
Showing posts from March, 2011

Handling a VB6 event in C# - why does it only work sometimes? -

I have a VB6 application that has been implemented as an ActiveX exe. I have C # apps that interact with the VB 6 app via COM All this works well except for a scenario. If the VB6 app has been removed from the C # app, everything is fine. If, however, the VB6 app is already running alone, even when the COM interface still works, then C # event handlers never fire. A (very simplified) removal code, Name & amp; GUIDs have been changed to protect the innocent. (Partial) IDL generated from written VB6 exe: ... [uuid (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx), version (1.10), epobject] colacel mache {{default } _myApp interface; [Default, source] dispenser __myApp; }; ... [Yyyudyaya (Yayyyyyya-Yaya-Yaya-Yyyyyyyyyya), version (1.10), hidden, disliked] Dispersface __myApp {properties: methods: ... [id (0x00000005)] zero myEvent (); ...}; ... C # app: public class myAppInterface: IDisposable, ImyAppEvents {public representative zero myEventDelegate (); Public eve

windows - PHP regex to limit new lines to a maxmium of two -

I'm using it, but it's a new line's single code to & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; function nl2br2 ($ string) {$ string = preg_replace ('/ (\ r \ n) {2,} /', ' br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; ', $ string); // $ string = preg_replace ('/ [\ r \ n] /', ' ', $ string); Return $ string; } It happens with the first pattern. OK, I suspect that your input may not be '/ r / n', but Only '\ n'. In this case, you should find out your regex that: '/ (\ r? \ N) {2,} /' Your code may be: function nl2br2 ($ string) {$ string = preg_replace ('/ (\ r? \ N) {2,} / ',' Return $ string; } It helps.

Self join with django ORM -

मेरे पास एक मॉडल है: वर्ग ट्रेड्स (models.Model): userid = मॉडल पॉजिटिव इटेजरफिल्ड (रिक्त = सच = db_index = true) positionid = models.PositiveIntegerField (db_index = True) tradeid = मॉडल। PositiveIntegerField (db_index = True) orderid = models.PositiveIntegerField (db_index = True) ... और मैं अगले क्वेरी निष्पादित करना चाहता हूं: ट्रेडों से * चुनें * आंतरिक इन ट्रेडों में टी 2 ऑन टी 2.ट्रैडीड = टी 1। पॉजिटिड और टी 1.ट्रैडीड = टी 2.positionid क्या यह हैक के बिना Django ORM का उपयोग किया जा सकता है? Thx! चुनें * ... अधिक काम करेगा। यदि आप दाहिने हाथ से कॉलम वापस चाहते हैं, तो table = SomeModel._meta.db_table join_column_1 = कुछModel._meta.get_field ('field1')। कॉलम join_column_2 = SomeModel._meta .get_field ('field2')। Column join_queryset = someModel.objects.filter () # क्वेरी के बल का मूल्यांकन querystr = join_queryset.query .__ str __ () # जोड़ें promot = true और nullable = बाएं बाहरी जुड़ने के लिए true rh_alias = join_queryset.query .जोड़ें ((

java - Extract from Cache.db files on Mac OS X Leopard -

I am a Windows user, and I have removed temporary Internet files from the URL (because the Java app has an embedded web browser Web server) I have read from another post that when it is an app bundle (/users/username/library/caches/myappbundle/cache.db), then cache. The DB file stores responses from the webserver. Is it possible to extract files from this DB file and view them? The Windows file exits, there is no name change, and I can drag it out of the temporary DIR and double click if caching is allowed. I wanted to know that it is possible to get any such file on the Mac (I know Mac has changed the name and the extension but can clear a cache, the app can run, and the cache file size On the basis of which the extension can guess). / P> My app embeds Safari when I run on Mac, but Safari cache does not increase in "" because I run my app (app bundled cache and / or Java web site cache increment). Is it possible to retrieve decrypted files from thes

Outlook Contact Export to CSV format differences -

Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 allow you to export your contacts in CSV format. Is there any difference between the two or is it really the same format; In other words, are they backward compatible or do Outlook 2007 create some new fields that will have trouble importing Outlook 2003? Exporting on my test-machines with the default fields with Outlook 2003 and 2007, let me share the same file I get exported in 2007 and imports in 2003 works fine. Still, MS does not document anywhere that order is and you can not accept it. Outlook should deal properly with different orders and all entries have been nominated in the first line. Without guarantee, if you are working in a corporate environment, where you can check that there is no difficult problem. Otherwise you should expand or try to get a statement from Microsoft Support.

multithreading - .NET movement of threads between cores -

से प्रश्न का पालन करें। धागे एक कोर से दूसरे स्थानांतरित हो जाते हैं अपने जीवनकाल के दौरान? बेशक। कल्पना कीजिए कि आपके पास दोहरीकोर प्रणाली पर चलने वाले तीन धागे हैं। मुझे एक उचित कार्यक्रम दिखाएं, जो नियमित रूप से कोर के बीच चलती थ्रेड्स को शामिल नहीं करता है। यह इस साइट पर मेरी पहली बार है, इसलिए मेरे पास टिप्पणी करने के लिए पर्याप्त प्रतिनिधि नहीं है I guess मैंने एक नया प्रश्न पूछने का फैसला किया जो मैं टिप्पणी करना चाहता था। एक धागे को स्थानांतरित करने के लिए कोर का चयन करने की प्रक्रिया क्या है क्या ऐसा शेड्यूलर की तरह धागे की एक सूची है जिस पर प्रसंस्करण समय की आवश्यकता होती है और एक को समाप्त होने पर इसे किसी अन्य में डाल दिया जाता है? इसके अलावा, मैं सोच रहा था कि क्या बयान के लिए एक संदर्भ है कि धागे को कोर के बीच स्थानांतरित किया जाता है सब। या यह सिर्फ "सामान्य ज्ञान" माना जाता है? धन्यवाद! यह नहीं है जैसे थ्रेड किसी विशेष कोर पर रह रहा है और यह इसे की एक प्रक्रिया है। ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम में केवल धागे की सूची है (और / या प्रक्रियाएं) जो

cocoa - How to receive data from the Wii Remote in Objective-C? -

I am trying to write a coco application which helps me to see which ones on my Wii Remote Pressing the button I want to be able to get Nunchuck-data and set the LEDs. Does anyone know where I can start? Oh, yes I did something, but I could not find anything useful. Thanks in advance. OS X has a work on Wiimote support. They have a coco-based library called WiRemoteFramework.

oop - How to implement concept of .Net RIA Service (Single App Logic) in Asp.Net MVC? -

First, look at the following pictures that explain the concept. As you are seeing, the app has App Logic (Server Rules) which is server side (database + repository + external services) and client side (ASPN Web page + Silverlight + WCF) can be implemented. After this, I can create some data squares that contain some validation rules. Namespace [solution]. Models {Public Interface IUser {Guid ID {get; Set; } [Required] [string length (15)] [regular expression ("^ [a-ja-z] [a-ga-z_] + $")] string login name {received; Set; } [Required] [string lang (255)] string hashed password {received; Set; } Create date time {receive; Set; } [String lang (255)] string description {get; Set; } [Required] Role role (get; set;}}} After that, when users post it to the controllers, then I have some custom model bunders Therefore, I can make sure that every model is valid before I save it. Public action SaveData () {if (ModelState.IsValid) {// Logic to save data} to display ot

schedule - Using runt to do recurring non-weekly events in ruby (bi-weekly, every 3 weeks, etc) -

I need to be able to create recurring events that occur on specific days, but this is not necessary every week. These can be determined bi-weekly, every 3 weeks, etc. There is a current implementation that requires an update and I want to use temporary expression stuff to return it. Runt will work for what I need except that it does not appear to handle the interval of non-weekly incidents, it adds some complexity because this event also needs to be captured on the starting date So that you can accurately calculate which weeks have set fire to events and ignored them. I think I can work to do this again, but if someone has already tried to solve it, I would not want to change the wheel again, or better solution than there. Any suggestions? You are not clear, are you running a script to do this? If so, do not use anything like "AT". If this is a scheduling application, then you have seen:

email client - How to duplicate an IMAP mailbox -

I would like to create an email client that can access several IMAP mailboxes. I would like a copy of all the emails for processing, what's the best way to use IMAP commands? Now I have a script which iterates on folders, reads the flexing flags at 1: * to see if what has been read and if any previously read messages are new If you have been marked, all the fat body. The message of PeeE is not in my database, is there any better way? There will be a better way to get the UID of all messages (UID FETCH 1: * Flags), your Compare the resultant UID list with the database and then download any message you have and delete any message you have, but not the server (for example, by removing other IMAP clients or using the web interface). This is the only reliable way to duplicate an IMAP folder, do not forget to AFAIK (and also do not forget the UIDVALIDITY in the account!) If your IPAP client is reaching an additional mailbox of your app, then your original method works correc

c++ - MATLAB engine versus libraries created by MATLAB Compiler? -

To call the MATLAB code in C or C ++, you use the MATLAB engine and use the MATLAB Compiler Mac How to choose C or C ++ Shared Library from your MATLAB code? What are their professional and opposition? For the second method, see What are the other ways to call MATLAB from C or C ++? If the calculation is linear and long, I would use the MCC to compile the code. It seems that MATLAB was another library with numerical routines to link to your program. If I want to communicate with MATLAB in my program, where the user can specify in any large number of statements that would be impossible or only harsh for different codes, Will use. It seems that I would like to run MATLAB without the Math Works UI. I have never bothered to open a MATLAB engine outside of a test.

unit testing - How can I mock %ENV in Perl tests? -

I retrieve some tests using the test :: more for the legacy code I'm trying and I've bumped in a bit of trouble. I do not think I'm able to set the % ENV in the test module. The I function definitely uses this variable, so < Code>% ENV does not appear in the test object. #! / Usr / bin / perl strict; Use warnings; Test :: Use more qw (no_plan); BEGIN {$ ENV} {HTTP_WWW_AUTHENTICATE} = 'WWW-authentication: MyType realm = "MyRealm", userid = "123", password = "ABC"'; Use_ok ('util'); } $ ENV {HTTP_WWW_AUTHENTICATE} = 'WWW-authentication: MyType realm = "MyRealm", userid = "123", password = "ABC"'; Printf qq {get_authentication_info = "% s" \ n}, get_authentication_info (); Ok (get_authentication_info (), 'get authentication information'); I continue ... perl t \ Utilá ok 1 - use; Use the uninitialized value on string on parity (.) Or T \ Util.t line 14. W - Easy way to concatenate list of strings into a comma-separated strings, where strings are members of an object? -

Say that I have the tag's object tag, tag. A member of the statement is a string, and I want to separate the details separately from the commas of the commas. Is the description of the members easier to read than a list (of the string) and then join the function? Thank you! Try it: string .join ("," Select the tag list. (T = & gt; t description) .oir ()); Sorry, I just read it again and saw that you are using VS2005; Therefore the best method is to create a stringbuilder and add your tag. Description .

excel - How to determine if a date falls on the weekend? -

Looking at the date of input, how can I determine that the day falls at one weekend ? is a week's work that takes a date in the form of an argument and the day (1, 2, 3, etc.) returns return value: vbSunday (1) vb Monday (2) vbTuesday (3) vbWednesday (4) vbThursday (5) vbFriday ( 6) vbSaturday (7) Weekend on Saturdays and Sundays, assume on Saturday and Sunday, the function will look like this: public function ISWeekend (date format) Input date) Boolean selection Case week day (InputDate) Case VbSaturday, vbSunday IsWeekend = True Case Else IsWeeke Nd = False End Select End Function

debugging - How do I move the instruction point in the Perl debugger? -

I would like to be able to enable its execution point (executable) in Pearl Debugger. For example, if someone else has to set a variable, then it is already moving forward in advance. Increasing the look around the counterboots (and the Pederbugs and Pearl Debugger POD) page shows that such functionality is either not supported or not a document. Labels and conditional will be added to a cumbersome solution in your code Statement, but depending on how you want to emulate this facility, it may be worth it. POINT1: $ GOTO = ""; # $ Goto is our fake variable that we only set with debugger ($ a, $ b, $ c) = (1,2,3); POINT2: $ GOTO = ""; If ($ a $ c) {Goto $ GOTO if $ GOTO; Print "Foo \ n"; } And {Goto $ GOTO if $ GOTO; Print "Bar \ n"; } $ GOTO if $ GOTO; } And {Goto $ GOTO if $ GOTO; Print "Nothing \ n"; Goto $ GOTO if $ GOTO; Sample debugging session: $ perl -d Loading of DB routines from versio

mono-service on windows -

I have found an application that uses a mono that runs a window service. All the original developers have gone Product version uses Mono on Linux I am trying to find and run a development environment. I decided to use Windows that the mono is the base platform running on its basis. Well maybe the best idea was not given to my current issue but I would like to try to understand the issue before moving the environment to Linux. The issue is that I can not get a mono-service to run. I can get small VINOIFA apps to run using mono My problem is similar to the previous question with a reply, though I can answer what to do in the windows environment, I am not sure that I do not have to load a dell There is a problem with Unchecked exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall ---> the type initializer for the system. EntryPointNotF oundException: Mono_Posix_Syscall_L_ctermid at (wrapper Managed-to-native) Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall

java - Generic logging of all calls to an EJB (2.1)? -

I am working to modify an existing application that has been implemented as 2.1 Stateless EJB. I want to launch all the calls made for any type of generic, detailed, EJB. The stuff I want to log in: the name the serialized copy of all the criteria return value The serialized copy of I used to send a hook before sending it to the Asp.Net REST web service before processing it and before it is answered it generates too many data. It does, but it is worth it to debug a long running system. I'm not sure how this can be done for EJB. I would like to avoid AOP because the AOP is not used in the application. Interceptor will not work because it is not EJB 3.0. Do anyone know how to hook into the EJB processing pipeline that they come in the form of a request? Is there another way to do this? Thanks I think that in two ways two ways to know That's when a method of EJB (or any other class) is called: Bad solution: Using Java Debug Interface (JDI), you know

.net - How to convert to m4v -

स्क्रिप्ट या प्रोग्राम द्वारा? ओएस विंडोज विस्टा / एक्स यह मानते हुए कि आपके पास एक (कमांड लाइन सक्षम) प्रोग्राम है जो कि पहले से ही m4v में बदल सकता है और आप बस प्रक्रिया को स्वचालित करने में सक्षम होना चाहते हैं, यहां एक बैच है फ़ाइल जिसे आप निर्देशिका और उसकी उपनिर्देशिका में सभी फ़ाइलों के माध्यम से पाश में संशोधित कर सकते हैं और अपना रूपांतरण कार्यक्रम खोल सकते हैं। लिखित रूप में, यह एक एक्सबॉक्स 360 द्वारा उपभोग के लिए MP4 प्रारूप में .iso, .img, या निकाले जाने के लिए एक डीवीडी को बदलने के लिए हैंडब्रैक का उपयोग करता है। इसे बदलने में काफी आसान होना चाहिए। बस इसे रूप में सहेजें encode.bat या कुछ। एक्सचेंज बंद करने के लिए XBOX360 के लिए एन्कोड डीडीओडीडी डीवीडी का उपयोग करते हुए एनएकोडीएडीआईआईआर% में एन्कोड नहीं किया जाएगा क्योंकि इसमें सब कुछ ठीक है को पहले से ही इनकोड किया गया है रिम रिम एन्कोड वीडियो, एसआईओ, और आईएमजी .. आईएसओ के लिए आईएनजी का नाम बदलता है एसटीओएलएलएलएएलएबलएडेडएक्सएपैक्शन सेट फ़ाइलीट्स = वीडियो_टीएसआई .आईएसओ * .इएमजी SET एनकोडिडेडआईआईआर = [एन

flash - start motion on click? -

I am making a flash in the flash, there is a problem with a small animation for a form, in fact I want to propose that When I click it, stop the place where it will be told it plays and stops right away, although I did not know how to wait to click to play. This is the current code I have tabbut.onClick = function () {play (); } I have also tried the mouseover method, but he tries to keep it looping. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have also tried mouseover method, but he tries to keep it looping . This is the right approach play () and loop will run if you need better control over playback, I recommend Adding an audience in the enterframe event and making necessary arguments there. // Run when clicking on myMovieClip.addEventListener ("click", function (event: mouse event) {play ();}); // Stop when reaching the final frame / it can be replaced with the inline frame code on the Mylay clip on the previous frame, the IaddEventListen

Rabin Hash Functions - FAST Implementation in Java -

RABIAN is looking for the implementation of the hash function in Java, can anyone recommend fast , library? Update: I just tested the library. This takes the Hash 1mm Random URL ~ 2200ms to my 2GHz processor. This is definitely good enough for my needs, but when I get a monant and post the result here, then I will test another library.

How to access parent element in Scala XML -

scala.xml represents the XML with the nodes of the tree with the package labeled. But this tree is unidirectional in Scala 2.7, because it seems that there is no way to access the Elem given code Elem ? The same parent starts applying for document for example, in the XOM you have getParent and getDocument in the direction of the root of the tree Have to navigate. Can this be done with Scala XML API? As mentioned by others, there are no original links to make them efficient irreversible structures For example: Scala> Val a = & lt; Parents & gt; & Lt; Children & gt; Me & lt; / Children & gt; & Lt; / Parent & gt; A: scala.xml.Elem = & lt; Parents & gt; & Lt; Children & gt; Me & lt; / Children & gt; & Lt; / Parent & gt; Scala & gt; Val b = a.child (0) b: scala.xml.Node = & lt; Children & gt; Me & lt; / Children & gt; Scala & gt; Val c = & lt; Newparent & gt; {B} & l

php - Is the RainTPL template engine good? -

I am looking for a small template engine for a small site and I got it and I want your opinion . Can I use it or do you think it is not fast and it is not good? The template is easy, works right and you have permission to create a clean template! Smarty I only recommend for a big project that you have to write the code in your template.

sql - rails active record nuances and protecting against injection attacks -

When I do a query ... Any help between using help Whether there is a significant difference or booking.find_all_by_user_id (1,: joins = & gt;) ;; Confirmation) (: all ,: joins = & gt;: confirmation, conditions => ['bookings.user_id =?', 1]) No, about the injection attacks, the find_by method should be safe, however, the sole killer's fault, the user code is directly related to his / her Terms while using the inside of the Ultimate, such as using the search method, such as: book.find (: all :: joins = & gt ;: confirmation, terms => ['bookings.user_id = # {params [user_id]]}']) Exactly this is the way you have done and will filter things out with the Find method. Booking.find (: all ,: joins = & gt ;: confirmation, terms => ['booking.user_id =?', Parameters [user_id]])

.net - WPF, xaml Cad or drawing app examples? -

I am trying to learn WPF and xaml and writing a cad-style geometry app for my children. Does anyone know the examples written in the current C # OK is also thanks! Edit: Any ideas / examples about how to configure any such app? TIA My first step will be to create a custom canvas that has the capability to keep and maintain shapes. Important part is. Things like grid will need to be transformed on the edges. Then I will look at the category of shapes that your children can attract, intersections, rectangles, circles, things like. It is important to decide on a document format because it will partly help you to design some of your code, it would be nice to use XML format for serialization and other things. Then start building front end, toolbar, etc. It's a bit difficult to know where it's starting, but I will start with a custom canvas The most important part is and if you can achieve this task efficiently and effectively, the rest will be easy. Ju

Apache, PHP and MySQL portable? -

Can I run Apache, PHP and MySQL on external HD? I need this because I work in different computers, and sometimes I have not installed and configured all the alixtunes for use. Definitely, this works well for this A Pache bundles HP (and P ) to ySQL, M and can work on Windows, Solaris, Mac OSX or Linux . There is a version that is suitable for portability on your USB device.

javascript - Mootools Numeric Textox -

I'm looking for the numeric textbox control based on the mootools structure. If someone helps me find or implement this control then I would be grateful. Thanks Alimz You can easily write it. var isNumberKey = function (e) {if (e.code> 31 & amp; amp; (e.code & lt; 48 || e.code & gt; 57)) Returned; Return true; } Var isBackSpaceKey: function (e) {return e.code == 8; } Var isArrowKey: function (e) {return e.code & gt; = 37 & amp; nbsp; Amp; Encode & lt; = 40; } Var input = $$ ('width-input', '.height-input'); Inputs.addEvent ('keyup', function (e) {if number is (e) & amp;; hibekspace key (e) & amp;; aurroch (e)) e.stop ();});

html - Switching from tables to divs with CSS -

I have a HTML table in my page, I am trying to replace it with divs and css. Basically, this is a 3x3 table, with scalable material, with mid-and fixed-shaped edges and corners, everything in the background provides a good drop-shaded look. I have read many articles and entries for mixing% with pixels, but none of these seems like what I want. Even what I have so far: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Read here ... & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Div style = "height: 200px; background-color: red;" & Gt; & Lt; Div style = "width: 80%; height: 100%;" & Gt; & Lt; Div style = "clear: both; height: 100%;" & Gt; & Lt; Div style = "float: left; width: 30px; height: 100%; background-color: green;" & Gt; L & Lt; Div style = "margin-left: 30px; margin-right: 30px; height: 100%; background-color: yellow;" & Gt; This is my content! Getting ready to prepare for y

.net - Object initialization in C# -

जब मेरे पास घोषणा की तरह है: वर्ग प्रोफेसर {string profid; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग ProfessorID {get {return profid;} सेट {profid = value;}} छात्र सेंट; } कक्षा छात्र {string name; स्ट्रिंग आईडी; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get {return name;} सेट {name = value; }} सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग StudentID {get {return id;} सेट {id = value; }}} सार्वजनिक शून्य GetDetails () {प्रोफेसर प्राइफ = नए प्रोफेसर () {प्रोफेसरआईडी = 1, कैसे छात्र यहाँ शुरू करने के लिए?}; } GetDetails के अंदर () मैं कैसे छात्र शुरू कर सकते हैं? पहले इसे सुलभ बनाएं: सार्वजनिक छात्र छात्र {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } फिर कुछ ऐसा: प्रोफेसर प्राइफ = नए प्रोफेसर () {प्रोफेसरआईडी = "एबीसी", छात्र = नया छात्र {नाम = "मार्क" , छात्रआईडी = "डीईएफ़"}}; ध्यान दें कि अगर संपत्ति केवल-प्राप्त होती है: निजी रीडोनली छात्र _स्टिडेंट = नए छात्र (); सार्वजनिक छात्र छात्र {प्राप्त करें {वापसी _स्टिडेंट; }} फिर आप वैकल्पिक वाक्यविन्यास का उपयोग कर सकते हैं (जो छात्र संदर्भ को बदलने के लिए प्रयास किए ब

html - how to embed swf file in ahref tag? -

I have a href tag I want to embed an embedded SVF tag in an href, I do not want to add events to SWF Wish, a href link is to be separated and dynamic. Underestand it? What can i do OK Reply: 1. Used in TextField's HTML text property Process HTML: - and Lieutenant; A & gt; ... & lt; / A & gt; Arrays to the strings Check if the array string contains and are inside strings and {url: hrefFromString, img: idFromString, object: null} new arrays 2. Create MouseDownHandle: Function MouseDownHandler (E: Mouse Event): Zero {for (var i: uint = 0; I & lt; array.label; i ++) {if ( == array [i] . Ojject) {Navigate to URL (new URLREECC (array [URL]. URL); }} 3. Add such addEventListener event. To textfile with ADDED handler: for (var i: int = 0; i & lt; array.length; I ++) {var dsp: loader = textField.getImageReference (Array [i] .img) as a loader; If (dsp! = Null and array [i] .object! = Null) {array [i] .object = dsp; Dps.addEventList

MVC (PHP): Do Controllers/Actions map to each and every request? -

I'm getting to catch in MVC (with PHP) through Z. My understanding of the Zend Framework is that For each type of user request map for a specific controller (which in turn can not map to a model), and to see each action map I have seen the same pattern in Codeigniter and Kohana, and some To the extent even in Symfony Effectively the URLs of the URLs are as follows: ... Additional parameters ... Is this always the case with MVC? How is this page different from the controller as a design pattern? Uses the Zend Framework This is very similar. As you can see, there is not much correspondence between architecture and url mapping. If you want to know about a potential architecture, then read by Martin Fowler.

c++ - Copy Constructor and default constructor -

Do we want to define a default constructor when we define per constructor for a class ?? Please give reason. Example: class A {int i; Public: A (A and A) {i = AI; // OK it's right ....} A () {} // Is it necessary that we write the above copy constructor ?? }; In addition, if we define another parameterized constructor for another category other than the copy maker, then do we also have to define the default constructor ?? Without the copy constructor, consider the code above and A (int z) {z.i = 10; } Alert. After watching the answer, I wrote the following program. #include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Class X {int i; Public: // X (); X (Int II); Zero print (); }; X: X () {} X :: X (int ii) {i = ii; } Zero X :: print () {cout & lt; & Lt; "I =" & lt; & Lt; I & lt; & Lt; Endl; } Int main (zero) {X (10); // X x1; X.print (); //x1.print (); } and this program is working fine without the default constructor.

Adding song to itunes with C# sdk/api -

I am looking for an SDK or API (C #) which will allow me to add songs to my iTunes library. If anyone is aware of someone, then it will be great help. This requires COM interop. However, there should be some documentation.

linux - How to wait for process child? -

मैं सामान्य कांटा + परिमाण संयोजन करता हूँ: int sockets [2]; सॉकेटपेयर (AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0, कुर्सियां); Int pid = fork (); If (pid == 0) {// बच्चे dup2 (सॉकेट [0], STDIN_FILENO); Dup2 (सॉकेट्स [0], एसटीडीओयूटीआईएफईएलएनओ); Execvp (argv [0], argv); _ एक्सट (123); } // मूल बंद (कुर्सियां ​​[0]); // बच्चा दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो जाने के बाद इंतजार करें और देखें कि क्या बच्चा दुर्घटना होने तक इंतजार करना संभव है या पढ़ना (...) पर प्रतीक्षा करना संभव है? pid_t waitpid (pid_t pid, int * stat_loc, int विकल्प); से #include & lt; sys / wait.h & gt;

http - PHP POST with header() and Bad header problems -

I came to a dumb issue with sending headers to PHP. I have read on SO and other sites in about 45 minutes and I can not tell a valid reason for my problem. I need to send a post request to another server and I'm using PHP header () function to set the value. I have sample code. $ server = ''; $ Server_path = '/'; $ Request = 'key = value & amp; Key2 = value2 '; Header ("post $ server_path http / 1.1"); Header ("host: $ server \ r \ n"); Header ("content-type: app / x-www-form-urlxode \ r \ n"); Header ("Content-Length:". Stellen ($ request). "\ R \ n"); Header ("Connection: Closed \ r \ n \ r \ n"); Header ($ request); I have selected several options but each of them results in the same error in my log file wrong format from script bad header = POST / HTTP / 1.1: php5.cgi I am an experienced PHP programmer that does not need to send HTTP post requests manua

javascript - Annotate a webpage on the client side -

I am trying to develop a Firefox add-on that will allow me to highlight text on a web page ( Any webpage client side) and then write me a note and save it allwo So when I go to the web page the next time, if there is an annotation for a web page, a small anchor / link appears next to the text, on which I wrote the annotation I wrote on clacking. . Is this possible? cheers It looks very similar to a few days ago on Hacker News One thought was posted. Interesting! Anyway, it seems as if you want to know that when you go to create your annotation, the text is selected Googling "Javascript Text Selection" take me here, hope it helps! Cheers! :)

java - Looking for *working* Hibernate examples -

I am currently cutting the interbits for is working for hibernate instances. I think well at the conceptual level, but I am having trouble throwing the "Hello World" program together, because whatever I found is not made for me, after that I agree to the relationships of different organizations Should I be able to, but I will compromise with just one or two organizations for an example, which contains all the files where they have a black box-build IDE like eclipse (I I'm learning that Ante, and Māyway), is ideally configured for MySQL. Tutorials from jboss site will not be made for me (sorry, I got frustrated and RM-R'ddirectory, but if you tell me that it produces, I will try again). A tutorial that comes with hibernation, even work Does not, and does not conform to its own documents The HTML documentation that comes with the "web" project shows different file content compared to those files that came with it. And when I compiled it with compili

c# - to_json (rails ) similar function for ASP.NET MVC / .NET -

In the rail, you can do the following to convert an object to Jason, but only the objects in the subsets of the fields included with. @ user.to_json: only => However, I am currently using the ASP.NET MVC JSN function, it does not define which field I want to include in the conversion. So my question is whether JSON.NET has a function or not, and it will accept Jason before specific areas of conversion. Edit: Your answer should also include array scenarios. @ users.to_json: only => [: Name, phone] You can use anonymous forms: < / P> Public Efficiency Some Actionaters (Jason) {var SomeObjectThatContainsManyProperties = GetObjectFromSomeWhere (); Returns Jason (new {name = some objectattent relations multiple properties. Name, phone = some objectsattagentimesManiprophytepes.phon,}); } will return {"name": "John", "phone": "123"} update : The same technique can be used for array scenarios: public actions S

php - mysql counting results between two datetime -

In fact it is expected that it can be done, but I am feeling the need to solve a problem. There is an inventory booking system for the item item. Every item gets booked in the hour, then some can go within a few hours and go out while others can be the other day. So in my column I have 2 day time fields. inside. But I can have many items, so in theory I can book 10 widgets. Say that the next employee comes in and wants to book another widget. I have a way to find out that there are people available for that widget when they want to book their widgets. . That's why the system will need a loop through the table and see how many widgets are booked for the time when they are asking. Therefore, 6 out of 10 has been booked so we can allow other widgets to be booked. In other words, I should be able to tell how many widgets have been booked during that time, when the employee wants to book it out. I may have hurt this voice for a long time but hope is someone can give advice

PHP Trace Redirect -

I have more than 10,000 URL's database, though each one redirects to another URL. How can I request a URL and ultimately (possibly) find out in the path of several redirects? You can do the following: $ c = curl_init ('Http: //original.url'); Curl_setopt (CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); Curl_exec ($ c); // Error checking in here - see curl_error () $ newUrl = curl_getinfo ($ c, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL); Curl_close ($ c);

Ajax.ActionLink, how to send the selected object in the partial view? mvc -

I think this is a noob question, but here it comes: There is a list: & lt;% foreach (Miscellaneous items in the model) {%> & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = Html.Encode (item.code)% & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = Html.Encode (string.format ("{0: g}",> & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = Html.Encode (item.category)%> & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = Html.Encode (item.description)% & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = Html.Encode (string.format ("{0: F}", item.price))%> & Lt; / TD & gt; ......} and after all, a partial view (in the same page): I am Ajax How to use thenicklink, so that when I click on the details of a product, the product will be plugged in from the bottom of the page to a partial view? I tried some combination with UpdateTargetId = "productFo

How to send programmatically an email from another mail client than outlook or outlook express? -

From within your application, you can send an email using MAPI functions ("MAPIS & Mail"). But if another mail client like "Thunderbird" or "David Infoscenter" is installed, then the MAPI function is not used because "Outlook" or "Outlook Express" is not a standard email client. Use of shell functions is not satisfactory to execute "Mailto:" because all email clients do not support command line parameters for mail attachments or mail bodies. What can I do to get my desired result? Which platform? If you have a look at the SmtpClient class on .NET. / P>

ASP.NET MVC: Routing hierarchy URL -

मैं इसके लिए रूटिंग कैसे कर सकता हूँ? URL: / category / main / sub / या / category / main / sub1 / subsub / मुझे / मुख्य / उप / और / मुख्य / सब 1 / सबब / श्रेणी नियंत्रक की सूचकांक क्रिया विधि में पैरामीटर के रूप में। जवाब: "/ श्रेणी / {path}" के बजाय "/ श्रेणी / {path}" का उपयोग करना चाहिए पथ पथ।

java - problem with putting things inside a tabbed pane -

I need to put check boxes inside the tabbed pens, but they always go outwards like this I want to insert the murder check box inside the input tab This is in my code import model. *; Import java.awt. *; Import javax.swing. *; JPNEL in public class panel (JPNL panel = new JPNL); Public panel (prison imprisonment) {setup}; Construction (jail); } Private zero setup () {setBorder (BorderFactory.createLineBorder (; Setout (new grid layout (1, 1)); } Private Zero Construction (Prison Gel) {JetBuddPan Tab = New JetBubben (); Tab.addTab ("input", blank, blank, "input"); JCheckBox Crime = New JCheckBox ("Murder"); (Crime); Tab.addTab ("display", blank, blank, "display"); (Tab); } } How can I fix this? You need to create a panel with the button you want. JPanel panel = new JPNL (); Panel.add (crime); Tab.addTab ("Input", blank, panel, "input"); This button should be placed in tabkin.

visual c++ - How to detect and estimate heap fragmentation in my C++ program? -

I am developing a VC ++ NT service that is meant for continuous work for several months. It intensely uses the VC ++ runtime pile, clearly the pile fragmentation can occur at some point that it is damaged (it is exiting memory). Which service can I use to estimate the degree, is it prone to pile fracture? You have given two answers that talk about preventing problems of hep fragmentation, but not So address your questions directly to them. The only way to estimate the probability of facing problems for fragmentation is to imitate many uses, and to measure the fragmentation you receive. Since this is an NT service, the months of usage are mostly in the simulation. In many cases, there is a lot of possible likelihood that you can normally request faster than expected to receive them , So you probably can only follow the requests worth several months in a few hours, and possibly even less than (Depending on the rate, you usually expect to receive the request. We do ). Once

c# - How would I convert this to a lambda expression? -

Wondering that anyone can help it work, but I was wondering how to see Lambda Instead of (just curious!) The code is an array of ID only and the code in each item is ... var qry = i where those code in the code. Select Contains (i.Code) i; Return qry.ToList (); Thanks Andrew return items. (I => Codes.Connect (i.Code)). ToList ();

java - jruby trim string based on length with ellipses -

This is a very specific problem, but I am thinking that someone has a great solution. I'm trying to fit a string with a certain font size in a box of arbitrary size, for example, if the whole string is not fit, then I want to trim it and an alpi ad (...) . So if my text is "the Netherlands", then I want to determine that whatever part of my box's arbitrary shape fits, it looks like "downwards ..." I'm using Jruby, so Java or Ruby is OK. To fit the string I can not come around with trimming / four-four-character testing / testing in addition to a superb solution. Since this is not a fixed width, so I can not take each variable as the same width, which will make it very easy. Any ideas or suggestions that can point me in the right direction? Character-by-character loop is probably OK. But if you are doing billions in them and need to sharpen them, you can do binary-search of the right length instead of just walking through the characters. He

c++ - CComBSTR memory allocation -

I have "const char * str" with very long strings. Let me know this one from CPP customer. Net com will be passed by the method which expects the BRST type. Currently I use it: CComBSTR bstr = str; It has the following problems: Sometimes this row is exited from the memory message When I pass bstr In the com class, it takes a lot of memory (more than string size), so it can be out of memory Question: Am I converting CComBSTR wisely? Like Any other suggestion has also been welcomed ... / div> If any method is passing BSTR pass BSTR then the only correct way. You change char * in BSTR to MultibyteToWideChar () for conversion Win32 API function and memory allocation For the SysAllocStringLen () you can not go around it - you need SysAllocStringLen () for memory allocation because otherwise the COM server will fail if this call SysStringLen () . When you use CComBSTR and assign it a four * , then the same sequence is run - Av

ruby on rails - advice for structure and user access -

OK so I have ACL 9 place and function, and my app structure is still there: The area (those with whom) the location (whose sale is) is not important, basically there are just posts that will be displayed in every place. I also have users who can integrate with ACL 9 and can give permission on the basis of role. What I need to do is create companies and users created for a given company are allowed only for areas and places within that company. I would then need those users who can make each company, who have only access to the place from which they are given access. My question is that I am not sure that a built-in user dynamically means that a certain section, the interface for the administrator. I can imagine some methods, but I am looking for the best advice. The method for the user "has_role?" class user & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base def is_role? (Role_name, obj = nil) # Your code end and If the object type is "area" or "location&quo

java - Servlet "newspring" is not available -

Trying to set up a new spring project and this problem gives me this error (HTTP status 404 - Servlet Newspring is not available) When I navigate to a page that I expect to route through the controller. web.xml & lt; Servlet & gt; & Lt; Servlet-name & gt; Springapp & lt; / Servlet-name & gt; & Lt; Servlet category & gt; Org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet & lt; / Servlet category & gt; & Lt; Load-On-Startup & gt; 1 & lt; / Load-on-startup & gt; & Lt; / Servlet & gt; & Lt; Servlet-mapping & gt; & Lt; Servlet-name & gt; Springapp & lt; / Servlet-name & gt; & Lt; URL pattern & gt; / Apps / * & lt; / URL pattern & gt; & Lt; / Servlet-mapping & gt; So I looked in the logical log and I saw this exception: SEVERE: Error loading the WebappClassLoader rep: false / repository: / WEB-INF / Classes ----------> Guardian Classloader: org.apache.catalina.load

svn - How do I screen contributors in a Subversion pre-commit hook based on folder? -

Here's the dilemma: I have a folder structure: Products / Branches / Stable Products / Branches / Some Other Bratch Products / Tag Products / Trunk I have two users: John and Jo What I want to stop: Products / Branches / Static and Product / Tags Pre-Command Hook Syntax in Pearl or Bash Why do not you use limitations of usage? Edit your authz file: [/ product / branch / static product]] J = R John = RW This is very easy and low error prone (Such as reorganization of your repo layout) - Rendering HTML in Multiline Textbox (or into any control for that matter) -

I've added some text to my multiline text box. It gets some HTML tags such as, , etc. How can I format it so that text inside the multi-line text box sends the browser with HTML formatted? At the moment it is just giving plain text. Some example text which was added: " " I tried to do this but it renders the encoded values ​​only, does not present them as HTML: txtSomeMultilineTextbox. Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (some text strings ()); The purpose of this multilanguage text box is to read only the rules & amp; Terms box should be such formatted text like bold, etc. I am not interested in using any third party control. I just want to know how it is working. I think you want to use a multiline text box because of the scroll bar you div Can get along. & lt; Div style = "width: 300px; height: 250px; overflow: auto;" & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;

How do I sort a VARCHAR column in SQL server that contains words and numbers? -

I have a varchar (100) field that contains both letter and number values ​​usually car 1, car 10, car 100, car are in the form of 20. But values ​​can have a word before the number. Is there a way to sort these values ​​numerically so that the car 2 car comes before 10? Thank you. You have to find out in your data and have to split the car 2 In a varchar car and int 2 . The pattern can be as simple as Word SPACE NUMBER and you can set it to SPACE based on PATINDEX or Based on CHARINDEX , you can split with SUBSTRING . You can then sort by two columns. Here is an example Set Knitting @ Tail Tables (ID INT Identity (1, 1), String Value Worker (30)) @Table (StringValue) values INSERT @TableValue VALUES ('CAR 20') INSERT @Table (StringValue) VALUES ('CAR 2') INSERT INSERT @Table (StringValue) VALUES ('CAR 3') Enter in ('Car 10') (StringValue) Values ​​('Car 4') INSERT @Table (StringValue) VALUES ('SHIP 32') INS

greasemonkey - User Script Debugging in Google Chrome -

What is the best way to debug custom user scripts (aka griesmoney) in Chrome? Is there a way to enable user script tracking in developer tools? What type of debugging do you want to do? Like Alex said, user script will be listed in the same context as debugging the page. If you go to the "Script" tab in the Developer Tools, you will see a bar with a dropdown that you want to debug the appropriate JavaScript file. Such scripts should contain URLs that are chrome-extension: // . Those scripts will also log on the consoles of those pages on which they are embedded. Additionally, if you want to log in to all the pages in one place, you can try to make your script as a full chrome extension, as a content script Using the user script. You can then send a message from your content script to your background page and log in there. For example, if it was your content script: function log (text) {chrome.extension.sendRequest ({'action': 'log', 'text

Need to handle git-submodules in git-archive -

I must pack git submodules inside the turf, which I am composed of git-archive . I think that 1.6.5 does not support git submodules in git-archive . I look at many scripts to handle this matter on the Net, What is the best / most authoritative way to do this? You can try your script Edit: For Mac OS X users available through Homebro: Archive-All

PowerShell eye for the Bash guy -

For anyone who is using bash for years, what is the fast way to make productive with Microsoft's PowerShell ? I've noticed my old friends working on ls and ps , but unfortunately did not grep . I can only make man and read through the pile of documentation, but I'm guessing that there is a quick way to productivity for someone who is with Bash's long history of use. I do not know whether this is or not, but I am seeing because of the familiarity, because it seems that at the end there is a fair shell on Windows rather than the need to install SAGVIN, and I Instead of writing Bat files automatically, we want to start using it like activities like construction and deployment and I suggest only a man and a "piles" documentation once you basically down In fact, it is not difficult if you intend to do anything with PowerShell to make a productive from anywhere, then you will need knowledge.

php - Modifying Containable fields required in beforeFind callback? -

In my KPPP 1.2.5 app, I have a profile model that is the user The model user model has a username field, and when I execute find () on the profile model, I always automatically User.username also This is what I tried to do: before the public event ($ queryData) {// Determine that the username is already un Locking in that return data has been 'User.username' or 'User' = & gt; Array ('username'). $ Uuserdata = release ($ querydata ['contains']) & amp; Amp; In_array ("user. {$ This-> user- & gt; displayField}", $ queryData ['contain']); $ Uuser data | = Release ($ query data ['include'] ['user']) & amp; Amp; In_array ($ this-> User-> displayField, $ queryData ['contains'] ['user']); // Request that the user's data should be included, if the calling method has not already been requested ($! UserData) {$ queryData ['contain'] ['user'] [] = $ th

actionscript 3 - Stage Not Tracking MouseX or MouseY Without Clicking -

I have a fairly simple CS4 project where my desired effect is a clock face rotating in 3D space where the mouse On the stage, but, for some reason, to face the clock to understand the position of the mouse, I have to click on the stage whether it is happening to someone else? And, if so, why? Import caurina.transitions.Tweener; Var PP: perspective projection = new perspective transplantation (); Pp.projectioncenter = New point (225,250); Pp.fieldOfView = 55; Clock.transform.perspectiveProjection = PP; AddEventListener (Event .ENTER_FRAME, rotateClock); Function Rotate Clock (E: Event): Zero {var xPcent: number = mousex / 225; Var yPcent: number = mouse / 250; Tweener.addTween (clock, {rotationY: 50 - (50 * xPcent), rotation X: 50 - (50 * ypcent), time: 2, infection: "easeOutCubic"}); } Try adding a mouse event. MOUSE_MOVE Event instead of stage. - VB 2008 - Extracting data from website question -

There are more problems coming with some code for my HKK Whatever I am able to do, is making the form. We have to get information about a website and return some information back to the text box on our form. I need a push in the right direction if someone can help. Assignment 6 - Text Parsing Many applications require you to remove information from blocks of text. We will make heavy use in this project. This project is designed to let you know how to remove some customs out of text files. You have to open a file, search the file for some specific content, and then copy that content and keep it on the screen. Go to and select the state that starts with the same letter as your last name (if there is no state that starts with the same letter, then the second letter Use, then third letter, etc.). For example, if my name was 'John Bayway', because there was no B or Y, I would choose a state starting with W- Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin or Wyoming. The id - C#.Net - RadioButton Control adapter and postback -

I have a radio button control adapter that is used to present the radio button control with the CSS class as part of the input tag Efforts, rather than as a nearby period. Public Class Radiabutan Adapter: WebControlEditor {Providing Safe Override Zero (HtmlTextWriter Writer) {RadioButton targetControl = this.Control RadioButton; If (targetControl == faucet) {base.Render (author); Return; } Author. Additional attributes (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Id, targetControl.ClientID); Author. Additional features (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "Radio"); Author. Additional Properties (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Name, targetControl.GroupName); // Bug - Unique group name should be author. AddAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Value,; If (targetControl.CssClass.Length> gt; 0) {author. Authorized property (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, targetControl.CssClass); } If (targetControl.Page! = Null) {targetControl.Page.ClientScript.RegisterForEventValidation (targetControl.G

c# - XmlNodeList (why is this empty) -

I do not understand why this nodelist is empty XmlDocument document = New XmlDocument (); Document.Load (xmlpath); XmlNodeList nodes = document. Selection Nodes ("/ ProtectiveRespense / Root ITEM / Features / Attributes"); here XmlFile & Lt; RootItem xsi: type = "section" xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Let's blame & gt; & Lt; Attribute & gt; & Lt; DataDictionary xsi: nil = "true" /> & Lt; Datatype & gt; String & lt; / Datatype & gt; & Lt; DISPLAYNAME & gt; IDENT_NR & lt; / DISPLAYNAME & gt; & Lt; Key & gt; True & lt; / Key & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; IDENT_NR & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Search & gt; True & lt; / Search & gt; & Lt; UserAttribute & gt; True & lt; / UserAttribute & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; 9662744 & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Properties

iphone - 32 pixel gap at top of opengl es texture -

I'm trying to render in a texture using the first OpenGL ES (for Iphone) and its After displaying the texture. Screen. Everything works except that there is 32 row difference at the top of the texture and the 32 rows below are cut. It is offset 32 ​​pixels like all of my pictures, which are not being drawn down as 32 rows because they are out of texture. Here's a very simple example: zero rendering (int textured) {unsigned char buffer [4 * 320 * 480]; Unsigned four colors [4]; Color [0] = 255; Color [1] = 0; Color [2] = 0; Color [3] = 128; For (int i = 0; i & lt; 4 * 320 * 480; i + = 4) {buffer [i] = color [0]; Buffer [i + 1] = color [1]; Buffer [i + 2] = color [2]; Buffer [i + 3] = color [3]; } GlBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, textured); GlTexSubImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 320, 480, GL_RGBA, GL_UnSIGNED_BYTE, buffer); } And its result is: Using glColor4f () instead of calling RenderToTexture () results in just one red screen Any help from that 32 will

css - Is there anything wrong with having positioning & float? -

मेरे पास है: .event {float: left; स्थिति: रिश्तेदार; शीर्ष: 50px; चौड़ाई: 100%; ऊंचाई: 100 पिक्सेल; पृष्ठभूमि-रंग: #FFFFFF; सीमा-शीर्ष: 1 पीएक्स ठोस # डी 6 डी 6 डी 6; सीमा नीचे: 1 पीएक्स ठोस # डी 6 डी 6 डी 6; } यह फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में मेरी पसंद के लिए काम करता है & amp; सफारी। मुख्य रूप से एक अन्य तत्व के खिलाफ तैरते हैं, लेकिन इसके खिलाफ ऑफसेट हो। मुझे पता है कि मैं फ्लैप के लिए मार्जिन-टॉप: 50 पिक्स का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, लेकिन जो भी कारण से शीर्ष मुझे समझ में आता है। धन्यवाद! मैट म्यूएलर मैंने पाया है कि मुझे कभी फ्लोट की आवश्यकता है: बाएं और स्थिति: रिश्तेदार, क्योंकि शुरुआती डिवेल में तत्व जो कि स्थिति का उपयोग करते हैं: निरपेक्ष। "स्थिति: सापेक्ष" सुनिश्चित करता है कि बच्चे तत्व अपने स्वयं के डिवा के भीतर ठीक से स्थित हैं उनके माता-पिता में "रिश्तेदार" के बिना, उन्हें बाहर रखा जाएगा

c# - Adding SSIS Connections Programmatically - Oracle Provider for OLE DB -

I am writing C # applications to generate an SSIS package. Part of this using the Database Connection Manager - Library Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime . The following line of code shows how this can be done: Connection Manager cm = pkg.Connections.Add ("OLEDB"); In the above code, I am adding an OLDB connection, which creates a connection with the provider "Original OLEDB / SQL Basic Client" . I do not want this, instead I want the provider Oracle Provider for OLEDB . Different types of connection manager types are shown from the following sites: But no one notifies that the use of Oracle ALLDB provider Is able to, and the Oracle type specified on the second link is valid for SQL 2008. Will I have to go down the path of the development of my own custom manager described here?: Any help would be appreciated James You have to set the connection string to say OLEDB connection to use the following Oracle Provider: package pkg = new

c# - Linq to XML -Dictionary conversion -

How to store nodes in a dictionary where int is an autogenerated key and string (value of node ) Using LINQ? element: XElement instructors = XElement.Parse (@ "& lt; Trainers & Gt; Instructor & gt; Daniel & lt; / instructor & gt; & lt; Trainer & gt; Joel & lt; / instructor & gt; Instructor & gt; Eric & lt; / instructor & gt; Instructor & Gt; Scott & lt; / instructor & gt; & lt; instructor & gt; Joehan & lt; / instructor & gt; & lt; / trainer & gt; "); Partial effort code is given below: var qry = in trainers From instr Element ("trainer") where ((p, index) => ** incomplete **) .. ** ** ** incomplete **; My selection to in dictionary & lt; Int, string & gt; How to turn on ? (The key should start with 1, Lin must start in the Indies with zero). How about: x.index + 1, x) = & Gt; X.element.Value);

Regarding Debugging in Xcode -

Hello friends, on the outset of this platform, practicing application in the context of some books, my The application is running continuously but there is no output. My application displayed here in the console #import @interface class A: NSOJ {int x; } - (zero) initVar; @end @implementation ClassA - (zero) initVar {x = 100; } @ And @ interface class B: class A {int y; } - (zero) initVar; - (zero) printwora; @end @implementation ClassB - (zero) initVar {x = 200; Y = 300; } - (zero) printworld {nslog (@ "x =% i", x); NSLog (@ "Y =% i", y); } @interm main (int argued, conservative charley * AGR []) [NSUUTOrisepool * pool = [[NSAUTOriyPull Alok]] IIT; Class B * B = [[CLASBY ALLOCK] INIT]; [B invoice]; [B printvr]; [B release]; [Pool drain]; Return 0; } and **** console information looks like this **** The program is loaded. Switching to Run [Process 1310 Local Thread 0x2e03] ... Running Switch ... (GDB) Code OK Its going on. If you are not getting any m

Eclipse Keyword Index Issue -

I have a problem in the Eclipse keyword index for remote infosessor I have the following index.xml file (my plug-in .xml Is also specified as the primary index): & Lt; / Entry & gt; & Lt; / Index & gt; I get the following exception in my Eclipse Console by clicking on the Index tab (Help-> Help content): java.lang.ClassCastException: (RemoteindexProver.Java: 54) on ( Remote Insensor has a plugin. Xml, index.xml, toc.xml Thanks in advance for helping! Which version of eclipse are you using? The initial version of 3.4 or 3.4 can still be a problem with remote help, as illustrated. Do you reproduce with an eclipse 3.5.1? What is happening is that there is not an index entry in a remote point, it is a label attribute and it is trying to look at the href