
Showing posts from July, 2013

c# - generate thumbnail of pdf document using acrobat 7.0 sdk -

How to create an image of a page from a PDF document using Acrobat 7.0 SDK Acrobat usage will be quite inefficient and slow. Ghostscript can be used to do this (it's free to run on your own server) or components such as

windows - Qt equivalent to Win32 Fibers -

I am responsible for a Windows application, the plugin "script" DLL is written in C ++. To index dependencies in the script without the use of encodrons events - Plug-in DLS to use the 'yield' and 'resume' type call - basically co-routine - to use C ++ Executes script 'API' based on Win32 fiber to the application. Architecture Now, I'm thinking of porting Mac and or Linux to the app, and there is an option to use a framework like armor. QT seems to support only though What is Win32 Fibera Analog on Cocoa, or in a CrossPlatform Framework like QT? I do not know about cocoa, but QT You do not have support for fiber.

concurrency - How does the Reactive Framework (Rx) relate to Tasks in .NET 4? -

Asynchronous and concurrent programming seam these days are in everyone's mind and NAT 4 contains many types of improvements such as the built-in Secure collection and course work from thread. Above this, I have started watching the Reactive Framework (Rx). The focus is to focus more on the concurrency, mainly for calculating the tasks, although it is also a normal model for those tasks which will be completed in some time, the future can be used. And handle other types of asynchronous tasks, as well as combine them. * Continue * Do you see these two frameworks and one overlap in particular, do you see a work for modeling IObservable in reference to a task and vice versa? Only one channel 9 video discussion saw a blog post from the PFX team joining PFX, in relation to RX, answering some questions in it Should:

command line - How to get NO context when using svn diff -

When I use 'svn diff' from the command line, it prints the rows that have changed, But 3 unchanged lines are also very much for reference only, before and after, with no reference only to see the changed lines. I am not able to define any command line options that allow me to behave like this. Will give The standard 'diff' and 'cvs diff' I want to do by default can definitely do this 'svn diff' but I'm missing something, anybody know how? After viewing the useful link above, the short answer is that svn's inherent difference which I He can not do it You can ask it to use standard external difference and tell ARG that you do not want any reference. I keep the following aliases in my .bashrc and all of these now work properly if I use it: alias svndiff = 'svn diff --diff-cmd = diff - X-U0 '

wpf - Does overriding default style/controltemplates break theming? -

जब मैं "कोई प्रतिलिपि संपादित करें" को संशोधित किए बिना मिश्रण में एक मानक WPF नियंत्रण की डिफ़ॉल्ट शैली / नियंत्रण पट्टी को ओवरराइड करता हूं यह (सिर्फ अगर की एक स्थानीय प्रतिलिपि बना रहा है) , क्या यह पहले से ही कुछ स्थितियों में उन्हें तोड़ देगा? दूसरे शब्दों में, क्या अलग-अलग विषयों में मानक नियंत्रणों के लिए differnt controltemplate- और / या स्टाइलिफाइनिशन प्रदान करते हैं? हां, यह उन लोगों को टूटता है; हां, विभिन्न थीम विभिन्न नियंत्रण शैली प्रदान करते हैं यदि आपके पास एमएस ब्लेंड है तो आप ब्लेंड के फ़ोल्डर में उन्हें ढूंढ सकते हैं (जैसे सी: \ प्रोग्राम फाइलें \ Microsoft Expression \ Blend 3 \ SystemThemes \ Wpf) इन्हें सम्मान करने के लिए, आपको थीम प्रति एक शैली भी बनानी चाहिए अपने नियंत्रण के लिए कस्टम नियंत्रण और थीम समर्थन पर वहां मौजूद हैं बस एक का उल्लेख करने के लिए:

javascript - Simple String and variable problem using jQuery -

I am trying to add my string to this string: var liPad = 20; $ (This). CSS ({'width': width, 'height': height, 'padding': "'0 pixel' + lipad + 'px'"}); To work this way: $ (this) .css ({'width': width, 'height': height, Padding ':' 0 20px '}); "post-text" itemprop = "Text"> This should work: $ (this) .css ({'width': width, 'height': height, 'padding': '0' + Lipad + 'px'});

regex - Is there a regular expression for a comma separated list of discrete values? -

I use the following regular expression to validate a comma separated list of values. ^ Dog | Cat | Bird | The values ​​are listed in a drop-down list in Excel (the (dog | cat | bird | mouse)) $ $ value, so users can select a value from the dropdown list , Or can be typed in different values ​​by commas. Regular expression does a good job of preventing the user from entering anything but the accepted values, but this prevents the user from entering the duplicate, for example, the user "dog" and The "dog, cat" can enter, but the user can also enter "dog, dog". Does the duplicate stop using the same regular regular expression? In other words, I should be able to apply the discrete list of values ​​separated by the comma separated. Thank you! Use a backtraction and a negative perspective: ^ (Dog | cat | bird | mouse) (, (?!! 1) (dog | cat | bird | mouse)) * $ edit : This will not work with cases such as "cat, dog, dog" ...

java - What's the deal with web service generation and JavaBeans? -

I have recently written some data access methods (plain old Java) that uses irreversible items for both the requested objects and the resulting data objects. . I like irreversible things because they appear to be a good deal of confusion by appearing in the client code, which I have seen in the past when people try to mutate and reuse the objects. Anyway, which was months ago. Now a colleague is having trouble in dealing with some web service generation (attempts to expose my methods), which hopes to be a jababeen everywhere. My question is is that the web service is always the stuff of generation Jababeen? Is there any other way? Most web service frameworks provide some methods for you to provide custom serializers / deserlizers for you. If it is not clear why this is necessary, it is because the Framework is important to know how to translate your Java class into XML and vice versa. Serialization and decryption of Javabins (sections with the get and set properties) ar

java - Overwriting the errorPage property in JSP -

मैंने & lt;% @ पेज त्रुटि को परिभाषित किया है पृष्ठ = "/ error.jsp"% & gt; शीर्षक में कि सभी जेएसपी फाइलें शामिल हैं, किसी अप्रतिबंधित अपवाद को पकड़ने के लिए और उस त्रुटि पृष्ठ पर रीडायरेक्ट करने के बजाय उन्हें मुद्रित करें यह एक चेतावनी के साथ ठीक काम करता है - अगर error.jsp स्वयं एक अपवाद फेंकता है, यह एक अनन्त लूप में लगातार अपने आप ही रीडायरेक्ट हो जाएगा। मैं सिर्फ error.jsp के लिए errorPage मान को मिटाना चाहता हूं ताकि यह अपवाद को सामान्य रूप से प्रिंट कर सके। मैंने त्रुटि पृष्ठ की संपत्ति को रिक्त करने के लिए केवल पुन: परिभाषित करने की कोशिश की लेकिन मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: पेज डायरेक्टिव: त्रुटि के एकाधिक घटनाएं होने के लिए गैरकानूनी है (पुराने: /error.jsp, new:) क्या मुझे उस संपत्ति को अधिलेखित करने के लिए कोई रास्ता है? या इस मुद्दे को कैसे रोकें इसके बारे में कोई अन्य सुझाव? पृष्ठ एक ही विशेषता के साथ घोषणाएं आपकी पसंद हैं: अपने हेडर को अपने त्रुटि पेज में शामिल नहीं करें। सुनिश्चित करें कि आपका त्रुटि पृष्ठ अपने आप में कोई अपवाद नही

Simple regex - replace quote information in forum topic in C# -

It seems to me that should be very simple. I have this string: <<> [Quote = Joe Johnson 1] Hello! [/ Quote] Who should be replaced by something I think it's not going very well. So far I have this: Regex regexQuote = new Regex ("\ [citation \ = (. *?) \ | (. *?) \] (. *?) \ [\ / Quote]]); Can someone tell me in the right direction? Appreciate any help! Try it out: string pattern = @ "\ [citation = (. *?) \ | (\ D +) \] ([\ s \ S] *?) \ [/ Quote \] "; String replacement = @ "div class =" "quote" "> $ 3 gt; & lt; a href =" "user / description / $ 2" "$ 1 & Lt; / a & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; / div & gt; Console.printline (Regex. (Input, Pattern, Replacement));

windows installer - C# sql express 2008 not showing in the list of pre-requisites in setup project -

I am making an installer through the VS Setup project, and I want to make sure that SQL Express 2008 is installed if It is not already installed. I right-clicked on my installer project and pre-requisites have to go but SQL Server 2008 Express is not there. 2005 is listed, but I need 2008. I have installed SQL Server 2008 Express after Visual Studio. What do I need to do to re-register with Visual Studio, so does it allow me to select SQL Server 2008 Express?

SQL Azure via Visual Studio -

Do anybody know when any device will be available to manage SQL Ezur databases from Visual Studio or SQL Enterprise Manager? ? Currently only one can connect via the same medium: 1) SQL Management Studio (SSMS) () 2) Ezur Storage Manager: 3) SQL Azure Migration Wizard: 4) Custom Application I went under the custom path, an application that originally runs the script within various folders for updated tables and stored procedures etc.

c# - How do I retrieve DataColumn.DefaultValue from a Sql Table? -

Is there a way to determine the default value of the column using from the SEL database? Tried using the FillSchema method of I SqlDataAdapter : using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = New SqlDataAdapter ()) {adapter.SelectCommand = myConnection CreateCommand (); Adapter. Select Comand Type = CommandType Text; Adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "Choose from MyTable"; Datatyal table = new datatelle (); Adapter.Fill (table); Adapter. Philsema (table, schema type map); } When I inspect DataTable in DataColumns , I can determine that any column is a AutoIncrement is , and can determine whether it allows to tap using the AllowDBNull property However, DefaultValue (for columns which I know That is a default value) always null . I considered: Datatale schematic = zero; (SqlDataReader Reader = Adapter. Select select.ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly)) {schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable (); Reader.Close (); } but not included in the DefaultValu

Html/Flash Hybrid Website: rollover issues in Firefox 3 -

I am currently developing a PHP website that has a lot of Flash components on each page that has one or more custom flash components Are embedded with swfObject, as well as sIFR navigation. Every time, all Flash Objects on the page become unresponsive to the mouse (no hand pointer). So far I have found that this is happening on Firefox 3.5.3 in Mac. I am using CSS to serve with a specific stacking order to be around the border-box overlap issue - for example, the main navigation overlaps the top right corner of the larger flash component. It works well most of the time, however, if I click through the pages in Firefox 3 for a long time on Mac, at the end I can not do any "roll" from the Flash Elements . Does anyone know that why all the Flash Objects in PHP page will stop responding to the mouse, including sIFR? If you want to try it This is usually by inserting wmode (transparent or opaque) on the flash movie This is a combination, which is a float ad e

sql - What does MySQL do when auto incrementing IDs overflow? -

I have a DJ ango app that uses MySQL as a database backend. It's been running for a few days, and I'm already up to ID 5000 in some tables I worry about what will happen when the datatype is filled. Has the auto indentament been asked to start at some point? My data is very unstable, so when I overflow the ID, then there is no possible way that ID 0, or anywhere near it, is still in use. Whether you are using an unsigned integer and depending on who you are using MySQL Running the same version, you run a random (or worse) row just to get the negative negative values ​​for the primary key and throw an error. He said, you can easily change the size / type in MySQL before using an ALTER command of the integer to prevent it from happening, the INT used as the primary key The "standard" size is INT (11), but most of the DB applications should not be nearly as large, try MEDIUMINT. MEDIUMINT - The signed border is 8388607 with 8388608. Compared to unsigned

objective c - Few questions on iphone memory management and cocos2d -

I'm working on my first app and have some questions on memory management. The first question: I am working on an introduction view that looks like this #import "Intro_Scene.h" #import "Main_Menu.h" #import "Label.h" @ Implementation Intro_Scene @ synthesis logo, label; - (id) init {self = [super init]; If (self! = Zero) {// Load logo image and set status logo = [Sprite Spit Withfile: @ "Awalogo page"]; Logo.position = CCP (-50, 0); Logo. scale = 1.8f; [Self combine: logo]; // Logo creates 3 actions for the Sprite ID verb .00 [[Move to action; Duration: 0 Position: CCP (160,270)]; ID verb 1 = [duration of the FedEd verb: 3]; ID Action 2 = [Fadeout Actionwidth Period: 3]; // Logos Runs Functions [Logos Run Action: [Sequence Action: Action 0, Action 1, Action 2, Zero]]; // Amendment Scein Method of Change to switch views in the main menu within 6 seconds of learning. [Self Schedule: @Silctter (Transit Space) Interval: 6.0f]; // create

database - How to design table that can be re-sequenced? -

I need to make a design decision about the database. I need to have a < Em> AUTO_INCREMENT primary key is named ID . By default, each line user (in the web) is charged by id . For example, if the table has 4 records the UI will show the rows in the order of 0, 1, 2, 3 . Now, the user needs to drag & amp; To change the sequence, say the drop line in the UI, Drop User Drag ROM3 and Beef 0. So, the display becomes 3, 0, 1, 2 . This sequence should be continuous in the database. I am thinking about how to design a database table to make it continuous and scalable. My first thought is that each row contains a " sequence < / Strong> "field that shows the display sequence. By default, the value should be similar to id when selecting data from the database for the display, instead of ID < The rows climbing on the strong> sequence are sorted, if the sequence changes, then it is updated to the new value. The result is that there may

Algorithm visualization for C# -

Is there a software that is visible from the algorithm code? A series of codes or functions within a function, rather than dependency, heritage and that type of thing in the form of a similar flow chart. I do not know inside about a function, but the sequence diagram generation from VS2010 code - see or << P> / P>

xml - Trouble Parsing Atom feed with jQuery -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक एटम फ़ीड है ... & lt;? Xml संस्करण = ? "1.0" & gt; & Lt; फ़ीड xml: बेस = "" xmlns = "" xmlns: georss = " / georss "& gt; & LT; अद्यतन & gt; 2009-10-12T14: 47: 25Z & lt; / अद्यतन & gt; & Lt; title & gt; यूएसजीएस एम 2.5 + भूकंप & lt; / stitle & gt; & Lt; उपशीर्षक & gt; वास्तविक समय, पिछले 7 दिनों के लिए दुनिया भर में भूकंप सूची & lt; / subtitle & gt; & Lt; link rel = "self" href = "/ eqcenter / catalogs / 7day-m2.5.xml" / & gt; & Lt; link href = "" / & gt; & LT; लेखक & gt; & lt; नाम & gt; यू.एस। भूवैज्ञानिक सर्वेक्षण & lt; / name & gt; & lt; / author & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; http: //< / आईडी & gt; & LT; आइकन & gt; /favicon.ico< / आ

NHibernate monitor connections -

Is there a way to monitor the database round-trip in a NHibernate application? When NHibernate connects to the database, I just need a log. If you take a look at (NHProf), you do not pay attention to a commercial product: Visual insight into the contact between your database and application code. Analysis and detection of general damage while using NHibernate. Analysis is done through fully styled SQL and linkable code execution. Supports NHibernate (.NET) and Hibernate (Java).

java - How does a PreparedStatement avoid or prevent SQL injection? -

I know how to avoid SQL injection made / how does this happen? Whether the final form query has been prepared that has been prepared using a string or otherwise? The issue injection with SQL is that, a user input used as part of the SQL statement goes. By using the prepared statement you can force user input to control the contents of a parameter (and as part of the SQL command). But if you use the user input as a parameter for your ready statement but instead of making strings together to create your SQL command, while using the prepared statement still for SQL injection Unsafe .

c# - Is getting post data from HttpListenerRequest asynchronously possible? -

MSDN gives us an example to get the post data. Public static zero ShowRequestData (HttpListenerRequest request) {If (Request.HasEntityBody) {Console.WriteLine ("No customer data was sent with request."); Return; } body = request.InputStream; System.Text.Encoding encoding = request.ContentEncoding; System.IO.StreamReader Reader = New (body, encoding); If (request.ContentType! = Null) {Console.WriteLine ("Client Data Content Type {0}", request.ContentType); } Console.WriteLine ("Client Data Content Length {0}", request.ContentLength64); Console.light line ("start of client data:"); // Convert the data to a string and display it on the console. String s = reader.ReadToEnd (); Console.WriteLine (s); Console.light line ("end of client data"); Body.Close (); Reader.Close (); // If you have finished with the request, then it should also be closed. } I checked the streamreader class and did not

jquery - Disable original javascript keypress event and replace dynamically -

Currently I have a teddyrea with an onkeypress event specified in the HTML tag, I capture this funnel and form a function I am trying to save in that it will be used to override it, because I want to add another condition to run it. Here's the code that I'm trying to implement. $ (document) .ready (function (e) {var default keypress = $ ('textarea') keyboard; $ ('text') .keypress (function (e) {if (FieldsChanged) {fieldsChanged = false;} else {defaultCeypress (e);}});}); The problem I have is IE 7 & amp; 8. Both the original keyboard fire (even though the "default keypers (e);" are commented on) and the new keypress is activating. In addition to removing the onkeypress attribute from the Textarea tag (original first, then new) (I can not do this because the code is generated), is there a way to disable that basic keyboard with firing? Thank you! Newtube jQuery keypace Handler You pass it and do not overwrite anything No It is

c# - Get pathes of assemblies used in Type -

I need a method that takes one type and returns to the patent of all the assemblies used in the type. I have written it: Public stable IEnumerable & lt; String & gt; GetReferencesAssembliesPaths (type of this type) {yield returns type. Assembly. place; Foreign Language (assembly name assembly type in. Assembly GetReferencedAssemblies ()) {yield return assembly. Load (assembly name). place; Generally, this method works, but there are some disadvantages: I did not find how to get referenced assemblies / types only, so I typed. The Assembly referred to the context referred problem () and the entire assembly, not just those related to those types. Type assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies () gives assembly name and does not contain any location / path / file path property. To get the property of the place, I used assembly.Load () first and then used the property of the place. I do not need to load my assemblies, because they were not necessary and could fail with the Ass

python - asyncore not running handle_read -

I'm just trying to make a simple Asynccore example where there is a socket sender and a receiver is for some reason, Hold_read () is never called on the receiver, so why do not I get 'test' data, anyone know why? This is my first shot asyncore, so it's probably very simple. Import asyncore, socket, pdb, random class sender (asyncore.dispatcher): def __init __ (self): asyncore.dispatcher. DID (self): DEF (self): Correct Def readable (self): Wrong DRF handle_write (self): Pass def handle_close (self): self.close () class receiver (asyncore.dispatcher): def __init __ (Self): asyncore.dispatcher .__ init __ (self) self.create_socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) DR def_connect itself): print ('first connect') def readable (self): returns true def handle_read ): Print 'reading' def handlight (self): print 'right' def handle expedition (self): self.conn_sock, addr = self.accept () print 'approved' def handle Lowe's (self): sel

registered wrong language with joomla -

When I registered, I clicked on English (UK) instead of default; I know that probably was a mistake when I It was automatically downloaded to English (UK) I am in California. I tried to register with another email address but she did not give me the default option of language. How can I change it or download the English (UK) version OK. Please leave detailed hot for instructions. Because I am new to all thanks, Cheryl log in. Go to this address and you will be able to change the language: http: // /index.php?option=com_user&view=user&layout=form Remember to change your website. .com with the actual address of your website!

ajax jquery - why this extra slash? -

I often see the code where AJAX files are being contacted ( somefile.php In the example below), it may be / before / , to preserve the structure. Or to avoid security reasons? If this is the latter, then an explanation will also help. $ Post ('/ somefile.php', {id: id, val: val}, function (data) {if (some) {do something} second {do something else}}); Thanks. This indicates the root of the site, in links or images, just like every URL. For example, if you are on , then somefile.php Sub / somefile.php , while /somefile.php goes to the http: // example. Com / somefile.php

php - problem with $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] -

I have a link in one of my php pages where users of logged in user are shown and there is a link in this page For each friend of this type of user below: echo "& lt; a href = 'profile.php? Id = $ row [friend_id]' & gt; $ friend_row [name] & Lt; / a & gt; "; And as you can see, the friend's identity is given to the profile page and in the profile page, users can view their profile and leave comments for them. Here's the form: & lt; Form name = "comment" method = "post" action = "& gt; Phcho echo $ _SERVER ['PHP_SELF'] ;? & gt;" & Gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "comment" class = "comment" /> & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "submit" class = "comment" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; and this php code is as follows: $ insert = "Enter any comment (login_id, friend_id,

iphone - NSMutabledata. Why is the retain count 1 higher that I would have expected? -

I am trying to do daily everyday, getting my exercise, and making sure I make myself Keep balance between keeping and releasing. Here's what I'm surprised. I have an ivar: NSMutabledata * _alignmentData and a synthesized property associated with it: // H file @ property (nontamic, write) NSMutableData * alignment data; // M file @ synthesis alignment data = _alignmentData; I start pulling data from asynchronous server: self.connection = [[[NSURL connection alloted] initWithRequest: theRequest delegate: self] Autorelease]; And immediately after using data buffer in asynchronous callback: // This print is 0. Cool NSLog (@ "First [_alignmentData retainCount] =% d", [_alignmentData retainCount]); // Create a space to get data from asynchronous data: self.alignmentData = [NSMutableData data]; // print it 2. it should be 1?!? NSLog (@ "[_alignmentData retainCount] =% d" later, [_alignmentData retainCount]); To compile cases in the fir

c# - Lutz Roeder's HTML Writer only returns 2 characters in SaveHtml() method -

I've downloaded Letz Roder's HTML Writer for use in a NET Winfuff app so that issues of IE-dependency are mentioned. In other threads on SA can be done. The HtmlControl class SaveHtml () method only returns the first two characters, though (which is not surprising) always " For now, I added a method to a HtmlControl class The action which only returns the internal HTML of the document object. public string HtmlBodyInnerHtml {get thisner.Document. GetBody (). GetInnerHTML ();}} < P> This is working for now, but I am thinking that someone else has similar problems. It would be good to continue using it, but if there are some underlying problems in it, I will be moving now, but now I do not know. Alternatively, I can use it incorrectly - what Why is the saved HTML method not suitable for calling HTML HTML source to retrieve? , I got to know this. When the HTML author of Lotus is executed in 64-bit mode, I do not think so. I imagine that when you compi

php - Implementing Business Logic in 3 Tier Architecture -

I have a web application on which I am working and so far I have lost the data access layer. Each table has its own class that creates the objects of the rows of that table, so each object represents a row of the table. Functions Each object is basically CRYOUD operation. I have a question, what is the best way to apply business logic to the application? I am doing this in PHP, so I can make a file in which I am involved in a bunch of functions but I want to organize it better. Data access layer is already taking an OO approach, so I would like to continue it. Use php for trading logic. If you are running on a WinLink server with a SQL Server DB, then I use C # or another language on the .NET framework. If you are on something like Linux / Oracle / Solaris, then with Oracle / PostGreySQL / MySQL DB, I am using Java, but many people will probably suppress Python. You will have different combinations, but the two listed I normally make it easier. There are all kinds of b

crash - Android Emulator Alarm Clock Crashes -

I am using Android emulator, to debug my application, firstly it is ridiculously slow, I mean that for 15 months to slow loading, my alarm clock application fails? Am I the only one or other people have this experience? Is there a fix or do I have to boot the emulator, while Steak has to go? EDIT: I'm running it on a Vista laptop, which does not work well with failing on fixed display alarm clock, but I do not think it can be my laptop, its 2 GB RAM Intel Dual CPU T2390 1.87 GHz, even not even one year. Could it be that I am creating a new AVD every time I run the emulator? Anthony You never said what environment you are running. Is it exhausted? We recently found that the combination of emulator and Vista did not want to run well for some reasons. There is definitely some wrong in any way, I have a 2GHz Core2-Duo w / 4GB RAM (rarely use more than 1.5) Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit) running and emulator In less than 30 seconds, there is a laptop for Exceptions, Exploits, Fir

Converting multidimensional arrays to pointers in c++ -

I have a program that looks like the following: double [4] [4] initial matrix; Double [4] [4] Inverted Matrix; Initialize (startMatrix) // This introduces the information I want in the beginning Now I want to calculate the inverse of startMatrix and want to put it in the inverse matrix. I have a library function for this purpose that has a prototype low: Zero matrix inversion (double ** a, int order, double ** b) Who takes the inverse of A and puts it in B The problem is that to give the function, I should know about double [4] [4] being converted to double form. I have tried to make it "clear path": matrix inversion (double **) start matrix, 4, (double **) inverted matrix)) But it does not seem to work, is this really the right way to do it? No, there is no right way to do this specifically. A double [4] [4] array is not convertible to a double ** indicator. These are two alternative, incompatible ways to implement 2D arrays. Some need to chang

PHP MySQL Transactions -

Is there a way to move a SQL transaction into a command? Like mysql_query ("Include Start Transactions, Table 1 ... etc ... Include in Table 2 ...; Commit;"); Or do you always have to use different commands? Like mysql_query ("Start Transaction;"); Mysql_query ("INS etc etc etc. thanks By using PDFs instead of pure mysql statements, $ connection = new PDO ('mysql: host = localhost; dbname = test', 'user', 'password') ; $ Connection- $ Connection-> exec ('Insert in Table 1' ...); $ connection- & gt; exec ('Insert in Table 2 ...'); $ connection- & gt; commit ( ); Of course, this is just a quick example, instead you should use prepared statements and bind to user input Must use Riabls so you do not have to worry much about SQL injection.

php - Best practices to deal with absent/wrongly typed GET variables? -

When you find that your request has been broken or the wrong type of data is passing, what do you do? Say you have a forum-page Php? Forum = 3 which lists all the topics related to stage 3. What would be a good way to deal with the lack of "forum" variables? Instead of being an integer, you get a string? If the forum-page Php is said without a "forum", so you get an error saying why you have not requested The variable is redirected to just a default page, like some forums-page.php? Forum = 1 There is only one thing for wrong type variables. Redirect to another page. Other options? Do not really love to read your opinion about this. I usually return a 400 (bad request) state status (for example "Stage parameter is required"). Not sure if PHP allows this (ASP.NET), but then you can map to a 400 on a custom page that displays the error in the way that your app understands.

c# - Why can't new[] {AnonymousType, AnonymousType} be casted to IEnumerable? -

I have an anonymous type array that has been declared as: Var list = new [] {New {name = "a", age = 10}, new {name = "b", age = 15}} Is received, which implements IEnumerable fails the following: convert. Type the exchange (list, typef (IEnumerable); Also fails: convert.changeTip (list, type (array)); Kind regards, convert Change type requires implementation of IConvertible - Announcement to convert from source type to target type originally. The System.Array IConvertible does not implement the interface. What you are trying to do is from one type to another, and ( edit: As John It says that the artist here is contained, so an ordinary income (i.e. the underlying artist) also works as an IEnumerable.

algorithm - given 5 numbers, what is the minimum number of comparisons needed to find the median? -

In general, how do you set the minimum number of comparisons? To quote Donald Knuth (via Wikipedia, I currently have my copy of T.O.P.P. Is not), the lower bound for the number of comparisons is six: (scroll down to the section titled "Lower Bounce"). Your goal is to find at least values, effectively, where half the size of the K list, round-up, (therefore, K = 3; n = 5) and then take the maximum of them . By placing on that page in the formula, you get: (5 - 3) + 1 + 1 + 2 = 6 In this case ,. If you are in doubt that the task of finding mediocrity is as difficult to find the lowest values ​​of Kashmir, then after the 5.3.3 chapters you will see Knuth's TAoCP, section 3, excercise # 2 Can mention.

c# - Using Linq to filter possible values of System.Windows.Forms.Keys -

I am creating an alternative dialog using WPF which lists the potential key so that the user can allocate the hotkey to the program I am trying to filter all the possible values ​​of the system. Windows.Forms.Keys enumeration just under AZ and F1-F12, and then tied that list into a combo box. Here is my code away: reggaex filter = new regenges ("(^ [aZ] $) | (^ F [0- 9] {1,2 } $) "); IEnumerable & LT; Key & gt; KeyList = x (IEnumerable & lt; k & gt;) Enum.GetValues ​​(typeof (keys)) where filter. Match (x.ToString ()). Selection of success; Keys.DataContext = keyList; After executing it, the key list is twice the letter "A" and the letter "P" disappears through "U". Why am I as a loss? I am interested in alternative ways, if there is a better way. You had two types - you're System.Windows.Input.Key Instead of using System.Windows.Forms.Keys were using twice. What an unfortunate typo! I suggest that a

java - How to create a temporary jms queue and connect to it by name? -

I need to create a temporary queue for reactions, but I should know what to connect to the temporary queue without sending It is possible to set the response queue object to the method of message via jms replays because the thread does not get that object at all. I built my temporary queue on jndi using the InitialContext object, so that I thread my temporary queue Which I need to use with my temporary queue jndiContext = new initial context (); ConnectionFactory = (quoinction factor) jndiContext.lookup ("ConnectionFactory"); Connection = connectionFactory.createConnection (); Connection.start (); Session = connection.create session (false, session. AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); Temporary queue = session.createTemporaryQueue (); JndiContext.bind (QiJandinam, Temporary Question); Destination = temporary question; Response Consumer = session. Creator (destination); Response Consumer .Setermasseslist (new malicious); To get the temporary queue you need to look in the code w

how can we know iphone has got information from Internet? -

When I search from the internet, I want to display the activity indicator. But how can I know that the Internet to the iPhone Get feedback from the animating activity pointer to stop? Is there any way? Take a look at the representative methods, especially, the connection: receipt response: and connectionDidFinish Loading: Under the connection: didReiveiveResponse: Representative method that you can display Like the Network Activity Indicator: - (zero) connection: (NSURLConnection *) connection did the reception response: (NSURLResponse *) response [[UIApplication shared application] .networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YE S; // ...} and then hide it in the connection: DidFinish is loading: - ( Zero) connectionDidFinish Loading: (NSURLConnection *) Connection [[UIApplication shared application] .networkActivityIndicatorVisible = NO; // ...} You should also hide it in the connection: didFailWithError: Your connection attempt must be unsuccessful.

MVVM pattern for ASP.NET Webforms? -

I am looking for an MVVM implementation for ASP.NET. How should I go? Can you offer any design that specifically addresses this problem for ASP.NET webforms? Thank you. Take a look. The author of the structure also says a bit about it.

python - how to determine if webpage has been modified -

I have a snapshot of several webpages taken at 2 times, to determine which web pages have been modified, a reliable What is the law? I can not trust anything like an RSS feed, and I need to ignore the slight noise like the date text. Ideally I'm looking for a Python solution, but an intuitive algorithm would also be great. Thank you! OK, first you have to decide what the noise is and what does not you use a HTML parser. Can you remove the noise, print the result beautifully, and compare it as a string. If you are looking for an automatic solution, then you page, calculate it and compare it with thresholds.

c# - What is the way to apply extension methods? -

समस्या का समाधान करने का प्रयास करते समय कितने सात-तत्व सबसेट्स (दोहराए जाने योग्य नहीं) क्या नौ तत्वों का एक समूह है? मैंने कोशिश की IEnumerable & lt; string & gt; NineSet = new string [] {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"}; Var सेवेनसेट = नौ सेसेट से पहले नौ सेसेट से दूसरे स्थान पर जहां पहले। कॉम्पेरेटो (सेकंड) & lt; 0 और amp; amp; पहले.काउंट () + सेकंड.काउंट () == 7 का चयन करें नया {प्रथम, दूसरा}; समस्या क्या है जो मुझे पहले का उपयोग करने से रोकती है। गणना () और second.Count () ? मैंने जांच नहीं की कि क्या यह समस्या का सबसे अच्छा समाधान है। पहला और दूसरा स्ट्रिंग हैं, इसलिए आप अपने पात्रों की गणना करेंगे (यह संकलित होता है, लेकिन गहनता इसे छुपाता है)। आप NineSet.Count (first.Equals) जैसे कुछ की तलाश कर रहे हैं < / html>

Django Object Filter (last 1000) -

How will be known about retrieving previous 1,000 values ​​from a database by Objects.filter? What I am currently doing is bringing me 1,000 values ​​before entering the database (i.e. 10,000 lines and this is bringing me 1-1000 instead of 9000-1000). Current code: < Border = 1000 store. Afs. (Id = some other [id]) [: border] Cheers solution: queryset = shop.objects.filter (id = someArray [id]) border = 1000 count = queryset.count () endoflist = queryset.order_by ('timestamp ') [Count-Limit:] Endowlist is the query that you want. Efficiency: The following queries are from the Dedango docs about the method. To query a "last" five items, you can: my_queryset.reverse () [: 5] < / Code> Note that this is not exactly the same as the slicing action. End of the sequence in Python The above example will first return to the last item, then the suburban object and so on. If we had a Python sequence and saw that seq [-5:], then we

c - Lexical Tie-Ins with Flex and Bison -

I want to identify the language that does not conform to the normal flex / bisan paradigm. Based on the meaning context it has completely different token rules, for example: main () {batchblocks {echo hello world! Set backing = some echo% batchvar%}} Biosan apparently supports the recognition of these types of grammar, but it is necessary "" to effectively support them. It provides an interface to do this - but I'm confused as to how I can supply different flex regazes based on context - if this is also possible. Thank you in advance :) I am confused as to the context Based on how many exact flex regexes can I supply Flex has a state mechanism under which you can switch it between different sets. For this, after the << p> % x name_of_state << code>%} at the top of the syntax file is more in your matching Rule (after the first %% ) & lt; Name_of_state & gt; * Regex goes here * Then it regex matches only if that condit

Creating a C# object in javascript -

I am trying to submit data to the web service in my project. The data is in many areas, so I will create and submit the same object instead. I know that I can submit it as a JSN object, but I thought I would have seen the code, which will create the C # object on the JS side so that I can submit it to the web service. Am I crazy, or what does this JS code look like? To get everyone to just one page, by the example, suppose that the C # class would look like this: Namespace nestest [[serialable] Public class classmate {Public string classname; Public Ent class value; }} and the web service will look like this: Namespace NSTest {Public class WebServiceTest {[WebMethod] Public Zero WSFunc (class test). The javascript variable will look like this: var created parameters = {classname: "some names", class value: 10}; But it depends on how you want to call your web service, because you may have to wrap this variable in another object / array etc? Better eas

What's the cleanest way to write a multiline string in JavaScript? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 32 जवाब यह वास्तव में नहीं है न्यूलाइंस जोड़ने के लिए, कुछ पठनीय। इससे बेहतर कुछ भी? str = "line 1" + "line 2" + "line 3"; लगभग निकफित्ज़ के उत्तर के समान: var str = ["", "line 1", "line 2", "line 3"]। शामिल करें (""); // स्ट्रिंग में "लाइन 1 लाइन 2लाइन 3" होगा। अंतर, यह कोड थोड़ा अधिक उपयोग करने योग्य है क्योंकि लाइनों को बिना किसी आदेश के पुनः आदेश दिए जा सकते हैं, जहां पर अल्पविराम हैं। कोई वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटियां नहीं।

c# - How to handle MSMQ delay problem? -

Scenerio: The function A () -> creates a message and puts messages in the queue The listener -> constantly checks for a message in the queue and sends it to the service to process and receives the result and inserts the result in DB function B ( ) -> DB Let's assume that the result from the service has not yet come and the function B () is now called, tht message The record of the id is empty due to DB, because the result is not If the function meets the service completing B Depending on it, then it should also close a message queue. When the service is finished, then he should write a new message in another line and another listener should choose it and call the function B. If function B is triggered by the user interface gesture, then the UI should just tell that an essential process has not been completed and as long as this does not work.

c# - Usercontrol postback not working in updatepanel -

मेरे पास अद्यतन पैनल के साथ एक masterpage है: & lt; asp: UpdatePanel आईडी = "अपडेट पैनेल" रनैट = "सर्वर" चाइल्डएट्रिगर = "सही" सक्षमव्यूस्टेट = "फेल" अपडेटमोड = "सशर्त" & gt; & LT; ContentTemplate & gt; & Lt; div id = "मुख्य सामग्री" & gt; & Lt; asp: ContentPlaceHolder आईडी = "सामग्री प्लेसहॉल्डर 1" रनैट = "सर्वर" & gt; & Lt; / एएसपी: ContentPlaceHolder & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / ContentTemplate & gt; & LT; ट्रिगर & gt; & Lt; / ट्रिगर & gt; & Lt; / एएसपी: UpdatePanel & gt; उसके बाद मेरे पास डिफ़ॉल्ट.aspx पृष्ठ है जो masterpage फ़ाइल का उपयोग करता है: & lt; asp: Content ID = "Content1" runat = "server" ContentPlaceHolderID = "ContentPlaceHolder1" & gt; & Lt; एएसपी: प्लेस होल्डर आईडी = "पीएलएच कंटेंट आईटम" रनैट = "सर्वर" & gt; & lt; / asp: प्ले

WPF/Silverlight Tookit Chart - Bind series to ObservableCollection -

Is a dynamic number of series possible for the WPF Toolkit line chart? ObservableCollection & lt; ObservableCollection & gt; ChartPoint & gt; & Gt; I want to be able to have such data. When I add or remove observal collation on main OC, then the chart should be added or the series should be removed. I have been successful in adding and removing the series behind the code, but this is not ideal. I get the end of manually subscribing to changing events on the outer Aussie. This will not be clear? But alas it is not currently possible. Not at least in any specific way. We will need a chart to keep the source property of the objects and we will be allowed to use a datatypleplate to describe the seat, which we would like to use for each item. It is possible that an attachment property is considering some of the items that are an item property, but there is no goal to implement it so far. Edit : A day after and October 2009 the toolkit has been release

frontpage - How do front page server extensions work? -

I have a website that I inherited and I think it uses the frontpage I'm assuming That FrontPage extension is installed on the server. The content page's table is "toc.htm" and inside the default .htm page it is Tags Tag after tag The entire content of the tag is. HTM file. Now this means that the site is still using the front page and that is a valid front page syntax or it means that they stopped using the front page and in front of them Having commented on the page code? I just want to change toc.htm file, which I created a new page that I created. If Front Page Server Extension is installed, changes in the Toss file will be automatically detected and all pages referenced to it will be updated? The application is in production so I do not have access to it. OK, I thought it was a while later. I copied the Prod website on my local website and started it using IIS. I have changed toc.htm for my new link. In my Windows XP I added Front Page

c# - DLL not found error -

I have a situation where I am using a third party libraries on machines where the library is not installed, Getting: Unable to load DLL * * .dll ': The specified module was not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007 E). However, I am wrapping up the calling code in a try-catching block. I I have tried to catch both exceptions and DllNotFoundException and not really catch the error. I would like to catch an error, then continue without using third party functionality Edit: More information This is a third party The app that allows me to use a USB device has provided a pure cover for my non-managed API (I think). I normally added the project to managed DLL. EDIT: I managed to get the path to DLL in question. I am doing a file Exists on DLL and if DLL is not present then that code is not entering the block. It has been working so far. Thanks for the help! Exception is being thrown in Java, not in your code (i.e., on a different thread) This means that you are on t

objective c - Warp image animations on iPhone -

Just have to work to build another app, and we have the ability to revive the areas of the screen in response to the device. Want to include shakes / touches etc. For example, you can tap the screen and the device will animate a 'poke' in the image at that time (looks like it will have a lens type effect, such as weight on trumpoline) or you can move the device and an area Or the pre-existing object will fret over on-screen (like blowing up the iPhone app) Can someone suggest where to start to include these types of effects? I do not need to code them from scratch, so any libraries or examples are available (I have seen Cocos 2D which is only a full-screen default conversion)? What you want is a core image library, you can do anything with custom shaders basically .

sql - MySQL: Code To Compare 2 Tables, Then If row is the same update Master Date -

I have two tables, they are called Master and NewData, the schema on both tables is exactly the same and there are field names in it: CODE, SERIAL, model, VALIDATED_DATE. I want to see if the value of the CODE field is present in the NEWDATA table and the master table if they are in both tables, then I want to update the Master of Table on VALIDATED_DATE. I have lots of records so I'm curious what's the fastest way to do this? Thank you! update master m also includes n.code = M.code on newdata n .validated_date = now () The code column should be indexed for this task to work efficiently. Given that it should be fast, which is much faster than the other methods mentioned above (unless you are running mysql 5.4, the correlated subquery execution of mysql is basically completely unused).

Report Server option on SQL Server Management Studio Express? -

I want to connect to a SQL Server Reporting Services Report server from SQL Server Management Studio Express. Unfortunately there is no "Report Server" option in the "Server Type" drop down. Am I missing something here? The base express version does not include reporting services, you must install the express version with advanced service.

php - Symfony: email address as request parameter -

I have some problems with passing an email address in a URL in a symphony app. The URL looks like its always a SfError404Exception , apart from removing the duration, after doing some Googleing around, I have seen so far that the only solution is that the HTACS is interrupting the URL due to that time. However, when I add htaccess to correct the suggested solution, such as: # we will release some rewriteconds except% {REQUEST_URI} \. + $ Rewrite %% {REQUEST_URI }! @ + #skip email address rewritecand% {REQUEST_URI} \ .epl $ RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI} !. Html $ RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI}! \. Rhtml $ RewriteRule * - [L] I get the same 404. When I use Front Controller directly in the URL, it also gives 404 ( ). I've tried putting the escape version directly into the address bar, for example and it works, but only in Firefox

python - Combinations with replacements -

I know how a combination of a set is generated and it's one in Python (which I use) Built, anyway. How to generate a combination with the replacement? Suppose I have a set, say, two equal elements - for example, AABCDE . Combination 3 However, in the program ABC will be counted twice - Once the first A is to be used, and the second A is used The second one to do What is a good way to generate such combinations without duplicating? Thank you. Change it to set , the easiest way to get rid of duplicates. is.

vba - Hide Parent Page Hyperlink Excel -

I would like to hide the existing page that users are seeing when clicking on the hyperlink on the appiler, which gives them a single workbook I tried to use the following code within a different worksheet: Personal sub worksheet_folic hyperlink (target bypass as hyperlink) error on GoTo Cleanup ActiveSheet. Visible = False Application.EnableEvents = False Target.Follow Cleanup: Application.EnableEvents = True End sub Because I assume that the active sheet will be the sheet, which is the hyperlink on and the target Sheet is not on, however, any suggestions about hiding the pennette net sheet is the ActiveHeet target sheet? It looks strange, but you ActiveSheet.Visible Replace with False Target.Parent.Parent.Visible = False Why ? "target" is linked to the cell. / Html>

frameworks - ASP.Net Invalid Viewstate error -

I'm randomly experiencing the following error: Message: Invalid viewstate. Client IP: Port: 2324 User-agent: Mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; MSI 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC 1; NAT CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.1; InfoPath 2; NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618) ViewStat: Stack trace: Message: Invalid length for base-64 character array. Stack trace: On system. Convert.Foambabs at 64 string (strings) system. Web. UI. ObjectStatformer System in SystemFileing (String Input String) Web. UI. ObjectStatformer System Web. UIISTATFORMER. Do somebody debug me on this system.Web.Util.DeserializeWithAssert (IStateFormatter formatter, String serializedState) in System.Web.UI.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.Load () on Dyserailise (String Serialated State) What does it tell about? One of the reasons was fixed with .NET 3.5 SP1. I do not know which framework you are using and you can update or not. If you can not do this, you can override your base-class render-syste

c# - Am I responsible for Disposing a BackgroundImage? -

I have a window form where I'm setting the background image in a custom bitmap image. Personal Image MakeCustomBackground () {bitmap result = new bitmap (100, 100); (Using the graphics canvas = graphics.frame image (result)) {// drag a custom image} return result; } Private Zero UpdateFromBackground () {this.BackgroundImage = MakeCustomBackground (); } My question is, the image is disposable and I am making it, what does it mean that I should settle it? Or when I pass the image through the background image, does it take ownership and it does not need to be settled? assuming that UpdateFromBackground () is called more than once You should probably release the old image (before) setting a new setting. If you do not do this, then GC will eventually do this, but it is less efficient. The form only applies to the last bgIMage Will settle. Private Zero UpdateFromBackground () (If (this.BackgroundImage! = Null) {this.BackgroundImage.Dispose ();} This.BackgroundImage =

From PHP workers to Python threads -

Now I'm working on every machine in 50 PHP (CLI mode) workload (job) For example, an image Resizing the work they get the image (binary data) and the desired size in the workload. The worker works and returns the resized image. Then it is waiting for more jobs (loops in a smart way) I think I have the same executable, library and classes which are loaded 50 times. Am I right? Because it does not seem very effective. Now I have a process that handles all the tasks and being able to use all available CPU cores only once being loaded efficient). I think a new thread will be started for each job and after the ending it will close the thread, if there are fewer than 50 threads in the work, more jobs will be accepted. If all 50 threads are busy, no additional jobs are accepted. I am using a lot of libraries (for Memcach, Radis, MozillaFS, ...) to reach all the different components. And Python is the only language in addition to PHP, which supports all of them. Can Python do wha

How to update/modify a XML file in python? -

I have an XML file that I would like to update after data already. I thought about opening an XML file in "A" mode. The problem is that after the "root" tag is closed, new data will start dumping. What should I say that someone is too kind to tell me how to remove a last line? File, and then start dumping data from that point and then close the "root" tag. Of course I can read the whole file and manipulate some strings, but I do not think this is the best idea .. Thank you for your time. Quick and easy way, which you should definitely do not ( See below), I want to read the entire file in the list of stars using readline (). I write it if there is a quick and easy solution that you are looking for. Just open the file (), then call the readline () method. What you will find is a list of all the stars in the file Now, you can easily add wires to the last element (just add an element to the list before the end). Finally, you can write the

Array inside an array PHP SQL -

I have tried what I can think for the last two days. I'm really lost, I have to get this line of code to change based on my database. I have tried everything I found on and many forums. $ maid => array ('/ index.php? Day = $ maiday and year = $ myyear', 'linked days'), Any ideas or help will be highly recommended $ SQL = "SELECT * FROM DATE_BOOK '"; $ Result = mysql_query ($ SQL); While ($ line = mysql_fetch_array ($ result)) {$ agenda_id = $ line ["agenda_id"]; $ MYyear = $ line ["agenda_eur"]; $ Maida = $ line ["agenda_diday"]; $ Agenda_memh = $ line ["agenda_moth"]; } $ Day = array ($ myday => array ('/ index.php? Day = $ my day and year = $ MYyear', 'linked days'), $ maide => array (' / index.php? Day = $ maiday and year = $ myyear ',' connected day ')); Echo gener_calendar (2009, 1, $ day, 3, '/ weblog / archive / 2004 / January'); Y

domain driven design - How can I create this component from root in DDD? -

I have a question about using the DDD to solve the following scenarios. I have 2 entities person and email one person can have a zero or more email address (SAS) . person is a group of a email which is a component. class person {set < Email & gt; Email = New Hashet & lt; Email & gt; } Class Email {String Value; Email (string value) {}} I have 2 requirements in the system: Users can send request to add a new email The user can temporarily make a list of emails and add them to the person. What does 3 methods mean in DDD? Or is there a better way to meet my needs. To create a party by email, but do not add it to the email list (see createEmail ()) below < Li> Being a separate method for adding email to the list (see setEmail () below). To create an email for an individual and add it to the email list (see addEmail () below). The person in the public category {Set < Email & gt; Email = New Hashet & lt;

c# - Proper way to dispose a BitmapSource -

How are you told to settle a bitmapsource? // This is not working because IDisposable does not apply using bitmap source (bitmapsource bitmap = new bitmap image (new yuri ("myimage.png")) {} You do not have to settle () a. Other "image" sections in the framework Contrary to this, it does not wrap any native resources. Just leave it out of the scope, and the garbage collector will free his memory.

My mistake with "strpos" function? php -

I get strpos to find the string variable $ string I'm trying to get the phrase "test" and if it is not defined as "test" another variable $ change is defined as $ string2 (where < Code> $ change pre-defined) if (strings ($ string, 'test') == incorrect) {$ change = $ string2; break; } But unfortunately it does not work. Is there any mistake in the above? Thank you. Stops returns if you're using the === operator while comparing to use strokes. if (strings ($ string, 'test') === incorrect) {$ change = $ string2; break; }

Dense_Rank() alternative in sql server 2000?(Set based) -

Actually, I have the task of finding employees based on salary rank. So I used Dense_Rank () and got the answer. Initially I was asked to solve in SQL Server 2005. Later they changed the requirement and it is saying that the query should also run in SQL Server 2000. I solved that using a loop for a while. But they are saying that they will accept the solution using a set based approach. How to do this Thank you in advance Refer to the article, Talks about how the author is implemented Dense_Rank ()

How to check Mail Read or Unread Property (Lotus Notes) using C# -

I want to read the mail using C # and see the unread property. That is to check whether the mail has read or not. (Using Dominico DLL) unread issue table "back-and-class" (that is, Most are using DLL). This is available with lower level APIs - there is a little more work to deal with, but if you are interested, then look at "NSFDbigateAnlineNetable", which takes care of a database and an "idTable" (originally, a document archive ).

javascript - range - how to select new inserted node automatically? -

newNode = document.createElement ("span"); NewNode.innerHTML = 'उदाहरण'; Range.insertNode (newNode); मैं नया नोड सम्मिलित करता हूँ कोई रास्ता नहीं है, इस नए नोड को स्वचालित रूप से कैसे चुनें (जैसा कि पृष्ठ पर दिखाई देता है, यह चयनित नहीं है)? धन्यवाद। श्रेणी। सिक्स नोडसंयंत्र (नया नोड); Var sel = window.getSelection (); sel.removeAllRanges (); sel.addRange (रेंज);

java - How to display progress of Ant build? -

When an encrypted script is run with the -logfile logfile option, is it still Is it possible to print some very basic progression information? I would also be happy with something in the form of printing. 'The standard turns out to kill every new goal. I have found the splash ant function that looks with the correct lines, only I am looking for something which is not strong graphical It should be easy to implement with someone.