
Showing posts from August, 2013

python - How to get path of an element in lxml? -

I'm searching in an HTML document using XPath from LXML in Python. How do I get the path of a certain element? Here is an example from Ruby Notchri: Page Xpath ('// text ()'). Every do Textnode | Path = textnode.path for example puts the end of the path to ' / html / body / div / div [1] / div [1] / p / text () [1] <1 < P>] 'and this is the string that I want to get in Python. Use Elementary Object. Lxml Import Entry Root = etree.fromstring (' '& lt; baz & gt; data & lt; / baz & gt; & lt; / bar & gt; & lt; / foo & gt; ') Tree = etree.ElementTree (root) for root.iter (): print tree.getpath (e) print / foo / Foo / bar [1] / foo / bar [2] / af / bar [2] / falcon [1] / af / bar [2] / falcon [2]

C++ sorting and keeping track of indexes -

Using C ++, and hopefully standard library, I want to sort the order of the samples in ascending order, but I also want to remember the original indexes of new samples. For example, I have a set, or matrix of vector or samples A: [5, 2, 1, 4, 3] . I want to sort these by: B: [1,2,3,4,5] , but I have to remember the original index of values, so I can get another set which is: C: [2, 1, 4, 3, 0] - that matches the indicator of each element in 'A', in the original 'A' For example, you can do this in Matlab: [a, b] = sort ([5, 8, 7]) a = 5 7 8 b = 1 3 2 Can anyone see a good way of doing this? Using C ++ 11 Lambda template & lt ; Typename T & gt; The vector & lt; Size_t> Sort_indexes (const vector & lt; T & gt; & amp; v) {// Start original index locations vector & lt; Size_t> IDX (v.size ()); Item (idx.begin (), idx.end (), 0); // Sort sorted values ​​v variant (idx.begin (), idx.end (), [& amp; v] (size_t i1, size_t i

html - What is practical purpose for bidirectional override "bdo"? -

Before coming here, I tried myself by googling after reading these two links I still do not clearly understand what the practical purpose is? Thanks to those who put some light on it. Beautiful striaghtforward If you are writing a web page using a default language, like English, Left to right is provided, and you want to include an island of text in another language, such as a quote in Hebrew, which is right-to-left you can use this tag to override the base In which the text is written on the page, if the bi-directional algorithm In going wrong you need to make sure that there are any font you use that also supports the appropriate character set.

css - block-level anchor not taking up space around text [IE7] -

I have an anchor tag with some simple CSS: div {background- Color: gray; / * For debugging * /} div {display: block; Padding: 6px 4px 6px 7px; Background color: red; In Firefox, the anchor (red) is also clickable beyond the text because it is because it display: block occurs with something / / for the dblogging cushion In IE7, when I slip into red area which is not text, then the anchor is no longer a link. element to add zoom: 1 , Which is not only 60% of all IE bugs (according to a survey created to make this point), but also attempts to plague block-level anchors. / Html>

redirect - In Asp.Net, check for existence of aspx page before redirecting to it? -

How can I check the existence of an aspx page before I try to redirect it, So that's my C # code in that case? response. Radical ("~ / SomePage.aspx") But I have to make sure that the page actually exists before I call it. It works with the string after all, so maybe I have some type or something else, or maybe I have not created that page yet. Do one on the page. if (file example (server.mappath ("~ / SomePage.aspx"))) Response.Redirect ("~ / SomePage.aspx"); You have a system Io will use the namespace.

Java Properties object to String -

मेरे पास Java Properties ऑब्जेक्ट है जो मैं इन-मेमोरी से String < / Code>, जो पहले वास्तविक .properties फ़ाइल से इस तरह से स्मृति में लोड किया गया था: this.propertyFilesCache.put (file, FileUtils.fileToString (propfile) ); उपयोग fileToString वास्तव में फ़ाइल से पाठ में पढ़ता है और बाकी के कोड को इसे hashmap call propertyFilesCache । बाद में, मैं हाशम से स्ट्रिंग के रूप में फाइल टेक्स्ट पढ़ता हूं और इसे जावा में properties ऑब्जेक्ट में पुनः लोड करता हूं: < पूर्व> स्ट्रिंग प्रोफाइलसट्र = यह.प्रॉपर्टीफ़ाइलों Cache.get (fileName); गुण tempProps = नए गुण (); {TempProps.load (नई बाइटअरेइनपुटस्ट्रीम (प्रोफिल एसटेट बटेट्स ()) का प्रयास करें; } पकड़ (अपवाद ई) {लॉग। Debug (e.getMessage ()); } TempProps.setProperty (सहारा, propVal); इस बिंदु पर, मैंने अपनी प्रॉपर्टी को अपनी इन-मेमरी प्रॉपर्टी फाइल में बदल दिया है और मैं टेक्स्ट को Properties ऑब्जेक्ट से प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं जैसे कि मैं था एक फ़ाइल ऑब्जेक्ट पढ़ना जैसे मैंने ऊपर किया क्या ऐसा करने का

c++ - ASSERT fails on CDC SelectObject() call - What can I try? -

I am working on a multi-threaded Win32 MFC application. We are providing a map and displaying it in a user's pane with custom-render objects at the top of the user interface. This user interface is going on the thread (~ 800 ms) is slow to render. I am trying to move on my own thread to the rendering so that the menu can still be sharp, while others may still be rendering in the background. The draw thread will continuously render using the CDC. The UI thread will call a radra function, which locks the Mute X, and takes the last snapshot of cbtmap and pulls it using the UI's CDC each location Where the thread's cd C is used, it is locked by Mute X. What I see is that thread through a new CBitmap CreatCompatibleBitmap , and then in the CDC of draw threads Attempting to select the new CBITmap object. this - & gt; M_canvas.CreateCompatibleDC (& compatibleDC); This- & gt; M_bitmap = new CBitmap (); This- & gt; M_bitmap-> CreateCompatib

c# - Visual Studio setup project - running as system account -

I joined VS 2008 has created a new Visual Studio Setup Project. I use it to install SQLExpress. SQLExpress installations work fine when I'm manually out of the installer. But when I install, I get an error with the permissions in SQL Express. I came to know that this is because the SQLExpress process is running as a system account while running from my setup project. Install through the process of trying to start the process through custom actions and through the C # code. Start but they run the SQL Express process as both system accounts. What can I do to run this process because the user is currently logged on? Note: I also tried to start calc.exe and it also runs as a system process. Why is it not going to run in the context of my user because my installer is running? If you set up SQL Server Express as a condition for your application If you want, you should add it as a condition for setup and deployment project. This can be done by right-clicking on your

How to Assign Mulitpule Caulated Value Into List in Scheme -

OK This is my fourth question on the plan today, still very new to the plan, For the day is necessary. Actually this will give me 2 lists of differences. Say you've got (1,5) and (5,1) , I should return this function 8. As l The distance between is w Here I have what I note: if I change the list (- (Car El) (Car W)) Write .....) function will work, but outputs 2 numbers which I do not know how to use these numbers as input then I try to put it in the list I do but smell Does not work in the pan, it does not give me any errors, but weird stuff (define (car L) (car w)) (if (& lt; (car L) Car w) (list (- (car w) (car el))) (if (& lt; (list-referee L1) (list-ref w1) (list (list (- (list -Rif L1) (List-RF Y1)) (if (> (List-Rif L1) (List-Ref W1) (List (- (List-Ref W1) (List-Riff) L1)))))) Here the code has been brought back to me & gt; (Difference '(9 1)' (3 1)) # Process: ... 0 \ assigment 50: 3> Any ideas? Try Lambda End-Up

post - HTTP Version problem POSTing XML messages to a server -

I have a DLL library, which I do not have any control on, which creates an XML message and HTTP sends server Due to strict specifications, the server will accept the message only with POST HTTP / 1.1 However, HTTP / 1.0 posts are being sent by sending log messages to the server if I open the URL directly in a browser, the log shows GET HTTP / 1.1 , Which is correct. We are not going through a proxy and the gateway is not changing from the version that I can tell. I have tried on two different networks and I get the same error, besides, I have tried on Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, both of which should support HTTP 1.1. Does anyone have any idea that the server is getting HTTP / 1.0 through POST, but GET shows HTTP / 1.1? EDIT: I have contacted the DLL Maker about this, but their help is not great. Edit 2: In using Fidler, remove the header I was able to, which has been posted below. .! 48A548C1BA8211DEA1EE8EF735B81699 / SJzWLaVEESCESCX6ESCESCW ~ ESC6FESCwxEuESCESCAb, L7

ruby on rails - Does "complete" attribute in Model have special meaning? -

मैंने चार विशेषताओं के साथ एक सरल परियोजना मॉडल बनाया है: प्रोजेक्ट का नाम: स्ट्रिंग का विवरण: पाठ पूर्ण: बूलियन उपयोगकर्ता_आईडी: पूर्णांक फिर मॉडल के लिए कुछ मान्यताओं को जोड़ा गया: वर्ग प्रोजेक्ट & lt; अब, जब मैं एक परियोजना को irb में सहेजने का प्रयास करता हूं, तो मुझे अनुमति नहीं है: / P> & gt; & gt; आर = परियोजना। नया (: नाम = & gt; 'नाम',: विवरण = & gt; 'विवरण',: पूर्ण = & gt; गलत) = & gt; # & Lt; परियोजना आईडी: शून्य, नाम: "नाम", वर्णन: "विवरण", बनाया गया_एटी: शून्य, अपडेट किया गया: शून्य, पूर्ण: गलत, यूज़र_आईडी: निल & gt; & Gt; & gt; आरएसवी = & gt; झूठा ऐसा लगता है जैसे मैंने सभी सत्यापन आवश्यकताओं को पूरा किया है, हां? अगर मैं पूर्ण विशेषता को सच में बदलता हूं, तो मैं ऑब्जेक्ट को सहेज कर पा रहा हूं: & gt; & gt; R.complete = true = & gt; सच & gt; & gt; आरएसवी = & gt; सच मैं नहीं देख सकता कि यहाँ क्या हो रहा है। क्या रेल परियोजना में

c# - Translating between LINQ formats -

How can anyone write it? var q = Customers included in C In order to be on C Equals equals Select new {c.Name, o.OderDumber}; In this syntax style? var 1 = Customer .join (???) Selection (???) I've been googling for a way to do this now with days now everyone with luck gives priority to the first syntax for the tutorial, but While reading, I find it easier to determine the order of operation. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> The compiler translation process involves using a "transparent identifier" which provides the current customer and order for the selection method. You can simulate this by making your own: customer .joint (order, c => ck, o = & gt; o, c, o ) => New {C, O}). Select (x = & gt; new {xcName, xoOrderNumber}); Instead, you can only include your name / serial number in the call to join the launch: customers.Join (orders, c = & Gt; c key, o = & gt; o.e.e, (c, o) => new {c.Name, odernumb

C++ functor - unexpected behaviour? -

I wrote this program, which is like some entries using a fun doctor: < Pre> # include & lt; Iostream & gt; #includes & lt; list & gt; # Include & lt; Set & gt; using namespace std; Struct IntSorter {Unsigned integer comparison; Integer () {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "New Antostroaster" & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Comparison = 0; } Bull Operator () (Contract and A, Continuit and B) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "C is" & lt; & Lt; Comparison & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; ++ Comparison; Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "C is now" & lt; & Lt; Comparison & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; A & lt; B; }}; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {list & lt; Int & gt; My list; My_list.push_back (4); My_list.push_back (3); My_list.push_back (5); My_list.push_back (1); Intecer s; My_list.sort (s); (List & lt; int & gt; :: iterator = my_list.begin (); it! = My_list.end (); this ++) {std :

.net - XmlTypeAttribute does not change name of type -

I am working on a project that makes a web service call using WSE3. Originally used VS2005, has been modified over time. Now, I have to change the name of the type in the SOAP message. I have collected that should be done using XmlTypeAttribute, but that does not affect the type name as an experiment, I used XmlElementAttribute on that property of that class, and changed the name of the generated element for that property. The generated item has been extended using partial orbits. The SOAP type comes across the "address" across the wire. I'm not sure why XmlTypeAttribute is not affecting it, or why it's coming in less case. What could be wrong, or a better way of accomplishing the goal? References.cs: [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute ("System.Xml", "2.0.50727.1434")] [System. SerialableAttit ()] [System.ComponentModel .DesignerCategoryAttribute ("code")] [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute (TypeName = &q

Mixing Python web platforms PHP, e.g. - Mediawiki, Wordpress, etc -

Is any development integrated with MediaWiki - Is using Django or other Python web development platforms using mod_wsgi is? There will be great interest in finding out what has been done in this direction and maybe some code is available for reuse. (I have started making wiki extensions that work with megawatt databases in Python, whose output is injected via Apache, contains virtual instructions. It works fine, but works very slowly - Maybe I can customize it) Actually Edit: was found Is that I have some parts of Python pages ready with Python Interpretation would. This good video shows that the PyCon site is only that (not with MW) - using the custom template loader Thanks. There are so many different ways to do this. You can create a MediaWiki skin that uses iframes and inserts things from one Python server. You can write a python app that in some way transmits MediaWix data and outputs it. You can put a Python server in front, which removes content

Split value in 24 randomly sized parts using C# -

I have a value, say 20010. I want to split this value randomly for 24 hours. So basically the value is divided into 24 slots large arrays, where all the slots are randomly incremented. What is a good way to solve this by using C #? random (without duplicates) 23 (not 24) number outlined in 1 to 2, 2000. Add 0 and 20010 and order these numbers, the difference gives you a slot value between two consecutive numbers. An online approach is also possible by pulling one value at a time and subtracting it from "pot" when the number is big. However this can be the maximum deviation of the size of the slot from this perspective.

c# - Unable to detect right mouseclick in ComboBox -

मेरे पास एक कॉम्बो बॉक्स है जो एक साधारण ड्रॉप डाउन शैली है मेरा कोड: मैं एक नई विंडो खोलना चाहता था जब उपयोगकर्ता सही सूची में एक आइटम पर क्लिक करता है, लेकिन मुझे एक सही क्लिक का पता लगाने में परेशानी हो रही है। निजी शून्य cmbCardList_MouseClick (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, MouseEventArgs ई) {if (e.button == MouseButtons.Right और amp; cmbCardList.SelectedIndex! = -1) {frmViewCard vc = new frmViewCard (); vc.updateCardDisplay (cmbCardList.SelectedItem); vc.Show (); }} अगर मैं ई.बटन == माउसबुटन्स बदलता हूं। पूरी बात को ठीक से बंद करें। किसी भी तरह से मैं यह काम कर सकता हूँ जैसे मेरा इरादा है? मुझे डर है कि जब तक यह मान्य नहीं होगा आप कुछ गंभीर हैकिंग करते हैं यह आपको समझाएगा। आपके लिए उद्धरित: व्यक्तिगत नियंत्रण निम्न नियंत्रण मानक माउस क्लिक इवेंट के अनुरूप नहीं होते हैं व्यवहार: बटन, चेकबॉक्स, कॉम्बोबॉक्स , और रेडियो बटन नियंत्रण वाम क्लिक करें: क्लिक करें, माउसक्लिक राइट क्लिक करें: क्लिक नहीं किए गए इवेंट्स बायां डबल क्लिक करें: क्लिक करें, माउसक्लिक

c# - Import values from the database to a table or something better -

I have a question about using the database ... string node = Session ["node"] ToString () .; SqlConnection Data Connection = New SqlConnection (); DataConnection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["SumooHAgentDBConnectionString"]. ConnectionString; SqlCommandDataCom = New SqlCommand (); Data Commands Connection = data connection; DataCommand.CommandText = ("Select * from xyz where xyzID = xyzID and path type = 0") Data Commands. Parameter. Advant Value ("@xyzID", node); DataConnection.Open (); DataCommand.ExecuteNonQuery (); DataConnection.Close (); Now the table has 5 columns which should return 5 rows. Then I want to add these values ​​to a table or a simple list so that I can use this value in my code later ... What is the best way to do this? Line Thank you You can add them to a DataTable - you have 5 There are five columns in the line with a .ows property, and each DataRow in the .ows proper

sql - SQLite subquery not working in PHP -

I am working on a simple voting system, I am preparing a complete scenario using php and sqlite and It has been tested in the scalet command line, where it worked well but a question for which all the possible answers to the voting should be returned and the users who vote for it do not work anymore ... < / P> Tables: selected table Create question (CHAR (200)); Create table option (poll_id INTEGER (5), option_text CRAR (200)); Create table users (name CHAR (100), pass (100), session CHAR (100), create table users (poll_id INTEGER (5), user_id INTEGER (5), like_id INTEGER (5), primary key (poll_id, user_id) ); PHP: $ query = "SELECT choices.rowid, options.choice_text, (select from users users) .name WHERE votes.user_id = users.rowid) Leave the names, options on the selection, vote on elections. Arrow = votes.choice_id WHERE polls.rowid = options.poll_id and polls.rowid = '$ pollid' " ; $ Result = $ db- & gt; array ($ query, SQLITE_ASSOC); e

What are the real-world problems with Ruby? -

Ruby is a great language, it's fast and flexible, and reminds me of so many Python, of which I I like it. Ruby is also very popular, and is now for some years now. Now that there are some "real world" projects and "rail-app business", my question is: What are the problems with Ruby? What are the things that do not do particularly well? Is there any other product or technology that has proved to be particularly difficult to deal with integration? Before embracing Ruby for the mission's important app, what are the things that developers should stop and take care of? In addition to this, has anyone compiled a list of some of the main losses (blog spam or otherwise) and how to minimize those risks? Edit: By the "real world" I mean business world, as opposed to the academic world where there is no budget and timeframe. is an article title, it is worth reading

recursion - Tree View in c# with recursive -

I have tables in DB with 3 columns => ParentID, ID, text, I create a tree in C # by Records I want to save this table. I do not know how to write my recurring method in C #, please thank me Please take a look, this is a recursive treeview template on MSDN forums.

oop - Why is method overloading not defined for different return types? -

In Scala, you can overload the method by sharing a common name, but who have different stages Or different parameters are of type. I was wondering why this was not extended even for the return type of a method? Consider the following code: class C {def m: int = 42 def m: string = "forty two"} val c = new c val I: int = cm val: string = Thanks, Vincent. You can definitely overload the methods that return Is different from the type, not just for the methods which only have different return types, for example it is alright: def foo (s: string ): String = s + "hello" def foo (i: int): int = i + 1 On one hand, the answer to your question was clearly a design decision: Return The type of method is part of the signature as Oi is also is AbstractMethodError could experience can tell you. However, the permission of such overloading can work with sub-typing: class A {def foo: int = 1} val a: A = // ..lookup aa val b = This is definite

c++ - How does get object from point work? -

I am new to programming. I want to create a card game with C ++ / Allegro, although the graphics API is irrelevant though. I want you to have several buttons that you can click. I think this is the proper way. For example, how do Windows know which control you click on your cursor? I will use an array of rectangles and check each rectangle if I have a mouse, but it does not look very good. What if I want to draw a line from 2 points and want to be able to pull any part of the line? I suspect that I am doing this right or any information on this will be very helpful Thanks Actually In, you want to create a mouse-driven user interface. It is very difficult to do this from scratch, this is the reason that if you do not like it, then there is an underlying GUI system in EliGra, you want to use the GUI library better. I recommend and write this graphical interface in C ++, this add-on for Alegre.

scripting - print entire directory of text files to printer with filename as header using bash or openoffice basic script -

I want to print a complete directory of the text files in a printer, putting the filename on top of the first page of each A file that has been printed, a Bash or OpenOffice script will serve well for me. GNU a2ps This is good for (offers options for multiple pages per sheet, etc.) if you can If you want the sentence-highlight source code too.

c++ - Can I use BOOST_CHECK only in unit tests? -

Or can I use it in regular code? If the answer is "no", then is there a C ++ library which will provide me all macros like CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_CLOSE, etc.? This is only meaningful in unit testing because its purpose is to alert the unit test framework that a test Failed and then continues. If the unit testing framework is not working, then it will not work. Outside the unit test, you usually want to use some tastes of loud instead.

sql - Is it possible to rename a MySQL table name already in the database? -

Is it possible to rename a MySQL table? If so, then how can you can use 'Bar' from RENAME table 'Foo'; or nominate the optional table 'Foo' in `time`;

jquery - How do I show error messages back to an ASP.NET MVC page? -

Note that StackOverflow displays some good status bar messages based on your activity? (The orange bar on the top page) I hope to do this, but I'm not sure how. Now I know the UI to display verification errors by using ASP.NET MVC 1.0 ... it is not very difficult. But if I want to show a status bar (not sure what they are called) and I guess they are done with jQuery ... how do you do this. Also, I also want for example Public Action Authorized Worldwriters (string aliases) {// Authorize, etc. ... etc) We have the TwitterOath Access Token // (i.e. we are back from twitter oak) // Then go back to index action, but a status bar / / 'message' / 'thank you / get / etc' Display. . Redirect return action ("index", new [] {alias}); } I'm not sure how I should send the message back to that verb and how to display that message with one of the things in the status bar. Cheers! Many ways: In tempdata ["static"] Keep it and choo

visual c++ - C++ RPC tutorial? -

I want to learn C ++ (native) programming on Windows platform for RPC communication. I want to learn both the server and the client side. I want to learn some advanced topics like display and security. Any good recommended materials to read? (BTW: I've made some goals, but all of them are either very short or related to COM, I want to learn pure RPC programming without CPP. I used VSTS 2008 as C ++ I'm experimenting with.) Try it: - It also describes what it is & amp; How it works

sql delete - I want to leave always one record if table record count = 1 with SQL -

I can delete records with this SQL section, remove from table ID = 2 I always need to leave a record if the calculation of the table = 1 is also "id = 2". How can I do this? Add a WHERE segment to ensure there is more than one line: Delete from the table id = 2 and (tab from selection number (*)) & gt; 1

sed - How to find and replace all occurrences of a string recursively in a directory tree? -

Using just grep and sed, how can I change all these events: < Code> a. In a text file under with Directory tree is constantly being searched and replaced in all the files in the subdirectory of all the files. try this: find / home / user / -type F | Xigs SAD- 'I / AEmplex / B.Amplex / G'

ruby on rails - ActionMailer and Delayed Jobs -

I'm using Gmail to send emails from the railway app on everyone I integrate the action mallider with deployed jobs I want to, so that every email I want to send is put in a queue which is asynchronously handled, does anyone have an example / tutorial on this? Looks like a normal enough facility, but there is a hard time finding something. Well, you already asked questions and got an answer here: There is a tutorial that explains how you can do it. mvc - What is the equivalent of OnCreatingUser in Mvc and how to use it -

itemprop = "text"> In my web form applications, I was checking my ASP.NET membership to control the event "OnCreatingUser" for my user's The name or email exits or if the user name is appropriate. What is the equivalent method in MVC and how is it used? Part of my method from the web form application. Public Zero cuwRegister_CreatingUser (Object Sender, LoginCancelEventArgs E) {Text Box Text Box = (TextBox) cuwRegister.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl ("txtCaptchaTextBox"); If (text box. Text! = Session ["captcha image text"]. Tostring ()) {// Do not proceed should go back to Register.aspx and retry the visitor again. E.Cancel = true; } Text box txtUserName = (text box) cuwRegister.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl ("user name"); If (ISUsNarom Obscen (TSTUSARNtext) || (! ISUserNameWalid (TTSTUsNarName Text.Rim ()) {Display Message ("Please Choose a Different User Name", &

sql - How would I retrieve parent categories in a mysql query? -

My goal is to get the list of basic categories from the nested category to the easiest way. Let's say I have a site that sold many different products, one of which is quad core Pentium. One feature I can display on my webpage is as follows: Electronics> Computer> CPU> Intel> Intel Quad Core The range table that I had in mind Is: id, parent, description It is difficult to do a recurring process on parents, is there a preferred way of doing this? Thank you Take a look. Your share is perhaps the most interested in rights: Retrieving the Single Path The nested set model Together, we can regain a path without having to mix themselves together.

traversal - jQuery: Given just an element ID name, how do it find its position in the dom relative to its parent? -

यह मेरे पास स्टम्प्ड है। & lt; div id = "container" & gt; & Lt; div id = "store" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "संपर्क" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; मैं "कंटेनर" के बच्चे के रूप में संपर्क डिविज़ स्थिति की तलाश कर रहा हूं तो बस अतिरिक्त स्पष्ट होने के लिए, अगर मैं 'संपर्क की स्थिति की तलाश कर रहा हूं, तो मुझे नंबर 1 लौटने के लिए jquery की आवश्यकता है। किसी भी मदद की काफी सराहना की जाती है! धन्यवाद! आप ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश कर सकते हैं: $ (' #contact ')। PrevAll (' div ')। लंबाई + 1 के रूप में पिछले div भाई बहनों की लंबाई प्राप्त करते हैं। यदि आप शून्य-आधारित सूचकांक चाहते हैं, तो 1 को छोड़ दें।

php - How to automate/simplify this content submission scenario? -

I am trying to think of a strategy to automate or simplify content submission. A presentation is by default through a form and calculates as an entry (some text fields + random numbers of file upload fields). Through a web interface, I can imagine it on a regular basis. But how can I automate the process to simplify it? I have no special solution, just thinking what the most logical views are that most people will agree best in this case. I thought about folder submission, where the user selects a folder or path of multiple folders that he wants to store and the system will internally analyze the content and break them into multiple entries or 1 entry, and then Essentially populate as many entries as if it were done through a web form. Any thoughts on this? What challenges should I expect from this approach, and what are the best ways to do this? I hope it is clear that what I am trying to achieve. In a way, a content bundle specification (which does not have to be complic

javascript - Am I using onchange incorrectly? -

I am trying to put a value ( key ) which is a number corresponding update A text box ( angle ) is divided by a value ( 25 ). However, for some reason, the changeMe function does not execute. Is I misusing the exchange? & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; The function changes in (x) {var y = document.getElementById (x) .value; Y = (y / 25); Y = (around mathematics (y)); Document.getElementById (key) .Value = y; } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Form method = "POST" verb = "" & gt; Your angle: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "angle" id = "angle" onchange = "changeMe (" value = "0" /> Key: & lt; Span id = "key" & gt; 0 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; change line document.getElementById (key ) .Value = y; to document.getElementById ('key'). InnerHTML = y;

java - Create a directory based on this month and move dirs to it -

I am thinking of writing a program that will transfer some newly created DIR to the other, which will give them date-stamp folders Puts in; Either I can write / debug / test in Java for 1.5 hours a month or a month or a year, but I would like to know that someone else has to deal with it. And maybe it can use windows batch script, or anything else i just do. Edit : It has been found that I did not tell my requirements adequately. Better Requirements: The folders that are created should be copied to the folder in the name of one month at present. This is important because new folders are being created every day, and if I always copy all from the source dial to the printed diaries in the month, then I will send the last month's file to this month's folder I will copy Besides, copying files in Source DIR after copy is also a bad option, because files are being streamed, so for some time delete the file in the Source DIR. Is being written for From the command

javascript - Searching for the Ultimate Resizing Textarea -

I want to give users resizing textirection controls. I have given it a go and seen many other implementations, but I feel that nobody can meet all of my needs, especially I want a control which: Works on IE and OS X on Windows and Firefox 3 and 3.5 in IE 6, IE7, IE8, when the page render in the analog mode (i.e. not in the quark mode). does not mess up the buffer / undo stack undone. This is especially dirty issue with IE - adding nodes, removing nodes and resetting some other DOM operations input buffer which means that if any action depends on these techniques, then in a standard texture control it will not be undone. . I could not find more information about this bug except for the addition. Implementation like jQuery is suffering from this problem - Try to eliminate the changes in IE and compare how it works for standard textures. I have demonstrated this problem to JSBin. There is a maximum height, beyond which there can not be control. Shrink appropriately when the c

java - alignment in applet -

How can we align variois interface components (such as labels, textfields, buttons) in applets ?? For example I want 4 labels and one button in a label, in which all the components should be in separate line ?? how can we do it ?? Use layout managers in Java to align components depends on different commands. Try it for reference and call the Layout Manager for your own position call tap layout ()

c# - Re-publish video stream as streaming FLV -

One of our customers has a mobile webcam, which is placed in the forest, which is streaming video to a public IP address is. Since web cam has a limited bandwidth (and it is streaming with a format that often requires customers to install a codec), the stream needs to be transmitted to the server again on a landline, the form of priority streaming FLV In. Which components can be used to write clients / servers that can do this? It will be written using C #. (Software solutions will be fine too, but we are on a limited budget, so it can not be very expensive ...) In what format is the camera sending you? Using the rebrandcasting off-the-shelf server is easy - which means there is no programming, no C # is part of the camera -> federver -> Flash players .

Iphone device token - NSData or NSString -

I am receiving the iPhone Device Token as the NSData object when I Tested the notification script function, so I only copied that object from the log and the notifications were fixed. But when I try to do it automatically, I am sending the instrument token as an ASCII encoded string in the form of self.deviceToken = [[NSString Alloc] initWithData: webDeviceToken encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]; The string I find is some funky characters and it looks like when the server side script notifications Sends that token, I have not got anything. Do I need to decode anything else? Regards OK, I got a solution if anyone If the problem is, forget about ASCII encoding, just string with the following lines: NSString * deviceToken = [[webDeviceToken description] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInstring: @ "& lt; & Gt; "]]; DeviceToken = [DeviceToken stringBeerplugging occurenceoffstring: @ "" with st

c - Help me with the simplest program for "Trusted" application -

I hope someone from a large community here can write a simple "trusted" program that I can extend. I am using Ubuntu Linux 9.04, in which TPM emulator is 0.60 from Mario Straiser (). I have installed emulator and emulsifier, and after running tpmd and tcsd daemon, the program can run successfully from tpm-tools. I hope that I will start developing my application, but I have a problem compiling code below. #include & lt; Slabs / tss.h & gt; # Include & lt; Trousers / trousers.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; TSS_HCONTEXT hContext; Int main () {Tspi_Context_Create (& amp; hContext); Tspi_Context_Close (hContext); Return 0; } Try to compile with G ++ tpm.cpp -o tpmexe I receive an error later. Undefined reference to 'Tspi_Context_Close' for unsecured reference for 'Tspi_Context_Create' Undefined reference to 'Tspi_Context_Close' I have included # to successfully compile it? Am i missing something I'

c++ - How can I get the IP address of a network printer given the port name using the Win32 API? -

How can I access the IP address of a network printer, using Win32 API? I tried to look into the PRINTER_INFO_ * strings , but it seems that it does not exist here. I do not think there is a standard way of getting IP address. There are probably various incompatible implementations of the network port monitors. For my network printer, the IP address is part of the port name (e.g., IP_192_168.1.104 ). If it is in that form, then you may be able to parse it, but I do not think it is universal. Using EnumPorts You can determine that it is a network printer, but I still do not see any way to get an IP address.

localization - gettext: extract dgettext() strings to domain.po files -

I have programs with multiple domains, some source files contain dgettext () calls with separate text domains. How to remove gettext-string in multiple PO files? For example, call dgettext ('one', 'hello') should go to a PO, and dgettext ('two', 'by') two po . Exjector only ignores text domains and puts everything in one file. First you need a way to separate the domain. For example, suppose you have a domain for lib and app , then create a shortcut for dgettext () calls; _app (msg) - & gt; Dgettext ("app", msg); and for a Lib domain: _lib (msg) - & gt; Dgettext ("lib", msg); Add these calls to your code, such as; show_message (_app ("Choose a directory to save your work.");); Show_message (_lib ("no space left on device.")); Remember that when you start your application, you need to call bindtextdomain () for both domains. To remove them, you have to type the xg

How to create EditField Which accept only text in Blackberry? -

How to create EditField , which only accepts characters and does not allow any numerical , No special characters should be accepted in which should accept the editfield only alphabetical characters. You can create your own class (i.e. AlphaEditField) and it has expanded EditField then the key Override the insert function that you want, something like this: protected boolean keydown (int keycode, int time) {char ch = net.rim.device.api.ui.keypad .map (Encode); If (Character.isUpperCase (ch) || Character.isLowerCase (ch)) {return super.keyDown (keycode, time); } return false; } Upper and lower case functions will change false for any character which can not be defined in the case, alias ... anything is not in alphabetical order.

html - Why does <button> make "GET" in Firefox/Chrome, but "POST" in Opera? -

मैं एक वेबसाइट ( asp.NET Webform with C #) विकसित कर रहा हूं जहां मेरे पास < कोड> & lt; बटन & gt; तत्व। यहां कोड स्निपेट है: & lt; a href = "thispage.aspx" id = "mybuttonID" runat = "सर्वर" & gt; & Lt; बटन & gt; नई यात्रा कॉन्फ़िगर & lt; / बटन & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; जब मैं फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स या क्रोम का उपयोग करता हूं, तो यह कोड इस कोड पर "GET" करता है ThisPage.aspx वास्तव में मैं यही करना चाहता हूं। सवाल यह है कि जब मैं ओपेरा का उपयोग करता हूं तो वही कोड "पोस्ट" करता है। क्या किसी को पता है कि यह बटन ओपेरा का उपयोग करने के लिए मुझे क्या करना होगा? शायद इसलिए क्योंकि एफएफ / क्रोम & lt; a / & gt; टैग पर क्लिक को संभालता है और ओपेरा इसे & lt; बटन / & gt; टैग पर करता है। क्या आप (मुझे लगता है) के लिए एक कोड के रूप में एक & lt; a / & gt; टैग रेंडर हो रहा है? उस स्थिति में एक अच्छा ट्यूटोरियल के बारे में कैसे एक & lt; a / & gt; टैग को एक ब

python - Is there any possibilty to convert recarray to ndarray and change ndim? -

I expected to recara with the matplotlib.mlab.csv2rec function that it would have 2 dimensions like 'x', but 'wi' Is there a way to get x from x? & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Np & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Date Time By Import Date & gt; & Gt; & Gt; X = np.array ([(Date (2000,1,1), 0,1) ... ... (Date (2000,1,1), 1,1), ... (Date (2000, 1, 1), 1.0, ... ... (date (2000,1,1), 0,0), ...])> gt; & Gt; & Gt; X array ([[2000-01-01, 0, 1], [2000-01-01, 1, 1], [2000-01-01, 1, 0], [2000-01-01, 0, 0 ]], Dtype = object)> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Y = np.rec.fromrecords (x)> & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Y Rick Array ([( (2000, 1, 1), 0, 1), ( (2000, 1, 1), 1, 1), ( (2000, 1, 1), 1 , 0), ( (2000, 1, 1), 0, 0)], dtype = [('f0', '| O4'), ('f1', ' gt; & Gt; & Gt; X.ndim 2 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Y.ndim 1 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; X Size (4, 3) & gt; &

java - reassigning JList & JComboBox data -

I am looking through the Java API, but there is no luck working in it. After starting a jailist, is there a way to change, or reload, the 'data' string? I do the same with the jcff box. string [] data = {"one", "two", "three", "four"}; Jellist Data List = New Zelist (Data); JLIS is using one of the utility constructors, which takes an array. The list is supported by the listModel. The utility manufacturer uses the following for the implementation of AbstraSystemDollel: New Essentials ListsDel () {public int getSize () {return listData.length; } Public object getElementAt (int i) {return catalog data [i]; }} where list data will be your data will be set and you can do this by dataList.setModel () Can pass in . For reference, here it is. JComboBox: You can be the best job, if it's for more than just a prototype, by your own complete development of Listmodel. A bit simpler, because there is a manufacturer of

c# - Change default output path for VS2008 setup-project? -

How do I change the default output path of the VS2008 setup-project? This program installs in the file \ myOldProjectName now. Right-click on the setup project -> View -> File System Properties -> Default Location

.net - Guidance for writing a wrapper for a REST API -

I wrote some very comfortable wrappers around the rest and less structured web interfaces, but for a lot of fun, very little Focus on error detection and handling, timeout, etc. Is anyone solid, professional? To develop the NET (or other platform) coating, on some practices, or practices, can give me some hints. Translation of HTTP error codes and filtering protocol errors from API errors Building URL based requests, possibly with pattern mailing and token replacement. Match back-backs for requests. How to map the Oo model in the REST model. Some requests consider certain methods, e.g. The lists are getting, and others are stabilized and hung between the interstitials, maybe a plain provider pattern with all the static methods? NEW: I have found this almost very basic since then, but it works as a starting point. Important: A very complex and rarely overlapping aspect is to deal with form authentication on the REST API, different login requests, cookie storage, e

Should company have different build engineer and install engineer for Enterprise Software? -

What is the difference between build engineer and instructor engineer? Do companies have different build engineers and founder engineers? Think of Sarbanes-Oxley and ITIL as compared to the roles of the job; The answer comes from the structure of your organization and if it is a public company or not it is a simple question if you are a public company in which Sarbanes-Oxley compliance is required if you pass your production environment If you intend to keep, you have to separate from software development to policy release engineering. If the ITIL standards are followed in the production environment of your organization, your release prevents engineering structure from starting from the production group. A build engineer works to create a layout in software development, create scripts and configurations that can be installed in production. A release engineer installs and debugs any real-time reboots along with any manual configuration step. Finally, you want a separa

sql - Dynamic LINQ with other databases -

Are there any free (free) providers for other MS SQL (for example MySQL or SQLite) databases with LINQ Work and dynamic support SQL query generation? Generates something like table.Count () table from SELECT COUNT (*) and does not load the entire table before and then calculates the rows. Here is the DBLink project: DBLink LINQ Providers that use common database with an API close to Linq to SQL, it currently supports (by presence): MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Ingres, Firebird It depends on the providers to execute the calculation () in the manner described by you. The quality of the provider depends on me, I think some suggestions on optimization Confidence are. See also

deprecated - Python Deprecation Warnings with Monostate __new__ -- Can someone explain why? -

I have an original monostrate with Python 2.6. class borg (object): __shared_state = {} def __new__ (cls, * args, ** kwargs): self = object.__ new__ (cls, * args, ** kwargs) Self .__ dict__ = cls .__ share_state return self def __init __ (self, * args, ** ("report report", "base report") contacts = kwargs.get ("contact", none) a = borg ( I'm happy that I have been given the following warning. Untitled: 4: Sanctuary warning: object .__ new__ () no criteria It does not take the self = object .__ new__ (CLS, * AGR, ** quad) After a little bit of Goggling I know that connected. I do not know what that means It is complaining about the following line self = object.__ new__ (CLS, ARG, ** quad) Which looks fine. Can anyone explain in terms of lamins that why this problem is what I think is "this is the other Is inconsistent with Tins, such as a list "but I'm not sure why I feel sure what it will shown me the right way of d

swing - Java 6 and SwingUtilities2 -

com. Component within the application using Now I understand that this class Should not be used, but it is a component inside the system that uses it. So because it is no longer available in Java 6, I get a nosalphiffend error. How can I get this issue without upgrading the component because I still do not know that this is an option. If you do not have any other option, then you should know that this class has swing Utiysius 2 How are you using it, and then proximity to that functionality in your own swing utisz 2? After that you can paste it into your own package, which will overlap with the original one, and if the same class loader that loads your component, also information about SwingUtilities2 , So each other will see and your application will work. Depending on what the component is, and whether it is used outside of SwingUtilities2, it can be quite difficult to renew it or to write it again.

sql - why can't I access my CTE after I used it once? -

My stored procedure looks like this: MYCTE (....) Delete (...) update ... (by using my CTE) in the form (using my CTE) & lt; --- The object says, my CTE, does not exist Can I use it only once? In your example code, CTE remains persistent for updates only if you need it to last longer If necessary, consider with a #tempTable or @tableVariable populating, and then update and delete them from them. You can also increase your UPDATE to use a clause, you can capture the affected rows and use them in DELETE here: Set the nocount on the set @ Tables (PK Int, Cole 1 varchar (5)) DECLARE @SavedPks Table (PK Int) @ IN TERT VALUES INSERT (1, 'G') @ Valid values ​​(2, 'G') Insert @ Values ​​values ​​(3, 'G') inside INSERT @ values ​​(4, 'G') INSERT @ values ​​value (5, 'x') INSERT @Table VALUES (6, 'x') set knockout Close; In the form of the form (selection PK, call 1 from @table) Update set the Mikitset call 1 = 'Xx'

iphone - error: request for member 'bounds' in something not a structure or union -

मैं कोर-प्लॉट फ़्रेमवर्क का उपयोग करते हुए iPhone ऐप संकलित करते समय उपरोक्त त्रुटि प्राप्त कर रहा हूं। मेरे पास यह दृश्य नियंत्रक का दृश्य आईबी में CPLayerHostingView से जुड़ा हुआ है यहाँ viewDidLoad () फ़ंक्शन से नमूना कोड है। - (शून्य) दृश्यडिडलोड {[सुपर व्यूडिडलोड]; ग्राफ = [[CPXYGraph alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.bounds]; CPLayerHostingView * hostingView = (CPLayerHostingView *) self.view; HostingView.hostedLayer = graph; Graph.paddingLeft = 20.0; Graph.paddingTop = 20.0; Graph.paddingRight = 20.0; Graph.paddingBottom = 20.0; CPXYPlotSpace * plotSpace = (CPXY प्लॉटस्पेस *) graph.defaultPlotSpace; PlotSpace.xRange = [CPPlotRange प्लॉट रेंज विलय स्थान: CPDecimalFromFloat (-6) लंबाई: CPDecimalFromFloat (12)]; PlotSpace.yRange = [CPPlotRange प्लॉट रेंज विलय स्थान: CPDecimalFromFloat (-5) लंबाई: CPDecimalFromFloat (30)]; CPLineStyle * lineStyle = [CPLineStyle lineStyle]; LineStyle.lineColor = [CPColor blackColor]; LineStyle.lineWidth = 2.0f; CPXYAxisSet * axiset = (CPXYAxisSe

svn - How do I deal with dependencies to multiple versions of the same DLL in Visual Studio? -

For example: I have an app, which is in reference to Library A and Library B, Library A itself is a different The version refers to Library B (these are all in C #) I want to point out all the references in a binary DLL file. Now I have one such Lib folder: lib / LibA / v1 / LibA_1.dll lib / LibB / v1 / LibB_1.dll lib / LibB / v2 / LibB_2.dll We say that app reference Libya v1 and Libub v2, but Libana itself depends on Libub v1. What is the "correct" way to set it, if it is possible? I would like to avoid GAC and reduce the amount of manual negligence with files, because the idea is that the developers will be able to check app A from SN and it will not make any changes in the path / context, assuming that they have Lib folder is check out. I see now that the Visual Studio is not copying the version of LibA to the output directory. Does file name differ significantly or do I have to change the version in the assembly? Use the correct method of doing this wh

c# - ASP.NET Delegates and Expressions -Information Request -

Based on my understanding, I interpret the meaning of funk representative as follows. Please correct them as and when necessary. / P> Announcement: function & lt; Int & gt; DG; 1 Can I interpret it as "a representative who gives an integer?" Announcement: function; L & gt; Int, int & gt; Delg1 = r = & gt; 2 * r; Can I define it as "R" which is a lambda expression, which is a parameter of an integer type that is called ' 2 * R is being evaluated and gives an integer. * Comparison: Representative and Lambda Expression 3. If both representatives and Lambda function are in the form of Pointer Where are you working? Comparison: Are the following two announcements the same? Announced 1: fx & lt; Int, int & gt; Fn = (r) = & gt; 45 * r; Announced 2: Expression & lt; Func & lt; Int, int & gt; Ex = (r) = & gt; R * 10; 4. If both the aforementioned structures are serving for the same

mysql - PHP PDO Prepared Insert Query. Problem with value not being passed -

I am using PDO for PHP queries made with MySQL. The query executes with no errors but a parameter does not pass it correctly. It comes in the form of an empty area, but not zero it is really strange because it appears that I have entered the code as other people who certainly do the right things. Really disappointing $ f_name = $ _POST ['f_name']; $ L_name = $ _POST ['l_name']; $ Email = $ _POST ['Email']; $ Pass = $ _POST ['pass']; $ Address1 = $ _POST ['address']]; $ Address2 = $ _POST ['address_2']; $ Suburban = $ _POST ['suburb']; $ City = $ _POST ['city']; $ Country = $ _POST ['country']; $ Phone = $ _POST ['phone']; ('Db_connect.php'); $ Stmt = $ db_connection- & gt; INSERT value (NULL,: f_name,: l_name,: email,: pass, address 1, suburb, '' in user INID, FName, lName, email, password, address, lean 1, suburb, city, country, City, country :: phone) '); $ Stmt- & gt; B

c# - How to find out if there are any duplicates in one list versus another? -

I have a list where a property of Myclass is 'name'. I want to know that duplicates with the same name in the list Myclass is. In addition, I have a separate list and I want to know whether there is a duplicate in comparison to List A or not. To answer the first question I want to know Whether the duplicate is the list with the same name in the Myclass. You can do this: boolHyplicates = List A. Calculation! = Listings Select (C = & gt; c.Name) .Distinct () Count (); In response to another question In addition, I have a separate list and I want to know that there is no duplicate compared to List A I You can: bool headlinks = separate list Select (c = & gt; c.Name). Sort (Select List (c = & gt; C.Name)). anyone ();

visual c++ - Creation of Interface in C# inoder to access some of the function in C# using a vc++ dll -

I have created a DLL in vc ++ and I need this dll to communicate with the C # component. # To create an interface so that I can use the C # component I have the net framework 3.5 If your DLL is one It is a Net Library, it refers to your Net Prospect and you have the right to go. However it needs to be made with the normal LANGUAGE standard. If your DLL is a COM library then it should be recovered in your net project and should create a net cover for it. Otherwise, you want to type the API wrapper for each function that you want to do. It's been a while since I have done this, but some good resources on the web should be there. If I miss that you only declare the method to specify the DLL file name with the delimport attribute , And then that method will poinvoke any call effectively if the data structure is complex, do not forget that C # reference (& amp;), dereference (*) and arrow indicator (->) Operators, who do C ++, summer Udder, but you have "uns

sharepoint 2007 - Which is better one DLL for all or many DLLs? -

We are working on a large portal developed in SharePoint 2007 .. We put custom code DLS has given some suggestions that all the code for all the components should be put in a single DLL instead of a DLL for each component. I think that each component is separate, To be put in separate DLL so that memory can be effectively affected .. So, which is really better .. Also have to put components in a single DLL or a DLL for each component? You must create separate assemblies for any reusable code. If you are not planning to reuse your code then the code should be better placed in a assembly because this performance increases. You should also check the following two threads < P>

html - How do I prevent a WebView from scaling down a rendered web page? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 1 उत्तर मैं एक कोको विकसित कर रहा हूँ / ओबजे-सी एप्लिकेशन में वेबव्यू (वेबकिट फ़्रेमवर्क से) शामिल है। मैंने देखा है कि यह WebView गाया गया वेबपेज का थोड़ा छोटा-डाउन संस्करण प्रस्तुत करता है एक उदाहरण स्क्रीनशॉट: एक ब्राउज़र (सफ़ारी या फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स) में: मेरे वेबदृश्य में: < P> ये प्रोग्राम द्वारा जेनरेट किए जाने वाले स्थानीय HTML / सीएसएस फाइल होने पर होते हैं, लेकिन अगर आप WebView को लोड करने के लिए कहते हैं, तो यह वही काम करेगा दोनों छवियां और पाठ थोड़ा छोटा लग रहा है जैसा कि आप देख रहे हैं, इस उदाहरण में, 1px क्षैतिज नियम अभी गायब हो जाता है। यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है कि यह वेबव्यू किसी ब्राउज़र में पृष्ठ की तरह दिखेगा, इस बारे में एक सटीक चित्र प्रस्तुत करता है, इसलिए मैं इसे हल करना चाहूंगा मुद्दा। मैंने वेबवरी प्रलेखन और इंटरफेस बिल्डर में सभी विकल्पों पर देखा है, लेकिन कोई भाग्य नहीं। आप इस पद्धति की कोशिश कर सकते हैं: - (शून्य) setTextSizeMultiplier: (फ़्लोट) गुणक ।

icalendar - VCALENDAR Timezone and DST in Outlook 2007 -

I have a problem when opening in Outlook 2007, it shows 1 hour forward in Australian time zone and back in an hour. Other places This would be a great help, if some body can understand it, the .ICO file is content. BEGIN: VCALENDAR PRODID: - // Microsoft Corporation // Outlook 11.0 MIMEDIR // N Version: 2.0 Method: Request Start: VTIM AZON TGID: Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Launch: Standard DTStart: 16010101 T 2000000 Rule: Frequue = Yierly; BYDAY = 1 SU; BYMONTH = 4 TZOFFSETFROM: +1100 TZOFFSETTO: +1000 TZNAME: Standard Time END: Standard Start: DAYLIGHT DTSTART: 16010101T000000 RRULE: FREQ = YEARLY; BYDAY = 1SU; BYMONTH = 10 TZOFFSETFROM: +1000 TZOFFSETTO: +1100 TZNAME: Daylight Saving Time END: Daily Light Eddie: VTIMZON Start: VAITENT ATEDE; Cn = "ullas"; ROLE = REQ-PARTICIPANT; RSVP = TRUE: MAILTO: ORGANIZER: MAILTO: DTSTART; TZID = "Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney": 20091019 T 180000 DTE; TGID = "Canberra, Melbourne,

c++ - Possible to use precompiled headers with MIDL generated files? -

We have a project that uses the MIDL tool to create specific header / ID and proxy files. Those files are compiled and connected to the rest of the project, which uses a post build phase which calls the mailmail. Is it possible to use precompiled headers with Thomas IDL generated files? How can I inject the #include "stdafx-h" and delete the other included headers? Use (include Force): "This option has the same effect in which the command line The file can be specified with double quotation marks in the #include directive on the first line of each source file, in the CL environment variable, or in the command file. " This will not delete other headers, But it is not necessary to use precompelled header ... all are Fear that you must include them want to Preekanpail stdafx.h. After this, the file included in the file is provided, it will not be a problem when they are involved in the sources. Example generated A.cpp file: #include < A.h>

eclipse - Will my .project file cause problems in other peoples workspaces? -

I share a project with other team members on SVN. Now I use the SpringID plugin in my Eclipse I am who I am The project file contains a & lt; BuildCommand & gt; Element adds, which is also under version control So my question is: If I do .project-file, did my colleagues break the workspace after the next update? thanks buildCommand fails because there is no plug-in, the rest builds are not affected, but every time it fails to be potentially Generates troublesome error messages.

python - forward and back command -

wanted to know how to write a forward and back command in a superclass, but I found out that If this is true (or wrong) some help plz def forward (self): Returns (self .100) def back (self): return (self.50) def forward (self): self.position + = self.distance return (self.position) Def back (self): self.position - = self.distance return (self.position) Edit: I assume that you install the app Some are doing something like progress bar, where some operations progress progress (copy files), and if the user cancels other operations, then rollback (delete files) to ask the appropriate questions as the comments of other users.

oracle - PL SQL - Resembling (!a?0:a) functionality -

मेरे पास कर्सर में एक साधारण क्वेरी है कर्सर some_cursor है चुनें राशि (some_field) कुछ_table तालिका_1 से जहां तालिका_1। टीईपीई = 1 और TO_CHAR (, 'YYYYMMDD') = '20090905' और table_1.f2 = 962 और table_1.f3 = 41813; फिर मैं some_var में some_cursor लाने ;- some_var प्रकार की संख्या है, कर्सर खुला है > जब मैं यह क्वेरी चलाता हूं, तो मौका है कि some_var नल हो जाएगा उस स्थिति में, आईडी की तरह 0 मान लेना; कुछ ऐसा - सी मैं क्या चाहता हूँ की स्यूडोकोड (some_cursor! = Null? (Some_cursor प्राप्त करें Some_var में) :( some_var: = 0)) क्या ऐसा करने का कोई तरीका है? मैं ऊपर क्वेरी को को फिर से लिखने के बारे में सोच रहा था, कर्सर some_cursor है चुनें राशि (कुछ_फ़ील्ड), कुछ (_) टेबल से गिनती (*) जहां तालिका_1.TYPE = 1 और TO_CHAR (, 'YYYYMMDD ') =' 200 9 0905 'और तालिका_1.फ 2 = 962 और तालिका_1.फ 3 = 41813; और फिर some_cwaror some_var, some_counter में लाने; यदि (some_counter = 0) तो some_var: = 0; अंत लेकिन

kerberos - krb-error 30 error code:KRB5KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN Server Name(Unknown) HTTP/Null -

I searched for many blog posts but could not find any solutions. I have seen many posts in a similar type of error but in their case server name: HTTP / domain name I go to the server Was able to receive tickets for But I really do not know why I am getting this type of error as a server name. error kbb: sTime is Tuesday October 20 10:11 pm EDT 2009 1256047890000 Sussex 548720 error code 7 error message is not found in server Kerberos database realm XXX. YYY.COM sname is HTTP / null msgType 30 My config files are like the following: login.config { Module Krb5Login module requires client = TRUE useTicketCache = true doNotPrompt = false debug = true; }; { Client Required = TRUE Usage ticketcache = true debug = true; }; { Use Required Client = TRUEKet = True Storey =