\\ C: \\\\ folder1 \\\\ folder2 मुझे इसे सही पथ देने के लिए पहले चार "\" को हटाने की जरूरत है।

serial port - SerialPort data loss - C# -

I am working on a serial port app and a very simple part of it is giving me issues. Want to read a continuous stream of data and it comes as soon as typing it into a binary file. The speed of the problem looks like: My code worked fine on 9600 baud test devices, but when it was taken 115200bps live device, I think what happens after a variable period of data loss, I miss 1 byte I have tried a few things: Private Zero Serial Port 1_DataReceived (Object Sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs E) {bwLogger.Write (byte) serialPort1.ReadByte ( )); } or Private Zero Serial Port1_DataReceived (Object Sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs E) {Byte [] inc = New Byte [serialPort1.BytesToRead]; SerialPort1 Read (inc, 0, inc.Length); BwLogger.Write (Inc.); } And some differences I can not use ReadLine () because I'm working with a continuous stream data (right?). I have tried negligible with buffer size (both serialPort1.ReadBufferSize and hardware FIFO buffer). Ideally, for the purp

c# - Refactoring Func<T> into Expression<Func<T>> -

I have a method that currently serves as a parameter for Func & lt; Product, string & gt; , but I get this a expression & lt; Funky & lt; Product, string & gt; & Gt; Must be . Using AdWords Works, here is an example of what I would like to do using funk. Private static zero DoSomethingWithFunc (Func & lt; Products, string> myFunc) {(AdventureWorksDataContext db = new AdventureWorksDataContext)} {Var Results = db.Products.GroupBy (product = & gt; ; New {Sub-category name = myFunc (Product), ProductNumber = product.ProductNumber}); }} I want to see it like this: Private static zero doSomethingWithExpression (expression & lt; Func & lt; product, string & gt; ; My expression) {{AdWordsWorldDataContext DB = New AdWords WorksDateText ()) using {var result = DB. Products Group by (product => new {sub-category name = my exposure (product), product name = product, product report}}; }} However, the problem I am running is that m

Is there a program to preview an HTML ad in outlook 2007? -

Like so many online companies, we send e-mail advertisements in Outlook 2007, there are some bizarre HTML rules, so whatever Looks good in any browser, when sent to Outlook 2007, be terrified. Is there a program where I can preview how HTML looks in Outlook 2007? You are not alone ;-) What do I do, send me an email (alone) and then see That's how it comes out. There is no software in the API that can show you a preview; -) EDIT: The useful that you use during sending HTML emails.

sql - Insert into select and update in single query -

मेरे पास 4 टेबल हैं: tempTBL, linksTBL और categoryTBL, अतिरिक्त मेरे tempTBL पर मेरे पास है: आईडी, नाम, यूआरएल, बिल्ली, मेरे लिंक्स पर टैब्लेट ITSSTEREDTBL मेरे पास है: मेरे श्रेणी टीबीएल पर आईडी, नाम, उपनाम कॉलम मेरे पास है: मेरे अतिरिक्तटीबीएल पर cl_id, link_id, cat_id मेरे पास है: id, link_id, value मैं tempTBL से सभी आइटमों को चुनने के लिए कैसे करूं, जहां Iinsrted = 0 है, तो उनको लिंक करने के लिए लिंक करेंटीबीएल और प्रत्येक रिकॉर्ड के लिए डाला, पिकअप आईडी (जो प्राथमिक है) और फिर उस आईडी को कैटेगरीटीबीएल के साथ डालें Cat_id = 88. इसके बाद link_id और url के लिए मूल्य के लिए अतिरिक्त टीबीएल आईडी डालें। मुझे पता है कि यह बहुत भ्रमित है, डाल दिया मैं इसे किसी भी तरह पोस्ट कर दूंगा ... यह वही है मैंने अभी तक किया है: INSERT लिंक लिंक में टीबीएल (link_id, link_name, alias) मूल्य (शून्य, 'टेक 2', 'हैलो'); # नल सम्मिलित करके आईडी उत्पन्न करें श्रेणी टीबीएल INSERT (link_id, cat_id) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID (), '88'); # दूसरी तालिका में आईडी का उपयोग

.net - Reading RSS feeds --> not consistent -

I am trying to read RSS feed by loading it on xmldocument > xmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader (url); XmlDocument xmlDoc = New XmlDocument (); XmlDoc.Load (XmlTextReader); For some time the XML document is loading and some time it fails. The URL I am using What could be the problem, is not it properly updated like RSS? Any suggestion / comment DEE > If you are using .NET 3.5, I will see in the system. Servicemodel. Message Nameshwar provides a very rich and feed-format ignorational library to handle feeds in NET. It gives you a lot of flexibility, which allows you to plug additional feed formatters as needed: It should simplify the use of your RSS, and you may have strange problems It should help in tracking, because it provides a cleaner abstract.

How to change case of a file in git under cygwin? -

हम एक मिश्रित केस संवेदनशील / असंवेदनशील वातावरण (cywgin / linux) में काम करते हैं, और आज किसी ने हमारे वर्कफ़्लो में एक छोटे से कहर बनाया है एक फ़ाइल का नाम बदलकर, एक एस को बदलकर इसने शाखाओं में सभी प्रकार के मजे हुए मर्ज मुद्दों का कारण बना, और जो कुछ हुआ उसके बारे में पूरी तरह से निश्चित रूप से कोई भी ईमानदार नहीं है। साइगविन के लिए जीआईटी के तहत फ़ाइल को आवरण बदलने का सबसे उपयुक्त तरीका क्या है? मुझे इस बात पर जोर देना चाहिए कि हम हैं मामला संवेदनशील और सामान्य रूप से ऐसा करते हैं - अगर यह उस एस के लिए नहीं था। इसके बारे में कुछ मिनटों के बारे में सोचा, ऐसा लगता है कि git-mv आप को क्या करना चाहिए। मुझे पूरी तरह से यकीन है कि यह नाम बदलने का प्रयास करेगा (जो केस-असंवेदनशील ओएस पर कोई ऑप्शन नहीं हो सकता है) फिर सूचकांक में नाम बदलें यह तर्कों पर आधारित होना चाहिए, वास्तविक फ़ाइल पर नहीं - मुझे rename_cache_entry_at (pos, dst); builtin-mv.c में मुझे यकीन नहीं है अगर यह आप क्या पूछ रहे हैं या नहीं का हिस्सा है, लेकिन अपनी शाखा अराजकता के संबंध में, यहां सामान्य दृष्ट

Transferring data from PHP to Java -

I have an XML file, which I need to use PHP and parsed data parsed in Java What are some best practices to accomplish this? This is a case study like web service.

Can I create an anonymous, brace-initialized aggregate in C++? -

One can create an anonymous object that is initialized through constructor parameters, such as in the return statement below. struct S {S (int i_, int j_): i (i_), j (j_) {} int i, j; }; SF () {Return S (52, 100); } Int main () {cout & lt; & Lt; F (). I & lt; & Lt; Endl; Return 0; } However, can it equally create an anonymous total , which is initially initialized initially? For example, without any one without a return statement, the body of F () can fall down? struct {int i, j; }; Sf () {ss = {52, 100}; Return S; } Int main () {cout & lt; & Lt; F (). I & lt; & Lt; Endl; Return 0; } You can not use C ++ in the current version of C ++ I will be able to - I believe in anyway. Of course, it is still open for modification - at one time I believed that you would be able to specify the concepts in C ++ 0x, but it is finished ... Edit : The reference to [dcl.init] (§8.5 / 1) is the definition of the most relevant bit BNF (and the last bit

Android application loading screen -

I'm working on an application that lists a list using the list of library lists. My question is, when I open the application, it has a visual loading time before the XML view is inflated, during this time only the name of the application is shown. It is quite noticeable on some applications, but others find loading screens and what has not been implemented. Does anyone have a solution or know how good loading screens are ready? Cheers! If your activity is taking more than one tenth of a second, > OnCreate () , onstart () , or onResume () . Take that work to the background thread, perhaps using AsyncTask . Then, if you want to do something, when the background thread is crunching, you can use ProgressDialog , or call setContentView () Many times (initially with a splash screen, then later on with the complete UI when the background is completed), or whatever.

Visual Studio Web Test vs. Selenium -

This may be a very thought-provoking question, please keep your post factual Microsoft Web in Visual Studio What are the pros and cons of using the test? On the contrary, what are the pros and cons of Selenium? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> What is the main difference between visual studio web test and selenium? How each device works Selenium works at the UI level. Test records are played against UI objects in the browser. VS Web Tests work under UI level. Tests are recorded and played back against HTTP requests / reactions. Depending on your reference, one of these tools would be a better option if you are focused on functional testing automation, then the use of the UI is needed, Selenium is probably a better option. If you are trying to load the test, then VS There is a way to go

ruby on rails - How to write "<%" in a erb file -

I have a .erb file, where I would like to return the following text: The name & lt ;% R> When I present this file, ARB interprets & lt;% as Ruby code and% does not render the signal. I have a method like this, putting% signals in the string like this: name & lt; & Lt;% = "%"% & gt; R & gt; But this is very ugly. I believe that you are looking for double percents & lt; %% R% & gt; It is used extensively using ARB templates to generate an ARB template. Update & lt; %% R & gt;

windows security - How can I get the current user's SID in VB6? -

I have some old codes that we have to maintain in VB6. We need to add the ability of the current user to see the SID. Does anyone ever tell me some code that how does it show? Thanks in advance for your help! try it option clear '--- OpenProject Tokens Long = and H 20008 Pvt Decler as Private Constant Toucan_Ad all copyMemory Lib "Kernel 32" nicknamed "RTLMomemory" (not equal to PTO, in any form, as long as U., as long as ) Private Announcement Function GetCurrentProcess Lib "kernel32" () Long closed as the Private Declaration Function "H Nernel 32 "(Bye-H object as Long) OpenProcessToken Lib" advapi32.dll "(ByVal ProcessHandle as long as long as long as long as a personal announcement ceremony, long access to tokens are long) Long-time private announcement function GetTokenInformation Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal TokenHandle as Long, ByVal TokenInformationClass as Long, TokenInformation In any form, ByVal Token

sql server - How to create DB in SQL Express using SQL commands? -

I am reading a book on SQL and it gives me a script to run to create a database but I only have SQL Express 10, which is not a tool to run SQL commands. Is there a way to run the script? K, I'm going to provide an answer for this though it was in the above comments, so it is closed (Not sure there is no way to stop any unanswered questions): SQL Management Studio Express - This In addition to SQLMMD - A Command Line Tool: - Dave Clauder

language agnostic - handling amorphous subsystems in formal software design -

People like Alexander Stepanov and Sean Parent vote for a formal and intangible approach on software design. The idea is to break complicated systems under the guided escal graph and hide the cyclical behavior in the nodes that represent the behavior. The parents gave the promoters and performances on Google (by promotion, introduces the p.24 approach, even a Google talk there.) As long as I approach I like it and think that this is an essential development, I imagine how to handle subsystem with amorphous behavior. For example, imagine a similar pattern for state machines: How to solve this? Note that I'm just looking for an abstract approach. Em> I can think of hiding the behavior behind a node and defining various sub-DAGs for the states, but the comp design is licensed as a design If you want to influence the behavior of the main DAG from the sub-DAG. Your question is not clear. Define the Amorphous Subsystem . You are searching for " an abstrac