
Showing posts from March, 2014

c# - How can I extract objects from a bitmap image? -

I have a bitmap with some random objects in black background and white. How can I identify these different things and remove them from bitmap? Feature extraction is actually a complex subject and your question is about the issues that you face and the Do not expose the nature you want to remove. Usually, such problems (reduce noise, fill the gap, ...) I hope that you already know before you undo the wheel, take a look at it Enter Size recognition or blob analysis works in the discussion, you can take a look at Google to get some ideas to solve your problem.

ruby on rails - How to use BlankSlate and Proxy patterns to create a symlink between records? -

I want to add a record that acts like a simulator. In other words, I want to store a record / object I want to be able to convert the most properties into any other record / object. Similar to a file system, where a symlink indicates another file (it's own data), still sends everything else to another file. class document & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base & Class Page & lt; Document end class folder & lt; Document and Class Similink & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base set_table_name: document example_translations. I {{m] Undef_method m if (ActiveRecord :: Base.instance_methods (wrong) .include? M) & amp; Amp; ('[Link],' link_id ',' link_id = ']. Include? M}} def method_missing (sym, * args, and block) "# sending {# sym} (#')}) to Obj "Send Link. ____ (SIM, * Args, and Block) Save End Def Save 'Symlink Can Be Saved' Until new_record? Super end personal link link @link || = Document.Find (self.link_id) End End When I try a

Creating a WCF ServiceHost object takes three to four minutes on some PCs -

I have created a WCF service that does not use app.config to configure itself. However, it takes three to four minutes to build a servicehost object on some PCs. I was thinking that there was something wrong with my service, I created a simple hello, world service and tried to do this with me I have only one problem. According to the profiler, currently reading in the configuration for this service is spent reading. So I have two questions really Is it possible to disable config for configuring XML? More importantly, does anyone know why this might be taking an extraordinary amount like this? Here is the sample service: Contact IIMI service {[Operation Contract] string GetString (); } [Service Provider (InstanceContactMode = InstantContextMode. Single)] Public Class MySave: IMISWair {Public String Getstring () {Returns "Hello, World!"; }} Class Program {Static Wide Men (String [] AGRs) {URI APADRES = NEW URI ("http: // LOCAL HOST: 8731 / TEST"

How does C allocate data items in a multidimensional array? -

I would like to know how to allocate data items of a multi-dimensional array, and if their allocation is consistent in machines . I know that, at the lowest level, the data items are neighbors, but I do not know how they are organized ahead. For example, if I can allocate a 3D array as <3> 3d [3] [5] [6] , can I assume that And (three d [4] [2] [5]) + 1 == & amp; (Threed [4] [3] [0]) ? On all machines? Thank you in advance for your help. Elements are stored in order, so elements with the final dimension are near, however, the elements between the rows ( As shown in your example) is not guaranteed to be closest, it depends on how the initial memory has been allocated. #include & lt; Malloc.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; // Only elements in the same line are guaranteed that they have multiple mellocons zero main (zero) {// 3 rows, 4 column int * one [3]; ([Line] = (integer *) malloc (4 * size (int)

Error detection in multiple queries in MySQL using PHP -

I have a cover php class for mysqli, which can be found between multiple queries (mysqli :: multi_query) . It works but I am not getting any error when one of the questions fails. This is a simplified version of code: $ queries = array ('select_from core_order_items', 'cell_actact * from core_read_atimes',); $ DbConnection = mysqli_connect ('localhost', 'ciala', 'arifisis', 'mydi'); $ DbConnection-> Set_charset ('UTF8'); $ DbConnection-> Multi_query (implode (';', $ queries)); $ I = =; Do {echo} query: "$ queries [$ i]" - "; $ Resultset = $ dbConnection-> Store_result (); If ($ resultset === incorrect & strlen ($ dbConnection-> False)> 0) {resonant "returned error for query" $ I. "& Lt; br & gt;"; } Else {echo "returned for query" $ I. "& Lt; br & gt;"; } $ I ++; } While ($ dbConnection-> next_salt ()); Mysqli_close ($ dbCon

jQuery $.get problem -

I am slightly stumped with the following problem and I'm afraid the solution is very clear but I do not think it is no more problem , How this jQuery code works: $ (document) .ready (function () {var q = $ (".box"). Val (); $ .get (" Type: "search", time: "2pm"}, function (twitter) {var tweets = JSON.parse (twitter);}); But if I make it a part of a click event it will not work: $ (d) Ocument) .ready (function () {$ (".btn") .click (function () {var q = $ (". Box"). Val (); $ .get ("db.php", {searchterm : "Test", type: "search", time: "2pm"}, function (twitter) {var tweets = JSON.parse (twitter);})}}; Of course, the name of a class named 'btn' in my html page FireBug, an error message in jQuery shines, but so far the console resets, so I read or copy the error from the log Can not do any suggestions? Maybe you just return false; with click handler? $ (do

datetime - Setting report to current date -

I have a report where it shows the meetings and their needs, though I just want to show only today's content for the report Wish - not worth the whole week. I tried to set my group's header (I'm grouping on a day-to-day basis), but so far it still shows me the whole week, then I have to go to the grouping tree and choose today's date Will happen. Is there a way to run my report and is it not just showing things today and nothing else ??? Any thoughts? Use the selection specialist to limit the date of the results Print is a special crystal formula keyword. {table.date_field} = printdate Or, if you're working with a datetime db field you CDate with cd ({table.date_field}) = printdate

ASP.NET routing with optional URL segments -

I am working on an ASP.NET MVC task list and want to get fancy with URL routing when I filter Are the list I have a verb method defined like this: public action list (int category eng, bull display, Tasef filter filter); Enum TaskFilter {MyTasks, MyDepartmentTasks, AllTasks} I want my URLs to look like this: / work / category 4 / my task / showpoints / / Tasks / Category 4 / My department / Tasks / Category 4 / Class # Segment will always be present. I MyTasks | MyDepartment | AllTasks Segment wants to be optional, if <<> is absent then the default for AllTasks . I also liked ShowCompleted to be optional, defaults to the default. Is this kind of routing possible, or should I have to come back and use only query string parameters? Follow-up / Additional Credit Questions: If I want the fourth parameter to filter by function method which is today. Day2Through10 (default looks like today) if absent) Your case involves a little change with: Ro

c# - Linq help - Sql trace returns result, but datacontext returning null -

var adminCov = db.SearchAgg_AdminCovs.SingleOrDefault (l = & gt; एल एडमिनकोवगुइड == covSourceGuid); एडमिनकॉव वापस नल आ रहा रहता है। जब मैं एसक्यूएल प्रोफ़ाइलर चलाता हूं, तो मैं उत्पन्न लिनक्स देख सकता हूं, जब मैं पिछले स्टूडियोज में हूं, तो मैं उम्मीद करता हूं कि परिणाम मुझे मिलेगा। LinqToSql यह बनाता है: exec [एसटीएमएक्सटीआरसीडी], [टी 0]। [एडमिनकॉग्ग्यिड], [टी 0]। [व्यवस्थापक पॉलिसीआईडी], [टी 0]। [सर्टिसेरियल नम्बर], [टी 0]। [सर्टएनम्बर], [टी 0]। [स्यूडोइन्स्युरर सीडी], [टी 0]। [सोर्ससिस्टम कोड ], [टी 0]। [कोवसीकनंबर], [टी 0]। [राइडरसैकनंबर], [टी 0]। [CovRiderIndicator], [टी 0]। [सीओओसीडीडी], [टी 0]। [एडरसीकनंबर], [टी 0]। [स्थानांतरण एसईसीएनम्बर], [टी 0]। [CovStatusIndicator], [टी 0]। [कोवेटफैक्टीवीडेट], [टी 0]। [कॉवएक्पीरीएशन डेट], [टी 0]। [कोवक्रैंकडेट], [टी 0]। [सीएमआईटीएजीकोड], [टी 0]। [सीएलएमम्बर], [टी 0 ] [सीएमपीएडीटीयूआर], [टी 0]। [टर्म न्यूम्बर], [टी 0]। [कोवपेडथ्रुडेट], [टी 0]। [बिलट्रेडडेट], [टी 0]। [बिल एमोड कोड], [टी 0]। [बिलमोडाडेस्क], [टी 0] [कैल्कमोडडेस

Recording to Youtube -

Is it possible to record videos directly on YouTube? Say I have a site, can I perform the functionality of a recording and use some kind of Youtube API, to which the end video will be posted on YouTube? Received an upload API but did not upload the streaming. Thank you, T See this vid: and read this article: And Read it: So basically it is possible with some flash Another approach is to save locally, then upload it.

Limit Word Count of A Textfield in JQuery -

I am modifying some jquery code to limit the word count of a textfield but I can not understand that How to value Here's the code: & lt; Script & gt; Var $ limitWords = 20; Var $ wordCount = $ ('# count'). Val (); $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# edit-field-message-0-value"). Keyup (function () {$ ('# count'). Html ($ ('# edit-field ($ WordCount & gt; $ limitwords) {$ ('# edit) AddClass (' error ');} and {$ (' # edit-field-message-0-value '). AddClass (' not-error ' );}}}}}; & Lt; / script & gt; Specifically, to return the current value, should be equal to "$ wordCount"? I think it should be easy, but I do not think so any thoughts? Thank you, Scott I did not understand enough $ wordCount variable Believe that you can try to do the following: $ ("# edit-field-message-0-value"). Key (function () {var $ this = $ (This); var wordcount = $ this.val (). Split

php - Create image Thumbnails before or after upload the best way? -

Imagine that you have a classified website ... when searching for ads The "real" image that appears on your ad after clicking on the ad ... Whether to make thumbnails per search or to create thumbnails, and then display them again ? Storage is not a problem on my server ... thanks After uploading the original image, I will create thumbnails, there is no recession in this way when the person's page is the first hit. However, recently I am using Image Reserval script from pixel movements. It creates a version of the shape on the fly, and caches it, so the hits on the page will use the cached version. This can be useful if you do not want to make thumbnails yourself.

java - Benefits of Parallel programming -

I have three common questions: What are the benefits of multicore processors in known applications? Are you Which known applications use Pacific Threads? What Java Threads Can not Do The first two questions Answer: C-listed open source projects use c in pthreads. For example, what do Apache Java threads can not do? They can work without Java virtual machine.

winapi - Win32 Mutex not waiting -

I am creating an application that implements inter process communication. For this purpose, I have set up a shared buffer, which works fine. Now, I need to get data for receiving data (written in C ++) (written in FreePascal / Lasers) When data should be read. I was trying to use a mute x for this purpose. I do not have much experience with Windows API programming. Therefore, my problem is in the free Pascal code below, Mute X will not wait. I can call the TMutex.Wait () function, it does not return any errors or anything, but it just will not wait. Constructor TMutex.Create (sName: AnsiString); Start & nbsp; & Nbsp; SName: = 'local \ mute x' + sName; & nbsp; & Nbsp; HMutex: = CreateMutexA ( & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; blue, // default access - & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ; & Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; True, // was not initially owned & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nb mvc - Is it acceptable to place view logic in a strongly typed view-data class? -

Say you have found a scene for which some data is needed, for which some calculation is required, but no external There is no dependence. (For example, a numbered string list of the last 5 years.) Is it acceptable to put it in a strictly typed visual category? Something like this: class HomeIndexViewData {// ... some visual data ... public IEnumerable & lt; String & gt; LastThreeYears {{Return to new string} [DateTime.Now.Year.ToString (), ( - 1) .restring (), ( - 2) .restring ()}; }}} Now, what if this calculation is dependent on some other properties in the visual data class? Let's say if the year appears in the list of dates, then does this 'Last Two Year' property add a star to the end of the year? Disclaimer: This is specific to only one view and is only for one data, a repository, visual model, etc. can not be handled properly. On the one hand, I think view data must be: A lifeless collection of properties whic

linq to sql - Can I data cache an IQueryable<> collection? -

क्या इसे कैश्ड किया जा सकता है? नहीं, आपको यह गणना करना होगा (उदाहरण के लिए ToList ()) का प्रयोग करें और गणना के परिणामों को कैश करें। IQueryable ऑब्जेक्ट को कैशिंग करना प्रभावी रूप से केवल क्वेरी को कैशिंग कर रहा है: उस परिदृश्य में, जब भी आप परिणाम का उपयोग करने का प्रयास करते हैं, तब भी इसे पुन: निष्पादित किया जाएगा।

c++ - High performance comparison of signed int arrays (using Intel IPP library) -

We compare the basic arrays of two equal sizes of signed int values ​​using the operation of inequality Trying to do the & lt;, & lt; =,> And> =, in a high performance way. The values ​​that are compared will be considered in the char Orem of the same size as the input, the result will be true / false , where 0x00 means < Code> false and 0xff mean true . To accomplish this, we are using the Intel IPP library. The problem is that the function we found is that this operation, by name, ippiCompare _ * , images and video processing, only type unsigned char ( Ipp8u) ), signed / signed short ( Ipp16s / Ipp16u ) and float ( Ipp32f ). It does not directly support signed int ( Ipp32s ) I (only) imagine two possible ways to solve it: < / P> Performing an array of straight-forwarded types and comparison in more steps (it will become a small array of four arrays of size twice or four times the size) and Merge into intermediate results.

Cucumber with Rails on Windows -

I am trying to use cucumber for rail project on windows, Unfortunately, time to make the scenario BDD impossible I think this is the time taken by rail to load it under most windows. Does anyone have any idea how I can speed things up It is possible to call the cucumber inside the rail pencil to avoid load load delay. Cheers Windows is now supported by SPARC! Spark is a test server that can be brought through DRB. Uses the SPARC kernel on the POSIX system. There is no alternative to Windows forking Spark has prepared a pool of preloaded procedures that start the time of avoiding heavy rail. Currently only works with Win32 / mingw Ruby because it depends on win32-process gem. Great thanks to Spark Goes for making such a good job and making cucumber BDD possible on Windows. Please note that I have tried only Spark Windows XP Rail 2.3.5 rubyinstaller. Org from ruby ​​1.9.1

c++ - Declaring char[][512]? -

I have a C ++ SDK for which one paragraph [] [512] is required as a parameter I know That this file is considered to be a list of names and the number of files may vary. For my life I can not tell how to declare it. I have an array of CSTRing and I am trying to copy them using Structus_s and then passing them in SDK. Any ideas on how to do this? This announcement has a special meaning when the parameter of one declares the function. Within the parameter list it is equivalent to char [100] [512] , char [123] [512] , char [3] [512] (you get this idea - the first size can only be anything, it is only ignored) and also for char (*) [512] . Effectively, it will accept as a logic with a flexible (arbitrarily) first shape as a 2D array. You can actually declare an array passing the function with the first size of the concrete, for example four names [3] [512] = {"Abc", "cde", "fgh"}; If you know the first shape at the time compilation of time,

installation - Drupal contributed modules problem -

I have removed a contributed module in the site / all / module folder, but it is not yet Is visible in my admin panel under admin -> site building -> module . What can be the problem? I tried to clear the cache, it did not make any difference. Did you remove the file structure correctly? For example site / all / module / [module name] / [files] what about permissions ? Have you set the minimum read permissions for the web server on these directories? Maybe try chmod -r 755 sites / all / module Also, make sure that you are using the correct version of the module, E.g. 6.x module works only on installing Drupal 6.x

java - Why can I access my private variables of the "other" object directly, in my equals(Object o) method -

In par with the object (o) method, I used the personal variable passed in the object without going through my public Can I get the recipient? public boolean par (object o) {... MyObject other = (MyObject) o; Return getProp () == Other Stop; } How is it? personal data any example of that class, even if class A's One example of other examples of A is reaching private members. It is important to remember that Access Modifiers (Private, Preserved, Public) Example Access is not accessible,

NServiceBus and NHibernate - Message Handler and Transactions -

In my understanding, NServiceBus executes an IMessageHandler handling method within a transaction, if an exception is out of this method Spreads, NServiceBus ensures this message that the message should be reverted to the queue (x volume X before the error queue) etc. So we have a nuclear operation so that we can speak. Now when I handle my NServiceBus message I use something like (var trans = session.BeginTransaction ()) {person.Age = 10; Session.Update & lt; Person & gt; (person); Using trans.Commit ()} (var trans2 = session.BeginTransaction ()) {person.Age = 20; Session.Update & lt; Person & gt; (person); // New application exception ("no no"); Trans2.Commit ()} What is the effect of this on the scope of the transaction? Is trance 1 now counted as a nested transaction in the case of your relationship with Nestorbus transactions, although we have not done anything to marry them? (If not, how would anyone link to NSTRBs transactions? Considering

.net - Generic Concat Extension method for Paramarrays not working for IEnumerable(of String) -

Inspired by the JavaScript variables in Max () / min () and in the understanding of the list of functional languages, I get it Try using VB.NET Generic Extension Methods as a result of IEnumerable (TK). Why does this work well for the string? Such expanding methods can be considered a bad idea. Why any strong reason why this is a bad idea. Clear option on import system strict. Runtime. Compiler Service Module Module 1 Sub Head () dim xs IEnumerable (as integer) = 1.Concat (2, 3, 4) IEnumerable (string of) = concat ("1", "2", "3", "4") 'idle, but works as IEnumerable = 1.0.Concat (2.0, 3.0, 4.0) dim zs I will use a stringbuilder 'dim zs2 as IEnumerable (string) = "1". Why does Konkat ("2", "3", "4")' Why does not work? 'Returns:' string 'can not be converted to' system '. Selection. Generic Inaarable (string) '' because () 'four' is not derived from '

latex - Which packages for many unicode-characters? -

I am trying to create a latex document with as many unicode characters as possible. My title is as follows: \ documentclass [12pt, a4paper] {article} \ usepackage [utf8x] {inputinc} \ usepackage {ucs} \ pagestyle {empty} \ usepackage {textcomp} The UK Package [T1] {fontenc} \ start {document} Unicode characters that follow in the document-body \ unichar {Xyz} Where xyz stands for an integer, eg 97 (for "A") The problem is: the script for many integers is not compiled with the error message: ! Package ucs error: Unknown Unicode character 79297 = U + 135C1, (UK) Probably declared in Uni-309.def. (UK) Type H to see if this option is available. What packages should I add to the header to compile the file as many letters as possible? As far as I remember utf8x package only some Unicode is a hack to allow for "support". In fact, it was a huge lookup table translating individual character sequences to Latex's expectations. Do you like Zi

xml - DOMDocument parsing (php) -

I am parsing an XML file from an API that I have changed in php to a DOMDocument. It's mostly ok, but I have a problem when I do this: $ feeditem-> GetElementsByTagName ('additional'); As part of a normal situation and additional elements are not present in one, which is one of the feeds, I am running in full state then I get an error is. I tried to do this: if (empty ($ feeditem-> getElementsByTagName ('extra')) $ $ extratag = $ feeditem- & Gt; GetElementsByTagName ('additional'); $ Extraname = $ extratag- & gt; Items (0) - & gt; GetAttribute ('name'); But I get an error getAttribute () on a non-object Note: When the 'Additional' If the element is contained in every feeddown, the code keeps running. This occurs when there is no one 'extra' element in the feed item that I get the error. Try to use property of length : < Pre> $ node = $ feeditem-> GetElementsByTagName ('add

ruby - Using Gems with MacRuby -

How do you use gems from a MacRuby.5 application on Snow Leopard? Do I need to specify the gem route? If so, how can I do this? The best scenario is to package the gems so that users do not have to install them when the app is distributed. < Yehuda Catz Gem Bundler is a very good option IMHO: Anyway, many people have other options like creating vendors / directories in your app bundle, rb_main.rb : $:. Adding each vendor subdirectory to the Ruby Library search path in the Unshift file. (File: Dynamic name (__ file__), 'Seller / Rest-client / Lib') $:. Unshift file.join (File.dirname (__ FILE__, 'vendor / crack / lib') is required 'rest-customer' is required 'crack' I here Using the following approach:

c# - Sql Equivalent to UInt16 -

I know that Sql equivalent of Int16 is SqlInt16. But what is the Sql equivalent of UInt16, UInt32 and Uint64? In addition to the tinnet, there is no native unsigned type in SQL Server. No good equivalent, do the best you do Use a bigger exact number and add an obstacle to the permissible values. authentication - use credentials from web.config - problem -

I have a simple problem that is giving me headache for a few days I have the login control Very simple application is created. I keep user data in the web.config file: & lt; Authentication mode = "form" & gt; & Lt; Form name = ". RzeskoLoginCookie" & gt; & Lt; Credential Password Format = "Clear" & gt; & Lt; Username = "test" password = "test" /> & Lt; / Credibility & gt; & Lt; / Forms & gt; & Lt; / Authentication & gt; I will deploy this simple website on the IIS on the computer, on which I do not want to use SQL Server. My login button event looks like this: Protected Zero login 1_logging in (object sender, login cancu avent ARGS E) {if (forma authentication.confirm (Login 1. Username, Login 1. Password)) {Formatting. Redirectfromline page (login 1. Username, login 1. Remember Metset); }} Problem: When I'm running a website on the VS 2008 built in the web

unix - POSIX Threads: are pthreads_cond_wait() and others systemcalls? -

POSIS defines several routines for standard thread synchronization, such as by mutuxes and conditional variables. My question is now: are these (like pthreads_cond_init (), pthreads_mutex_init (), pthreads_mutex_lock () ... and so on) system calls or just library calls? I know that they are included through "pthread.h", but are they ultimately the result of a system call and therefore apply to the operating system kernel? Do not want any thread by taking a lock. Similarly, sending a condition signal is only costly when someone is waiting for it. So I assume that your answer It is that pthread functions are library calls which are occasionally in the result of the system call.

error handling - Zend Framework ErrorController not working on live site? -

My site is very much installed according to the Zend Quartcut Guide. The default error handler uses MAMP at the local level. But now I have posted it on my live site, I get a "500 internal server error" according to a blank page and firebug, when I go to an action that does not exist. On my local server I get 404 and a well formatted error page. Any idea anyone? I really do not know where to start. I'm confused: / Thank you. Gentlemen, we have a winner! So for some reason my live server gives me this error: [Sun 18 Oct 10:56: 53 2009] [Error] [Client 9] PHP Fatal Error: 'Zend_Loader_PluginLoader_Exception' with the 'Unwanted Exception' message was not found in the 'Plugin' headshit 'registry; Path used: \ nZend_View_Helper_: Zend / View / Helper /: / var / www / vhosts / / httpdocs / apps / views / helpers / '/var/www/vhosts/ /library/Zend/Loader/PluginLoader.php:

jquery: how can you select texts not surrounded by html tags? -

बीयर & lt; br & gt; वोदका & lt; br & gt; रम & lt; br & gt; व्हिस्की आप बीयर कैसे चुन सकते हैं? या रम? Jquery में? वे किसी एचटीएमएल टैग से घिरे नहीं हैं .... यदि आप मतलब है कि आप पाठ नोड सीधे, यह jQuery का उपयोग करने के लिए सलाह दी जाती है। स्पष्ट करने के लिए, पाठ नोड्स का एक लिपटे सेट मिलना एक समस्या नहीं है, लेकिन पाठ नोड्स के लिपटे सेट पर आने वाले आदेशों में अप्रत्याशित परिणाम होते हैं या कई आज्ञाओं के साथ काम नहीं करते क्योंकि वे उम्मीद करते हैं कि लिपटे सेट में तत्व नोड्स शामिल हैं। आप केवल पाठ नोड्स को वापस करने के लिए माता-पिता के बच्चों को छानकर कर सकते हैं, अर्थात नोड टाइप करें === 3 लेकिन अगर आपका प्रश्न पाठ पर कुछ हेरफेर करने के बारे में है, तो प्राप्त करें मूल तत्व और पाठ सामग्री में हेरफेर उदाहरण के लिए, $ ('# parentElement')। Html (); मूल तत्व $ // ($ # parentElement ') के // html। Text (); माता-पिता तत्व की // टेक्स्ट सामग्री और कोई वंश $ ('# माता-पिता एलेमेंट')। सामग्री (); // मूल तत्व के सभी बाल नोड्स प्राप

Pb for installing SQL Server Express Management Studio 2008 -

Every time I start installing, it launches the SQL Server Express 2008 panel instead of the studio? OK, I need to make a little angry and add to the list of angry users. Why did they go forward and messed up the SQL installer? I'm out To get the SSMS, I took 1+ hours because to add a feature you have to choose a new Installation GrowR ... . Anyway, a good step-by-step (which was saved on my day) with images can be found

flash - How to avoid this error "A conflict exists with inherited definition "? -

<3> 3 एमसी: श्रेणी 1 , category2 , श्रेणी 3 में, प्रत्येक में मेरे पास एक ही उदाहरण के नाम के साथ एमसी है: _ बैकग्राउंड , _ तस्वीर चित्र , लेकिन पूरी तरह से अलग झगड़े के साथ। मैं क्या करना चाहता था एक सुपर श्रेणी वर्ग बनाना जो कि _background पर समान बातें करेगा, _ चित्र इसलिए पुस्तकालय में मैंने एक्शन स्क्रिप्ट श्रेणी 1 , श्रेणी 2 , श्रेणी 3 के लिए निर्यात किया था। सार्वजनिक वर्ग SuperCategory मूवी क्लिप को विस्तारित करता है {सार्वजनिक वरीयता: मूवी क्लिप; सार्वजनिक var _ बैकग्राउंड: मूवी क्लिप; सार्वजनिक var समय: int = 0; सार्वजनिक समारोह SuperCategory () {addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onRollOver)} सार्वजनिक समारोह onrollover (घटना: MouseEvent): शून्य { (_ चित्र, समय, {अल्फा: 0.2}); }} और मैं इस वर्ग का विस्तार करना चाहता हूं सार्वजनिक वर्ग Category1 SuperCategory {सार्वजनिक कार्य श्रेणी 1 () {time = 2; सुपर(); }} मुझे पता है कि संघर्ष सार्वजनिक वरीयता के बीच है और लाइब्रेरी में एमसीसी के पास एक उदाहरण है जिसका नाम _ पिक्चर है, ले

c# - convert .net format string to java format string -

I'm looking at patterns of formatting of numerical strings in C # format specifications and Java. Am I thinking that anyone has any indication to translate from one form to another? This gives you an overview of the and .net format strings. You can find Java format string syntax.

sql - rails union hack, how to pull two different queries together -

I have a query that searches two different areas in the same table ... looking for places That is a specific city, but it can also be a country ... i.e. two areas are needed. The table looks: Country of the city Germany Aachen USA USA Amérillo USA Austin Result: Keyword SIDINFO Aachen Germany USA USA ASTRINA USA Germany Country Originally I am thinking that if there is more to do this, there is a brief way to do this because I had to use two different questions, then add them together, Sort, etc. (Which works fine): def self.ajax (search) countries = location country, es sidoinfo ',: joins = & gt; hotels, conditions = & gt; [' hotels. Not a match and the country does not like? ', #' {Search}% "],: group = & gt;: country) cities = location. (But not all:: Select => Key words as city, Country AS sideinfo ',: Hotels = & gt;: Hotels, Hotels, Hotels & Accommodation, Hotels & Accommodation, Hotels & Accommodation, Coun

python - Better way to do string filtering/manipulation -

mystring = '14 | "प्रीप्रोसेसर फ्रेम संख्या में वृद्धि नहीं हुई है, कार्ड: मदरबोर्ड, पोर्ट: 2" | छोटे " इसलिए मेरे पास 3 तत्व (आईडी, संदेश और स्तर) पाइप (" | ") मैं प्रत्येक तत्व प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं, इसलिए मैंने इन छोटे कार्यों को लिखा है: def get_msg (i): x = i.split ("|") वापसी x [1] .strip () रिटर्न x [2] .strip () #testing प्रिंट get_msg (mystring) # अनुपलब्ध इनपुट पीआईडी, पीआईडी: 20: एक स्थिर घटक प्रिंट के पोर्ट 4 get_level (mystring) # बड़े अभी यह अच्छी तरह से काम करता है लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि यह हल करने के लिए अजगर का तरीका नहीं है, ये कैसे 2 फ़ंक्शंस सुधार सकते हैं ? नियमित अभिव्यक्ति की तरह यहाँ फिटिंग की तरह लगता है लेकिन मैं इसे बहुत भोली हूँ इसलिए लागू नहीं हो सका। वर्ग MyParser (ऑब्जेक्ट): def __init __ (आत्म, मान): self.lst = value.split ('|') def id (स्वयं): return self.lst [0] def स्तर (स्व): वापसी स्वयं .lst [2] .strip () डीईफ़ संदेश (स्वयं): रिटर्न स्व.लिस्ट [1] .स्ट्रिप ('' '')

height - creating a menu with CSS and overflow: auto -

पेज की मुख्य संरचना इस तरह से है: & lt; html & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div id = "मेनू" & gt; & Lt; h1 & gt; मेनू & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; ul आईडी = "मेनू लिस्ट & gt;! - कुछ लाइट तत्व - & gt; & lt; / ul & gt; & lt; h1 & gt; सबमेनू 1 & lt; / h1 & gt; & lt; ul id =" सबमेनू 1 सूची "& gt; & lt;! - कई लाइट तत्व - & gt; & lt; / ul & gt; & lt; h1 & gt; सबमेनू 2 & lt; / h1 & gt; & lt; ul id = "सबमेनू 2 लिस्ट" & gt; & lt;! - कई लाइट तत्व - & gt; & lt; / ul & gt; & lt ; H1 & gt; सबमेनू 3 & lt; / h1 & gt; & lt; ul आईडी = "सबमेनू 3 लिस्ट" & gt; & lt;! - कुछ और लाइट तत्व - & gt; & lt; / ul & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; div id = "मुख्य" & Gt; & lt;! - लंबी सामग्री - & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; / body & gt; & lt; / ht

javascript - java script, XMLHttpRequest, permission denied within browser -

My js file call uses an xmlHttpRequest to display an RSS feed. When I refer to the JavaScript script in my HTML page, my browser provides an error: permission is denied and therefore, my script is blocked. I do not have permission to change security settings and I do not have any work around tips Thank you, thank you! It is called. There is no easy solution.

c# - Make WebBrowser control use linked stylesheet in DocumentText -

I display a WebBrowser control and text but it is not using the linked CSS, it's just plain Appears in the form of text. I like it a lot. webBrowser1.DocumentText = some_text; In some html, and rel = "stylesheet" href = "PF.css"> html with the rest When I save some files in a file and the webbrowser has navigated it, then this is exactly webBrowser1.Navigate (@ "C: \ test.html "); and PF.css in C: \ I have put PF.css in my project folder, where all the square files are there. How can I use Web browser controls / display my linked CSS file? I do not want to save my string in a file and then navigate. Thanks mshtml. HTML document current document = (mshtml.HTMLDocument) webBrowser1.Document.DomDocument; Mshtml.IHTMLStyleSheet styleSheet = CurrentDocument.createStyleSheet ("", 0); Stream Reader Stream Reader = New Stream Reader (@ "C: \ PFCSS"); String Text = Stream Reader Readout (); StreamReader.Close

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError -

I'm getting the following error: Do I have some jar file missing? Exceptions in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org / apache / commons / logfactory at org.slf4j.impl.JCLLoggerFactory.getLogger ( org Org.smslib.helper.Logger at slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger (, 4343) & Lt; Init & gt; (Logger.java35) at org.smslib.Service. & Lt; Init & gt; ( SendMessage.doIt ( on SendMessage by reason ( Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: $ (URLClassLoader.java20000) at What to do at sun.misc.Launcher $ ExtClassLoader.findClass (Launcher.Javaakalam 29) on Java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass at ( (basic method) Java.lang.ClassLoader Javas.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal ( at .loadCl

script/generate problem with Ruby on Rails -

I have this problem when I try to use "script / generate": $ script / generate / users / gst / jam / rbi / 1.8 / jams / hpiRICT 0.8.1 / lih / fast_x Bundle: [Bug] Bus Error Ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 Patchlevel 174) [i686 -darwin10] Abort Traps I use Snow Leopard on my 32-bit MacBook Pro Just installing it I already tried to restore Ruby with MacPort but in some way it still does not work I appreciate some help. Thank you, Gerald Try sudo gem update, it's your HPCot gem Looks like a problem with, so you can also remove the gem to fix it. Update can update it in a new version without this problem.

Easiest way to share on facebook, twitter and via email? -

On a news site, customers want to implement a way to share a story (only a link, in fact) Email, Facebook and Twitter I can write some code for each sharing method, but it seems that there will be some kind of service or library which will present the current URL for different services. Is such a service or library present? This service supports me looks like this .

svn - Exposing SQL Server database objects as files in a file system -

एक से अधिक फाइल सिस्टम है अधिकांश संस्करण नियंत्रण उपकरण स्थानीय डिस्क फ़ाइल सिस्टम पर काम करते हैं। अधिकतर रिलेशनल डेटाबेस सिस्टम के लिए डेटाबेस ऑब्जेक्ट करना एक फ़ाइल सिस्टम में मौजूद है, क्योंकि वही वस्तु की पहचान करने वाला एक शाब्दिक नाम है और निर्माण स्क्रिप्ट को पुनः प्राप्त किया जा सकता है या कम से कम इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है यह नाम। लेकिन यह स्थानीय डिस्क फाइल सिस्टम नहीं है, और नतीजतन वे सीवीएस या एसवीएन जैसे उपकरणों के लिए अदृश्य हैं, जो स्थानीय डिस्क फ़ाइल सिस्टम पर कड़ाई से कार्य करते हैं। P> डेटाबेस ऑब्जेक्ट पर एसवीएन लागू करने के लिए, उन्हें स्थानीय डिस्क फाइल सिस्टम में दोहराया जाना चाहिए, और स्थानीय डिस्क फाइल सिस्टम में परिवर्तन को डेटाबेस में दोहराया जाना चाहिए। उपयोग के विभिन्न मोड स्रोत कोड के विपरीत, जिसमें प्रत्येक डेवलपर एक निजी कार्य प्रतिलिपि बनाए रखता है, डेवलपर नेटवर्क पर किसी सर्वर पर एक साझा डेटाबेस पर काम करते हैं। जबकि विज़ुअल स्टूडियो डेटाबेस के माउंट-ऑन-डिमांड प्रोजेक्ट-स्थानीय प्रतियों के लिए प्रत्यक्ष समर्थन प्रदान करता है, डेवलपर

android - How to keep the spaces at the end and/or at the beginning of a String? -

I need to include these two stars with my resources / value files: & Lt; String name = "Toast_Memory_GameWon_part1" & gt; You got all the family! On & lt; / String & gt; & Lt; String name = "Toast_Memory_GameWon_part2" & gt; Flip! & Lt; / String & gt; I do this like this: string message_all_pairs_found = getString (R.string.Toast_Memory_GameWon_part1) + total_flips + getString (R.string.Toast_Memory_GameWon_part2 ); Toast. Make text (this, message_all_pace_found, 1000). Show (); But at the end of the first string and the second string has disappeared in the beginning (when toast is shown) ... What should I do ? I think the answer is elsewhere: Or it is like using something else; If you use string formatting for "and" sometimes you still need white space or end of your string. For these cases, the \ , nor the xml: space attribute helps you get a white space for the HTML unit & amp; # 160; should

Paste in Vim without moving the cursor -

I often need to paste in some adjacent lines to the same or similar terms. It is a pain that the cursor To move each time in the beginning of the pasted material, move on to the next line. How can I paste without moving the cursor (as in 'P' command)? Or, how can I return Caesar before I paste? Without destroying a register the safest way is to do the following: p [[/ code> If you want to create a shortcut, then just use map works of any VIM is appropriate for you, such as: Noremap pp` [

sql - mysql - update foreign key with a value -

I have a birthday, year, month, day column where the column "year, month, day" foreigners of other tables The key is that I want to get the same value for the column of the year column and the month and day column for each birthdate ID (year (date of birth)). How can I do this in MySQL? I tried this solution: updated member set year = ( Select All_years, members where All_years.fromY = year (member.birthdate) ) Where id = 30,471; But the reason for this is "Error 1093 (HY 1000): You can not specify the target table 'Member' for updates in the FRM section." Thanks in advance You do not want to select from the members table in the subquery Use the table that you are updating. Member's SET year UPDATE = (SELECT year from all_years WHERE from Y = year (member birthplace)) WHERE id = 30471; Is there any reason that year / month / date are foreign keys though?

iphone - Multi touch is not working perfectly on UIImageView -

I'm touching UIMage like zoom in and zoom out on image view. I'm using the followng code, but it does not work very well. Anyone can see this code, #import "zoomingEZHHHHH" @implementation zoomingEzeg View @ synthesis zoomed out; @ Synthesis moved; Defined HORIZ_SWIPE_DRAG_MIN 24 defined VERT_SWIPE_DRAG_MAX 24 defined TAP_MIN_DRAG 10 CGPoint startTouchPosition; CGFloat initial error; - (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect) frame {if (self = [super initWithFrame: frame]) // // start code moved = no; Zoomed = No; } Healthy return; } - (zero) direct: (CGRact) rect {// drawing code} - (empty) Delok {if ([Timer is Valid]) [Invalid timer]; [Super DeLoc]; } - (Zero) Set Image: (UIImage *) img {zoomed = NO; Transferred = no; Self.transform = CFEfeinttransferTTT; [Super set image: img]; } - (CGFLOT) Two points between distance point: (CGPEINT) to point-to-point: (CP point) points {float x = two point.x - POP.x; Float y = toPoint.y - from Point.y; Return sqrt (x * x + y * y); } -

Passing by Reference in PHP 5.x -

I'm studying for Zend PHP5 authentication, everything looks okay, but I'm going to go through the actual Examples of the world have not been found. It would be great if someone used to use an example? Suppose that you want to type a function that draws some values ​​from the array. Remove the function _elements ($ array, $ item1, $ item2, ...) {...} You can copy the array And can return it. But what if you want to know that anything was removed? Instead you can modify the in-place array and return the number of deleted elements. Therefore: Remove function _elements (& amp; $ arrays) {// Remove element returned $ number_removed; } If you create a complex structure inside your functions, then you may want to return a reference instead of a copy of it. But this is a very minor matter because PHP uses per-on-write (i.e. it has been copied until it has been modified) but there are some valid usage cases in it. While returning by context, you write more a

tsql - T-SQL: How can I split comma seperated values from a column to rows? -

मेरे पास निम्न तालिका है (संदर्भों की संख्या चर है): Id | FK_ID | संदर्भ | ----------------------- 1 2100 जीआई 2, जीआई 32 2 2344 जीआई 56 और मुझे निम्न परिणाम की आवश्यकता है: < / P> आईडी | FK_ID | संदर्भ | ----------------------- 1 2100 जीआई 2 2 2100 जीआई 32 3 2344 जीआई 56 क्या कोई परिवर्तन करने का कोई छोटा रास्ता है एमएस एसक्यूएल सर्वर 2005 का उपयोग करते हुए इस तरह के डेटा? धन्यवाद संपादित करें: समाधान के लिए सीधा लिंक: आप किस SQL ​​Server संस्करण का उपयोग कर रहे हैं? पूर्व 2005 उपयोगिता का उपयोग करें संख्या तालिका जैसा समझाया गया है । मैंने महान सफलता से कई बार इसका उपयोग किया है। 2005 और उसके बाद साथी डेवलपर मिच गेहूं के उत्तर पढ़ें। >

Get Identity when calling WCF service from Silverlight app authenticated with Forms auth -

I'm doing FormsAuthentivcation on a Silverlight app, when the SL app calls the WCF service, then I can use my WCF service Trying to get authenticated user names from within: ServiceSecurityContext.Current.PrimaryIdentity.Name; or (to use unsure, the problem is that both are empty) ServiceSecurityContext.Anonymous.PrimaryIdentity.Name; I'm configuring the WCF service with a binding like this: & lt; BasicHttpBinding & gt; & Lt; Binding name = "mybanding" & gt; & Lt; Safety Mode = "None" & gt; & Lt; Message client CredentialType = "UserName" /> & Lt; / Safety & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; The problem is that I am unable to get recognition. I'm not manually establishing certification in the client. Proxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "slkfslkdf"; (What do I have to do?) Thanks for any help! this is just HttpContext.Current.User; , there is no need to enter

.htaccess - Unable to make a 301 domain redirection -

Hello I have an application that uses OpenCart I want to radiate a 301 in case of user types. (301 status codes) Here is my .htaccess content: ReviveIngnant ON \ #OPENCARTRewart StartRight% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -RevertRank% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d Recruitment Rule ^ (. *) Index.php \ #OPENCART Revives END Revive Engines Revealbase / Rewritten% {HTTP_HOST}! ^ $ [nc] Reiter rules ^ (. *) $ Http: / /$1 [R = 301, L] Instead get 302 redirection. Thanax, granite Try it with a different order Keep your rules Which causes an external redirect that only causes an internal redirection: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST}! ^ $ [NC] RewriteRule ^ (. *) $ Http://$1 [R = 301, L] #OPENCART Revives StartRightcut% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f rewrite code% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D Rivetrium ^ (. *) Index.php # OpenCart revives and

C#: Exception handling in recursive call -

I have recursive method calls when an exception is thrown, so I want to see where this happened in the recursive call stack . I have an area in which there is a "path" that represents the recurring stack. Now I would like to add path information to any exceptions that might possibly be put in a recursive call. Maintain zero recurring (int x) // // recursive path information path. Push (x); Try {// some stuff and recursively call the rearranging method (x + 6); } Hold (Exception preceding) {If (formerly RecursionException is) {// Exception is already wrapped; } // wrap the exception, it should only be done once // save the path and original exception to the wrapper adopt new recycling (path.tostring (), pre); } Finally maintain the {// recursive path information path. POP ()}} It looks very complex, there is not only one way edit : To indicate this: I would like a very simple situation, where there are no such overheads to call this method continuously, beca

Is a "CSS Reset" necessary for cross-browser CSS? -

I am trying to come up with a decent cross-browser CSS framework for my next project, because my last one There was a whole bunch of PHP / CSS hacks (terrible things like class = "blah & lt;? = IsIe ()? & Gt;" ). I want to make it "right" I have seen, which is not very interested, so I would like to narrow it down: Is there a CSS reset for cross-browser formatting? What about Doctype? Should use & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.01 // N" " DTD" & gt; Or what? Besides, is there any insight into the usefulness of someone? A CSS reset is not required, but it certainly helps a lot, it equals all the elements Form is provided in all browsers. There are still some things that differentiate the box model due to each browser (mainly IE). Browsers are easy ways to create a specific CSS, however, make changes in the inline class. You can create an IE specific style sheet a

Creating a cookie using jquery to store name/value pairs of information -

मुझे कुकी संग्रहीत करने की आवश्यकता है जिसमें निम्न जानकारी है: key1: datetime key2: datetime key3 : Datetime मैं उपरोक्त गुणों के साथ कुकी कैसे बना सकता हूं और कैसे पहुंच सकता हूं? मुझे इस कुकी को जावास्क्रिप्ट के माध्यम से हेरफेर करने की आवश्यकता है (मैं jquery का उपयोग कर रहा हूं)। (पक्ष प्रश्न, जावास्क्रिप्ट कुकी काम 'लाइव' सही है? यानी इसे कुकी मान आदि बदलने के लिए एक पोस्टबैक की आवश्यकता नहीं है?) आपको कुकीज़ पढ़ने / लिखने के लिए jQuery की ज़रूरत नहीं है। आप सादे जावास्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। कुछ अच्छे उदाहरण यहां दिए गए हैं: आप कुकीज़ को थोड़ा आसान बनाने और सेट करने के लिए इस jQuery प्लगइन का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: और हाँ, कुकीज को पढ़ना / लिखना एक लाइव क्रिया है जैसा आपने उल्लेख किया है।

What does "return function() { ... }" do in JavaScript? -

Recently I have seen this piece of javascript code, but it is unable to understand what it is trying to do is. var f = function (A) {return function () {warning (a () ()); }; }; F (function () {return "hello world";}) (); Please tell what this is! This function implements that f returns. The f function returns a warning call that displays the output of the function given by f as the parameter of Edit: Change the location of some parts to make it easier on the eyes and you will see yourself: var f = function (a) {Var Output = A (); Var AlertColor = Function () {Alert (Output); }; Warning of return; }; Var hello world = function () {return "hello world"; } Var Results = F (Hello World); // f takes a function as argument function (); // result should be a function

dojo filteringselect with option value '0' -

मेरे पास फ़िल्टरिंग का चयन किया गया है: & lt; नाम चुनें = "v" dojoType = " Dijit.form.filteringSelect "valueList =" v "id =" v "मान =" 0 "& gt; विकल्प मान =" "& gt; & lt; / option & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान =" 0 "& gt; 0-परीक्षण और लेफ्टिनेंट ; / विकल्प> gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "1" & gt; 1-test2 / विकल्प & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "2" & gt; 2-test3 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "X" & gt; एक्स-टेस्टक्स & lt ; / विकल्प & gt; & lt; / चयन & gt; अजीब बात यह है, कि खाली विकल्प को डिफ़ॉल्ट से चुना जाता है, हालांकि मैं '0' के लिए मान सेट करता हूं। क्या कोई इस घटना को जानता है? का संबंध है, जीरहार्ड ब्राउजर डिफ़ॉल्ट चुना गया है, क्योंकि आपने मूल रूप से चयनित किसी भी विकल्प टैग को निर्दिष्ट नहीं किया है । यह विजेट 2 अलग-अलग प्रारंभिक मान देता है: 1) मान = "0" और 2) चयनित इंडेक्स

ruby - JRuby limitations when working with Java Classes -

As far as I understand JRuby, the Java class is possible in JRuby code and vice versa, however , I still do Is it possible to use reflection from JRB on Java classes? Is it possible to use reflection on Java on JRuby class? Do I have executable classes in Djerobi? Is it possible to redefine the Java class within the Jerobi script? (Just like I can redefine eg integer in C. Ruby) Are there any other limitations that prevent JRB from being used as part of any Java application? What jruby can work with java annotations? No Ruby has annotation. The compiler will allow you to add annotations, which are used when compiling a class file. Is it possible to use reflection from JRB on Java class? Yes: java.util.Vector.methods.include? '[]' # = & Gt; Is it possible to use reflection on jruby class from java? When JRuby is using BSF or JSR 223? Only to those extent that those techniques are allowed when using ruby2java? Yes. This generates common Jav - NHibernate and Sybase Case Statement null check -

मेरे पास तालिका "mytable" है जहां स्तंभ "myValue" का मूल्य शून्य है। मेरे पास आवेदन है जहां NHibernate Sybase संग्रहित प्रक्रिया को कॉल करता है प्रक्रिया में, मेरे पास केस स्टेटमेंट है, जहां मैं किसी मान के लिए रिक्त की जांच करता हूं। केस मेरीवल्यूज़ का चयन करें जब शून्य हो तो 0 और 1 समाप्त करें mytable से newValue के रूप में जब मैं इस प्रक्रिया को निष्पादित करता हूं जब मैं अपना अनुप्रयोग चलाता हूँ, NHibernate इस प्रक्रिया को निष्पादित करता है और 1 का उत्पादन करता है। अब, जब मैं मेरी केस स्टेटमेंट को मेरी प्रक्रिया को मामले में चयन करने के लिए बदलता हूँ जब myValue नल है फिर 0 और 1 mytable से newValue के रूप में समाप्त करें अब, जब मैं अपना अनुप्रयोग चलाता हूँ, Nhibernate इस प्रक्रिया को निष्पादित करता है और 0 का उत्पादन देता है। ऐसा लगता है कि संग्रहीत कार्यप्रणाली में एसक्यूएल को बदलना NHibernate के लिए काम करता है। हमने इसे सोचा, यह NHibernate बिल्कुल नहीं था .. हमारा (नया- आईएसएच) डीबी चालक ने "केस नल:", "@वार! = नल" या &quo

custom build step - How do I set up a Java-like language (LeJOS NXJ) in Visual Studio 2005 that uses an external compiler? -

Recently, I have installed a Java Library named JKK and a Lijos NXJ to control the Lego Mindstore robot. I want to be able to install the language to run through Visual Studio, which provides the J # color coding command line to compile the program: nxjc "myfile The command line is to deploy or download the program: nxj -r "myfile" / Pre> How do I set up Visual Studio to use these options? When you use Visual Studio for Java functions, then the editor is as comfortable as the And the helpful notepad, therefore, I strongly suggest that for using this type of work, using an IDE with full Java support, there are plugins for both Eclipse and NetBIns for Lejos support, two full, open source, Free and easy-to-use IDE Try them (I'll start with Netbeen, but it's a completely personal choice) and you'll miss instantly while trying to paint Java in VS: -)

javascript - How to use jquery in php file? -

I am currently creating a table with data from php and mysql db ... So I need to use Jquery in the table .... How can I do this? I am feeling that I have to import the library in any way? Thanks Place this place anywhere in the HTML header area of ​​your PHP file : echo & lt; Type the script = "text / javascript" src = ""></script> ';

sql - Mysql Ordering Query -

Hello I want to run a query to get the last five records from a table, but in the reverse order Currently I have: $ query = "ID DESC limit 5 by SELECT ORDER"; Which I do not like. For example, if there are last five records 15 16 17 18 19 I want them to return 15 16 17 18 19 No 1918 17 16 15 which is given above. How do I achieve this? If I change ASC to DESC then it gives 1 2 3 4 5, which does not work either. SELECT * (SELECT * Table ID to ID DESC limit 5) AS TMP ORDER BY ASC

svn - Auto-versioning DLLs in Visual Studio 2008 -

We are trying to resolve some conventions to handle the dependency with the Czech code in svn. The previous method was basically a free one for everyone, which meant that projects could not be checked and made without negligible with references (most projects are C #). We are fixing this one step at a time, and are now checking in a separate svn repository in binary, the builds are different from the SVN modification numbers they do, so you have < There may be a path like code> svnrelease / libraryA / r1000 / libraryA.dll . One thing that came up is a scenario such as: Library relies on A Library B, Project P relies on Library A, but directly refers to Library B. If the library refers to the amendment of 1000 B, but the direct reference to Project P is revised 2000? I suggested to include the revision number in the DLL file names, when they are checked in the release SVN repo, so many versions can be in coexistence. One co-worker had suggested that VS2k8 could handle it a

c# - Simple queue algorithm -

A request for this QING algorithm is not , I know there are so many. I am reading a C # book and it tells the circular Q algorithm with a code example. At 13, 14 and 15 rows, he tells you how the queue is full or not. Although I do not understand why the first alternative situation is necessary, can someone show me such a situation where it will be required? Here is the class code: And my question is about this section: (Putloc + 1 == getloc) The first check is executing the following part of the statement in the note. / P> one is less than putloc getloc This check is required because your queue is circular. If you can always assume that the end of the queue was the last element in the array, then investigation will not be required. In this case though ... the end of the queue can be in the middle of Array, in which case the queue will be completed and you will suppress this situation.

image - Jquery photo comparison -

There is a jQuery plugin that puts a dragable bar that lets you drag it left or right to show an image one more. You can put it in the center to see half of each picture, it's not "slider" It's great to show how something has changed or Photoshop has done. Is anyone aware of this plugin and know where I can find it? Updates "Sliders" are the common words for a rotating image carousel, there is a list of 1,000 sliders. What I'm trying to talk about, once, the post edit on stack overflow is not the opposite of one at the bottom of the screen. This allows you to drag on the left side once and exposes / exposes the images in place.

mysql - SQL: joining 3 tables, needing to also join the 3rd to itself -

This works if I remove the last JOIN line, but I'm not sure why it will not work with it . The last two JOIN statements are trying to get data from different rows in the same table ('meta_view'), of which names can be found only by reading another related column ('meta_key') in the same table. While doing all this, everything in all 3 tables on user_id joins in general. select mod_membership.uid, mod_membership.wp_user_id, mod_membership.status, mod_membership.last_login, mod_membership.membership_type, mod_membership.membership_expiration, wp_users .user_login, wpm_a.meta_value mod_membership as first_name But = mod_membership.wp_user_id wp_usermeta as soon as included wpm_a.user_id = mod_membership.wp_user_id wpm_a Where wpm_a.meta_key = 'first_name' join wp_usermeta wpm_b.user_id = mod_membership wp_users on wpm_b. Wp_user_id Where wpm_b Meta_key = 'last_name' I use this method to do the third thing, or use another method for

sockets - Miniature PHP webserver not accepting connections on anything other than -

I created a small 'web server' which gives a message to any request sent on port 80. I can connect through it but when I try to connect it to my real IP address, nothing comes up. Code: # config $ conn_ip = ""; // possibly $ conn_port = 80 localhost; // $ conn_max = 5 port for hosting 'server'; // maximum connection # end config $ output = 'blah' to accept; # Ready php script set_time_limit (0); Ob_implicit_flush (true); # End # Setup socket $ server = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); Socket_bind ($ server, $ conn_ip, $ conn_port); Socket_listen ($ server, $ conn_max); # End print "listening on port 80 ... \ n \ n"; # Loop while (true) {if ($ new_sock = socket_accept ($ server))! == faucet) {print ("The connection was found ... \ n"); Socket_write ($ new_sock, $ product, strlen ($ product)); Socket_close ($ new_sock); }} # End? & Gt; What am I doing wrong here? Change this line $ conn_ip

objective c - How should I construct an NSDictionary with multiple keys? -

I have a situation where I want to map a pair of items for a dictionary of information. I would like to avoid creating an NSDictionary of NSDictionaries of NSDictionaries because it is only confusing and difficult to maintain. For example, if I have two squares, foo and bar, let me know {Foo, Bar} -> {NSDictionary} Want to have a choice other than just creating a custom class (Can only be used as a dictionary key on the basis of two types of question? Probably like the pair of STL Something that I'm not right now As you said, you can create a pair of classes: // Pair.h @ Interface pair: NSPacked & lt; encoding & gt; {ID & lt; encoding> left; ID & lt; NSCopying & gt; Correct;} @ Property (Nonomatic, Readonly) ID & lt; NScoping & gt; Left; @ Property (Nonomatic, Readonly) ID & lt; NScoping; Right; + (ID) pair with lift: (ID & lt; NSCPIP & gt;) L Correct: & Lt; nspip & gt; R; - (ID ) InitWithLeft: (ID & lt; Ansseepia