
Showing posts from August, 2014

c# - Retrieve two values in the same linq query -

I am starting with linqToSql and I still have some questions in making my queries. For example, I want to get an integer with two values, a subset of elements, and count of elements in the same query. In this way I have done it separately: integer elements; IEnumerable & LT; ClsTax & gt; result; Outcome = (Select new ClsTax {tax = T.TX1, increase = TNRCTs} from T. Take (25); Total Elements = (Select the new ClsTax {tax = t.tax1, increase = t.increase} from Calculation (); As you can see, I can not use results.count () because I only used Tech (25) to get the first 25 elements, and I It is to know how many elements are thanks post text "itemprop = "Text"> How about: var all = (Choose from to select new claxex in te {tax = ttx1, increase = increase t}); Var calculation = all.Count (); Var results = all.Take (25); A little easier?

sql - Delete all table data in a set [DB].[audit].[tables] -

So, I have a database with about 100 audit tables and I want to prefix them in 1 SQL query. There are 2 set tables in the database [Audit] and [DBO] I am also not convinced that these groups of tables should be called so that finding any results from Google is proving difficult. Any suggestions? You can find all the tables with a certain schema name such as: name from sys.tables where schema_name (schema_id) = 'audit' With a cursor, you iterate over those tables, and empt it by using: Declare Usage DB Declare @ Query Morality (max) @ Tablename nvarchar (maximum) Declared @curs cursor select from sys.tables @curs = for cursor = cursor where schema_name (schema_id) = 'Audit' open @ Incurred @ bring @tablename circle time @@ FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin set @ query = Antrenket table audit. Close the @tablename end @tablename exec sp_executesql @query fritter @ circus @curs deallocate @curs If you want to delete tables instead, use this: set @query = N

javascript - Duplicate Flex Object in HTML without Re-Initializing -

I am creating a flash object that lifts up some heavy images. What I'm going to do is, to move an image, load many flash objects on the same page, modify it, and display it in the Flash object. The problem I am facing is that when I try to add 100 Flex objects on the page, the browser freezes because it attempts to reload / initialize each instance. Once all of them are loaded, then the processing of the images goes quickly. Does anyone know how to duplicate a flash piece without reloading everything? Another thought I would have is to load the image in a flex object, and it is to modify the image tag using an MFTL / Data URI. Any ideas? The answer I came up with is using it. I send the image to a single flash object, does it run pixel bend scripts and then output the base 64 image string to the data URI on the image tag. For IE, who does not support this scheme, I will output the string to a php script which will return the decoded image. The reason for this is th

Objective-C: what is private what is not? -

लोग प्रयोग क्यों कर रहे हैं @interface ViewController: UIViewController {@private UIButton * button_; } सार्वजनिक हेडर में निजी घोषणाएं? एक कार्यान्वयन के भीतर एक चर को घोषित करते हुए एक ही परिणाम पैदा होता है, है ना? यह मेरे लिए अजीब लगता है, मैंने सोचा था कि सार्वजनिक शीर्ष लेख में केवल वास्तव में सार्वजनिक सदस्य ही शामिल होना चाहिए। संरक्षित सदस्यों के साथ क्या करना है? @implementation ViewController UIButton * button_; @end फर्क सिर्फ इतना है कि यह चर केवल वर्तमान संकलन इकाई (.m फ़ाइल, सही?) के भीतर दिखाई देता है क्या ऐसा ही है तरीकों के लिए सही पकड़? मैं उचित तरीके से आदेश या आगे घोषणाओं के साथ ठीक संकलन कर सकता था लोगों को निजी तरीकों के लिए श्रेणियां घोषित करने की क्यों परवाह है? केवल परीक्षण प्रयोजनों के लिए? @implementation ब्लॉक के भीतर परिवर्तनीय घोषणा एक वैश्विक चर पैदा करेगा, और नहीं एक उदाहरण चर उदाहरण चर को @interface के भाग के रूप में परिभाषित करने की आवश्यकता होती है। जब आप कोई अतिरिक्त @interface ब्लॉक बना सकते हैं, तो एक श्रेणी के माध्यम से

Maven WAR plugin not reading configuration when running in <execution> tag -

I'm trying to hang Maven with a war plug-in for many. It works fine until it is defined in the following manner: & lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.apache.maven.plugins & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Maven War Plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 1.0 & lt; / Version & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; (...) & lt; / Configuration & gt; but not in the following & lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.apache.maven.plugins & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Maven War Plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 1.0 & lt; / Version & gt; & Lt; Hanging & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; Step & gt; Package & lt; / Step & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; (...) & lt; / Configuration & gt; & Lt; / Execution & gt; & Lt; / Hanging & gt; & Lt; / Plugin &

Python: Extracting data from buffer with ctypes -

I am able to call a function successfully with ctypes in Python. I now have a buffer that is full of data structure that I want to remove. What is the best strategy for this? Function: class list (): def __init __ (self): # [...] def getdirentries (self, path): self.load_c () Self.fd = (path, os.O_RDONLY) self.statinfo = os.fstat (self.fd) self.buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer (self.statinfo.st_size) nbytes = self.statinfo .st_size transferred_bytes = self .libc.getdirentries (self.fd, ctypes.byref (self.buffer), nbytes, ctypes.byref (self.basep)) # [...] structure: class dirent (ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("d_fileno", ctypes.c_uint32), # / * file number of entry / ("d_reclen", ctypes.c_uint16), this record The length of the string in the # / * length * / ("d_type", ctypes.c_uint8), # / * file type * / ("d_namlen", ctypes.c_uint8), # / * d_name * / ("D_name", ctype S.c_char * (MAXNAMELEN + 1))] Some out

JQuery SelectToUISlider Issues -

Hopefully this has not already been asked as a slider question, but already asking me questions No answers found So, here goes: I have a SelectToUISlider () which is basically a modified JQuery UI slider, and I'm using a range value. So, I start with a handle of 60, and the other 100 (0 to 100 on the scale). What do I have to do, click on a radio button, so that 0 can change to 100 and convert to 100. I have failed to convert it through jQuery selectors / javascript. However, while switching the handle to move the handle, it works, but the second handle (in 100) moves back to 0 in the first handle (60), so it does not seem to be. I think I may have to delete the slider and it may need to be rebuilt with the second handle (which starts as 100), in this scenario 0 can be the first handle (although I can destroy it And it does not seem to answer that either.) The one which I have tried here does not work till now: As now, nothing happens when clicking on the radio button, bu

python - numpy.extract and numpy.any functions, is it possible to make it simpler way? -

If there is a possibility to simplify this code, then I really appreciate it! The first column is the date I am trying to get rid of rows with zero. If all other columns are zero, then they have to be deleted. The number of columns is different numpy as np You can avoid understanding the list And instead you can use fancy indexing: #! / Usr / bin / env python import numpy as NP import datetime r = np.array ([( (2000,1,1), 0,1), ( (2000,1,1 ), 1,1), ( (2000,1,1), 1,0), ( (2000,1,1), 0,0),]) r = r [r: , 1:]. Any (axis = 1)] print (r) # [[2000-01-01 0 1] # [2000-01-01 1 1] # [2000-01-01 1 0] If r is a ndarray, then r [:, 1:] one view has been removed with the first column R [:, 1:]. Any (axis = 1) is a boolean array, which you can then use as a "fancy index"

.net - SQL Server LDAP authentication -

Using SQL Server 2005, how do I authenticate user names / password combinations using the Net-Ed LDAP server? Can i If you have to call SQL Server 2005, you will need to create a .NET stored procedure. The use of .NET to connect to LDAP: System. Using the Directory Service; DirectoryEntry DE = new DirectoryEntry (LDAPPath, LDAP_Domain + account, password, AuthenticationTypes.Secure); If (DE == null) {// login failure}

c# - GetGlobalResourceObject exception handling -

मेरे पास एक प्रोजेक्ट है जो GetGlobalResourceObject का व्यापक उपयोग करता है जो कि System.Web.UI वर्ग का सदस्य है। यह द्विभाषी सी # / एएसपी.नेट एप्लिकेशन को अंग्रेजी या फ्रांसीसी लेबल प्रदान करने के लिए ठीक काम करता है। लेकिन .... अगर संसाधन फ़ाइल में संदर्भ अनुपलब्ध है या एप्लिकेशन क्रैश हो रहा है तो इस तरह से सैकड़ों कॉल हैं GetGlobalResourceObject ("XXX.WebResource", "निकालें") क्या कोई अपवाद हैंडलर के साथ GetGlobalResourceObject को इनक्यूबेट करने का कोई तरीका है, ताकि वह वापस लौटा सके रिक्त है और लॉग करता है अगर हर कॉल में एक प्रयास / पकड़ के बिना कोई समस्या है? मैं सी # के लिए नया हूँ इसलिए मुझे नहीं पता कि मैं अपने खुद के वर्ग के साथ GetGlobalResourceObject को ओवरराइड कर सकता हूं और फिर खोज और प्रतिस्थापित करें निश्चित रूप से एक बेहतर तरीका है। केविंसकी आप अपना स्वयं का संस्करण लिख सकते हैं अपवाद हैंडलिंग और उसमें प्रवेश करने के लिए GetGlobalResourceObject का सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक ऑब्जेक्ट MyGetGlobalResourceObject (स्ट्रिंग क्लासकी, स्ट्र

.net - Selecting combination using linq -

This is an interview question that I have recently encountered. Description: This work is $ 100 (please consider some currency) I will be given. I need to buy three items item A, item B, item C. (I'm not sure whether $ 0.25 or $ 0.75 is meaningful, think it as the other currency) Item A = 0.25 $, item B = 0.75 $ and item C = 20 $ me 100 items Actually $ 100 < / B> (I can buy a number of items, Item B, Item C but total should be 100). Solution: I have solved this by using for loop. for (int i = 1; i I got the result too item1 = 1, item2 = 93, item3 = 6 // cost = 100, items = 100 items 1 = 18, item 2 = 74, item 3 = 8 // Cost = 100, Item = 100 items 1 = 35, Item 2 = 55, Object 3 = 10 // value = 100, Item = 100 Object 1 = 52, Object 2 = 36, Object 3 = 12 // value = 100, Item = 100 items 1 = 69, item 2 = 17, item 3 = 14 // cost = 100, item = 100 The actual task was to give a demo using "linq". How do I solve it using Linq? (Anyhow the intervi

iphone - UIButtons over a UIImageView Zooming -

O people, this is my first time posting here, and is quite new for iPhone programming. I started just a month ago I've been doing and tinkering with only small tutorial type applications, but anyway, of my question I currently have a UIScrollView scrollable and zoomable, which will load the UIImageView subview Does, and I want some control over the image view Add (UIButtons), but when I'm in and zoom out, zoom group (Button image). If I add UIButtons to my UIScrollView and Zoom, then the image zoom and the buttons are located in the original location If I add UIButtons to my UIImageView, they are correctly Zoom but now there are no buttons that means they lose their interaction. Later add them to ill by adding them to several arrays. I would appreciate any help This is my main viewer. Part of M. - (zero) viewDidload [scrollView2 setBackgroundColor: [UIColor blackColor]]; [scrollView2 setCanCancelContentTouches: no]; ScrollView2.clipsToBounds = Yes; // i

algorithm - Longest common substring with constant memory? -

Given two strings - How can you find the longest normal object using only continuous memory? Update: The constraints of time are solved in O (len1 * len2) like standard dynamic-programming solution. constant memory and no time constraint ? Just a cruel power method: Compare all the possibilities, keep only 6 integer indexed in memory: start and expiration for both strings, Plus 2 found so far for the longest string ...

javascript - JSON: why are forward slashes escaped? -

The reason for this is "escape" me. is avoided by forward slash, so a hash is sorted as {"a"> < Code> {"a": "a \ / b / c"} : "a / b / c"} . Why? JSON You do not need to do this, it allows you to do this. It also allows you to use "\ u0061" for "A", but it is not required & lt; Script & gt; \ / permits the \ / while embedding JS in the tag & lt; / , such as SEB points out of the information. Some ASP.NET Ajax / JSON APIs of Microsoft have used this defense to add additional information, for example, a date time in "\ / date (milliseconds) \ / " . (Yuk)

url rewriting - jQuery and url re-write -

I'm having a strange error and jQuery is not working based on how the URL is written. If the URL /index.cfm?show=about-us is all good but if the URL /index.cfm/show_about-us jQuery does not load correctly and I do not get "$ define" error in fireBug < P> Can not I use the standard? = The query string should be able to use the rewrite method I "post" Src = "..." & gt; Say? I suppose it is searching for /index.cfm/jquery.js that does not exist.

javascript alert problem - सी # बनाम 05 पर काम करें। पेज रिफ्रेश पर डुप्लिकेट रिकॉर्ड इनरेशन को रोकने के लिए। बटन इवेंट के तहत मैंने कोड नीचे लिखा था प्रतिक्रिया। रीडायरेक्ट (Request.Url.ToString (), गलत); मैंने इस घटना के तहत जावास्क्रिप्ट अलर्ट का भी इस्तेमाल किया, उपरोक्त कोड चेतावनी संदेश का उपयोग करने के बाद, सर्वर-पक्ष कोड से संदेश बॉक्स प्रदर्शित नहीं किया जा रहा है? स्ट्रिंग संदेश = "डेटा सफलतापूर्वक सहेजा गया।"; स्ट्रिंग एस = "& lt; स्क्रिप्ट टाइप = \" टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट \ "& gt; चेतावनी ('" + संदेश + "'); & lt; / script & gt;"; क्लाइंट स्क्रिप्ट। पंजीयक स्टार्टअप स्क्रिप्ट (गेटटाइप (), "अलर्ट", s); प्रयास करें {Response.Redirect (Request.Url.ToString ()), असत्य); } पकड़ (ई) {चेतावनी (ई। संदेश); }

How to off the IDENTITY column of table in TSQL -

I have used 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT OFF' and it is executing successfully but still in the table ID Please help any one It's going to get you crazy, but you To do this, SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON it explains. The essence of the matter is that the decision is wrong, someone has called that you see the statement that your script identity can change the column or not. Rather backwards, but this is just the way: D

c# - Adjusting TabItem width automatically to fill spaces? -

I have a TabControl object with some TabItem objects. Now the width of TabItem is not enough to fill the radius of the right place: Now I want to design one of the following: What properties Should I set up to get one of the above designs? For the second design, I tried to adjust the horizontal align property ("center") in TabItem objects and in the HorizontalContentAglinment property ("Center") in the TabControl object, but none worked. Can someone tell me what I want to implement the design? I prefer the first design, but if it is impossible or too difficult, the second will also be good. Thank you. The tab is arranged by the headpieces of Tantolol You must change the headerpane to change the layout. It seems that the only way to do this is with a control template, this is an article that will show you how to:.

c++ - Network programming: SOAP vs DIY marshalling with XML library? -

I know there are already a lot of discussions about alternative mechanisms such as SOAP, bloat, XML, and REST. / P> The situation here is based on the difficulty of applying the protocol by hand, a new team member is actually talking on SOAP. He recommends GSOAP (the project is in C ++.) He tells things like WSDL, cleansing many disturbances by hand coded C ++. I am currently doing the largest networking with XML based text messages, and XPRAT XML Library. That's why I'm associated with some programming effort (not much) adding to the modifications or message lists of message formats. At the end of the sender, I compile an XML request and send it to an old TCP socket. On the receiver, I parsed the XML using XML or SAX. e.t.c. Has worked fine till now. XML messages are quite compact and most are two hundred pairs. And I understand everything in those messages. We should use a web site (a server) that is coded using PHP. It is partly running this idea here that a SOAP

mod rewrite - How to use RewriteRule in Apache to redirect from /abc/ to /abc? -

पुनर्लेखन नियम ^ ([^ / \। +) / $ $ 1 [R] से पुनर्निर्देशन से मैं सही स्थान पर कैसे पुनर्निर्देशित करूं? ( ) पुनर्लेखन नियम मेल खाने वाला भाग है, दूसरा प्रतिस्थापन अभिव्यक्ति है पूर्ण-यूआरएल RewriteRule s के लिए उन्हें ^ / (स्लैश) से शुरू करना चाहिए, क्योंकि के बाद हमेशा पथ रूट-स्लैश के साथ शुरू होता है से को रीडायरेक्ट करने के लिए (अनुगामी स्लैश निकालें) आप यह कर सकते हैं: रीवरइटइन्गइन ऑन रीव्रेट राउल ^ / ([^ /] + / $ / $ 1 [आर]

webserver - Performance differences between Swazoo and Komanche? -

I want to know what is the difference between performance and performance between the Swazoo and the Comches for the seashore generally. Specifically why and in what situations should I like one over the other? There are only major differences between the two: Swazoo is licensed under LGPL, while Comtech is licensed under the MIT license. Some people using LGGL software in Smalltalk are very uncomfortable, because after definition that some library in some smalltalk is very ambiguous. If you share this concern, then use comets. Comets only work in Skeak / Faroe and Gems, while Taste works in most Smalltalk. In particular, Swazhou GNU Smalltalk, Visual Works, Cheek / Faro, Gems and Dolphin. If you are working directly with the web server (which is very rare, to make it clear), you should probably develop against yourself. It should be a factor in very unusual applications. The coastal COMET packages only support Komanche. If you want komate and beach, you will

android - i want to see the dialog in Top of layout. How to move it? -

All, 1) I have a dialog shown on my application. It is currently visible in the center of the device. But I want to see that dialogue at the top of the layout. How to move it? 2.) How to add an image to the dialog box? EDIT: I added a picture in the background of the button. I want to move this button to the right corner of the pop up dialog. How to do it And I also want to know how to move the entire pop-up dialog to the top of the layout screen? As I am new to this development, please do I have a suggestion how do I get it? Edit: Can anyone tell me how to control three in a single line using a single line? I want to show a text label in an imabee, a button and a single line. I came to know that on Layout in ECLIPE But it accepts only one control for a line, if it goes to the next line (ROE) in the next control. I want to make three controllers at one go. I do not know about the API to change the status of a dialog. "post-text" itemprop = "text">

javascript - Creating a Draggable Widget System -

I'm looking to create a widget system, to some extent such as WordPress Please suggest that this script is for most What would be the good. I have planned to use the jQuery UI for this, but I would also like to hear other suggestions. Go with Jquery We apply full page flex-ask drag / droppable widget system to our customizable homepage Have done We could not be more pleased with jquery and jquery UI. We looked at other libraries and decided that jquery's biggest potential is extremely expressive and code is tight and efficient. We actually moved from the prototype.

SQL Server 2005 search views for certain database objects -

Is there a list of all the ideas in the database that connects to a particular object in SQL Server? i.e.: All ideas that link to myTable You can use : Select object_name (object_id), * sys.sql_dependencies from where referenced_major_id = object_id ('& lt; tablename & gt;'); This will list all the objects dependent on your table, you can restrict it by seeing it in the opposite: select v. Joining D from Sys.sql_dependencies to d.object_id = v.object_id on sys.views v where referenced_major_id = object_id ('& lt; tablename & gt;'); - why javascript not work on masterpage - बनाम 05 सी # पर काम करें। मेस्टर पेज हेडर में बीयर कोड होता है & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" भाषा = "जावास्क्रिप्ट" src = "JScript.js" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; मेरे एक पृष्ठ से मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट पद्धति को कॉल करता हूं & asp: textbox id = "txtlength" runat = "server" & gt; 0 & lt; / एएसपी: पाठ बॉक्स & gt; & Lt; एएसपी: टेक्स्ट बॉक्स आईडी = "टेक्सटीएचईइट" रनैट = "सर्वर" onchange = "javascript: dochange ();" & gt; 0 & lt; / asp: पाठ बॉक्स & gt; जावास्क्रिप्ट पद्धति नीचे है: {चेतावनी ("हैलो दुनिया"); ** // यह अलर्ट प्राप्त करें, लेकिन अलर्ट नहीं मिलता । ** var a = document.getElementById ("txtLength"); Var बी = document.getElementById ("txtHeight"); चेतावनी (a.value * b.value); } संदेश बॉक्स पर मान दिखाना चाहते हैं। वास्तव में, एसएफटी की गणना करना, कैसे करें? पाठ बक्से का DOM

linux - Paste two text lists (one list a file) into one list separated by commas -

प्रक्रिया / आउटपुट का एक उदाहरण होगा: File1: हैलो वर्ल्ड फ़ाइल 2: फ़ू बार संयोजन के बाद फाइल का परिणाम: फ़ाइल 3: हैलो; foo world; bar गैर-अनुमानित पाठ की एक बड़ी सूची के लिए (नो-वाइल्ड कार्ड - लेकिन लाइनें हैं मुझे यह समझ नहीं आ रहा है कि यह कैसे उबंटू के तहत पेस्ट कमांड के साथ करना है। पेस्ट-डी ';' फ़ाइल 1 फ़ाइल 2 & gt; फ़ाइल 3

Add windows encoding to Eclipse on linux -

I have a legacy project that has all the source files, templates, property written in CP 1250 encoding. (Windows 1250 - Central European) Recently I switched from Windows to Ubuntu and found out that the current installation of Eclipse 3.5 does not have CP 1250, nor project property nor workspace settings. How do I set up a new encoding to be recognized by Eclipse? Now it's just normal, send me this address in a minute later that the drop-down menu is also edited That's why it's just a matter of writing CP 1250, okay and by killing the voice, the problem has been solved. Eclipses again show encoding to rerenders encoding immediately. problem solved.

actionscript 3 - symbols placed on the timeline become undefined if stepping backwards -

I'm one. I am using frames as pages of a flash app in the timeline of SWF. The user can move to the advance frame by clicking a button on the next page. Similarly, navigating to the previous frame / page is also possible. Most of the material is placed on the stage (i.e. created by dragging an example of a library symbol on the stage), but the properties of those examples, such as Probably may change through the action script Also, some objects are loaded with external flash files and are programmatically displayed with AdBull / Ad ChildAid. The problem is, if I am on frame N + 1 and the program is on the platform, addBild is displayed on the platform, it is not placed on the stage) and navigate to frame n where there is an object which is the platform (Ie dragged from the library), the example of that object is undefined / tap and throws an error. I try to set my assets (like .views). If I'm going to the next frame then the error does not come, only if I'm going

security - Application integrity & url tampering -

People on my site can ask questions and reply can be posted. The question is that to answer a question that is on the / question / title example, the form is submitted on 7/7 of the question ID, along with the example ID / question/post_answer/7. An answer has been entered here to ensure verification. If not, then you get back to the original URL. Therefore, the post_ answer path is not actually 'seen' by the users but they can use it clearly. Now I am thinking that if a user changes the ID of the question 8, then he can answer another question. Since all users have achieved actually is not a security issue, answering another question. But I am thinking - in this scenario, how do you manipulate such kind of URL: accumulating question ID in session and if there is a change, is showing error? Thoughts? The session is a way to use another one message authentication code (MAC). Normally you store the code in a cookie or in a portion of URL (i.e. a GET parameter).

.net - How to set ID in Object Oriented Code -

When I'm talking about object-oriented programming for a 3-level application, I'm a little confused. Here's a small example of what I'm trying to do (I will shorten the database design to simplify it) Let's say I'm making a ticket help desk system, a ticket description, a responsible person, a The due date and definitely an ID (unique). Assume that ID is only an identity column, which is an integer type and its value (SQL Server). It gets its value only once it is included. Now just a few sample pseudo codes (this can not be correct, so do not give out syntax bugs, just try to find an answer about how to store the ID). I can easily create a ticket class public class ticket {private string m_description; Private date m_duedate; Private string m_responsible; Private Industries M_ID; // should it be read only ??? Or ... how to // so i can get a bunch of properties / set these private variables public property responsible ({return m_responsible;} set {m

iphone - How to clear and then redraw a quartz drawing -

Based on the information I passed, creating a complex drawing using quartz is the only part I have not understood that I How can I clean the rectangles etc., which I have already drawn? Actually, I want to erase the entire drawing and want to recreate it with new data. If you have the property of your UIView yes , Then the system should remember to fill its code with its code with the backgroundColor drawRect: method.

How do I convert a JSON object to an array for use in jQuery? -

I am creating a cost estimator form, to manipulate the Select menu JQuery Uses Basically, when a new volume is selected, the value of each option is multiplied by per-unit value in each selection menu, and a new price is shown to the user. What I am trying to do is to pull prices per unit from a PHP file, which stores these prices in a series of arrays; Ex: & lt ;? Php // prices.php $ colorPrices = array (2.339.3.195,6.537,2.614,2.614,1.75 9); $ Json = json_encode ($ color value); Echo $ json; ? & Gt; Keeping the ARAIDs separate will keep my jQuery cleaner and makes updating pricing easier. In my jQuery file, which calculates the total value, I read it in JSON like this: $. GetJSON ('prices.php', function) {var colorArray = data;}) At this point, color space is an object, so it's not good with this bit of jQuery Plays: // Whenever a new color is selected, move through the color arrows and currently selected multiplied by $ ('#color optio

path - WPF Change a rectangles points at runtime -

I have a WPF app in which I need to manipulate the runtime in sequence. By doing this the path is going on with 4 line segments: canvas.Left = "324" canvas.pop = "247" & gt; & Lt; Path.Data & gt; & Lt; PathGeometry & gt; & Lt; Pathfigure isClosed = "true" & gt; & Lt; Line segment = "0.5,0.5" /> & Lt; Line segment point = "355.5,0.5" /> & Lt; Line segment point = "355.5229.5" /> & Lt; Line segment = "0.5,22 9.5" /> & lt; / PathFigure & gt; & Lt; / PathGeometry & gt; & Lt; /Path.Data> & Lt; / Path & gt; Now, in my C # code I can do this: Pathfigure selection statistics = (path as pathGemometry.Data). Organ; Console.light line ("Segment number:" + statistics [0] .egds.Count); Line segmentation top lift = figures [0]. [0] as a lineage; Line segmentation toprights = statistics [0]. [1] In line form of Segment;

Performing inheritance in JavaScript -

Now that I know that you can not show your heritage in C #, I have seen it on the Internet It is possible that if it is not possible to use plain javascript code, will it be possible to use it, and if so how? Javascript object-oriented paradigm is there are no "classes", just objects You can apply heritage in different ways. Two more popular options are "pseudo-classical" and "prototype" forms. For example: pseudo-classical heritage I think this is the most popular way. You use it with that operator, and you add members through the constructor function prototype. // Define the person constructor function function person () {} Person.prototype.sayHello = function () {Warning ('hello'); }; // Student Constructor Function Define the Student Definition () {} // The succession to the individual student. Protopp = new person (); // Correct the constructor pointer because this person tells the student. Prototype .constructor = student; /

sql - How do I limit the amount of results returned in Sybase? -

I need to query a Sibez database in which it contains a lot of data, and want to set a threshold so that DB Stops the query after 10 results. Important thing is performance, so it will be used after the search of all the results and then will return the last 10 results. Thanks I believe you must first SET ROWCOUNT 10, , all questions will not return any more than 10 rows in this session until further any SET ROWCOUNT , as a comment, in this session, Em> all does not close the following questions (only SELECT s!) (Set to 0) or set aside - this "global" effect, the specific LIMIT makes it easier than a section Land, which naturally is a per-query, but I do not think you can do anything about it.

c++ - GDI+ gif speed problem -

I am using C ++ GDI + to open GII though I think The frame interval is really strange, it is different from being played by the window viewer of the window. I have followed the written code. pMultiPageImg = new bitmap (xxxxx); Int size = m_pMultiPageImg-> GetPropertyItemSize (property tagfremade); M_pTimeDelays = (property item *) malloc (size); M_pMultiPageImg-> GetPropertyItem (Property TagFraired, Size, m_pTimeDelays); Int framesissues = m_pMultiPageImg-> GetFrameDimensionsCount (); (); // Frame interval frame number: long loops = ((* long time) m_pTimeDelays-> values) [framenumber] * 10; Although I would like to lapause a few frames & lt; = 0. found. What does this mean? And am I the correct listed to get the gap? Many thanks! The frame duration field in the GIF header is only two bytes long (interpreted) as a second Is 100th - allows values ​​ranging from 0 to 32.768 seconds.) You are interpreting this as possibly 4 bytes on your code. Read

java - Inherited method needs one more parameter -

I have a guardian class with many children, one of the children is an override method, which has its special internal use , Another parameter is required I do not want to change the signature of the law because the override system in other children does not require this parameter, I do not even want to add class properties as it is in vain in this case. How do you deal with these situations? So far, I have added an unchanged exception to the law and made a new one, but it is actually something I have done when I wait for an answer. Edit after John Skeet's Answer I will try to figure out whether I understood what John suggested, it is very interesting. Public abstract class guardian {public abstract zero aMethod (object parameter); } Public Class Non-Rallypolitized Child {Create Public Creators} (New Child Return); }} Public Nectar Class Children Extended Parents {} No Mmmmh, I am completely wrong here, I can not understand the second part of your post, Put some

Android - how to receive broadcast intents ACTION_SCREEN_ON/OFF? -

& lt; अनुप्रयोग & gt; & Lt; रिसीवर एंड्रॉइड: name = "। MyBroadcastReceiver" एंड्रॉइड: enabled = "true" & gt; & LT; आशय-फ़िल्टर & gt; & Lt; एक्शन एंड्रॉइड: name = "android.intent.action.ACTION_SCREEN_ON" & gt; & lt; / action & gt; & Lt; एक्शन एंड्रॉइड: name = "android.intent.action.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF" & gt; & lt; / action & gt; & Lt; / आशय-फ़िल्टर & gt; & Lt; / रिसीवर & gt; ... & lt; / application & gt; MyBroadcastReceiver बस लॉग इन करने के लिए foo थूकने के लिए सेट किया गया है कुछ नहीं करता। कृपया कोई सुझाव? मुझे आशय पकड़ने के लिए कोई अनुमति देने की आवश्यकता है? मुझे विश्वास है कि उन क्रियाओं को केवल प्राप्त किया जा सकता है रिसीवर्स द्वारा पंजीकृत रिसीवर्स के बजाय जावा कोड में पंजीकृत रिसीवर्स द्वारा ( registerReiver () के माध्यम से)

nunit network drive, failing to load tests -

We currently develop on a mapped drive. When I write a test against a test assembly, it will pick up the assembly, though does not recognize any test. If I move the solution to a local drive etc. and referencing it then everything works fine. I really want to know why this is happening, and how can I use a network drive for development. per, apparently there is not proper permission to reach the assembly on the network drive. Adding a post-build event to copy the suggested fix assembly to the local local temporary directory and closing the NUnit copied assembly: Within VS, the project Open the property. / Li> Go to the Build Event tab and enter the following 'Post-Build Event Command Line': del / qc: \ temp \ nunit *. * Copy "$ (TargetDir) . " c: \ temp \ n secluded The potential problem you may have is the result of this change related to the app. To include C: \ Temp \ NUnit's app base, update the settings element inside the .nunit

java - Passing Locale details via Jasper-Reports to JFreechart -

I am adding internationalization to a tapestry web-app which uses the Jasper report to generate general tabular reports and Through this, charts and graphs also make JFreeChart. Using the Jaspar REPORT_LOCALE parameter, I can set the locale for the Jasper report and it works beautifully for the tabular report but it does not work for the JFree Chart report. Axis Tick labels are coming out in the default locale so that if I am doing the time series, then I will get the name of the month in the wrong language. The only way I came to know how to deal with this is to change JVM default locale which I'm not happy with. Does anyone know if there is a way to configure JFreeChart to use a particular locale so that when Jasper invites it, then he uses that locale? I just ran into it, and was able to move it around by creating a chart adapter class . / P> In my .jrxml: & lt; Chart Assessment Time = "Report" customizerClass = "foo.Customizer" Rend

objective c - Using the showUserLocation property of MKMapView -

I currently have an app that shows different pins on a map. I mapView.showsUserLocation = YES; to show the user's current status. , however, it crashed my app ("Programmable Signals: SIGABRT") with the following error message: Mon Oct 19 12: 31:27 Unknown Solution Ad [3111] & lt; Error>: *** - [Mkusar Location Counter]: Send to unknown selector for example 0x10ad60 Monday 19:12:31:27 Unknown Solution Ad [3111] & lt; Error & gt;: Terminating ATM due to unacceptable exception 'NSINIDADAgument exception', reason: '*** - [MkUser Location Counter]: Unexpected selector sent for example 0x10ad60' Monday October 19 12:31:27 Unknown Solved Advertising [3111] & lt; Error & gt;: Stack: (...) This is a bit confusing because I have not used MKUserLocation, or is this a problem? The app uses core selection for other non-related purposes, however, the app responds in the same way when the Core Leo ocation is not being used in advance.

function - Javascript: Fade in and out -

I have this PHP based Doctor (chatbox) where you can type your message and send it. Now, I have this fade animation where a message comes when sending a message. It looks like: Javascript: function stateChanged1 () {if (xmlHttp1.readyState == 4) {document.getElementById ("Sent"). InnerHTML = "Sent!"; Document.writeform.message.value = ""; Chat (); }} In Body: Then the problem is that it does not disappear, what do I add to the code and where? add & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; on your HTML and add this JavaScript code: $ ("#send"). FadeOut ("slow"); after this line: document.getElementById ("Sent"). InnerHTML = "Sent!";

c++ - How to debug 'value of ESP was not saved across function call' error? -

On rare occasions when my program turns out, I get the error "ESP value has not been saved in the function call" error It is quite random and difficult to reproduce. How can I debug this error (VC ++ 2008)? How rude is it, because it only happens when it is closed? Is Error also appearing in release mode? This means that you either call a function with incorrect calling conference - this often Happens when you declare function pointer inappropriately - or overwrite some stacks. The pre-check function produces this situation to debug a later debug for things like stack-allocated buffer overruns.

c# - best practices / tips for storing html tags in resource files -

I have the following condition: Assume that I have to display the data in the following format. I'm 20 years old . I need the number 20 in bold. I'm bringing this string from a resource file like this string.format (HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject ("ResourceFile", "Key"), age) ; Do I have to type the & lt; B & gt; and & lt; / B & gt; should consider adding tags? Is this considered a "best practice"? Can anyone get useful links on localization? Do not store tags that change visual style in resources Code / For the purpose of separating the data / presentation, I recommend that you do not store the tags in your resource file. It will make it difficult to maintain ASPX / SSC files as well as tag in resources and even in DB You should isolate concerns following the pattern And keep things separate. Key value "UserAge" "It looks like you are old year {0}." Some loose restrictio

c# - ShowDialog issue on Close -

I'm ever seeing a problem with the window. ShowDialog () where the window is physically closed, but the pseudo-logic shown in the code does not return to the point. I have the following: try {log. Debug ("Showing new dialog window."); Results = Dialog Window.ShowDialog (); Logs. Debug ("close the new dialog window"); } Finally {log.Debug ("Resetting Opacity:" + this.ToString ()); Opacity = 1; Lock.Release (dialogWindowPadLock); } When the window tries to close () , it disappears, but opacity is not set back to 1 and the window is still Also getting key up events but it is requested as Cheers, James , close the window for the method: public override zero enterPressed (string input) {log.Info ("user [" + "username" + "] successfully activated"); StopNextUserCheck (); ActivateAprication = Exit Risson User active; Close (); // Do not dissolve as we do not want to add DBP listener returns; } I'm - Using Client-Side script to evaluate month difference using PeterBlum DifferenceValidator -

Problem: I was using Peter Blum's Professional Verification Control () during my project And I have a verification that the customer should go back to the customer instead of going to the server, need to send the screen two dates (month / year) on the server, one for the beginning date and one for the expiration date. Dates are only using month / year only Peter's month text box (). Two dates should not be more than 3 months (Please note that I did not say the 90 days separately). The end goal is: The user comes to a screen to run a report. They are prompted for a start date (month / year) and an expiration date. These dates are sent to the server so that the reports for the items made within this date range can be prepared. Users can run this report for a period of 3 months only. What have I done: I started using Peter Validation and more package using the differential validator, in doing so, I determine the difference that I will have 90 days It was expected, bu

Mysterious postback issues with javascript ( -

I show a model poppadxtender using javascript, and when I click on the save button it Saves things to me, and as a button in it) automatically refreshes the page. While it refreshes, I get an error because it says that the checkbox control defined on my ASPX page is zero. One of the first things I do when page loads make some components and feeds in different client IDs for my components, and the last one can be added chkFullyBooked.ClientID. When the page loads for the first time, it's okay, but after posting it says that my checkbox is empty. Another issue is that in my Save button function, while this can change the value of the text box and the checkbox in the code, the text has changed from the labels ... Converted to box and found around it. I did not know why the checkbox is the control (hard-code in my page code at the top of my aspx page: & Lt;% Response.Write (with "other text box") script language = 'javascript' type = 'text /

perl - Where can I get a Xerces-C compatible with XML::XERCES 2.7.0? -

This question is in continuity, I tried to install X-rays, but the thing is Xerces-C version 2.8.0 And 3.0.0 and XML :: XERCES is the latest version 2.7.0 and therefore you are receiving the following error message: Update2: Here is the error, it says Some of the version mismatch is awesome XERCES_LIB = / home / adoshi / XML-Parser / Parser2 / xerces-c_2_8_0-hppa-hpux-acc_3 (1) / xerces-c_2_8_0-hppa-hpux-acc_3 / Using lib XERCES_INCLUDE = / home / Adoshi / XML-Parser / Parser2 / xerces-c_2_8_0-hppa-hpux-acc_3 (1) / xerces-c_2_8_0-hppa-hpux-acc_3 / include Warning You defined the XERCESCROOT variable, but the file: XERCESCROOT / src / xercesc / config. The status does not point to the config.status file, which was used to build your Xerces-C library without that file, I was not able to properly prepare incoming C ++ glue files with so may. Anyway moving ... / home / adoshi / XML-Parser / Parser2 / xerces -c_2_8_0-hppa-hpux-acc_3 (1) / xerces-c_2_8_0-hppa-hpux-acc_3 /

highlighting - jQuery higlighting special characters in text -

मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट पाठ हिलाइटिंग jQuery प्लगइन का उपयोग कर रहा हूं यह मेरे लिए हर समय अच्छी तरह से काम करता है, कुछ प्रतीकों को छोड़कर: $ ("# preview")। हाइलाइट ($ (यह) .val (), {शब्दओना: सच , क्लासनाम: 'ब्लैकलिस्ट'}); यदि "$ (यह) .val ()" बराबर या तो €, $ या £ - हाइलाइट प्लगिन काम नहीं करता है क्या कोई विचार है की यह क्या हो सकता है? पता नहीं क्यों काम करता है, लेकिन प्लगइन शब्द / वर्ण, वास्तव में विशेष वर्ण नहीं हैं उस तथ्य के साथ ऐसा करना पड़ सकता है, विशेष वर्ण होने के कारण जांच करें कि जिस कोड को आप हाइलाइट करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं, उस विशेष वर्ण को & amp; यूरो;

c - Error trying to define a 1,024-bit (128 Byte) Bit Field -

I would like to define a large bitfield for the purpose of monitoring the position of a very large structure of elements That I have so far: #define TOTAL_ELEMENTS 1021 type-ff straight UINT1024_tag {UINT8 byte [128]; } UINT1024; Type-Ff Structure flags_tag {UINT1024: TOTAL_ELEMENTS; } Flags_t; When I try to compile it, I get an error message, "Error: bit-field` is an invalid type of & lt; anonymous & gt;" Can bit-fields be used only in some types? I thought that if I have defined a large enough variable, then the big bitfield required for my application can be defined because bitfield should not be bigger than the type used to define it. Any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated. Bit fields should fit within the same int, you can not use arbitrary shapes. Honestly the ANSI BitField implementation is slightly broken. It also remembers many other things, such as padding and layout control, which is usually needed by real-world applications, about - What is a good, free solution for Richtext editor and convertion to HTML? -

SIMPLE STATUS I am trying to write my blog with a short turn. Part of the blog will be controlled from the client application instead of the web interface. Actually, I'm still in the design phase and I have not written a line of code. But I am trying to combine several techniques into an interesting exercise in software development. In this way I want a client application that I can use to write articles, which can be uploaded to the web server through the server. (The customer will be Delphi 2007 / WIN32 and the service is SQL Server with SSP.NET / C #). The article will be stored in the RTF format itself, including the images it will be in a local database on the client It will also monitor the status of the article. Once uploaded, it will retain the synchronized article with the version on the server. Technical details are just boring and have been said earlier, still in a design phase ... But for the blog to be displayed in the HTML database, a good solution to change

Google Optimizer - server-side/client side dilemma -

I'm looking forward to testing different versions of a form with Google Optimizer (Multivirate Test). This form is included in ASP, but what will be the server-side code loaded before Google's JS. Any ideas about this approach? Thank you. I think I understand your problem. The problem is that Google's multivariate testing is designed to test you two or more snippets of HTML, and the multivirate test is controlled via javascript. So I'm scared that this will only work if you can specify HTML for Google Optimizer using two versions of the form. It can be done to work with basic forms, but if the form itself is dynamically created in ASP due to the need of any other application, then I do not think the Google Optimizer will do a great job for you.

oracle - Sql Developer 2.1 query results window: turn off auto resizing? -

I recently upgraded to Oracle SQL Developer 2.1. It's far better, but the query results window runs automatically every time. A query that covers most of my worksheets Does anyone know a way to turn it off so that when a query runs, then it remains the same size? 2.1print = "text"> 2.1 is still the primary adopter, so I think it was expected to see some bugs like this. The best thing to do is log in to the SQL Developer Forum.

html - Font size in OS X is too big -

I am creating an HTML / CSS site and adjusting the font size the way I want it when I The site on Firefox in Windows (which is what I am developing) but when I look at the site in OS X (either Safari or FF), the size of the font is very large but not large, but my The client wants bigger but if I And I also reduces, so it's going to be too small for Windows machines. I am specifying all font sizes in EMS in my CSS doc. I know different browsers and platforms offer different things, and there is no way to see the page properly. But it seems like a big problem and I am thinking that there is a simple solution that I should know about. And if not, what is the complex solution? Thanks in advance. Use pixel value instead of EMS

mysql - Is `Delete From Join` Standard SQL? -

In addition to other questions. My question: How much is this standard SQL? On which database would it really work (most notably Oracle, MySQL and SQL Server)? Delete ... from .. not part of ANSI standards, nor update ... From ... for that matter it contains any syntax included, because the included can only be specified with the FOr. All vendors apply to it in one form or another.

python - How to make all combinations of the elements in an array? -

I have a list with x lists, each y element. I want to add each element with all the other elements, just once, (a, b = b, a) Edit: It has been criticized for being very obscure. I describe my function produces random equations and uses genetic techniques, mutates and adds them mutually, selecting for fitness. After several iterations, it gives a list of 12 objects, which are sorted according to the fitness of their 'equation' attributes. Using the 'parallel dragon' module to run this function 8 times, a list containing 8 lists of 12 objects (each has each equation feature) Each is returned Now, within each list, 12 objects are already There are cross breads with each other. I want to cross-breed each object in all other lists with all the other items, but they Itertools.product is your friend. About removing duplicates, try with a set of sets. Now it is a bit clearer what you want: import itertools def recombinate (families): "These families are

MySQL VARCHAR size limit -

If I have a column in the table in the field of VARCHAR (15) and if I try To sum up the data of length 16, MySQL tells an error The data for the column name 'testname' is too long Do anyone know why the VARCHAR fields in MySQL take fixed length? If you set, how many bytes do you take a VARCHAR field? To be the column, varchar (15) allowed maximum bytes is 15. In this way you can not pass more than 15 characters without modifying the column to more than 15 characters to support more than 15. If you store 4 character strings, you should probably only use 4 out of 15 bytes, whereas if you used the char (15) , then fill it with the empty bytes in the other 11 Will happen. (My byte count was probably closed because it is always -1 / 1 or something).

c# - Locking hierarchy of objects in .NET -

I have a class that represents "the state of the world" There are many collections of many other objects in the class Which in turn is in reference to the collection of more objects and objects, sometimes in reference to their ancestors in the "world hierarchy". To simplify what is being said, here is an example (has been changed to XML, details details): Two threads, UI threads and background threads (which is actually a server). The server receives the message "Junk" (adding cities, blocks, etc.). UI thread drages the world's state in a while using the picture box object. The reference layer only refers to the IWorld object (which applies to the world), and there is no way to access the elements inside it. UI threads should lock the world's Full position so that the world can not be changed during the drawing (which creates a picture of an incompatible world). Since its only reference to the IWorld object, this is the only thing

delphi - How can i CloseComm, OpenComm, WriteComm and ReadComm with the windows unit? -

I have an old com unit that uses WinTypes, WinProcs. As I think they have also been added to the Windows unit, are there similar functions in the Windows Unit? Use the file API to open the comm port. Sample of

Extract debugging information from a msys/mingw gcc built dll using rebase.exe? -

I am trying to analyze a mini crash dump and need symbol files to get more details about the accident I am Im is currently just looking at: "034eff74 0086eee9 00000000 0089d58d 034eff94 app_integrator! ZNK14ACE_Data_Block4baseEv + 0x6" Is it possible to remove debugging information from a msys / mingw gcc build dll in a windbg readable format? If not, is there any other way to get more detailed information, such as loading a MAP file somehow? DLL and all present in it O files are created from -g flag - Windbag can not cope with debugging information that is on a mingow installation- however, it is reportedly But CFOs can face with symbols. If the source files for your DLL are quite small, then you might be able to get COFF debug information (-gcoff instead of -cgoff). Then, Windbg (reportedly) can handle COFF symbols and GCC can generate them. So it should be easy, right? I was actually trying to do this by generating a Win32 executable Visual Studio 2008 whi

Performance with php and mysql -

I am developing a site and I have some doubts about the best approach to querying the database. In general, when I load a page, I have to get many data from the database. I'm not sure I'm doing it the best way. So just as an example, I call the following function when the page is provided: (...) (a) - & gt; GetAuthorName () / 1db connection - 1db query (b) - & gt; GetAuthorLocation () // 1 DB Connection - 1 DB Query (It is believed that this more information may come to the author ....) (...) (c) count & lt; - countNumberBooks () // 1db connection - 1db query (d) if (calculation == 0) (e) // some more (f) books & lt; - GetBooksByAuthor () / 1db connection - 1db query (g) renderbook ... Is it better Is that (A) and (b) the only function for the database in the same function? What is better (f), count the result and then either (e) or (g), and thus get rid of (c)? Or, is it better to load the need for one thing from the database, bring the data into s

objective c - How to extract pure string from a constant string -

When I continually print the value of a CFString, an address book label in the console, output value _ $! . How do I remove pure value only, for example home? For any help please be very appreciated. It happens that someone decides what people with address book do, therefore, I do not think That there is no underlying task to remove them. This problem with a simple "How do I remove the character?" questions. There are several solutions, but the simplest way is: NSString * label = @ "_ $! ! $ _"; NSString * rawLabel = [[Label String ByerPlacing Occurrence Offstring: @ "_ $! <" WithString: @ ""] String Bayer Recording Occurrence Offstring: @ "& gt;! $ _" WithString: @ ""];

c++ - VS2008 win32 project defaults - remove default precompiled headers -

I have been through every option that I find a way to make IDE the new win32pject without any precompiled headers To try. I have read every formula on this forum with "preppiled headers" in that word and I found the closest I got: Using the 2008 pro (not express, though the behavior is so similar It seems as I did: File -> New -> Project This new project dialog opens in which I select Visual C ++ Win32 project, a name Enter and press OK. Then let me know the "Win32 Application Wizard" With the application type set to "Windows application", the application settings panel will not allow me to uncheck the pre-compiled headers. The check box is greyed out. If I select "console application" then I I can uncheck this, but I'm making a GUI app. When I click on the end, I get the code at xxx.cpp at 6 yards out of four, four headers Files and Mandatory stdafx. CPP. Maybe I can remove and delete all of these things and go into p

c# - .Net XML Serialization based on an XSD? -

I am serialising and deserialising .net objects without any problem using the XmlSerializer class, although now let us see Someone else wants to do some analysis on that data. To help with this, we have built XSD based on our class: xsd.exe / t: DataClass Assembly.exe The beginning of XSD looks like this: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Xs: schema elementfirm = default "xmlns: xs =" "& gt; & Lt; Xs: element name = "data class" nilibble = "true" type = "data class" /> & Lt; X: complex type name = "data class" & gt; & Lt; X: complex content mixed = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; Xs: extension base = "BaseDataClass" & gt; & Lt; XS: Sequence & gt; & Lt; Xs: element minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "1" name = "StudyID" type = "xs: string" />