objective c - How to use performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: on a method with multiple arguments -

Assume that I have a method with this signature:

  - (void ) Plotpoli: (Polygon *) Poly withColor: (UIColor *) Color AndFill: (BOOL) Filled;  

How do I get that UIColor and BOOL as well as polygon ?

Should I wrap them in the NSArray and pull them out of the method called? This will mean that I have to change the method, okay?

Is there any more attractive way to do this?

I answered a fairly common question a few weeks ago. Answer the answer given below for this question.

In general, I want to avoid NSInvocation for this type of work. It is a maintenance headache and, in particular, creates difficulty in refactoring in the future. First of all, this method was given:

  - (zero) plotPoly :( polygon *) Poly withColor: (UIColor *) Color AndFill: (BOOL) filled;  

It is usually declared:

  - (zero) plot policy: (polygon *) a poli color: (UIColor *) aColor filled : (BOOL) filledFlag;  

This naming conveys a few more closely the conventions.

Now, what I will do is actually capture the arguments in a simple class that provides -


  @interface PolyPlotter: NSObject {polygon * poly; UIColor * color; BOOL Fill; } + Plaster with poly: (polygon *) one color: (UIColor *) One color filled: (BOOL) Filled flag; - (zero) conspiracy; @end  


  @interface PolyPlotter () @property polygon * shift; @ Property UIColor * color; @ Property BOOL is full; @end @implementation PolyPlotter @ shift, color, synthesis for synthesis; + Plotters with poly: (polygon *) One color: (UIColor *) One color filled: (BOOL) Filled flag; {Polyplor * polygonplatform = [polyplatter new]; Polygon plotters yellow = a policy; Polygon planner Color = a color; Polygon plotter.fill = bufflag; Return [Polygon Plus Autocorrect]; } - (zero) plot; {// ... Here's your plot ...} @end  

The usage is straightforward, just make an example of PolygonPlotter and it's delay or at the main thread or whatever, the selector < Ask for the code> plot .

Looking at the question, I suspect that you may need a little more context at the time of illustration? If so, you can pass that information as argument from -plot , say, by declaring the method:

  - (zero) Plot: (UIView *) aViewToPlotIn;  

Or something like that.

Like I said, there is a bit more code, but more flexible than the NSINW conversion pattern and again. For example, you can easily create polygon plotters that can be stored easily.


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