java - reassigning JList & JComboBox data -

I am looking through the Java API, but there is no luck working in it. After starting a jailist, is there a way to change, or reload, the 'data' string? I do the same with the jcff box.

  string [] data = {"one", "two", "three", "four"}; Jellist Data List = New Zelist (Data); JLIS is using one of the utility constructors, which takes an array.  

The list is supported by the listModel. The utility manufacturer uses the following for the implementation of AbstraSystemDollel:

  New Essentials ListsDel () {public int getSize () {return listData.length; } Public object getElementAt (int i) {return catalog data [i]; }}  

where list data will be your data will be set and you can do this by dataList.setModel () Can pass in .

For reference, here it is.


You can be the best job, if it's for more than just a prototype, by your own complete development of Listmodel. A bit simpler, because there is a manufacturer of the DefaultComboBoxModel class that takes an array of object as a parameter, you can just call to change the data Are:

  myComboBox.setModel (new DefaultComboBoxModel (data));  


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