c++ - Declaring char[][512]? -

I have a C ++ SDK for which one paragraph [] [512] is required as a parameter I know That this file is considered to be a list of names and the number of files may vary. For my life I can not tell how to declare it. I have an array of CSTRing and I am trying to copy them using Structus_s and then passing them in SDK. Any ideas on how to do this?

This announcement has a special meaning when the parameter of one declares the function. Within the parameter list it is equivalent to char [100] [512] , char [123] [512] , char [3] [512] (you get this idea - the first size can only be anything, it is only ignored) and also for char (*) [512] . Effectively, it will accept as a logic with a flexible (arbitrarily) first shape as a 2D array.

You can actually declare an array passing the function with the first size of the concrete, for example

  four names [3] [512] = {"Abc", "cde", "fgh"};  

If you know the first shape at the time compilation of time, then surely.

If the first size is known only on run time (eg, n ), then you have to allocate the array dynamically

  char (* Name) [512] = new four [n] [512]; // Now fill it with names  

or, more beautiful, with a type of typed

  typedef char TName [512]; TName * names = new TName [n]; // Now fill it with names  

I hope that the SDK function you are talking about should also give you another parameter as the first size of the name array. Tells for


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