
Showing posts from May, 2013

python - Communication between Windows Client and Linux Server -

I use an interface (Windows Forms or WPF) to help my colleagues control the states of virtual machines (KVM-based) I want to provide it) on a Linux host. On the command line of this server, I am using a tool called, which provides Python binding to reach its functioning. Remote access to many functions such as libvirt or logfile server to read. I thought about a REST full website generated by Python. Thanks, Heinrich Because you are using server-side tools, which have Python binding, you should give a serious look to the pyro that is a Python RPC library. To use it, you also have to use Python on the client, but this should not be a problem. If you have not started writing your clients, then you can do all this in IronPython or, if you have to add it to an existing client, you can still lock IronPathon or CPIthon as an embedded scripting engine. Are there. For more information on Peerro and Iron Pethon, see this wiki page

php - Blocking comment spam without using captcha -

What are some non-captcha methods to block spam on my comments? Honeypot input fields which are invisible to users through CSS (in the best way, many different -I use divin class = "text-text" itemprop = "text", such as visibility: hidden, setting 0 pixels size, and full position outside the browser window); If they are filled anyway, then you can assume that it is a spambot. Describes a complex method that I have tried to do to myself (with 100% success so far), but I suspect you can get it with palm field names Results by excluding all things and just adding a few simple Honeypot fields.

pom.xml - How can the output path of the generated JAR be set in a Maven build profile? -

I have a Maven POM, which is installed with multiple build profiles. For a profile, I copy, Go ahead or create a JAR file which is generated in the second folder in the target folder. How can this be achieved? The same question has been posted here.

Corporate adoption rate of Git? -

A discussion between some colleagues has recently emerged that in today's software industry, there are two separate worlds: "text-post" itemprop = Corporate Corporate Question How much is the use of the Git in a corporate environment? What is your experience with GIT in corporate environment? What is the price, we use git in our workplace. Everyone is very happy with it. Of course, no one will really be able to tell you how mango it is. I suspect that the continuous dissemination of CVS / SVN is very high with anything inertia. They were definitely the best (if not the best) option ** for a long time, and a large number of developers have got the chance to learn to use them well. If most of your employees are already relaxing with them, and they are quite good, then how many companies can expect to do something new? Another common factor in the decisions of corporations is to do it in a way that people of stigma related to free software add monetary co

simple regex help php -

I have such a string: MyText (1,151) I would like to receive only in this case within regex (), in this case only: 1,151 I know that this is simple but I am not good with regex. Thank you! There are solutions to almost the same questions that will work for you;)

security - LsaEnumerateAccountRights always returns "File not found" -

I call the Advaspi32.dll LSAEnumerateAccountRights function with a policy handle from LsaOpenPolicy and account SID by LookupAccountName. However, as much as I can, I am always bringing back 0xC0000034 which gives me the translation after LSATTTTOVIN ARR, "The referenced file can not be found." Which is not very good. My code handles this and using LSAAddAccountRights, the account goes on granting subsidy to SeServiceLogonRight, so I know that the policy handles and account SID are OK because it will exit because there was something wrong with either of them. The end result is that it has the right right to the account which works for the code. However, I am using it under the MSI Custom Action, to check that the account is correct and if it (or fails in the above) gives it correct And remember that he did it in the established state, if there is a rollback and it is appropriately added then it is removed, we never remove it in an uninstall because second app is t

sql - Saving Double.MinValue in SQLServer -

Using a TSQL update command against the SQLServer database, how can I update the type of type of column with the lowest possible double value The minimum possible double value in hefone notation is 3ff0 0000 0000 0001 () Whatever you need it for, I recommend that you consider options that need perceptions about the float type of the SQL server Such activity is. Unfortunately, IEEE 854 compliance is about SQL server rather than Flaky. For example, see. Also keep in mind that between the versions SQL Server can change this regardless of behavior and warnings again. Without giving all the blatant details, the smallest value you can specify directly to the flot, not necessarily the minimum price (without complaint) in the flot. Sorry to not answer your question, but some things of SQL Server revolve around IEEE, which is called "denormalized" floating point number, which is important to consider is important. I do not think the answer can come from a good answer that

charts - Basic excel like charting component for Ruby on Rails? -

I am using an alert (a flash component) to create charts from within my Rail application. I'm curious .. Is there a gem or a plugin that allows me to include a charting component in my web app, so that users can connect users with any data sets based on their choice Can and produce your own original chart? This will take me such a tool script for ages ... Ideally, I read it anbunch (XML or whatever .. maybe data out of my database) Want to do multi-variable data, and users can use components to customize their own charts with multiple series, or whether they want the "dumped" version of an excel given on the Web :) Chchha you're looking at a graphic image generator? There is that which allows. But I really do not really like the generated graph. There is also some language agnosticism:. Which allows you to create graphics by calling a specific Google URL generated from your encoded dots. So take your data wherever you want (database, XML, ...), you ge

c++ - Create from scratch, or build up on Scratch? -

I am planning to use programming micro-controllers or robots for the use of children (alias poor typists). For example, there is a project to build one. I really like it, and graphical coding should be the same. Under my free license it is written in Skak (based on Smalltalk), and I do not know the language. This is for me, other projects can be closed from there when I looked through a list of Wikipedia's graphical languages, I did not know much that it was open source and it should be closed could. I am familiar with C / C +, Python, and some objectives. If I was creating my own project from scratch, then I think I will use it because I want to make some cross-platform, but unfortunately, I do not know this. If I had an infinite amount of time to work on it, you can bet that I learn Sikk and Qt and do a thorough search of all the current visual programming projects. Not being so, I am asking for opinion: Is there any current project on which I should consider wor

c# - Marshalling .NET generic types -

Here is a C # program that tries to Marshal.SizeOf on some different types: using the system; Using System.Runtime.InteropServices; Structure Layouts (LayoutCind.Security)] Class Acklace ({} Structure Layout (LayoutCind Security)] Structure Astroc {} [Layout Layout (LayoutCind.Security)] Class B {ACLs Values;} [Structure Layouts (LayoutCind.Security) ] Class C "type 'c11 [AClass]' is an unmanaged structure Can not be martial in the form, no meaningful shape or offset can be made. ' Why? Specifically, SizeOf is referred to as C & lt; AClass & gt; , but on B or C & Edit on Edit: Because the comments were asked, here it is called "real world" There is a problem that inspires most of the academic questions: I am calling in a CPI which is basically a C function which operates a variety of simple simple structures (many different types) after all one field There is a generic header, but the area's headline R is different i

curl - Django returning HTTP 301? -

मेरे पास डीजेंगो दृश्य है जो curl अनुरोध पर HTTP 301 देता है: अंगूर: ~ Pete $ curl-I http: // someurl HTTP / 1.1 301 गतिमान स्थायी तिथि: शुक्र, 16 अक्टूबर 2009 19:01:08 GMT सर्वर: अपाचे / 2.2.9 (Win32) mod_wsgi / 2.5 पायथन / 2.6.2 PHP / 5.2.6 स्थान: http: // someurl सामग्री-प्रकार: पाठ / html; Charset = utf-8 मुझे पृष्ठ की सामग्री कर्ल से नहीं मिल सकती। हालांकि, अगर मैं एक ब्राउज़र से पृष्ठ पर जाता हूं, तो मुझे उम्मीद की गई सामग्री दिखाई देती है। कोई विचार? धन्यवाद, पीट < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> आप संभवतः यूआरएल को अनुगामी स्लैश के बिना अनुरोध कर रहे हैं और में सच (डिफ़ॉल्ट) पर APPEND_SLASH सेट कर सकते हैं, इसलिए Django एक स्लैश सहित यूआरएल को पुनः निर्देशित कर रहा है।

What's the best way to search for a Python dictionary value in a list of dictionaries? -

I have the following data structure: data = [{'site': '

php - Has Anyone Here ever tried PEAR -

Hi, I'm reading a lot of adoring articles of Pera Mail package and it seems that something that I need to try out I'm interested in setting up a full mail server, similar to a traditional SMTP mail service ; Which includes the mail queue, sends backend database etc. My impression is that peers can do this, but its service can be used to send mail like mail clients, such as how can any SMTP server daemon enter where a port operator will enter, the name of the server and / or Security Protocol? Thanks No, payers magically solve these problems for you going. Peer is a collection of PHP classes to solve common problems faced by PHP users. Package different parts provide code to communicate with the email system. They do not include code to create e-mail systems from scratch. For example, Mail_Que document documentation mail_Que class puts mail in a temporary container, which is waiting to wait MTA (Mail> Transport Agent ), And afterwards (for example, a few

Django: One project for integrated blog, forums, and custom web app? -

I'm still quite new in Django, so please keep that in mind. I have a forum for custom web apps, for blog, blog for blog, using three subdomains and 1 domain Trying to create three websites, When creating a custom web app, I used contrib.auth to use built-in detox. For the forum, I am planning to use the SNAPboard at Http: // at least, if any, upon initial inspection, such a It seems that it also uses contrib.auth users. For the blog, I'm probably rolling my own lightweight blogging app (because this is the way of Denegogo, Bennet mentions as B / C, no killer Django blog app) < / P> Currently, I'm considering two features that require some integration between the three sites. First of all, I want to enter the forum for users of custom web app to use the same account Are there. Second, I too (but I do not know how I am doing this so far) would like to be a topic for free discussio

hyperlink - Why would I put ?src= in a link? -

I dumb to not know this, but I see a lot of links in web pages and instead: & lt; A href = "" & gt; ... they use it: & lt; A href = "" & gt; Now I understand that src = something is saying that this referral is coming from barcode, but I do not understand why it should be Should anyone explicitly call out what has some light on me? Is there something that I need to include in my program generated link? Edit : OK, sorry, I'm not quite clear. I understand GET syntax with a question mark and different parameters by ampersand I'm wondering what is this special source parameter? Why a site joins one another and why a crowd of CRCR parameters end up in the end, although there is no indication that the destination site normally uses it. For example, by rotating your mouse over the screenshot. Link URL is but is our site. Passing the Src parameter is nothing, so why is it i

internet explorer - Jquery works in Firefox, Safari & Opera but not IE? -

It is weird that I am testing to see if JQuery has been installed by adding a warning. It works fine in Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome, but IE 6/7 does not just show warning JavaScript is enabled. Has anyone ever come on this? $ (document) .ready (function ({warning ('test');}); You have unnecessary commas in your JavaScript in many places in your inline object announcements. / P> $ ('a # n-america'). Qtip ({content: 'Nouth America', Show: 'Mouseover', Hide: 'Mauout', Style: {name: 'cream'}, // & lt; & lt; Firefox is tolerant of that but IE will simply refuse to run that entire JavaScript code section. Technically IE is correct, its badly The build from is Javascript. Ben

ms office - Why is my MS Access database always broken? -

I wrote a program to run as a service that often requires access to MS Access database After the period, my program automatically exits, then I open my MS Access database with the office, it says that it is broken! It looks very strange because my program accesses certain databases: insert, select and delete after a period of time why is it always broken? Has anyone gone in such a problem here? Any advice is appreciated. Almost all problems of this nature during handling access (or Excel, Outlook). ..) are not due to leakage (i.e. cleanup) resources correctly. Recommend the posting of any error you are seeing.

android - ServiceConnection::onServiceConnected not called even though Context::bindService returns true? -

I'm trying to force a service that was started on boot from an activity to start on boot The code was mostly taken from. This is the Android manifest for 3 main components. The XML definition is: & lt ;! - Receiver - & gt; & Lt; Receiver Android: name = "Receiver. Lifestyle PPAutoStarter" android: process = "android.process.lifestylepp" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Receiver & gt; & Lt ;! - service - & gt; & Lt; Service Android: name = ". Service.LifestylePPService" android: process = "android.process.lifestylepp" Android: Enabled = "True" Android: export = "true" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "edu.gatech.lifestylepp.ilifestylePPService" /> & Lt; Action Android: name = "e

uiimage - iPhone Development - Access Apple's default Icon images -

Can I get the icons / pictures provided in the system in UIImage? I am referring to the referenced icons / images. Not through the API. However, you can provide your own images, which set a great sign: - Are visible GUIDs a security risk? -

I am using and subscription providers for my site. If the user is able to easily see his GUID, will it be considered a security risk? Do I take extra steps to prevent users from easily finding their GUIDs, such as they confirm their verification process. Although there are ways around it, like using different GUIDs for 'front-end' activities, is it an overhead and an unnecessary increase in time of development? An example of possible spoofing is when I am authenticating the user's permission to use a resource. Guid cUser = (Guid) Subscription GETUser () ProviderUserKey; // If it is seen publicly, there is no reason to call DB or call in any session because it can be placed in QueryString bool grantAccess = CheckGroupPermission (cUser, groupID); Thanks This is usually a good way to expose Do not think the key to a database for the external world, but if you have to choose what kind of field to hide, then the GUID is not a bad choice, it is better to

php - How to post 1 line story to user's wall -

I see but can not find an answer for what I have to do: mywebsite The user clicks a button on .com This button sends a message to Facebook ("Sonodo has clicked the button") I want Facebook to tell the story of 1 line That user should post on the wall "* and so clicked a button!" Now, I have tried to use the stream. Publish, but I'm not really sure what I want because I do not want a user to log on to click on the button. I want them to enter their account once and even after they log in, click the button to update it. What do you guys think? Do you think the API can do this? Thank you! You can not publish without user interaction unless a user is associated with his / her Facebook account . Based on what you want to do, I think that you are either looking for FB. Connect. Stream Publish or FB. Connect .showFeedDialog

How do I choose between WCF, REST, POX and RIA services for a new Silverlight application -

A silverlight application can add it to a lot in different ways' server < (or it is still left?) Pox - Plain old XML (e.g., original XML) For each of these, please say what is for this and when you will not use it or not, I have a very large description of "rules of thumb" for selection between them. not I see In. (The problem is that when designing your first Silverlight app, you should know that it is time to know all those who do not.) My two Euro Euro: WCF The service can be seen as a business layer, when your service is "intelligent" like "CalculateDiscountForClient" . ADO. Net Data Services (In fact, only a permanent implementation) is appropriate when your application is basically data-centric and the service is only a front-end for the database. That is, all of your service methods are GetCustomers, CreateInvoice, etc. RIA Services is a very new technology I have not used yet, but it seems that the app

How do I create an XTextTable in uno using C#? -

Using Pyro in Python, I can do it like this: table = self.model.createInstance ("") It does not seem to work in C #. Here's my test code (I know I probably do not have to use all those statements, but I'm optimizing the code for someone else): Using the system ; Using; Using; Using; Using; Using; Using; Using; Using; Using; Using; Namespace to skirt {class main class {public static zero main (string [] arg) {XComponentContext componentContext = uno.util.Bootstrap.bootstrap (); XMultiServiceFactory multiServiceFactory = (XMultiServiceFactory) component Context.getServiceManager (); XTextDocument document; XComponentLoader Loader = (XComponentLoader) multiServiceFactory.

C#: simple vs complex objects and memory usage -

When working with large collections, which of the following is better? Class Simple Object Only with Field / Properties and Category SimpleObjectController which contains all method implementations is required by SimpleObject in runtime, I create a collection of simple objects, instant Instant a simple object controller and Calling on its methods, I want to work with simple objects. or The class "complex object" that adds simple objects and the simple object controller in the conventional OO approach is a collection of complex objects in the runtime, to iterate over them , Calling his methods as needed. It has been suggested that the first method is better in terms of memory usage, because instead of every heavyweight code in the collection, I understand in one object that if we have these items in 1000 collections It does not mean that the same method sitting in the memory is 1000 to implement. There will be 1000 examples of data, but they will share a code examp

Java Question: Is it possible to have a switch statement within another one? -

I do not have a yes or any question; answer. If yes, then I do not want to ask another yes or any questions. My trainer wants us to use charAt (0) as input to answer. Is it possible that there should be a switch statement within each other (eg nested if statement)? Thanks in advance Edit: My proxy code = is a sample of the display "Do you want to add a link (y = yes Or n = no)? " Input Adlink Switch (Link) Case 'Y': Display "Would you like to pay 3 months in advance" + "(y = yes or n = no)?" Input Advance Payment Switch (Adpay) Case 'Y': Linkcast = 0.10 * (3 * 14.95) Case 'N' Linkcast = 14.95 Case 'N' Linkcast = 0.00 Yes, but no. If you need another level of that kind of logic, then give the other change a descriptive name with your method. EDIT: For the example you added, you will get two boolean statuses I if & amp; Instead use the else conditions (test.ttAt (0) == 'y') as the case of

linux - mdns: is there a web-service interface to avahi-daemon? -

I want to query avahi-daemon's mdns database via HTTP. Is there any way to do this? After spending some time with the source code and not stumbling on the above functionality, I believe That current influx (0.6.23) does not apply this kind of feature nor does it expose the feature.

php - how to show the result in the same page after submitting the form? -

After getting some answers on my last question, I have issued this $ _SERVER [ "PHP_SELF" / Code>] As a verb for form submission, will someone tell me what is the correct way to submit a form and the result can be in the same page? The reason when I put the php script in any other file and the action set of this is my form, it does not show results in the same page ... any thoughts? If you do not set any action at all, the default action will be the current page. Then, you can & lt; Form method = "POST" & gt; ... & lt; / Form & gt; .

c++ - unsigned char array to unsigned int back to unsigned char array via memcpy is reversed -

This is not cross-platform code ... everything is being done on the same platform (i.e., Andyenes is similar. / P> I have this code: Unsigned four array [4] = {'T', 'E', 'S', 'T'}; unsigned integer = ((array [0] < 16) | (array [2] < unsigned four fans [4]; Memcpy (buff, and; out; shapes (unsigned Int)); std :: cout & lt; buffet & lt; ; & Lt; std :: endl; I believe that the "test" (due to the lack of '/ 0' with the letter behind the trash) Expected, but instead of changing the order of "tset." The characters, I solve the problem (rather than 0, 1, 2, 3 instead of 3, 2, 1, 0), but I have problems Did not understand what Memkpi does not act like I expect? Thanks. The reason for this is In the memory of the cooked CPU, the array is stored in this form: + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + array | 74 | 65 | 73 | 74 | + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + This indicates rising with a byte addres

python - Return value while using cProfile -

I'm trying an example method profile, so I did something like this: import cProfile class test (def): def __init __ (self): pass def method (self): cProfile.runctx ("self.method_actual ()", globals (), local () def method_actual (self): Print "run" if __name__ == "__main__": test (). Method () But now problems arise when I want "method" to return the value calculated by "method_actual". I really do not want to call "method_actual" twice. Is there any other way, which can be some thread safe? (In my application, CRPlise data is saved in data files in the name of one of the algms, so they do not stick and I can add them later.) I found out that you can: prof = cprofile.profile () retval = prof.runcall (self. Method_actual, * args, ** kwargs) prof.dump_stats (datafn) The downside is that it is undocumented.

performance - Web Development: What page load times do you aim for? -

Website load times on the Dev Machine are only a rough indicator of the performance of the course, and there will be many other factors too. So, I was just thinking what page should you load when you are developing? < Dev Machine / Server And on the page, which means that the actual amount of DB calls is included please Also describe the platform / technology that you are using. I know that there may be a large range of performance about actual machines, I just Less than 5 seconds.

ubuntu - Creating .deb packages from prebuilt binaries? -

I would like to create a Debian / Ubuntu .deb package with a set of prebuilt binaries. I do not have any access to the source code. To create Debian, I only need to use the source code for one tutorial, and also make all the convenient and easy tools to create a Debian package. How can I make a deb from the binary folder? / P> 1) You need to know where to put those binary: in / usr / bin? 2) After that, you need to create a temporary directory for packaging yourself / TMP / package 3) You must write your own DBIN control files eg . Control, PosterM, Prevans etc. 4) You put those DBIN control files in / tmp / package / DEBIAN 5) You can do 'DPKG-DEB' P> This is just a quick overview is; Some steps are missing to see how I can do this under my trail / project. It should start with you in any way. Hope it helps.

Using comparison operators in Scala's pattern matching system -

Is it possible to compare Scala using pattern matching system? For example: A match {Case 10 => Println ("ten") case _ & gt; 10 = & gt; Println ("more than ten") case _ = & gt; The second case statement is invalid, but I want to be able to specify when "when more than one" is printlen ("less than ten")} After a pattern you have a guard, i.e. a if and a boolean expression Can add: one match (case 10 = & gt; Println ("ten") case x if x & gt; 10 = & gt; Println ("more than ten") case _ = & gt; Edit: Println ("less than ten")} Edit: Note that it is overflowing with a if after Is different from = & gt; , because a pattern not matches if the guard is not true.

syntax - Can you take a reference of a builtin function in Perl? -

Is the syntax, if any, able to reference a biltin like shift ? $ shift_ref = $ your_magic_syntax_here; In the same way you can do a user defined subtype: sub-test {...} $ test_ref = \ & test; I have tried the following, which do not work at all: \ & shift \ & cORE :: shift & amp; 'Change'} \ & amp; {'Core :: shift'} If necessary your answer may include XS, but I do not want to. Explanation: I am looking for a general purpose solution that can get fully functional code references from any Biltin. This coderef can be passed to any higher command function, such as the context of a user-defined sub. It seems that so far it is not agreed that this is not possible, should anyone disagree? No, you can not do the underlying problem that you are trying to solve? There can be a way to do something like this. "If you have the necessary part of the question again, then your answer may include XS, but I do not like it." C

delphi - RAD Studio 2011 ( ? ) -

Is there any information available for the next version (2011) from the dummy / cabiller's mbarcader? Does any other link tell about the information related to the next Delphi / Cbuilder, when and when can it happen? You will find the best official word, which was published on September 11, 2009 by Michael Rozlog A new road map may soon be published, but by the time, it is the best official word. What I think (most of which are in that road map, or they were from the sessions you can do to Delphi Project X (which I'm assuming go to the next version After that the version is believed to be a Commodore, which is a 64 bit version. < P> It has some functional programming and multi-thread There are places where there are places to be mixed. This road map, even if it is from September, is before Delawi's Vivar / 2010 release, so I will soon get a new road Looking forward to the map, there should be a more clear view about the person who should be expecte

.net - Why does the Membership.CreateUser function does nothing? -

This is the subscription API in .NET 2.0. Suddenly he stopped working on me. I snatched it to do the basics when someone tries to make a user then I do not get any response. There is no error through this code, but nothing happens to ASPX The code here is here: The Protected Sub Button 1_Click (as the object, byVal e as the system and as the system. Click as the slow MCF system. Web. Security MembersCentryStethus Subscription CreateUser ("Kingfish", "password1", "", "What is this?", "Widgets", True, MCF) and all and here's the web . Code in config: & lt; Add name = "LocalSqlServer" connectionString = "data source = localhost; initial catalog = MyDB; integrated security = true" provider name = "System.Data. SqlClient" /> & Lt; Subscription default provider = "Optimize provider" & gt; & Lt; Providers & gt; & Lt; Add name = "CustomizedProvider&q

c# - Compare Disparate Data -

We currently have a process where we receive the inventory file from the seller every hour, in comparison to that inventory data in the file There is a need to do in our current DB. What we are currently doing: If we drag data from DB table to C # and do this with file then use LINQ to compare. We were basically preparing the file data while preparing it in a separate DB table. The file can have up to 100,000 records. Thank you in advance ..... s You should use. As a data flow engine, look for an initial discussion on this topic, all types of optimizations around the process and the entire process of writing, which will remember your application.

c++ - What is a popular, multi-platform, free and open source socket library -

Is there a free open source library for widely used sockets (in C / C ++) and Supports wide range of operating systems (windows, unix / linux, freeBSD etc.). Such as pthreads. Otherwise the only solution would be to write the socket cover for each operating system. Or would it be enough to write a cover against winsock and gnu c sys / socket.h libraries? Would not it be possible that I apply it against the socket library available with GNU CGNU C? For expanded platforms and my code will work in all those platforms? I believe there are socket APIs in both GTK + libraries. C and c ++ have been tagged, I suspect that you really want a C ++ - focused answer, but these are both good as pure libraries.

c# - Is there any way to use OpenID on a Windows Mobile WinForm app? -

I am trying to use OpenID on my Windows application application. Is there any way to use it? A web service or some simulator? This application runs on Windows Mobile 5.0 and above, C # and Compact Framework 2.0 SP2. Thank you! OpenID does not apply to desktop or mobile applications - Only web application user authentication for web services For those who need access to a Winforms app (mobile or otherwise) from the user, read on that is targeted at this scenario.

search - Where should my library deployed into Windows\System32 write logs? -

I have developed an iFileter - a library that needs to be deployed in Windows \ system 32. To report the errors inside, a potential strategy is writing them in the log file. Where should I put that log file so that I do not have problems with permissions, and this solution is Vista / Win2k8 acceptable? Do not deploy stuff in the system 32, the operating system is the owner of that area and for comm objects, You do not have any reason to do this. Place the log file in "% HomeDrive %% Homepath% LocalLogin".

java - Android app components - a word of advice needed -

I'm a whole newbie for Android development; Actually, I'm going to write an application, which will allow the user to take a picture, which will be submitted for remote webservice (with a group of additional data). So I'm guessing I'll need: Take a photo application (activity) which will collect all the additional data and put it in SQLite DB . A background service seeks DB in time intervals and sends data over the Internet, alternatively making web requests with the current GPS location (I am trying to keep in mind, sometimes Network will not be accessible) A receiver object that will run the service on boot, and optionally check that the service has my concerns: I really need to monitor the service and care of anything that can kill it. Does the battery run for non-stop running at least 12 hours in Rvice, by doing some networking / GPS operations, let's say, 30 minute intervals. (G1 / Dream) What else should I be careful of? Any ideas /

jquery - Fallback image and timeout - External Content. Javascript -

What is the best way to set up a local fallback image if the external image does not load or too much time to load You can add a carrier handler: Lt; Img src = "" onerror = 'this.onerror = null; Src = "./ oops.gif" '/ / gt; Establish terror to nullify the handler so that the browser does not die if oops.gif can not be loaded for any reason.

c++ - How to check if the first char in the line is # (beginning of a comment) -

मैं अब तक इस सम्मेलन का अनुसरण कर रहा हूं: std :: string line; जबकि (std :: getline (इन, रेखा)) {if (line.size () & amp; amp; रेखा [0] == '#') जारी है; / * पार्स टेक्स्ट * /} स्पष्ट दोष यह है कि प्रमुख सफेद स्थान के मामले में टिप्पणी को पहले अक्षर से शुरू नहीं किया जा सकता है। क्या अच्छा है एक तरह से इस प्रकार से निपटने का तरीका? सरल वृद्धि: आप लाइन का उपयोग करना चाह सकते हैं। Find_first_not_of ("") पहले गैर-व्हाइटस्पेस पाने के लिए और फिर जांचें कि उस एक '#' है यह शून्य लंबाई केस से भी कवर होगा। इस खंड की तरह कुछ: पाया = line.find_first_not_of ("\ t"); अगर (पाया! = स्ट्रिंग :: एनपीओ) {if (line [found] == '#') जारी; }

graphics - Which algorithm does Neatimage use to denoise images? -

What type of algorithm does it use to remove noise and grains from photos? I understand that this is a proprietary software, but maybe someone has an idea. References to publications or similar algorithms are welcome. This article looks promising: Discusses NeatImage's algorithm for a while and will be a good place to start.

javascript - Handle User Input with Raphael -

I want to write a simple game using the Raphael javascript library, but a question sticks in my mind. How does one handle keyboard input? I have seen the reference material and have not received any reference to it. Can you just pass this to the usual JavaScript key-headed methods? Are you talking about it? If so, check the source of the given samples. For example And you will see that they use normal JS events (Onmoudewow, OnMousePage, MouseDown, MouseUp, Mouseover, ... )

sql server - Subtraction between two sql queries -

I have 2 questions in MS SQL which return many results using the COUNT function. I can run the first query and get the first result and remove the second to get the second result, reduce them and get results; However, there is a way to combine all 3 functions and get 1 overall result As: sql1 runs sql2 run SQL3 (sql1-sql2)? .... I tried them as a function xxxx but there is no luck. You should be able to use subqueries for this: Just check it out: difference ------------45 (1 line affected)

metrics - Is there a service/way to calculate page drop off rate? -

I am in the process of analyzing our website to determine how we are losing customers. I want to know how many lost before losing the page. What is this metric called? And how do I collect it for my website? And is there any service that offers it (Google Analytics I'm looking at you ...)? You are probably looking for a bounce value in Google Analytics, because it is calculated on pages People click, then do not stay around to read. I'm not sure whether it measures whether the page has been completed or not. In fact with help: Bounce Rate is the percentage of visits or visits of a single page person left your site on the landing page. Therefore it is not measured that the page is not fully loaded, only if the visitor does not continue using the site. So that's not what you want.

interop - Java/C# Kerberos inter-op possible? -

I implemented a Kerberos server / client using sockets in Java, where the client sends their service-TGT to the server And the server knows that the client is authentic. My main concern is that 'Man-in-the-Middle' attack can catch a TGT person, and pretend to be a customer In pure Java implementation , This is not a problem, because the forward communication service is encrypted with session keys (GSSContext.wrap () / GSSContext.unwrap ()), which snapper does not have. But the client application should be rewritten in C #. I understand two of my options to keep the encrypted communication: Write your own wrap () and open () methods C # Use SSL / TLS. Option 1 is possible before I see SSL as an option? Option 1 contains some heavy code porting, which may or may not have time for you. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Option 2 sounds good. Option 3 That depends on your odds, use a private encrypted TCP channel, which should be faster t

ios - What are the common practices to protect data on iPhone -

Customer data is concerned about the safety of the device and stores locally on the device (like they do to our data files Even on jailbroken iPhones) so I wonder - what are the possible ways to ensure data security on the iPhone? EDIT: I am thinking of 2 ways to store data - a bunch of xml files (maximum size - about 1 mb) or SQLite database. I'm interested in the second version but still are not sure You want to see this article - It builds on a plan to encrypt app resources at build time, which can then be decrypted when your app is required. Decryption takes place in memory, so unsafe temporary files are not left on the filesystem. You can encrypt HTML, PDF and amp; Images directly into a UIWebView For transparency: I wrote that article and it is hosted on my own website.

c# - Linq XML Dynamic building -

I am creating an XML file Part of the file is static. Some files are dynamic. There is an error of "zero object reference" in my code Any suggestions will be awesome. Private XElement BuildDataElement () {// This is going to be a more complex new XElement ("data"); } Public Zero TestXML (String Fname) {// Create Data Element XElement allData = BuildDataElement (); // Header XDocument Document = New XDocument (New XElement ("New Map", New XAttribute ("ShowBel", "1"), New XAttribute ("includeNameInLabels", "1"), New XElement ("Color Range", New XElement ("Color", New XAttribute ("minValue", "1"), All Data, New XElement ("Application", New XElement ("Apply", New XAttribute ("toObject", "TOOLTIP"), New XAttribute ("Style", "ttipfonts, myatteletlet style"))); If File.Exists (fname) File.Delete (fname); doc.Save (fn

sql server - Best approach to views on archive data with change logs -

(Sorry about the opacity of the title; I do not think actually to say what I see without writing I'm a book.) Then in our app, we allow users to change the major pieces of data. I keep records of records that when a log is changed into schema, but now the problem presents itself: How do I represent best in a scenario for the report? An example would be helpful: Data of a customer (say, billing address) was changed on 4/4/09 Let's assume that today, 10/19/09, all of my 2009 orders Want to see, before and after change I also want that every order will be displayed to show the existing billing address as per the order date. Therefore, I have 4 tables: Order (with order data) Customer (customer customer (connecting two) Customer changes (which keeps date of change, Employee ID), what was the old billing address, and how he changed it) How do I use the best one view through reporting to return the address properly? By creating a better reporting database and there What

java - Calculate SHA1 or MD5 hash in iReport -

How will the SHA1 or MD5 hash be counted within iReport on report execution? I need to compare a hash that runs before a database against a database based area (string). iReport 2.0.5 (old) and report engine has been used in a commercial application. I used the iReport and Jasper reports a few years ago and I do not remember details, but I Remember that you can put some Java code evaluated by using that feature you can calculate MD5 in some rows: string encryption algorithm = "MD5 "; String Value ToEncrypt = "Stack Overflow"; MessageDigest msgDgst = MessageDigest.getInstance (Encryption Algorithm); MsgDgst.update (valueToEncrypt.getBytes (), 0, valueToEncrypt.length ()); String MD5 = New BigInter (1, msgDgst.digest ()). ToString (16); Println (md5); java.math.BigInteger, and need to be imported; SHA1 is almost identical to calculating hash: string encryption algorithm = "SH

.net - How to configure StyleCop to suppress warnings on generated code? -

Another project, this is an option in Code Analysis of Visual Studio, but I do not have it for Style Cop (aka Source Analysis) Could search The file I want to ignore is a DBML .designer.cs code, which contains // and lt; Autogenerated & gt; The tag tells me that it will be enough, but in my case it is not. edit: I use header in grammar generated for ARLL I am This is actually the main part of the string template template, so two \ & gt; entries are actually just & gt; escapes the scores & lt; Auto-generated & gt; In addition to the tag and [GeneratedCode] attribute, we had to disable some alerts that were shown during code analysis. // -------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------ // \ & lt; Auto Generated & gt; // This code was generated by a tool // ATLL version: ANLRVRSson // // Changes made in this file can be the reason of wrong behavior and if // is reproduced then it will be lost. // \ & lt;

Crystal Reports: including a subreport into a grouping section? -

I have a report that lists the company's details. The company has two parts of the expansion, the first part lists environmental data and the second is actually a subreport which lists the cash flow details for every one year of the company. I have several companies for whom I need to do this - the report by the company works like a dream when it comes to subreport. I have real issues that are trying to get it so that each individual company has a different sub-report of cash flow. Someone knows how to include a subreport in a group so that each company has its data for cash flow data. Subforport will have to take a parameter that identifies a company, which will provide key reports. After that you can link the value to the parameter through the subreport properties available on the main report page.

c# - EDITED: Where and how should download temp files? -

says that I want to run an XE from the Web, well, clearly I'll call it a temporary folder I want to download in There, and remove it (or the OS does this) Are there any such conventions to do this, while overwriting existing files, without permission issues? Thank you. Edit I recommend the desktop application. BTW, I have a lot of speculation, but I'm wondering what has been accepted. I know that I can use the Path.GetTempFile , but then it has already made the file to me, which helps me to think that he It can also add to some DB, and keep an eye on it - so I can not remove it and can not replace it with my own file. I know I can also use it Path.TempDirectory (or something similar) and path. RandomFileName , but later adds a random extension for the filename, while I need an XK, obviously it can be very solan easily, but I think MS is already for us Have tried to write whether I feel strange to re-write. "post-text" itemprop = "text"&g

javascript - Classic ASP "ExecuteGlobal" statement acting differently on two servers -

I have a strange problem that I really do not know. In addition to developing a new ASP.NET site, I have to support the old "classic ASP" site. It is written in VBScript with a batch of JavaScript functions. Many of the JavaScript functions include 'files' Everything is fine on our production system (which security is controlled by another group - this is a military installation) Debugging them once did not work I). However, I have a fix for a vague bug that needs to be fully tested and some functions do not run under the "local" copy of the website that runs on my PC. For the record, I am running IIS 5.1 on XP. The problem is that some Javascript functions are running "OK" on the production server, but when they use it as a server, they are not defined on my PC what is happening that last Programmer, for some reason, has decided to put some functions in a series of files, which according to the observations, imitate the "need_once

ASP.NET web service- restrict some concurrent instances based on validation -

I have an ASP.NET Web service running on a web server that is one of the web processing methods (WM) Whatever the processing is based on the parameter (param) I only want to restrict the concurrent calls to this web method in some cases - that is, when the value of the supreme value passed by client 1 is equal to the maximum passed by client 2. I was thinking of adding some assumptions at the beginning of the wm to check the situations before the process began. My questions are: How can I find out from within my web method, if the same web method is being executed then the web service There is another example. How can I access all the parameters near my webmath when they are running, then they are webservice. I want to avoid database logging because when the server log goes down, it can not be updated (unless there is no good way to deal with this possibility) IMHO web services should require stay stateless and avoid such things needed. Otherwise by the tip of

What Perl glob expression matches all the files that look like /home/test-N.txt? -

I'm starting for a pell syntax and a basic wildcard question. I'm looking for an expression that will allow me to get the following files. /home/test-1.txt/home/test-2.txt/home/test-3.txt I am only interested in the actual wildcard expression, file I / O no & lt; / Home / test - *. Txt & gt; You must have the necessary files. glob ("/ home / test - * .txt") does the same thing This is the one.

java - Proguard obfuscate Fat jar -

My application Jar includes classes from swing-layout.jar which has a free layout manager for Java 1.5. During the vague process, I get a lot of warnings like [proguard] Note: org.jdesktop.layout.SwingLayoutStyle uses a field 'INDE NT' dynamically [proguard] Probably this programmable field Is' org.jdesktop .layout.LayoutStyl e {int INDENT; } ' I have to leave the projector alone org.jdesktop sections alone and get rid of the warnings I'm trying to do. --keeppackagenames org.jdesktop * But is not it working? you want me to think, -keep org .jdesktop ** Pay attention to two stars. From: * matches any part of a name that does not have a package separator or directory separator. ** matches any part of a name, possibly there are any package separators or directory separators in it. -keeppackagenames just keeps ... the name of the package! You want - Maintenance, which protects these packages names

unit testing - NUnit. How to automatically generate tests? -

Is there a software that simplifies the creation of tests? Most of the testing material is very repetitive, so I thought someone might have automated it. Have a look at you - it allows generating tests for NUnit, MbUnit and others Here is the use of this tool.

spring - Out of Memory Error in Eclipse -

I am trying to establish a Spring Framework in my assumed Ganymede through an updated site. But when it updates, there is an error in my ID, which says there is a memory error. Try enhancing memory settings in Eclipse.ini. I'm using -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX: MaxPermSize = 512m

jQuery chaining and toggle not running -

अगर मैं इस कोड को चलाता हूँ, var waitRow = $ (this)। Parent ) .parent () अगले () मिल (0)।। $ (रुको)। बच्चे ('td: nth-child (2)')। Html ('कुछ पाठ')। टॉगल (); टॉगल को नहीं बुलाया गया है। अगर मैं इसके बजाय निम्नलिखित कोड लिखता हूं तो यह काम करता है। क्यों? var waitRow = $ (this)। Parent ()। Parent ()। Next ()। Get (0); $ (रुको)। बच्चे ('टीडी: एनथ-बाल (2)')। Html ('कुछ पाठ'); $ (WaitRow) .toggle (); क्योंकि आप बच्चे तत्व को टॉगल कर रहे हैं, इंतजार नहीं करें, मुझे विश्वास है कि आप < कोड> .end () इसके लिए: $ (इंतज़ार करें)। बच्चे ('td: nth-child (2)')। Html ('कुछ पाठ')। । अंत () को चालू (); वापस माता पिता के पास जाने के लिए। या । Parent () फिर से उपयोग करें। संदर्भ:

javascript - What is an efficient way to set CSS class for each cell in a given table row? -

I have a problem in setting a CSS class for each cell in a table table initially I thought the original line css set Will affect the style properties of cells, but that does not work; Instead, I need to loop through all the cells in a row to update the CSS class. Although it is not efficient and it took a lot of time. Consider my situation: I have approximately 230 lines, with 23 cells (fully 5280 cells) in each row. Note: If I do not use any framework, can you suggest an approach in native JS? Update: Its work is fine by using Paolo's recommendation .. Initially my custom CSS class Has been done by way .grid_RowItalicsBold {PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; Padding-left: 8 pixels; font-weight: bold; Font-size: 8pt; Hidden flurry; Art color; Line-HEIGHT: 15pt; Font-style: normal; Fun-family: Wardana, Ariel, Saines-Serif; White-space: Abrop; Background-color: yellow; Text-decoration: none} and I made it tr.Grid_RowItalicsBold TD {PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; Padding-left: 8 pixe

java - Using different layouts in GUIs -

That's my program should look like this and I'm a little confused why I should use different layouts. I have a window class that calls the panel class and the panel calls the class input panel and the display panel class. My InputPlan class calls my details panel, the Cranial Panel and the Button Panel classes so that they can be seen under the input tab. I was asked to use a border line for the entire window, and that the DetailsPanel (left panel) and Crime Panel should have a grid layout. What this means should be: Border layout code in the panel and the grid layout code in the Crime panel and details panel or Borders in the window Keep the layout code and gridlove code in the panel? OK, your description is a bit confusing (or I am still very tired or not enough caffeine yet). But as far as I can see it, your first option is correct. Normally you nest on object runtime, it may look like this: InputPanel + (Border Layout) + - DescriptionPanel (put i

WPF: Binding with nonstatic parameter? (newbie question) -

This may be obvious but I can not find the best method. I have to show that the user's ToDo is in a listback, they are in the Tudo database and include an ID, User ID and details. The user has logged into the app. How can I get Todo for that specific user ID and set it to compute in the list? I was trying with an ObjectDataProvider but I can not understand how to use it in combination with nonstatic stuff (eg my _dbService, userId, language, ...). What are the only options for stabilizing all those versus versus versus codes? If so, it means that ObjectDataProvider is not very useful, is not it? I am being used with very strict parameters, but in any situation where I need such functionality, there are hardly any. I do all my WPF using patterns I have given you a link but Google will load you MVVM is a standard pattern for WPF. The more complex you are, the better it is written and brings home the use of MVVM. Actually, you make a model of your data. In this

Finding a specific XML element based on an ID using Linq -

I want to search for a section of XML based on criteria so that I am using XML in XML. Unfortunately the result is always nullified, so I think I have done something wrong. The example of the XML shown below is I am parsing. & lt; Content & gt; & Lt; ItemsA / & gt; & Lt; ITEMB / & gt; & Lt; ItemsC> & Lt; Item xmlns: i = "" xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Eid & gt; 4bd7b5ac-cb29-4d34-97be-deaebe4a5186 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Children & gt; & Lt; Item & gt; & Lt; Id & gt; 22e3ef6b-4321-40c3-9237-196ba527e9ad & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; SomeName & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Children & gt; & Lt; Details & gt; SomeText & lt; / Details & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; NewName & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; I a

iphone - How do I find out why file I/O operations fail? -

In many ways I used to write files, returning a BOOL indicating their success, e.g. - (BOOL) writeToFile: (NSString *) path atom: (BOOL) flag NSKeyedArchiver: - (BOOL) Archive RootObject: (id) rootObject toFile: (NSString *) path Anyhow, this is one of my tester tools Did not come back on It is very good (well, not really), but anyway to know that why these actions can fail? The modern way (the original object | dictionary) to create NSDT, then to that data writeToFile: options: error: or writeToURL: option: error: . In relation to these methods an NSError object returns, in which the user has an error message (in some cases at least), in which something happened. To create data that represents a dictionary, NSPropertyListSerialization (if the dictionaries and all the content, all the way down, one is valid) or the collector (if not).

http - how do tell if a user hits my site from my free domain name -

I have registered two free domain names, one at and on other .tk (yes, I know is actually a subdomain) However, both of my sites are pointing to I want to know who brings more traffic. How to know more about how to run DNS and the above sites, how would I like to know about's php which is coming from a customer? Is there an http header that I can check etc? & lt ;? Php $ referring_URL = $ _SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']; ? & Gt; That's fine, but it has been sent / set by the browser, so it can be fake and not accurate. But if the inaccuracy is not a problem (and you are not relying on the URL referenced as the authentication) then it should be fine. Besides, this is the only one I can think of. I'm not sure whether the user needs to follow the link to work, or if there is an HTTP redirect (or you are pointing to the same domain) then work. Edit in response to comments by OP: ... For example, I tried j

java - Problems with ArrayList items and hibernate -

I have a problem getting the list item, below is my hibernate code, after that code is my method .. and Below is my junit test. How can I ensure that the query is being executed correctly, and how can I check that the results actually work. This query should return some piids .. and list them Should be put in .. Now I'm 90% sure that mer The list should always be empty .. Instead of 3 pids should be: 4573, 4593, 4693 .. Anyone can understand what I am doing wrong .. Why pids are not on my list .. & lt; Sql-query name = "endDateChecker" & gt; & Lt; Return-scaler column = "PID" type = "java.lang.Long" /> & Lt ;! [CDATA] Select PID as PID from the information where end_date is & lt; TRUNC (sysdate)]] & gt; & Lt; / SQL query & gt; & lt; -IBNet -> public list & lt; Long & gt; FindItemByPIdEndDate () throws ROSException {list & lt; Long & gt; List = null; {Try session session = sessionFac

sql server - UDF - Return a table from a custom sql string execution with "Exec 'select * from ....' " -

How can I return a table from a UDF that executes a custom query string? Example: function FX_AdvancedSearch ( @keywords varchar (255), (..... other paramours ....)) Start as Reset Table @ SQL Entry Varchar (1000) ..... SET @SqlQuery = 'My favorite selection string first generated' EXEC (@SqlQuery) END < / Code> I was thinking that I can make a temporary one in the memory table and then return it, but I do not want to allocate additional memory to the server for this purpose. And .. Can I use SP or UDF to fulfill this goal? I am running this in a SP but can not determine the Linq2SQL return type and so I have to properly execute this function myself. Can not use in NET code. Thank you! TER Erland has documented many different ways to accomplish this (but the function's Along with, as someone else has not already been told), see: ... also may need to read your two dynamic SQL articles.

CSS not working with PHP script: -

Here is my code from php script. Object: The user is able to choose different options for background and input Color and font should be This code snippet with CSS and PPP is called stlye.php and seems to supply the variable used on my outputform.php script. & lt ;? Php header ("content-type: text / css"); $ Gray = "# 333"; $ Dkgreen = "# 008400"; ? & Gt; Body {background: } Here is a part of PHP scripts from output.php: & lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Your output & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" media = "screen" href = "style.php" & gt; I'm sure that by using href = "style.php" I should be able to see the default colors coming from default.php above: font for $ dkgreen Color and $ gray background b

sql - Optimizing my mysql statement! - RAND() TOO SLOW -

Then I have a table with more than 80,000 records, this is called a system I also have another table Which is as follows. I need your statement to select random records from the system statement, where the ID is not already listed in the table under the existing user id. > So what do I have here: select, system.username, system.password, system.followed, system.isvalid, follows. Userid, exclude system.sysstemid from system except on system.ID = the following: SISIDID and the following types. URIID = 2 WHERE system.followed = 0 and system.isvalid = 1 and above Sistide ID Null Order of Rand () Ltd 200 Now it is completely explosion Except that it takes about a full minute before it starts processing in the job with the chosen records. By this time the script usually takes some time and nothing happens. Can anyone show me how it works, so only one idea has been done, but it is not using the order by RAND? It seems that things are slowed down completely. Thank

What are the different ways of writing "if" conditional statements using PHP? -

यदि सशर्त स्टेटमेंट्स PHP का उपयोग करते हुए लिखने के विभिन्न तरीके हैं? मैं उदाहरण के लिए जानता हूं निम्नलिखित ($ test == 1) {} else {} और यदि ($ टेस्ट) == 1) गूंज 'asdsa'; दूसरा गूंज 'sdaaa'; वहां है: यदि ($ text == 1): गूंज 'asdsa'; Else: गूंज 'asdsa'; अगर अंत;

iphone - Trying to copy a string into a textfield in objective-C -

I have trouble copying the value of an NSString to a textfield value. I did it before, but for some reason This function is not working in. Can anyone tell me that I am doing something wrong? The picture is a comment field and comment is an NSString when I look at the log file, only 'comments' print any suggestions? (Photo comment *) User photo commentedAdd comment: (NSString *) Comment {NSLOG (@ "PhotoPicker -Dad Comment: Below is the comment"); NSLog (comment); // It accurately portrays the comment Comment.text = [comment copy]; NSLog (@ "photopicker-dad commentary: photo comment below"); NSLog (pictureComment.text); // does not print [self buffer model controlling permissions: yes]; /// ... more stuff is done down} to copy There is no need to comment in the comments comment field - in fact, your code is standing as it has a memory leak NSLogs are not working because you are using NSLog incorrectly - you can never One variation should not be