'TemplateDoesNotExist' error with creating Sitemap for Django app -

I placed the sitemap activation step on the django site but I am receiving a 'TemplateDoesNotExist' error. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but there is no genericview to generate pages?

  ########### url.py########################### Import django.contrib.sitemaps from ## 3 ......... FlatPageSitemap, Generic Sitemap ........ ... ..... info_dict = {'queryset': Bookmark.objects .all (), 'date_field': 'added'} sitemaps = {'bookmarks': genericSitemap (info_dict, changefreq =' never, priority = 0.6),} Urlpatterns = pattern ('', ...... ....... url (r '^ $', 'microblogging.views.public', name = "home"), (r '^ sitemap Xml $', 'django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap' , {'Sitemaps': sitemaps}), .............) if settings ServMemedia: urlpatterns + = Pattern ('', (R 'site_media / (p & lt; path & gt; *) $', 'misc.views.serve')) ########### ## Error ############################/sitemap.xml Sitemap.xml Request Method on TemplateDoesNotExist: Request Request URL: http: // localhost: 8000 / sitemap.xml Exception type: TemplateDoesNotExist Exception value: sitemap.xml Exceptions location: /usr/lib/python2.5/si find_template_source in te-packages / django / template / loader.py, line 73 Python execution Qualified: /usr/bin/python2.5 Python Version: 2.5.4  

its Cause this default template can not be found Used to be.

Ensure that is in 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source' in your TEMPLATE_LOADERS settings, and also ensure that 'Django.contrib.sitemaps' is in your INSTALLED_APPS .


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