iphone - Trying to copy a string into a textfield in objective-C -

I have trouble copying the value of an NSString to a textfield value. I did it before, but for some reason This function is not working in. Can anyone tell me that I am doing something wrong?

The picture is a comment field and comment is an NSString when I look at the log file, only 'comments' print any suggestions? (Photo comment *) User photo commentedAdd comment: (NSString *) Comment {NSLOG (@ "PhotoPicker -Dad Comment: Below is the comment"); NSLog (comment); // It accurately portrays the comment Comment.text = [comment copy]; NSLog (@ "photopicker-dad commentary: photo comment below"); NSLog (pictureComment.text); // does not print [self buffer model controlling permissions: yes]; /// ... more stuff is done down}

to copy There is no need to comment in the comments comment field - in fact, your code is standing as it has a memory leak

NSLogs are not working because you are using NSLog incorrectly - you can never One variation should not be NSLog, try this version of the method (make sure the photo name is not zero):

  - (Rick User photo comments: (Phototament *) User photo commentsAdd comment: (NSString *) Comment {NSLOG (@ "PhotoPicker -DidAid Comment: Below is the comment"); NSLog (@ "% @", comment); // This comment is correctly depicted Comment.text = comment; NSLog (@ "photopicker-dad commentary: photo comment below"); NSLog (@ "% @", Image Comment.text); // does not print [self buffer model controlling permissions: yes]; /// ... more stuff has been done  



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