
Showing posts from January, 2012

java - How to check whether a user is logged in or not in Servlets? -

In an Java servlet I want to check the program to see if the user has log in < / Strong> or no . As told in the second answer only applies when you use Java EE Container underlined managed security. If you are the owner of the house for your safety, then you need to trust it. It's not very hard, here's an overview that you need to implement at each step: Get the user from db and login it to session Store DoPost () : User user = userDAO.find (username, password); If (user! = Null) {session.setAttribute ("user", user); } Else {// error "Show login failed, unknown user, try again" error } At logout, simply invalidate the session in the doPost () of the servlet. This will destroy the session and remove all the features. session.invalidate (); To check whether the is logged in to the user , create one, with the url-pattern The page is restricted, where the page is restricted, such as / safe / * , / protected / * , etce

plot - How do I color part of a graph under a line in MATLAB? -

Let me line plot in color and a part of the color below the color (a confident interval) How can I do this in MATLAB? I have already tried the following, but it does not work (it only shows the area): conspiracy (Theta, P_PIRIRQM) area (theta (50:70), P_PRIRIcom (50:70)) Axis ([0 1]] In order to maintain the current graph, you have to hold and hold the grip. like this: plot (thita, p_paria_com) area (thita (50:70), p_conference (50:70)) hold on axis ([0 0 1]) Hold

php - I think this is a sql problem, but I can't seem to get rid of this error message -

Hey, yes, I've tried several times to get rid of this error: Pars Error: Syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, Expect T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING I think this is a SQL problem, but this is just a simple query that any help I am running much appreciated Will go. $ connDB = mysql_connect ($ host, $ user, $ pass) or die ("Connect Error:". Mysql_error ()); $ Sql ​​= "Select * Images from '' where 'iimageid` ='". $ Iimageid "'"; $ Run SQL = mycq_query ($ sql, $ connDB); $ Sql ​​per second; ? & Gt; & Lt; Table cellpadding = "0" selection = "0" range = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td valign = "top" & gt; By & lt;? While ($ display_info = mysql_fetch_array ($ runSQL)) {? & Gt; & Lt; A href = "sfd / pimages /" echo $ display_info ['vimage'];? & Gt; " Rel = "lightbox [g]" & gt; &

multithreading - Timer interrupt problem in -

I have 2 timers in the MVB 2008 Express, one to control the fading of the window and another to call a beep function The problem is for a few seconds or so that when the window is fading, it pauses during the timer beep. any idea? Can Threads be? Without seeing your code, I have found that it is actually related to thread. / P> It seems that you have a Windows application, where two timers controls are sitting on a form. You probably have code within the tick event for each timer to perform relevant functions, to fade one, to beep another What's happening here is that these two functions are running in the same thread defined in the tick events. This is the same thread that is used for your Windows Form UI (User Interface). When trying to execute the long-running process, you can see the same problem while trying to update some part of your form - usually "stop" or "hang" when all form updates Until the ongoing process is completed. To fix

list - How do I un-highlight a previously selected line in an MFC CListCtrl programmatically (VS 6)? -

Do anyone know how to highlight the pre-selected line in an MFC CLIScultum program? To deselect the 20th item: YourListCtrl .SetItemState (20, 0, LVIS_SELECTED);

Version control for Rails in a Windows environment -

I am codeling a rail project in a Windows environment and using my own Aptena plug-in As the environment. I am far away in my project that I do not want to lose any of my work, and I would like to control the version. What would you suggest that I use? I have seen and seen some reactions for Gog and Tartoze SVN, but I like the responses I usually get from the Stack Overflow crowd. Anything that integrates well with eclipse? Or are they all command line? There is a plugin name that provides SVN support for eclipses. There are many git plugins but I'm sure they are stable enough.

java - Is this code sample really returning the right parameterized types? -

I have read articles about Java archives, and my note of the following snippet is: < Code> Map & lt; String, map & lt; Long, list & lt; String & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Map = maps.newHashMap (); The thing is, I do not know how it is possible that newHashMap method is a map & lt; String, map & lt; Long, list & lt; String & gt; & Gt; & Gt; . How did they write this code? When was this possible? I lived under the assumption that you need to explicitly declare generic parameters in the constructor call. You can declare generic parameters on a common column, not just a whole class. If you look at the source of that method: public stable Hashmap & lt; K, V> NewHashMap () {New Hashmap Back < K, V> (); } You will see that it declares two generic parameters, K and V and declares the result as a map. The compiler is smart enough to remove K and V from LHS expression. In your case, K is string and V is map &

svn: dump format documentation? -

Is the "svnadmin dump" format somewhere documented? I want to record a Datastrichter containing all the metadata for an STVN repository, which is basically the same stuff except the file content in the "dump" file. It seems like there will be a svnkit library, or there is a way to get this metadata programmatically, but for the last hour I am moving around svnkit javadoc and I manually upload the svnadmin dump file Instead of parsing, I can find a way to get it without any further problems. Here you go:

sql - How to join a one-to-many relationship to ensure that only 1 row from the left comes back? -

Sorry about the obscure title, but what I'm trying to do here My Has the following two tables: TABLE_PERSON | | TABLE_PHONE | Col_Name | Col_name col_phoneID col_phoneNbr -------- | -------- ----------- ------------ Clark Kent | Clark Kent 1 111-111-1111 Bruce Wayne | Clark Kent 2 222-222-2222 Peter Parker | Peter Parker 2 333-333-3333 | Peter Parker 3 444-444-4444. Bruce Wayne 3 555-555-5555. Bruce Wayne 4 666-666-6666 The col_name is actually an id field, but I use a name to demostrate. Using a SQL statement I have to get this col_name col_phoneNbr -------- ------------ Clark Kent 111-111-1111 Peter Parker 333 - 333-3333 Bruce Wayne 555-555-5555 Phone_ID is actually a phone number such as main, fax, toll-free etc. Therefore, in my output I will have to call the number for each person, but in this way, if the type "1" is not available then choose type "2", if type is not "2", then "3" Select, etc. There are 6 types in my case,

c++ - Does copying the content of one array to another cause a memory leak -

क्या यह कोड स्मृति रिसाव का कारण: int main () {int * a = नया इंट [10]; Int * b = नया इंट [10]; (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; 10; i ++) के लिए {a [i] = 1; बी [आई] = 1; } के लिए (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; 10; i ++) {a [i] = बी [i]; // हर एक [आई] को ढेर / 4 पर 4 बाइट आवंटित किया जाता है जब हम बी [i] की प्रति [i] में प्रतिलिपि करते हैं तो हम एक [i] (इसलिए एक रिसाव) के संदर्भ में / संदर्भ / / एक नए मान के संदर्भ के साथ? } हटाएं [] ए; हटाएं [] ख; } नहीं, वहाँ कोई रिसाव नहीं है। आप सरणी के भीतर मूल्यों की प्रतिलिपि बना रहे हैं बदलते कमरे में लॉकर्स के दो बैंकों के रूप में सरणियों के बारे में सोचो - आप सिर्फ एक लॉकर में क्या नकल कर रहे हैं और इसे दूसरे बैंक में लॉकर में डाल रहे हैं; लॉकर खुद ही रहता है।

linux - ubuntu/fedora: how do I add applications in the menus? -

To add an application to Ubuntu or Fedora, do they need to leave those filesystem and hierarchy? I am creating a .deb package and I have to show it in the "Other" menu how do I get it? (which provides some standards that correspond to genome and KDE) That should appear in the shortcut .desktop files. You can place your .desktop file (files) to the existing package using your system's package manager. For example, on Fedora: $ rpm -ql transmission | Grep Desktop \ $ /usr/share/applications/transmission.desktop There is a tutorial that should help you get started.

html - How to point to CSS default class using the class attribute -

वस्तु का डिफ़ॉल्ट सीएसएस वर्ग को इंगित करने का कोई तरीका है? उदाहरण के लिए, यदि कोई उपयोगकर्ता लॉग इन होता है, तो मैं एक हेडर की शैली को नियंत्रित करने के लिए एक अलग सीएसएस वर्ग निर्दिष्ट करना चाहता हूं। $ css_class = ""; अगर ($ logged_in) $ css_class = "सफलता" गूंज "[h1 class ="। $ Css_class। "] मेरा शीर्षक [/ h1]" यदि उपयोगकर्ता लॉग इन है, तो सीएसएस वर्ग सेट है "सफलता" के लिए, अन्यथा, इसे सेट किया गया है। मुझे पता है कि यह रिक्त वर्ग के लिए अनुचित w3c है, लेकिन ऐसा कोई तरीका है कि मैं केवल एक H1 संपत्ति बनाने के बजाय इंगित कर सकता हूं अलग "सीएसएस वर्ग में लॉग इन नहीं है"? $ css = $ logged_in? सफलता ' : 'डमी-अपरिभाषित-सीएसएस-मान'; गूंज "& lt; h1 class = \" $ css \ "& gt; मेरा शीर्षक & lt; / h1 & gt;";

php - Extract hyperlinks from .doc -

Is there a way to remove hyperlinks from the dock? I have found a group of hyperlinks in my database that I have to import into my database. I have tried to convert the doctor to HTML, but hyperlinks have not been transferred. Riggers, Mladen We had a similar problem and the asp. You can find it here: It is available for .NET and Java.

oop - How do you manage database connections in php? -

So recently I actually started using PHP actively, and I used to use the database connection Want some insights on various ways At first I have used simple mysql_connect (): & lt ;? Php $ connection = mysql_connect (DB_Host, DB_USER, DB_ PASS) or die (mysql_error ()); Mysql_select_db (DB_DB, $ connection); ? & Gt; After some time, I created a database class that I started to add and start in every file - something like this: Connection); } Function query ($ q) {$ res = mysql_query ($ q, $ this-> connection) or die (mysql_error ()); Return $ res; }} $ Database = new MySQL_DB; ? & Gt; And at this time I'm using - and it's working fine - but there are always ways to improve. So you have my question that how do you manage your database connection? Do you use classes? What's in your classes (just connection or function?) Which exercises do you recommend? Using classes is a way to increase customizable reusability. Get all the normal

Enable tabs with jquery ui tabs issue -

I am trying to enable the next tab at the end of the function below. Here is my function (updated) var $ signup = $ ('# signup-content'). The tab validates the form on the tab ({disabled: [1,2], show: function (event, UI) {// # 1 $ ("# createAccount"). Validate ({Meta: "valid", error element: "Em", error class: "error", valid class: "success", highlight: work (element, error class, valid class $ (Element) .closest ("div.required"). RemoveClass (valid class); $ (Element) .closest ("div.required") AddClass (errorClass); $ (element) .addClass (errorClass);}, Unhighlight: function (element, error class, valid class) {$ (element) .closest ("Div.required"). RemoveClass (errorClass); $ (element) .closest ("div.required") AddClass (validClass); $ (instant ) .removeClass (errorClass);}, E RrorPlacement: function (error, element) {if (element.attr ("name") == "month" ||

php - Best Practices for Live Website Error Management -

I'm about to launch a bigger website for the first time. I have closed all error messages in my php.ini and error messages are now logged on to my server in the "error_log" file. My question is that errors are now logged in any file, what is the best way to web developers on the website / where errors occur when the errors occur? / Strong>? At the moment it seems that the best method should be to constantly check the error_log file every day, although it does not seem like the most efficient solution, ideally I get an error every time (with error message ). Any advice about how I can keep on top of errors, would be very commendable! Additional information Running on Shared Server (Homeowner) Writer website in PHP PHP has two main functions that help in cracking errors and exceptions. I suggest you take a look at them: In our company, we handle all the errors which Websites with our actions define ways to handle our own errors and exceptions.

objective c - Being a cracker nightmare! -

I'm trying to make a code difficult to use Objective-C on a Mac. One thing I have to do is to see if the application was broken. I'm new to Objective-C and Xcode and the way I imagine testing my application, I always end up in a basic test that can easily be patched . For example: In a certain part of the binary, I am about to test for the existence of a given value. This operation will be something like this: "Is this value = x?" If not, it breaks. It is very easy to crack. I am trying to visualize some of the things which can do some testing, do not appear in the form of a test which can easily be patched. I know that I can not stop the 100% theft, but at least I am trying to make things even more difficult because most of the crackers get out of there. Thanks for any help. To make them hard to evaluate your plan and change your plan regularly. A textbook example is that they check at the odd time that it takes time for them to find all cross - Link facebook connect accounts to user accounts on my site -

I have a problem, where I have to start with Facebook Connect Actually I Its application is set in Facebook and the connect button is working. Now I want to do something similar, where when entering the fax to execute, they are directed to open an account where they have to enter the username and one or two other details. Do I need to capture the cookies back, to see if they exist and manually do this or do I miss one step? No, using cookies is not a recommended process. I do not know ASP.Net, but the following The process works for me in other languages: Add Facebook to your HTML as described in Docs Load the call to FB.getLoginStatus on the page Example Is similar and handle responses in the following ways: connected means that the use The recipient has registered for your site and has associated the FB application in this case response.authResponse will have an access token in the object in which you need to update this database in your database, this is your

linux - How can I split a file into a given number of parts in Perl? (On Unix) -

I have several large files, each of which I want to split / split into parts in predefined parts. Is there an effective way of doing this in Unix (such as through awk / sed / perl)? In addition each file can contain a different number of rows. file1.txt 20,300,055 lines File2.txt 10,033,221 lines etc. ... If you want to split each file into a fixed number of rows or bytes, you can use the command.

java - How can I access path variables in a URI template in the view (Spring 3/SpringMVC)? -

I have a URI template as "/ hotel / {hotel} / booking / {booking}", and in the controller Reach the path variables through the path variable, but when creating a link in the view, I need the reference of different path variables. As an example, let's assume that the user requests "/ hotel / 123 / booking / booking-123", and in this view, "/ hotel / 123" link back for booking How do I get a hook to {Hotel} from the URI template to create a "/ booking /" link? It seems disgusting to inject it into each scene, is there any easy way I am missing? / P> This is a form of spring Has been raised in.

javascript - Why doesn't jQuery Tablesorter Plugin work on this Wordpress page? -

इस परीक्षण पृष्ठ पर मेरे पास वर्डप्रेस / jQuery प्लगइन का काम उदाहरण है: मैंने इसे कठिन इस पृष्ठ पर हेडर में और पेजिंग और फिल्टर तंत्र दोनों सही तरीके से काम करते हैं। मैंने इसे एक नए पेज पर बदल दिया है और अब मेरी सारी स्क्रिप्ट कॉल करने के लिए wp_enqueue का इस्तेमाल कर रहा है, जैसा कि यह करना है: क्यों नहीं पृष्ठांकन और फिल्टर तंत्र अब काम नहीं करेगा? मैंने पुष्टि की है कि इसका # बेसबॉल-टेबल परिभाषित त्रुटि और एक ऑडीप्लेयर त्रुटि के साथ कुछ भी नहीं है फायरबग में आता है # बेसबॉल-टेबल त्रुटि दोनों साइटों पर होती है और मैंने प्लग-इन को ऑडिओओप्लेयर त्रुटि के कारण निष्क्रिय कर दिया और इसमें प्लगइन प्रदर्शन में कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ा। यहां जेएस आरंभीकरण के लिए कोड है: jQuery (दस्तावेज़) .ready (फ़ंक्शन ($) {$ ("# baseball-table")। टेबलर ({डीबग: गलत, सॉर्टलिस्ट: [[0, 0]], विजेट: ['ज़ेबरा'] }) .tablesorterPager ({कंटेनर: $ ("# पेजर"), स्थिति फिक्स्ड: झूठी}) .टेबल्सरफ़िल्टर ({filterContainer: $ ("# filter-box"), फिल्टर क्लेयर कॉन्टैनेयर: $ (&q

sql server - Need some t-sql clarification -

यह टी-एसक्यूएल में एक अनुवर्ती है SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY () < / कोड> एक बड़ा रिटर्न देता है, मैंने इसे INT को वापस करने के लिए निम्नलिखित किया है: DECLARE @X INT INSERT ... SELECT @X = SCOPE_IDENTITY ( ) - यदि मैं नीचे दी गई रेखा को शामिल नहीं करता है, तो यह एक बड़ा चयन @ x लौटाएगी, जब तक मैं अंत में SEX का चयन नहीं करूँगा? पीएस SELECT @X = SCOPE_IDENTITY () कुछ भी वापस नहीं लौटाता है, यह केवल सेट @ एक्स < पी <> चुनें SCOPE_IDENTITY () एक बड़ा रिटर्न जो आपने देखा है < प्री> SELECT @X = SCOPE_IDENTITY () BIGINT लौटाता है और इसे INT चर में एक्सएक्स देता है, इसलिए आप BIGINT SCOPE_IDENTITY लौट रहे हैं और साथ ही साथ कास्टिंग भी कर रहे हैं यह INT और उस परिणाम को @ एक्स के लिए सेट करना रिटर्निंग @ एक्स INT परिणाम देता है। SQL Server 7.0 पुस्तकें ऑनलाइन भी : "यह अनुशंसा की जाती है कि SET @local_variable को SELECT @local_variable की बजाय चर असाइनमेंट के लिए उपयोग किया जाये।"

deployment - Deploy SQL Server CE with my Windows Mobile app -

I have written a Windows Mobile Standard / Smartphone app (my first) which is a backend in the form of a SQL Server Compact Edition databases. Uses. I had no problem testing in the emulator in Visual Studio because it installed SQL Server CE emulator for me when I had created my deployment project, however, the resulting CAB file was installed properly on my phone, but Because he could not find the SQL Server CE Library Need SQL Server CE to be installed as a separate Cab like NAT CF 3.5? If so, where can I find this (I did not find anything like this on MS's site)? Or can I include the the system.Data.SqlServerCe.dll file in my system? Edit: I added the above mentioned DLL for deployment and it works so that it answers my initial question. But I have ideas for more applications, most of which will also use SQL Server CE Instead of including a copy of DLL with each install I was instead a source for SQL Server CE Library. I think I can make my own installed folder only fo

iphone - How to link an arm .o file into an Xcode project -

I have a built-in object file, which I need to include in an EXOD iPhone Project. The .o file format is hand through 'Otol-H': Match Header Magic Coptype cpusubtype Caps File Type NCMADS SizeOfMeads Flag 0xfeedface 12 0x00 1 3 1316 0x00002000 But Xcode rejects it, complains that "the file does not belong to the required architecture" This hand accepts 6 files (like cpusubtype = 6) but I manually created 6 libraries for GNU messaging To modify A. I am struggling. Is there a Xcode project setting that allows linking in arm object files? Environment: Execode: 3.1.4 - iPhone SDK: 2.2.1 Arc: Standard (Hassus 6)

extreme programming - Agile/XP and Layered approach -

What can happen simultaneously with the Excel / XP level approach? Should play together with the spry / XP layered approach? To break the source code in the layers, additional efforts are required, and thus the development time is greatly increased. NB: With 'Layers' I mean different assemblies with POCO, DA, etc. Agile / XP is an approach to managing your project's activities, deliverables and timelines. The layered (n-level) application is a way of improving the efficiency of scalability and the different areas of responsibility for team members in a way. They do not have much in common with each other, except that if you are not familiar with each other, then both will need an additional investment on time, the quality of your project, compared to both conventional alternatives. Better improve.

c - Can looking at freed memory cause an access violation? -

Access can be a violation of access to free memory, and, if so, in what situation? Yes, it can "login violation" ("partition fault" etc.) is a response that Usually OS / hardware is generated when the process is used (read only) as memory which is known as "free", "free" or "free" is inaccessible for any other reason . The main moment here is that the OS / hardware should know that memory is free. Memory Management Function of C Standard Library does not necessarily return the OS to free-small memory. They can (and will) keep it for future allocation. Therefore, in some cases "access to free-D memory" OS / hardware would not be the result of "memory entry". This memory has not been actually released. However, at some point the standard library can decide to withdraw the free memory collected on the OS, after which an attempt to reach that storage will normally result in "entry violation".

objective c - How to use performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: on a method with multiple arguments -

Assume that I have a method with this signature: - (void ) Plotpoli: (Polygon *) Poly withColor: (UIColor *) Color AndFill: (BOOL) Filled; How do I get that UIColor and BOOL as well as polygon ? Should I wrap them in the NSArray and pull them out of the method called? This will mean that I have to change the method, okay? Is there any more attractive way to do this? I answered a fairly common question a few weeks ago. Answer the answer given below for this question. In general, I want to avoid NSInvocation for this type of work. It is a maintenance headache and, in particular, creates difficulty in refactoring in the future. First of all, this method was given: - (zero) plotPoly :( polygon *) Poly withColor: (UIColor *) Color AndFill: (BOOL) filled; It is usually declared: - (zero) plot policy: (polygon *) a poli color: (UIColor *) aColor filled : (BOOL) filledFlag; This naming conveys a few more closely the conventions. Now, what I will do

nhibernate - DDD: Should everything fit into either Entity or Value Object? -

I am trying to follow DDD, or at least my limited understanding. However, there is a problem fitting some things in the DDD box. Example: I have a user unit. This user unit is a reference to a UserPreferencesInfo object - this is only a class that has a bunch of properties in relation to user preferences. These properties are quite unrelated in addition to this fact, that they are all user preferences (such as an address VO, where all the attributes are meaningful). The question is - what is this UserPreferencesInfo object? 1) Clearly this is not a unit (I'm just storing it as a fluent component in the nabbbernet (i.e. in the same DB table as the user unit). 2) Vo? I understand that the value object is considered irreversible (so that you can sharpen them, just make them new). It is fully understood when an address for the example example (the address properties make a meaningful 'whole'). But in the case of UserPreferencesInfo I do not think it makes sense.

adobe - change flash input textbox background color? -

Can anyone tell me how the flash input text box can change the background color? The standard color is white I have to change it. View the docs: set background to true and change the desired code to < Set the code> backgroundcolor .

c# - Value vs Reference -

What should I decide about the equivalent (), reference, eclipse, and == from the following results? What exactly do they produce? #region int integer = 1; Int integer 2 = integer; Bull reference equality = (integer == integer 2); // true boolean value avow = integer Eccles (integer 2); // true boolean value aquality plus = object Eclog (integer, integer 2); // true boolean value aquality plus = object Reference aquals (integer, integer 2); // false # field # regional # integer = integer = 1; Int integer 2 = 1; Bull reference equality = (integer == integer 2); // true boolean value avow = integer Eccles (integer 2); // true boolean value aquality plus = object Eclog (integer, integer 2); // true boolean value aquality plus = object Reference aquals (integer, integer 2); // False # Parentian # Magbul obj = New MyClass (1, "Hello"); MacCulls obz 2 = ob; Bool Reference Aquality = (obj == obj2); // True Bull Value Aquality = Obj.Aquals (OBJ2); // true boolean value aqualit

html - How do I code this layout on my webpage? -

Which code should I use to layout my web page listed in this picture? Edit: Unfortunately, this is not a homework - I'm just a web site !! Thanks! Is the box height / weight fixed or fluid? Is there any background in panel A? The easiest way: HTML & lt; Div id = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "side" & gt; Panel A & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "head" & gt; Panel B & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "content" & gt; Panel C & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; css # container {width: 100%; } # Edges {width: 20%; Swim left; } # Head {width: 80%; Swim left; } # Content {width: 80%; Swim left; } If you have Background A of Panel A, you should set it to container, and get it from it. Edit: Q: How do I make sure that the panel does not slide under Panel A panel when A's content is equal to / equal to panel B? A: You have two options: a) Wrap B an

linq iteration need for single row? -

जब मैं निम्न कोड बनाता हूं खरगोश [] rbt = new rabbit [] { नया खरगोश {नाम = "जॉबबी", वनस्पति = नया सब्जी (VegiName = "गाजर"}}, नया खरगोश {नाम = "शौक", वनस्पति = नया वनस्पति (वेगीनाम = "बीट्रोॉट"}}}; Var s = rbt में जहां बीटी। विटेबल.वेगीनाम। कॉम्पेरेटो ("गाजर") == 0 बीटी चुनें; विदेशी (वीर वी में) {Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", v.Vegetable.VegiName, v.Name); } मेरी क्वेरी केवल एक पंक्ति रिटर्न करती है, तो मुझे आगे की आवृत्ति की आवश्यकता क्यों है? मैं कंसोल का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता। WrightLine ("{0} {1}", s.Vegetable.VegiName, s.Name); सीधे? कैसे जानने के लिए संकलक का मतलब है कि आपकी क्वेरी केवल एक ही पंक्ति वापस कर सकती है? मान लीजिए कि आपने एक और गाजर को शामिल करने के लिए अपना डेटा बदल दिया है - या बिल्कुल गाजर नहीं है - आप क्या करने की उम्मीद करेंगे। यदि आपको निश्चित रूप से कोई भी परिणाम प्राप्त करना चाहिए, तो एकल को कॉल करें यह। यदि आपको कई परिणाम मिलते हैं, तो पहले पर कॉल करें यदि आपको कई परि

'TemplateDoesNotExist' error with creating Sitemap for Django app -

I placed the sitemap activation step on the django site but I am receiving a 'TemplateDoesNotExist' error. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but there is no genericview to generate pages? ########### Import django.contrib.sitemaps from ## 3 ......... FlatPageSitemap, Generic Sitemap ........ ... ..... info_dict = {'queryset': Bookmark.objects .all (), 'date_field': 'added'} sitemaps = {'bookmarks': genericSitemap (info_dict, changefreq =' never, priority = 0.6),} Urlpatterns = pattern ('', ...... ....... url (r '^ $', 'microblogging.views.public', name = "home"), (r '^ sitemap Xml $', 'django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap' , {'Sitemaps': sitemaps}), .............) if settings ServMemedia: urlpatterns + = Pattern ('', (R 'site_media / (p & lt; path & gt; *) $', 'misc.views.serve')) ########### ## Error #############

Texturing a sphere in iphone's OpenGL ES -

Actually I want 3D rotating earth. The gluspress function is not found. Is it available on the iPhone's Open SOS? How do I present an area otherwise? There is no glutte for the iPhone, but maybe what you are looking for

javascript - Using Jeditable and activating on click -

I'm almost exactly what I'm trying to do. I'm working, I can get the default setup to work. I am able to get code in the above forum to work. I believe my problem is that because I am using a table, I need something else to select the previous element This is my html < Pre> & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td width = "5%" & gt; Input class = "cat_checkbox" type = "checkbox" name = 'delete_cat []' value = '& lt ;? Php echo ("$ cat_idata [cat_id]");? & Gt; '/ & Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td width = "90%" square = "edit_cat_title" id = 'unique_id' & gt; Category & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td width = "5%" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" class = "edit_cat_title_trigger" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "image / edit.gif" range = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt

iphone - How does UIView nextResponder know what the UIViewController is? -

Just as a matter of curiosity, how does the implementation of the next regender method of the UIView class show which UIIUIUI is the controller Who manages the scene? The UIResponder documentation tells this, and I can see it work, but I do not quite understand it. To do the best of your knowledge, a UIView does not have a reference for its controller, so what is happening behind the scenes? Or am I just not clear at all? I am still very new to objective-and-iPhone development, so I should apologize if this is clear, but I'm very excited. Thank you! This view is different from the hierarchy; the respondent chain may look like this: First Responder & gt; View hierarchy & gt; Window & gt; Window Rep & gt; Etc. ... However, the objects can automatically insert into the Response Chain and that is what the UIWUUUUUTUL controller does. From Docs: Because controllers are strictly bound to the scenes they see, they are also part of the response chain u

c# - Viewbox alternative using Winforms -

I'm being used for WPF and sometimes it hurts to come back in the development of Winforms. I'm looking for any options for WinForms for WPF Viewbox. Do you have any ideas My main issue is that I need to dynamically update the font size in a label control and / or picture control. Nobody ... Is it possible or would you like to be with Net 2.0? If so, I'm scared that dynamically changes the size of your text, it will need to be used to see the post in this case. mvc - Get Value of dropdowns with same name using jquery -

In my asp net MVC application some dropdowns are shown with the same name (say: 5 dropdowns with 5 names) I want all the selected values ​​of the drop-down to jquery with the same name How to get it? You $ ('Select [name = "uniquedropdown"]'). Val () as = $ .map ($ ('select [name = "unicudropod"]), function (e) {returns ('Option: selected', e) .val ();}); or var value = $ .map ($ (' Select [name = "unicodeproduction"]), function (e) {return $ (e) .val ();}); This is a Add / edit to URL for tag

Can Silverlight communicate with a MIDI instrument? -

Can the Silverlight Silverlight application communicate with a MIDI device connected to a machine running? In-out or Browser It seems that it is not possible in the Silverlight to communicate with a MIDI device You must do this for PInvoke methods in winmm.dll , and it can not be done (apparently) in Silverlight. See: This can be done easily in a WPF or WinForms application. It can also be done in the browser with XBAP, although you will need the permission of Elite to access the winmm API, for which a certificate will be required. You can still use ActiveX with .NET You can make controls, but I think you will need a certificate for this to get the proper permission (though it can only work with a scary security confirmation dialog).

perl - Why does this map return a single number? -

I am trying to cut the number of code lines which I am using, but a fairly simple problem (though This is stumping me because I'm just starting to wrap my head around references) I want to add many values ​​in a particular order. My code looks like this .. my $ separator = ":"; My @vals = qw (name last name first name phone); My $ return_name; $ Return_name = Map {$ return_name = $ return_name $ Query- & gt; Ultimate ($ _ $ $ separator) @el; What I'm getting "4", instead of writing all in one string What I'm trying to achieve is a small version of ... $ return_name = $ query- & gt; The ultimate ('name'). $ Separator $ query- & gt; Ultimate ('lastname') $ separator $ Query- & gt; Ultimate ('first_name'). $ Separator $ Query-> Ultimate ('Phone'); (I'm actually trying to string about 25 simultaneously $ query-> params . I only gave four for short) < / P> One part of your - Simple databinding - How to handle bound field/property change. Winforms, .Net -

I have a custom control with binding property: - objects and Private _ value as lieutenant; Bindable (True), ... & gt; _ Public property value () return as object _ value expired set (by value as value) _Value = value ending property field at any time, with that value It's bound, change, I need this type of. I do it in two places. First OnBindingContextChanged: - Protected Overrides sub-on-binding tontax changed (ByVal and System.InstantArgs) MyBase.OnBindingContextChanged (e) RemoveHandler Me.DataBindings.CollectionChanged, AddressOf DataBindings_CollectionChanged AddHandler Me DataBindings.CollectionChanged, AddressOf Even after this, I am doing, if I end the sub for me, then for me. Adding a handler to DataBindings.CollectionChanged event. This is the second place, which I get back to: - Private sub-databasesololbol switch (By-send as an object, by-system as a system.commentemodel.cliction change auctor ) If E. Action = Collection Change Action. B = bind

In ColdFusion, can I rename a PDF Form Field with CFPDF? -

We have a PDF that contains standard PDF forms. We want to merge them and fill the data in the field at the same time Want to The problem is that sometimes we can merge more than one document into the final document. Is there a way to rename Field (ADH __ #) in PDF so that there is no conflict of repetitive documents? I can do this with iText code, I am testing CFPDF / CFPDFFORM code to get rid of iText. You can not change the field with cfpdf or cfpdfform here is a simple Example: & lt ;! --- To populate each form - - & gt; & Lt; Cfloop = "1" to = "#ArrayLine (files) #" index = "I" & gt; & Lt; Cfset destination = "# id #. Pdf" /> & Lt ;! --- Fill form fields --- & gt; & Lt; Cfpdfform action = "populate" source = "# pdf_source_file #" destination = "# destination #" & gt; & Lt ;! --- Form paramours --- & gt; & Lt; / Cfpdfform & gt; & Lt ;!

python - appengine, urlfetch, and the content-length header -

I have the Google Appengine app to request pages from another server using urlib2 POSTs. I recently enabled gzip compression on other servers running the Apache 2, and Apenpage page requests began to fail on key-error, indicating that 'content-length' is not in the header. I'm not explicitly telling gzip Apengine accepted requests in my requests, but it is possible that Appengine is adding that header Googling has not given any clear indication that Appengine's urlfetch has gzip A header has been added to accept the encoding. Apache 2, if I miss the correct way, then leaves the header with length of content when the response is compressed, but non-compressed responses to the same server should not be affected. Does anyone have any insights as to what is happening, why the content length header is being omitted? According to this thread :) On an Appenzine Java newsgroup, Google usually accepts urlfetch requests on 'Acceptance', and '' Adoption &

sql - Oracle - difference or changes between two rows from two tables -

I have two tables, both of which are similar schemas, one will have records of the previous day, others will be existing, I want to compare both. I want to get only the changes or only rows, which have different values ​​in at least one column How is this possible in pl / sql, oracle? (I did something similar using a checksum in T SQL, but it was not sure how to do in pl / sql) A very efficient solution has been provided using Oracle to compare the results of 2 questions in this SO answer:

php - How to create Gmail Chat? How to connect to AIM and allow for AIM chatting? -

itemprop = "text"> I know that Gmail allows a user to connect a user to AIM and then chat as if he is logged on AIM it was on. Is it easy? Thank you! If you are talking about programming then the source example: PHP and Java skak ( ) Would be a good option. - How can I make two textboxes appear as one? -

और मेरे वेब फ़ॉर्म पर ऊपर से दो टेक्स्ट बॉक्स हैं मैं उन्हें एक साथ कैसे मैश कर सकता हूं और उन्हें एक पाठ बॉक्स के रूप में प्रकट कर सकता हूं? आप उन्हें सही डालने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं पृष्ठ पर एक दूसरे के बगल में और अपनी सीमाओं को स्टाइल करने के लिए, ताकि उनके पास कोई सीमा न हो या छूने वाले पक्षों की कोई सीमाएं न हों।

silverlight 3.0 - Custom Listbox: Limit Maximum Item Count -

I have a Silverlight 3.0 project that has a listback which is databased in the list of items. What I want to do is to limit the number of items listed in the list. & Lt; = 10. I basically completed it by doing 10 items to limit the data bound to the list. Take on my orignal data (10) and find out the result The problem w /. (10) The approach is that the original data source can change and later. Retract the original data reference (or not sure copy) (I) Sometimes the changes do not appear in the figures reflected in my UI. I am trying to figure out a better way to deal with this. It seems that if you have more than one UI element associated with the same data, then you should not 'filter' your data using LINQ functions. I only have the idea of ​​how to do it better, to make a custom container to limit the count, but it seems that it could be a mountain of work to make a custom stackpanel or equivalent. take (10) does not copy, Adds one more step for it. But

Automatically include DLL version number in file name in Visual Studio -

If I set the assembly version number for C # DLL in Visual Studio 2008, then what compiled binary is automatically Is it possible to include this version number in the file name? If I change the file name manually, then why is it like referencing projects? Does the file name map in an assembly name somehow? The assembly name is the name of the file, and for those assemblies that do not have a strong name, it The only way is that CLR can load the assembly from the disc. When you change the assembly name, your application can no longer be used to load the assembly, so the application fails. To automatically generate the version number in the assembly name, you will not be able to do this from Visual Studio, but it is not impossible to do this using an MSBuild build script. Do not advise to do this because the version information is already stored in the assembly's manifest and most people will not trust the version number in the file name (because it Not teak) and will als

mysql - Select * from table1 where JID is not in table2 with table2.uid also not being 11111 -

I want to select everything from the table one, in which there is a column JID. These are the things that players can learn but one Table 2 is where a player has a list of things already learned. So if JID is in Table 2, then it has been learned, and I do not want to be selected from Table 1. For XMPPell Table 1 JID Title Description Ranks Table 2 JID UserID value1 value2 Table 1 can contain 100 rows, but if table 2 has 9 z Some tables are from 1, so I do not want to select them. What's more, it's specific to the User ID in Table 2. That's why I need to filter table 2 by JD! = JIID match in Table 1, but only if userID = a php variable is passed. Hope this makese sense. I do not want to do a subquery I think it is possible to use the left external participant on JID, but I'm not sure how to invite USERID ... help! The PS JID can be in Table 1 and Table 2 if the UID does not match ... If it matches, Jedi can be selected in Table 2. is not present with:

dependency injection - Help me with architecture to encapsulate my databases (maybe DI/IoC?) -

I am creating a Windows-Form application that performs some analysis which depends on 3 different databases Two are actually Geographic Databases (ESRI) and one of the information is a standard CRUD-type repository. Let's call them GeoRefDatabase, GeoResultDatabase, and RulesDatabase respectively. There will be different types of analysis classes (eventually as 10) which require access to all 3 databases. GeoRefDatabase is centralized and will never require connection string. GeoResultDatabase where some output of the analysis will be stored. This is a "connection string" and physical location may vary on run time (each time an analysis is said). The result is that many of these examples will be there. Rule database is centralized and never runs. For this, the connection string will be required. So for example, I want to do something like this: var dbRef = GetDbRef (); Var dbRules = GetDbRules (); Var dbResult = GetDbResult (myLocation); Var z = Analysis

ASP.NET-MVC . How to get the controller name from an url? -

How do I get the name of the controller of a relative URL using the routes defined in Global.asax? Example: If I have defiend like this in the way: routes.MapRoute ("default", // root name URL with new {controller = "home", action = "index", id = "", language = "n"}, "{language} / {controller} / {action} / {id} / Code> From the string "~ / en / products / list" I want the products (the name of the controller). Is there an existing method that already does? Stephen Walther's blog View this project This project is an old system in MV CAPEX.Veb. Abstract Reference.So replace it with a new one and replace this project again to get MvcFakes.dll. This is my code: public string getContro LlerNameFromUrl () {rootclosure RC = new route compilation (); MvcApplication.RegisterRoutes (RC); System.Web.Routing.RouteData rd = New route data (); var reference = new FakeHttpContext ("\\" + HttpCon

How to get an iPhone app to appear in Spotlight with a query that doesn't exactly match -

I have noticed that when I search for "music" (for example) then the use of Spotlight on iPhone OS 3.0 While appearing in the "Midi" spotlight results, the "midi" does not exactly match "music", but still appears in the result. How do I specify additional keywords for my app, it looks like when searching using Spotlight, like The full name of midi is MIDI Music Identifier and Search (ULTA) . Therefore the search term 'Music' will give Spotlight a reason to list midomi applications. The spotlight searches for both names when spotlight appears in SpringBoard (your home screen) and their full app store names. (I do not know what else is in the search of Spotlight, but I know that it appears on these two names.)

inheritance - Accessing Profiles from App_Code -

I am creating a base class from which specific pages are going to be generated. That is, my pages have systems Web. U.I. Instead of receiving it from the page, they get from the mime (which in turn, get from the system.web.UI.Page). However, I can not seem to be able to use property property even though they come from both pages, I am at the actual page level, so I can only access the profile properties I am I am sure this page is just a misconception of my life cycle, but is there a way to access profiles from my custom class which is defined in App_Code? When you have a profile command class available to access the profile. Your web during compilation of webpoints From the profile profile settings, the profile common class is automatically generated by FPNnet. If you want to use profiles from the ePodod folder, you will need to use the ProfileBase class. The profile equation available in the page also derives from this class. The profile box can be used like this

Problem with calling a run file from c# Application -

I'm using the C # application to call a batch file that compiles and runs Java programs (This is a scraping project that captures material from websites.) The batch file contains the following commands: java -classpath core.jar; Mysql.jar; Realtouch.jar; Com.parser.MainClass C: / wamp / www / C21_real2 / property This batch file is working fine, when I go to the folder and double click on the batch file. But when I call this run file through my code using System.Diagnostics.Process , then it says: main square com. Could not find parser.MainClass The program will now exit. and the command window will exit from within seconds. I am calling the program from C # as follows: process batch = new process (); String pathtoRunFile = "E: \\ newFiles \\ run.bat"; Batch Startinfo.philname = pathfun file; Batch Start Info. Body = ""; Batch Startinfo Usse shellexicut

Html generation: Xslt vs String.Replace -

In this scenario, you have a business object that is called an employee, which contains all the information about the employee. The object exists in XML form as well as in the generic Net object. If you want to know which of the following methods are fast: To use the XSLT stylesheet, the employee's XML should be either html or Using something like HTML resource file and .NET string. Change the resource file to replace the keywords with your respective employee object properties? Using XSLT to convert your XML to HTML without doubt; In addition, maintenance will be much easier. Edit : And references: If you have a small HTML, then this will not be a problem; But, as your HTML grows, it can be a maintenance nightmare. For example, with your custom object data, & lt; Table & gt; Filling; Construction header can be easy, but for each item collection, and lt; Tr & gt; Adding and complication increases. You also have another option: If you are deve

How to make part of an existing GIT repository a submodule -

I have this GIT repository with two folders: binary-search and poker . For example, I will create these folders in subdomains and keep their change history. How can I do this? The general idea is to use the following steps: 1 ) Create a submode using the --subdirectory-filter> filter-branch (after your repo cloning). $ git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter ABC head - --all For more on this step, refer to it. 2) To remove the sub-commode, create a Superpequite using an index filter of filter-branch . $ git filter-branch - index-filter "git rm -r -f -cached --ignore-unmatch ABC" - full-empty HEAD < P> 3) Commit the submodic in the latest version of SuperPage. See for a practical example. Each subdomain will maintain its history. But as it has been said in this, it will be: Lose all historic connections between superproducts and subploads, ' git bisect ' Like tools break, and old ones make it difficult to recover. I - Font Color,Size,font change -

I have a template for which I am not making any CSS file through a form so that we can change the font style We are updating pages, fonts, fonts, size and database information stored in the database that we are storing, which I want to implement dynamically for my pages based on template selection. It is possible You should provide more information, but I suspect that you have set your values For those you have created dynamically and stored it in the database, you will need to overwrite your CSS rules after retrieving them. In the future, you should only dynamically give the name of the class and CSS class

text - Where to get a list of almost all the words in English language? -

मुझे कुछ यादृच्छिक पाठ उत्पन्न करना है। मैंने एक बुनियादी जावा < / Strong> प्रोग्राम, int nowords = r.nextInt (2000); Int i, j; (I = 0; i & lt; अब; i ++) के लिए {int lengthofword = r.nextInt (10) + 2; (जे = 0; जे एंड एलटी; लँगफवर्ड; जे ++) के लिए {int ch = r.nextInt (26); System.out.print (वर्णमाला [ch]); } System.out.print (""); } और परिणाम की तरह कुछ है: tafawc flnqhabhv mqceuoqy rttzckzqa bdyxzod zbxweclvia wegmxvuoqez ijwauhmzw joxm zvphbs ogpjyip qxoymxkxv yrfoifig fbhecph izxcyfma xarzse srwic JGI fkbcdcydpz qpdvsz rqhjieqno fmelfmtgqe qozenjlxtg vfxd lkmkrksgw ytuaduknsl जाने Ao बी.एम. lsfjednsa qouinii yrwzerdck yb kszttly zmwflwevyix KDG qpnkzuijva SSAU वाईसी wxews drqsdwbc glxb gokunixldec lznuwdvksx zkzhsirruxc sqplhv fzixywkaft fqdkumfgddn bcqp oiwwbo emhk केवी qhm xkjp kacbmcd ojh wzvukx oztbexkf lylyv kdspqpa zbykj lnprtlxp वायुसेना BNE ryamumcg oyhldwdlq bqyfxrszuf wyrijnr ysnefsz lhhazrdwsev TLL Ikibsnpqwg ntzlgc aahfsdeups rushos ihq

java - XML Data is sorted -

I am creating XML code using Java. See my code snippet. document document = null; String xml = ""; Reports Oado objReportsDAO = Faucet; Try { ("Getting XML data to start consumer reports ..."); ObjReportsDAO = new reportsDo (); List Consumable DTOLT = OZRportsAO.JetConstitutional Data (Issued, Issued, Employee Type, Item Code, ItemName, ClassName, Transaction Formad, TransactionToadet, MachineCode, Work Order Number, JobName, Customer ID); Documentbuilder Factory Factory = Document Builder. Firmware (); DocumentBuilder Builder = Factory. NE DocumentBuilder (); Document = builder.newDocument (); Element root aliment = (element) document.createElement ("item"); Document.appendChild (rootElmnt); Element LLMT = Faucet; Consumable DTO objConsumableDTO = Faucet; SimpleDetformSDF = New SimpleDetermate ("MM / DD / Yay"); (Int i = 0; i & lt; consumableDTOLst.size (); i ++) {objConsumableDTO = (Consumable DTO) consumable DTOlst .get (

Can a ASP.NET web service support other protocols except Http? -

I am reading on the Internet about the difference between ASP.NET Web Service and WCF and found that ASP.NET Is not supported; Other protocols except the http ASP.NET Web service does not support other transport protocols, can anyone explain it to me? ASMX web services, the basic web service platform, which was created as part of .NET 1.0 Are there. They are very old, and architecture is inflexible. Specifically, they use ASP.NET pipeline, which is centered on HTTP, not on multiple protocols. They were replaced by WCF, who do not have these problems.

c++ - C format specifier question -

When I was working I came across a code that was written by someone else. I see a statement, sprintf (o_prem-> o_file_name, "% s_% s_% 04.4d_% s_% s.ASC", "OUTD", "RM", sequence_no, datestamp_book 1, timestamp_buff 1); In the above statement, I see % 04.4d . Is this a perfect format specifier? variable sequence_no is constant int and does not have a decimal in it. to <3> printf An optional precision, after a period, an optional number string after it, if the numeric string is omitted, then it is taken as the exact zero. Returns the minimum number of digits appearing for D, I, O, U, X and X conversion , after the decimal point for the number of digits, A, A, E , F and F conversion, the maximum number of significant digits for live and live conversions, or the maximum number of characters from the string of conversions is printed. In this situation, % 04.4d , .4 specifies that all four digits of the number should be pr

c# - using linq to select last written file -

I want to get the latest written files from a directory and their extension. The file that can be present in the directory (with their creation date): 2009-10-20T07: 00: 00.000 filename1.mp4 2009-10-20T07 : 00: 01.000 filename1_0.mp4 2009- 10-20 -07: 00: 02.000 Filename 1_1.mp4 2009-10-20 -07: 00: 00.000 Filename 1.wmv 2009-10-20007: 10: 00.000 Filename 2.mp4 2009-10-20T07: 10: 00.000 Filename 2. VMV Note that the filename 'filename1' has 3 versions serially counted in the mp4 format. I'm looking for files named 'filename1' to get the following results (not in any particular order): filename1_1.mp4 filename1.wmv < P> Because these files have been made to the latest with two extensions but both have the filename, 'filename1', I wish. GetLatestFiles ("c: \\ test \\", in "GetInst Fi" Filename1 ")) {Console.WriteLine (fi.Name); } // ... public static IEnumerable & lt; FileInfo & gt; GetLatestFiles (Str

distutils - Including non-Python files with -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 6 जवाब मैं कैसे उस फ़ाइल को शामिल करें जो कोड का भाग नहीं है? (विशेष रूप से, यह एक लाइसेंस फ़ाइल है, लेकिन यह दूसरी बात हो सकती है।) आप सभी को चाहिए चूंकि आपने लाइसेंस फाइल का उल्लेख किया है, इसलिए आप अतिरिक्त मेटा-डेटा (जैसे लाइसेंस) को शामिल कर सकते हैं।

MEF vs. PRISM. What is the difference? What will be supported in the future? -

I have read the same posts but I am not clear What I want to make , It's a silverlight app with some tabs / modules that all have different DLLs. I think the Prism has shell / module concepts which have been shown in the direction of UI and I am getting a good demo (shows how to find Digg / Twitter). But it seems like MEF will be included in VS2010 so that I would like to go with that option. Can anyone clearly explain the differences? (I'm not an advanced programmer) (Update 1) So the MEF and Unity are basically the same ... and the prism is at the top of those concepts and this UI is specific ... The answer seems to be using PRIsM because what I'm asking is breaking a silverlight app into different UI pieces .. Does any PRISM know the future of development? Is it done or is it going on? MEF and PRISM fulfill two special goals. Prism is basically a guide to designing composite applications - where you have shell and "areas" that are dynam

How do I insert values from an XML document into a temp table, in SQL Server? -

An SP with Iam for which the input is an XML document I want to insert values ​​from XML into a temporary table. How can I apply it ...? create table [dbo]. [MyTable] ([A] [int] neul, [b] [warehouse] (50) faucet, [c] [datite] tap); DECLARE @p_xml XML SET @p_xml = '& lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Table a = "123" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; ABC & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; C & gt; 2009-10-20 & lt; / C & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; Include in 'MyTable (A, B, C) SELECT x.mytable.value (' @ [1] ',' INT '), x.mytable.value (' b [1] ',' VARCHAR '), Mytable.value ('c [1]', 'DATETIME') from X @ p_xml.nodes ('/ / root / table' )

What's the most productive way to do NHibernate mapping? -

I know the annotation to make hibernate mapping in Java and now I'm looking at a way to do this in C # and NHibernate. . Flint Li> Is anyone else ?? I tried NHMA and found that I have some block points ... I do not want you to discuss, map NHibernate's model What is the best way, but I was looking for a good comparison on the Internet. Do you know such sites? If I select one of the "frameworks" listed above, then what are the main points to consider? I am thinking of aspects such as 'Is this project ethically supported by NH developers?', 'Are there models that can be mapped in XML-Mapping but not in fluent / NHMA / etc?' ' What can you recommend? Why? or create code mapping files (CodeSmith, MyGeneration, T4, etc.) I dislike it because I like to keep my POCO plains.

Multi-dimensional arraylist or list in C#? -

It is possible to create a multi-dimensional list in C #. I can create such a multi-dimensional array: string [,] result = new string [20, 2]; But I want to be able to use certain features in a list or array list such as being able to add and delete elements. You can create lists of lists Public class multidimensionalists: List & lt; List & lt; String & gt; & Gt; {} or a dictionary of key-accessible lists Public class multidimensional digit list: dictionary & lt; String, list & lt; Int & gt; & Gt; {} Multidimetic catalog myDicList = new multidimensional (); MyDicList.Add ("age", new listing & lt; int & gt; ()); MyDicList.Add ("Pay", new listing & lt; int & gt; ()); MyDicList.Add ("Account ID", new listing & lt; int & gt; ()); To apply the suggestion in comment from the generic version, @ user 420667, public class multidimensionalists & lt; T & gt; List & lt; L