Regarding Debugging in Xcode -

Hello friends, on the outset of this platform, practicing application in the context of some books, my The application is running continuously but there is no output. My application displayed here in the console #import

  @interface class A: NSOJ {int x; } - (zero) initVar; @end @implementation ClassA - (zero) initVar {x = 100; } @ And @ interface class B: class A {int y; } - (zero) initVar; - (zero) printwora; @end @implementation ClassB - (zero) initVar {x = 200; Y = 300; } - (zero) printworld {nslog (@ "x =% i", x); NSLog (@ "Y =% i", y); } @interm main (int argued, conservative charley * AGR []) [NSUUTOrisepool * pool = [[NSAUTOriyPull Alok]] IIT; Class B * B = [[CLASBY ALLOCK] INIT]; [B invoice]; [B printvr]; [B release]; [Pool drain]; Return 0; }  

and **** console information looks like this **** The program is loaded. Switching to Run [Process 1310 Local Thread 0x2e03] ... Running Switch ... (GDB)

Code OK Its going on. If you are not getting any message, then perhaps you have unknowingly set up breakpoints in GDB. In this case, typing "notification breakpoint" at the "(gdb)" prompt will be shown to them:

  (gdb) Information breakpoint number type Disp and know whether to place 1 breakpoints y 0x000027de - [SMStatisticController init] at SMStatisticController.m: 44 Breakpoint already hit 1 time Current language: Auto; At present, Objective-C (GDB)  

To delete all breakpoints, "del" to delete breakpoint and "c" to continue execution:

  (gdb) del (gdb) c  


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