
Showing posts from July, 2011

.htaccess - htaccess rewriteRule restrict access to one particular folder problem -

I have a problem preventing Folder Ink. This is only the Ink folder in the root directory and the encoded folders are not higher than Problems: IE will start a download / open dialog and FF displays a included file < / Ol> I do not have this problem with the images folder which is also in the root directory. Please use what logic can I use to prevent this? Please type option + follow link rewriteInnineOnOnOption All-index indexIgnore * #Revrett Raul ^ Inc ($ | /) - [R = 403, L] Revoked% {HTTP_REFERER}! ^ Http: // ([-a-z0- 9] + \.)? Taxi-Bell \ .NL [NC] Rewriter \. (Gif | png | jpg | css | js) $ - [F, NC, L] # rewrite cnd% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d Recovery code% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f Rev. Raul ^ (. *) $ Index.php? Url = $ 1 [QSA, L] # rewrite% {HTTP_HOST} ^ www. (. *) [NC] River Ite Rule ^ (. *) $ Http: //% 1 / $ 1 [R = 301, NC, L] Edit Because I have solved this problem by adding this rule to Directory Index index.php and , In which

jpa - EJB3/DB2 Transactions not rolling back -

I have a situation where I have a tree of Entities , and a Sessions Bean . Sessions Bean is present in the institutions or dissolves, and the question is marked as the method Attribution Attribute (TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) . Now in such a case that the institution of a child fails to be continuous / merged due to a foreign key violation (for example), or the non-fictitious field is missing, the transaction is returned Rolled in to the log and marked a EJBException I was hoping to return the full transaction but in spite of the failure of the child institution, EJB session Databases after bean call I'm looking to see that the basic unit of power. Anyone else seen this behavior? Additional information: Server: Glassfish Persistence Manager: Toplink Connection Pool: DB2 Universal Driver XA Compliant Driver. thanks It seems that there was a connection pool in the glassfish Setting with the flag "non-transactional connection" enabled it

mime magic php enable -

I understand that mime-type has been deprecated and should instead use fileinfo. My question is, do I still need to enable mime magic on php? According to available, some more documentation, no: Take a look:

performance - Efficiency of C vs Assembler -

निम्नलिखित कोडांतरक कोड कितना तेज़ है: shl ax, 1 निम्न सी कोड बनाम: num = num * 2; मैं कैसे पता भी कर सकता हूं? आपका असेंबली संस्करण तेज़ हो सकता है, धीमा हो सकता है क्या आपको लगता है कि यह जरूरी है तेजी से? मंच पर, 2 से कुछ गुणा करने के लिए बहुत कुछ तरीके हैं। मैं एक संकलक को जोड़ कुल्हाड़ी, कुल्हाड़ी करने की अपेक्षा करता हूं, जो कि आपके < Code> shl क्योंकि इसमें संभावित रूप से संग्रहीत स्थिर (आपके मामले में '1') शामिल नहीं है। इसके अलावा, एक लंबे समय के लिए, एक्स 86 प्लेटफार्म पर स्थिरांक द्वारा चीजों को गुणा करने का पसंदीदा तरीका बदलाव नहीं था, बल्कि एक ली ऑपरेशन (जब संभव हो) था। उपरोक्त उदाहरण में यह होगा कि लीआ ईएक्स, [ईएक्स * 2] । (गुणा करके 3 को lea eax के माध्यम से किया जाएगा, [eax * 2 + eax] ) शिफ्ट आपरेशनों में विश्वास किसी भी तरह से "तेज" नए लोगों के लिए एक अच्छी पुरानी कहानी है , जो आज लगभग कोई प्रासंगिकता नहीं है और, हमेशा की तरह, आपके कंपाइलर (यदि यह अद्यतित है) के अधिकांश समय में, अंतर्निहित हार्डवेयर प्लेटफ़ॉर्म

Bulk insert into SQL Server a CSV with line breaks in fields -

I have a CSV that looks like this: "blah", " Blah, Is it possible to import? Is it directly in SQL Server? Every line in your file ends with the new line (\ n), but you want to end the actual lines with the quotation marks and the new line. Set the ROWTERMINATOR in the bulk INSERT command : ROWTERMINATOR = '"\ n' Edit: < / Strong> I think the big problem will be with comma in the text. SQL Server does not use text inclusion. Therefore, the row will be divided into commas without checking if commas are in quotes or not. You can do this: with bulk INSERT from FROM 'c: \ file.txt' (FIELDTERMINATOR = '",', ROWTERMINATOR = '" \ N ') This will give you the following results: col1 | Col2 | Col3 ---------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "Blast |" Blah, Blah, Blah Act, Act. "Column 3" Foo | "Foo, Bar, More Than One More Line." Another Column

How would you solve this math equation for x in C++/C -

Resolve this equation for X, (1 + x) ^ 4 = 34.5 . I think you are interested in the math libraries used. Equation Very Separator (1 + x) ^ 4 = 34.5 Thanks predicted x * (x + a) ^ b = c for more complex polynomials A strong solution will be required, but it will be enough to finish your homework. This algorithm is written in Ruby and written you can verify that the derivative and answer is correct by using. (X, A, B, C) X * (X + A) ** BC End DEF DF (X, A, B, C) Return (X + A) Return FF (X, A, B, C) * * B + B * x * (x + a) ** (b -1) and def newton (a, b, c) xn = 0 # The initial seed for the method of newton while correct xn2 = xn-f (xn, A, B, C) / DF (XN, A, B, C) # Newton's method print "F (% .5F) =% .5F \ n"% [xn, f (xn, a, b, C) break if (xn2 * 10000) .to_i == (xn * 10000) .to_i #set desired exact here xn = xn2 end print "root% 5f"% [xn2] end newton (1,4,34.5) this pA Receives: f (0.00000) = - 34.50000 f (34.50000) = 54793902.65625 f (27

c# - WPF DataGrid - row for new entry not visible -

The problem is that the empty row is not visible in the datagram, so the user can not add data here the code is: System. Collection.object.log.obbsClubClocking & lt; Corvobularyentry & gt; Data List = New System.Collection.AbjectModel.ebusWebWallClip & lt; Corvobulary Entry & gt; (); Public Glossary Toolwind () {Initial Group (); DataList.Add (new corebulary entry {foreign = "j", original = "ano"}); Select List View View = New List Compilation View (Data List); Word datagrid ITSource = Data List; WordDataGrid.Can UserArrose = True; MessageBox.Show (view.CanAddNew.ToString ()); } I do not understand why see why. CANAD is equal to the wrong. It looks like a beautiful standstate scenario, so maybe I'm missing some time. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the code? CoreVocabularyEntry is just the following: Public Structure Core Vocabulary Entry: Evoculatory Entry {#region IVCabularyEntry Member Receives Public String External { Set;

mootools sortables vs jquery sortables effect -

I've been using mootools for a while and trying to do jQuery for a week so it's probably a Newbie is a question - nothing has been found in the manual. When you use the Clone option in a sortable list, it creates a clone of your image / object that helps you view the image / object droppad. Will be done - works well on my thumbnail sorting system. Well, there is only one option in jQuery, clone but when I use it does not work any means, it actually clones the element And what you pull is a clone, but when you drop - it remains the original, where it was first. You can see this behavior on their site with a draggable demo but take a look, you can move it around and when you leave it, then it's right there. Is this a bad behavior or just how it should be? I can repeat the mootools behavior on my own but even though this would be a standard option ... Thank you in advance! It may be that I suppress the panic button soon. Although th

Is the Composite Pattern SOLID? -

Remove the leaf component in aggregate that extract and apply the GetChild methods that it is never using ( Violation of Composite Your Links And the real smell in the pattern shown in most books is that there is a composite in the form of a composite method I think is probably possible because the pattern is very old and many I think that only composite should have any methods related to compositing. I once changed a game into a computer game The pieces of the game were kept on the Earth's map, which were divided into hexos. 99% of all hexagon's representation of the same place. Unfortunately, there were several places in some hexagons, for example, in some U There were some islands inside I used the overall pattern to represent these places, but as it was not shown on your link it was something (in Java): the public interface Location {Set & lt; Army & gt; GetArmies (); } Public Classroom Single Location Location {Public Set & lt; Army & g

Java - downsampling wav audio file -

Hello, I have to downsamp the sample rate of the wav audio file from 44.1 kHz to 8kHz. I have to do all the work manually with the byte array ... it is for educational purposes. I am currently using 2 squares, sync and source, to pop and push the arrays of the bytes. As long as I do not need to downsound the data section using a linear interpolation, everything goes well. Since I'm downsmapping from 44100 to 8000 Hz, how do I get 128 000 000 bytes of a byte array? Right now I depend on 5, 6 or 7 bytes, I% 2 == 0, i% 2 == 1 and i% 80 == and pushing the average of these 5, 6 or 7 bytes in the new file . The result is basically a small audio file compared to the original audio but it can be played on Windows Media Player (say there is an error in reading the file) and there is a lot of noise, though I hear The right track behind the noise. So, to summarize things, I need help related to the linear interpolation part. thank you in advanced. I think you should not use

sql server - CHECK/NOCHECK for Sql Compact Edition -

I am trying to wipe and re-examine test data on SQL CE. I am getting an error due to the current FK constraints, usually in the Sql2005 I will have the optional table [tablename] check / nocic all constraint /> to enable / disable all the barriers < / Pre> What I found in my search, it seems that it can not be supported in CE. is it true? If so, is there any alternative? NOCHECK is not supported on SQL CE 3.1 / 3.5 The usual method of completing this, leaving the obstacle, do your operation and then add it back.

sql server - How to Replace Multiple Characters in SQL? -

This is based on a similar query I wrote because there is a limit in SQL Server 2005 I have the following tasks: A match is required on the column, and using several non-essential characters to improve the probability of a match () function < Code> DECLARE @es NVarChar (1) SET @es = '' DECLARE @ p0 NVarChar (1) SET @ p0 = '!' DECLARE @ P1 NVarChar (1) SET @ P1 = '@' --- etc ... SELECT * FROM T1, T2 WHERE REPLACE (REPLACE (t1.stringkey, @ p0, @es), @ p1, @s ) = Replaced (T. 2. Strickki, @ P, @ AS), @ P1, @ AS) --- etc if there> 19 relays () that Section, so this does not work, so the solution I came up with in this example is to create a SQL function named Trim Chairs (excuse them @ 22 Construction work [trimchars] (@ string) Varchar (max)) Return varchar (max) AS DECLARE @ES NVarCha R (1) SET @es = '' DECLARE @ p22 NVarChar (1) SET @ P22 = '^' DECLARE @ p23 NVarChar (1) SET @ p23 = '& Amp;' DECLARE @ p24 NVa

lambda - Rspec Mocks: mock / yield the block from a method call -

मुझे यह कोड मिला है: नेट :: SSH.start (@server , @ उपयोगकर्ता नाम,: पासवर्ड => @ पावर्ड) do | ssh | | आउटपुट = ssh.exec! (@ कमांड) @ 'एसएसएच आउटपुट:' @ आउटपुट अंत मैं एसएसएच का नकली कर सकता हूँ.इस तरह आरएसपीसी की नकली ढांचा का प्रयोग शुरू करो, मुझे बताओ कि मैंने एसएसएच सत्र शुरू कर दिया है: नेट :: SSH.should_receive (: प्रारंभ) .with ("सर्वर", "उपयोगकर्ता",: पासवर्ड => "गुप्त" ) क्या @ स्टार्टेड = सच्चे अंत यह मुझे बताता है कि क्या मैंने @ ssh सत्र शुरू किया है या नहीं। अब मुझे ssh.exec का नकली होना चाहिए! विधि, जो काफी आसान है: नेट :: SSH.should_receive (: exec!)। ("Command") के साथ ... लेकिन मैं कैसे उपज / ब्लॉक कि ssh.exec शामिल कॉल! विधि कॉल, क्योंकि मैंने SSH.start विधि का मज़ाक उड़ाया है? संभवत: कुछ सरल तरीका है कि मैं इस ब्लॉक को निष्पादित करने के लिए कॉल कर सकता हूं, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि यह कैसा है और आरएसपीसी के मजाकिया ढांचे पर वास्तव में अच्छा स्पष्टीकरण / दस्तावेज़ीकरण नहीं म

javascript - Sending alert message if user not logged in -

What is the best way to send a warning message to a user if he needs to login, but at the same time Avoid calls? Send me the & lt; A href = "#" id = "vote" & gt; A code can be triggered, which will trigger an Ajax function based on the click. I was thinking that I would check on the server side if a user is logged in and changes it: & lt; A href = "#" class = "not-logged-in" & gt; If this is clicked it will inform them that they need to enter. The problem is that there may be some CSS style for my #vote. If instead I want it to be and lt; A href = "#" id = "vote" class = "not-logged-in" & gt; , then it will trigger both AJAX calls and alerts, so I have to wrap the Ajax call around with a check, to see that the log-in class is not present, but it seems Is that the AJAX call for all my click functions, or do I call the original ID and set the style like #parentId {}? Or are there any better

c# - How to display message boxes from server-side code? -

I work on ASP.NET C # VS05. My form has a button in this button event I save the value in the database. The user is saved the value after receiving the warning message. How can I show a warning message? RegisterClientScriptBlock can help?

iphone - Non-floating / Fixed header views in plain tableView -

मेरी सादा शैली तालिका दृश्य में हेडर दृश्य वर्तमान में सामग्री के साथ स्क्रॉल करता है। क्या स्क्रॉलिंग से शीर्ष लेख दृश्यों को रोकना और टेबल के शीर्ष पर एक स्थान है? किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाएगी कृपया। यह इस समय संभव नहीं दिखता है। मैंने इसके आस-पास एक तालिका दृश्य बनाकर काम किया था, जो कि केवल आंशिक रूप से एक स्क्रीन भरता है।

regex - Is there some way of escaping characters in Groovy regexes? -

Is there a way to avoid characters in the Graveyi Reggae? It would be nice to write a single backslash instead of 4 You do not need four of them. Two must be enough to match anything with a backslash in it. def file = /C:\geo\file.txt/ assert file = ~ /.*\\.*/

How to load html using jquery into a TinyMCE textarea -

I have a texture that uses TinyMCE as a WYSIWYG. Once this texture loads, So I want to, click on some HTML code button that I load with AJAX jquery, that is loaded in that textaria. I use this HTML code as and Hello & lt; / P & gt; Original text source & lt; Textarea name = "corpo" id = "input_corpo" & gt; Text here & lt; / Text field & gt; The JQUERY script that HTML brings in this way only updates the reader (which is hidden, while TinyMCE is in action) $ . Get ("hello.html", function (content) {$ ("# input_corpo") .text (content);}); return false;}); It works like this below: I TinyMeE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEEEETEEREEEEETEEREXIPEREMMEEETTEMEEXE;;); return false;}); How can I do this? You function: $ Get ("hello.html", function (content) {// if you have a tiny MEE box on the page: tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent (content);}); or too small: $ Get ("hello.h

Why We Don't Have Many Objective-C Developers On Windows -

I am starting with objective-development and as I can see in development blogs (about Objective-C ) Use all Mac and use some Linux, but why do not we have many purpose-developers on Windows, because the purpose is a very nice and easy language? FAIX, Objective-C is used only by Apple, thus high usage objective on Macs Is a great language, and it can begin to see exposure on other platforms, though. If you want a code for Mac or iPhone, then too many options are objective.

.htaccess - Using mod_rewrite only if a 404 would have occured -

I am in the process of converting a static website into CMS using one. I have a CMS installed in a sub directory of the public directory to avoid expiring with ugly domain names ( ) to make sure that when the request is canceled, ... is an easy way to use mod_rewrite to rewrite ... in a 404 end, there is no redirect. An example: / /cms/index.html /cms/file.dat /file.dat if user /index.html, then they should be redirected to / cms / index.html, but if they request /file.dat they should not be not / cms / file Redirect to .dat because the file is present in the desired place Edit Thanks for the reply You can use it to check whether If there is an existing file that is in conformity with the requested URL, and there is no one only, then rewriting your CMS. Here's a simple example: RewriteCond rewrite engine% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f Rewrite Rule * index.php If there is no existing file that is in conformity with the requested URL, then that request wi - IIS7 & 301 Redirects - Folder to File -

We are using IIS7 and ASP.NET 3.5. We have updated our website with new pages. Now, there are many links on the internet given on our website, although many of those links have now been broken due to a change in our directory structure for our new website. I was redirected to several requests, 301 "new page". Many of the old pages are just like directory URLs: / services / software development / products / geographic data / sitemap / Company / Conditions I have written some code in the Global.assx file to capture URL, parsing them and redirecting them. However, when there is no file reference (.aspx), the URL is not caught by my ASP.NET application. It seems that, these redirects need to be created in IIS7. Now, the above URLs are at a directory level (they are not directly requesting an actual .aspx page) ... I send a 'directory' request to another directory by using the virtual directories I can not redirect a directory request to an actual .as

java - Eclipse type proposal change from 3.4 to 3.5 - configurable? -

If I have already imported type, then in Eclipse 3.4, I get solid default classes, but 3.5 I get the interface for java.util.Collections for example, hit ctrl + space here: map map = new ctrl + 3.4, give me the map () on hashmap () space list , at 3.4 I have been offered the ArrayList () but at 3.5 list () only. Is it configurable in templates or similar? I'm not sure that it is configurable, but I know that if you have a < The map installed in the form of code> hashmap , the second one will be present in a hashmap "content help" list. Maps & lt; Integer, string & gt; M = new Hashmap & lt; Integer, string & gt; (); Maps & lt; Integer, string & gt; M2 = ctrl + location => hashm view all

c# - Elegantly designing a method with 2 overloads, one accepts an object the other doesn't -

I need to design a method that can potentially take an object as a parameter, if not so Method, public zero method 1, company id, user id, client id); } Public Zero Method 1 (Special Object O, Integ Company ID) {if (o == blank) o = New Special Object (User ID, Client ID); } Expand on Daniel's answer, I have often used this method: Public Zero Method1 (int company id, int user id, int client id) {Method1 (new special object (User ID, Client id), Company ID); } Public Zero Method1 (SpecialObject O, int companyId) {// If necessary, (o == empty) {New logic ("O"}} ...} / Html>

iphone - Group of sections not consistent when using NSFetchedResultsController -

I am working with an NSFetchedResultsController which is a predicate in fetchRequest though, it appears that whenever I When I execute, then the query does not consistently group me. I have set the 'name of the connection' to NSFetchedResultsController and I have been returned to different sections on this basis or I am working with the original item before running the spread. Sometimes I get 3 squares and other times, it gives 1 section, expected result How do I create FetchRequestController: // Create a Fetch request for the organization. NSFetchRequest * fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init]; // Configure the unit of the request and its definition NSEntityDescription * entity = [NSEntityDescription EntityForName: @ Managed object contexts in "employee": context]; [FetchRequest Set Entity: Entity]; // A group NSPredicate * predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "Any SELF.groups IN% @", [Partition Groups]] Directions to find all t

svn checkout on windows -

I have installed the svn console client from these binaries - 1.5.6, 1.6.4, 1.6.5. But no release does not work. Just can not checkout from any repo (; The svn could not connect to the server. There is a bug on Debian - with the same description. How to fix this bug on windows? Platform: windows-xp-sp3 SVN-Client: 1.5.6, 1.6.4, 1.6.5 Update: I do not want to host SVN server on WinXP, my goal is to be enabled from the SVN server To checkout UPDATE2: Just install the Turtle SVN and the old proxy setting found, the Curtis SVN saves your settings in the registry and does not remove them after the displacement. SVN customer about using another?

mysql - Storing 'debits' and 'credits' to maintain a 'transactions' table -

लेनदेन तालिका के लिए कौन सा बेहतर स्कीमा है: customer_id प्रकार (enum, डेबिट 'या' क्रेडिट ') राशि (दशमलव, अहस्ताक्षरित) या ग्राहक_आईडी राशि (दशमलव, हस्ताक्षरित ... नकारात्मक संख्या डेबिट हैं, सकारात्मक दूसरा सौदा सरल लगता है, लेकिन मैं चिंतित हूं कि मुझे कुछ संभावित नुकसान याद आ रही हैं। दूसरा, आसान और अधिक कुशल है भविष्य में पूछना आसान हो जाता है, खासकर शेष के लिए।

shell script not executed -

I am trying to set environment variables in the shell script. The command "source .bashrc" is not executed. Unless you type the last line in the terminal, everything works fine what's wrong with my script? Thx echo "ExportLLSPPHH =. $ HOME / java / lib Export JAVA_HOME = $ HOME / Java Export PATH = .: $ PATH: $ JAVA_HOME / bin" & gt; & Gt; .bashrc source .bashrc source .bashrc Is executed, but it only affects the shell that is running your script, not its original shell, which is your interactive shell. To do your work, you will have to use source your script (or, y'now, . , which is less).

sql - How to update the first digit of a number only? -

I need to update the first digits of numbers, for example, 3003 I just want to change the first '3' to '2' and do not want to change the last digit '3'. Like some of the following faulty queries: update table set defaulttopicorder = replacement (default detectiontracker, left (defaulttop order, 1), 2) where .... Default tabcorder is a non-decimal, assuming the column, this number SET defaulttopicorder = defaulttopicorder + POWER (10, LAN (STR (default desktop)) ... so If you want to subtract 1 from first Issue: SET defaulttopicorder = defaulttopicorder + -1 * power (10, LAN (STR (default desktop))

oop - Designing classes in C# -

I know this should be a general question, but take a look: I have a The test is class: public class EmployeeClass {Private Int _id; Private string _name; Private double _ salaris; Public Entry ID {{}} {{}} set {...}} public string name {get} {{}} set {...}} // and so on} {/ code> The question is: For me, it is not able to understand the public properties that match all the private areas. What is the approach to limiting access to the class intents? At the time of initialization, I reach the field directly, like: public employee class (int id, string name, double pay) {_id = id; _name = name; _salary = Pay; } And do everything (at least those who have some kind of irreversibleness) read only? What's the best way here? Thank you for your opinion There are several approaches, two of them in class In general, (and this is only a small taste): On many public-setters classes mvc - jQuery Ajax call for buttons on a list -

I have data in a view from an mvc application. This is a list of stocks and I have two images (one plus and one zero) at the end of each row which will allow me to increase or decrease the amount of stock. It works fine with a call for MVC action currently, but since the list is long, I have to use jQuery and AJAX without a refresh on the phone. I want to do this with controversial JavaScript so that my images do not have onclick handlers. Since I'm just starting with jQuery, I do not know how I can iterate all the images and add functions. These form images are with tags like they are standing: & lt; Td> & Lt;% (Html.BeginForm ("Increase", "Stock", New {id = Item. Stokee ID})) {%> & Lt; Input type = "image" src = "/ content / images / bullet_add" style = "margin-left: 20px;" / & Gt; & Lt;%}% & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> Use of & lt;% (Html.BeginForm ("decrease

preg match all - preg_match Vs preg_match_all browser error not php? -

हाय सब मेरे पास निम्न है: $ str = base64_encode (preg_replace ("#") \ S | \ r | \ t | \ n # "," ", file_get_contents (" ../ / logged.php "))); अगर (preg_replace ("# (PD9waHAg) ((?? (Pz4g))।) * # है", $ str,)) {#print_r ($ मैचों); गूंज "& lt; xmp & gt;"। Base64_decode ($ मैचों [0]। "Pz4g")। "& Lt; / xmp & gt;"; } अब यह काम करता है लेकिन मैं इसे पृष्ठ पर सभी घटनाओं के लिए उपयोग करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं। (पृष्ठ में PHP खंड पाता है) तो मैंने preg_match_all का उपयोग किया है लेकिन एक ब्राउज़र त्रुटि लौटती है (पृष्ठ स्थानांतरित कर दिया गया है या अब मौजूद नहीं है) किसी को भी क्यों पता है? यह एक असली लंबे समय का है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर के कुछ संस्करण "फीचर" वाले याद किए गए हैं जहां तथाकथित मैत्रीपूर्ण त्रुटि संदेश उन पृष्ठों के लिए प्रदर्शित किए गए थे : एक त्रुटि स्थिति कोड (जैसे 404 नहीं मिला ) वापस कर दिया गया था, और

Adobe made a deal with Google to improve SEO on flash. Anything about Silverlight? -

Adobe has made a deal with Google to read SWF content for Google engine SEO. The whole thing has to be done with the indexing of some static SDF material and it is not crawling in any way, but it is at least something, does anyone know that similar efforts will be made for the Silverlight? Will at least Bing help in reading the Silverlight content? Have you heard anything about it? As Microsoft has a search engine, you can expect Silverlight to be searchable Because it is in its own best interest to do this. From to: The text content created with Silverlight is indexed by search engines and search engines because it is not compiled, but it is represented in the form of text (XAM). A quick search reveals how you can easily discover the Silverlight content:

How do I drop all empty tables from a MySQL database? -

How do I leave all the empty tables from a MySQL database, except at least those 1 tables that have the record? This stored procedure should: DELIMITER $$ drop Process if exists' drop_empty_tables_from` $$ Process to create 'drop_time_tables_prom' (IN schema_trade VARCHAR (128)) summary table_list text; Total records VARCHAR (11); SELECT GROUP_CONCAT (`TABLE_NAME`), table (` TABLE_NAME` in the list), with the total `info_schema`.`tables`` where`TamilCAKMAA = 'schema_tag and`tab_ROS` = 0; If table_list is not fired, then set @drop_tables = CONCAT ("drop table", table_list); Prepare STMT with @drop_tables; EXTUTE STMT; Deluxe Prepare STMT; end if; Select Effective Tables Overall; END $$ DELIMITER; There may be a problem with that empty code with "GROUP_CONCAT" . It depends on the value of the system variable. It is not possible to do this in a query, because the drop table can not get the argument from a SELECT query. InnoDB note

drop down options depending on the selected radio button in javascript -

I have two radio buttons: in-campus and off-campus. When selected at the campus, the dropdown will have some options and when the off-campus is selected, there will be a separate set of options. How can I do this in JavaScript? I'm trying to use it. I have this code set the set Incamus (A) {if (A == "true") {setOptions (document.form.nature.options [document.form.nature.selectedIndex] .value)}} function set option (selected) {// stuff} This will not work What is wrong? & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script language = "javascript" & gt; Var current = false; Function on change () {var rad = document.getElementById ("radIn"). Checked; Return (if rad == current); Current = rad; Var array = rad? ["In1", "in2", "in3", "in4", "in5"]: ["out1", "out2", "out3", "out4", "out5"]; Var sel = document.getElementById (&

multithreading - Do atomic operations work the same across processes as they do across threads? -

Obviously, atomic operations ensure that different threads do not reduce a single value. But when using shared memory it is also true in the processes? Even though the process is going to be determined by OS to run on different cores? Or in different CPUs? EDIT: Besides, if it is not secure, then is it not even safe on operating systems like Linux, where processes and threads are similar from the scheduler's perspective? tl; Dr: Some will be atoms by design but can travel on some variable types. In general, however, a nuclear operation maintains its contract between different processes, such as between threads. An atomic operation really only ensures that you do not have an incompatible situation if two organizations are said together. For example, an atomic increment that two different threads or processes are called on the same integer will always behave like this: x = initial value (zero for this discussion) The unit gives X increments and results to themselve

Can SQL Server Management Studio 2005 work with SQL Server Express 2008? -

I'm crazy trying to install SQL Server Express Management Studio 2008 I have 10 Have tried times, I lost now but maybe I can try working with SQL Server Management Studio 2005? Do you know that this will work? No, you can use full SQL Server 2008 Management Studio (except for SQL Server 2008 versions Express included), and it can connect to SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 Express, and 2005 (and even 2000) versions, but it does not work on the other side, sorry.

Best practice for sorting data in a Rails app -

I always list objects in an 'index' method. What is the best practice to tackle sorting for this? So in the scene I want a dropdown that lets me choose through [created, size, value, ...]. An example would be greatly appreciated. I see it as one of the best practice practices of applicability. The answer really depends on how information is displayed. Along with this, there is so much in it. If all the information that can be sorted by the user is displayed on the page in the table form, then I will only use link_to_remote to update the table with new sorting. If your list has to sort different criteria for a long time, then you probably will paging some kind of paging. Then this example will be used. Controller DIF Index Order = Parameters [: Order] Search_option = {: per_page = & gt; Param [: per_page] || 20 ,: Page = & gt; Param [: per_page] || 1),: Order = & gt; Order} @tings = things.paginate (find_options) response_to do | Format | Format.h

c# - Trouble with WebClient.DownloadDataAsync(). Not downloading the data? -

सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग [] SearchForMovie (स्ट्रिंग खोजपैमेटर) { WebClientX.DownloadDataCompleted + = नया DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler (WebClientX_DownloadDataCompleted); WebClientX.DownloadDataAsync (नया URI ("")); स्ट्रिंग साइटों खोजसोर्स = एन्कोडिंग.ASCII.GetString (बफर); } शून्य WebClientX_DownloadDataCompleted (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs ई) {बफर = ई। परिणाम; नया NotImplementedException फेंक दें; } मुझे यह अपवाद मिलता है: मैट्रिक्स रिक्त नहीं हो सकता। मेरी बाइट [] चर बफर का संदर्भ दे रहा है। तो, मैं निष्कर्ष निकाल सकता हूं कि DownloadDataAynync वास्तव में कुछ भी डाउनलोड नहीं कर रहा है। इस समस्या का क्या कारण है? पुनश्च। मैं अपने कोड को आसानी से कैसे प्रारूपित कर सकता हूं, इसलिए इसे ठीक से इंडेंट किया गया है। मैं सिर्फ दृश्य C # एक्सप्रेस से कोड को कॉपी क्यों नहीं कर सकता और यहां इंडेंटेन्ट को बनाए रखा है? धन्यवाद! : डी यहां कुंजी शब्द "async" है; जब आप DownloadDataAsync को कॉल करते हैं, तो यह केवल शुरू होता है ;

How to delete multiple rows in SQL Server -

I have four tables with secondhand sales car databases and relationships are related to the same column names. Tables are: records : RecID mark name model ... attributes : FeatureID feature name Marks : MarkId MarkName Carrefour : Carried IDID Recored Feature ID Now, I want to delete a mark from C # in Marx. When I delete an icon, SQL destroys all records, those who have this mark. I have used a query like this: Remove from Carfeature where RecID = record where mark = (MarkID = @ MarkID marks, choose the mark name ) "; String sorgudelmarkfromrecord =" Remove from the record where Mark = (Markmark = Mark mark by mark mark); "; String with sorgudelmark =" marks where markId = @marchid "; When I run it, I get an error message like this: Subquery Back More than 1 value. subquery here =,! =, & Lt;, & lt; = , <<> Code> or subquery is used as an expression. The statement has been aborted. So, how can I delet

hashtable - Which data structure to add/look up/keep count of strings? -

I am trying to figure out which data structure is to support the following tasks faster: < / P> Add a string (if it is not there, add it, if it is, raise a counter for the word) Mark a given string ( Look through the string and then read the counter) I am debating between a hash table or a trilogy. I understand to see a hash table fast and as long as you add to avoid collision. If I do not know ahead of time, will I have a better way of going? It really depends on the type of stars that you use as a "key" Going. If you are using excessive variable strings, plus you do not have a good hash algorithm for your strings, then a trio can beat a hash. However, given a good hash, the lookup will be greater in a trilogy (given the very bad hash given, the opposite is true, though.) If you do not know your input, but a decent hashing Algorithm, I personally prefer to use a hash. In addition to this, most modern languages ​​/ frameworks are very good hashing al

xaml - WPF ScrollViewer resize offset problem -

मेरे पास निम्नलिखित टेस्ट नमूना है: & lt; विंडो x: class = "WpfScrollTest .Window1 "xmlns =" ​​ "xmlns: x =" "शीर्षक =" विंडो 1 " ऊँचाई = "200" चौड़ाई = "200" & gt; & LT; बॉर्डर & gt; & LT; StackPanel & gt; & Lt; लेबल चौड़ाई = "ऑटो" ऊँचाई = "ऑटो" सामग्री = "पुस्तक दृश्य को स्क्रॉल करने के लिए" / & gt; & Lt; ScrollViewer ऊँचाई = "{बाध्यकारी रिलेटिव सोरस = {रिलेटिव सोरस खोजअनिस्टर, पूर्वज प्रकार = {x: प्रकार सीमा}}, पथ = वास्तविक हाइट}" & gt; & LT; StackPanel & gt; & Lt; बटन MinWidth = "100" मिनहाइट = "100" सामग्री = "बटन" / & gt; & Lt; बटन MinWidth = "100" मिनहाइट = "100" सामग्री = "बटन" / & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / ScrollViewer & g

caching - Race-condition creating folder in Python -

I have a urllib2 caching module, which crashes oddly due to the following code: If not os.path.exists (self.cache_location): os.mkdir (self.cache_location) The problem is that until the second row is executed, the folder exists Maybe, and the error will be: File "... /", in line 103, __init__ os.mkdir (self.cache_location) OSError: [Error 17] File exists: ' / Tmp / examplecachedir / ' This is because the script was launched several times Or has been, there is no control of my third-party code. The code (before trying to fix the bug) can be found I can not use it, because it can be used by a randomly named directory () Resolve the situation, which will defeat the purpose of the cash. T to simply abandon the error, as error error Errno 17 error should be raised if the name of the folder exists as a file (a different error), for example: < Ex> $ touch blah $ python >>> imported OS >>> os.mkdir ("blah") trace

c - Combine Gyroscope and Accelerometer Data -

I am creating a balance robot using the Lex Mindstorm NXT system. I am using two sensors from HiTechnick, the first one accelerometer and the other is a gerroscope. I successfully removed noise from both the sensors and derived both angles in between 0 and 2 degree Celsius, 0 degree is completely balanced. Adding both the values ​​to the sensor to my next challenge is an example graph below which is correct for the fluctuation of the giroscope, which is made from the actual data that displays the flow from the guoroscope: / P> The most commonly used approach Which I have seen these sensors solid while using them, using a fictional filter However, I am not an expert in calculus and I do not really understand mathematical symbols, although I understand math in the source code. I use robot C (which is like any other derivation) Solution Results: OK, Karsini has solved my problem by introducing me to a supplement filter. This is a graph showing my results: <

jquery - Background image with a draggable second image (layers maybe) -

I should be able to take a background image and float a second draggable image (must be scalable, but with a fixed proportion Also) the code should be able to 'flatten' the image for photo sharing. Oh, there should be a dropped shadow of the floating image to give the illusion of depth. Thanks! Is it possible jQuery, AJAX, Yui or Dojo (other?)? Or am I barking the wrong cosmic code trunk? Dragable, scalable, drop on top of background image using jQuery or some other javascript library Fixed-grouped image with shadow However, to share an image in two for photo sharing, some server-side code will be required, which manipulate the image.

flash - How to embedd a youtube video inside a swf -

Embedding a YouTube video using embed code in a blog or HTML / PHP page is straight forward. Is there a simple way to "embed" one video within a Flash / SVF interface? Did you try to load it from the loader class? I think that YouTube's Cross Domain will allow it to be loaded from somewhere. var loader: loader = new loader (); AddChild (loader); Loader.load (new URLRequest (""));

graphics - Icons to use in a program generating feeds for Google Search Appliance -

We are developing a program that generates search feeds for the Google Search Appliance. We want to use programs that will be associated with the Google Search Appliance in the program interface. Is Google officially allowed to use officially in such cases? I do not want to be scared You need to ask Google for permission because they want to maintain the integrity of their brand

java - Wrong packing of JFrame using JPanel in borderlayout -

I am writing a simple application in java which simulates some particles on the bunch of sheep (do not ask). For this, I want a window with a JPNL for graphics (which is a simple combo box, which has some standard resolution) and some other elements such as buttons, simulation etc. to start and stop. My question: I am using the JeffreyPak method so that everything can be well packed using the borderline. But for some reasons JPNell is packed incorrectly, it seems that packing has ignored it, so the window has been changed to fit only the size of two buttons which I now have is wrong Am doing This is a code so far (a newbie is a bit, so there is no comment on my crush;)): public class window {public sheep ; Public ButtonPanel Button Panel; PaintPanel Pentale Public; Public jeffrey frame; Public window (sheep's sheep, width, height of intensity) {this.sheepness = sheep; Frame = new jefframe ("sheep simulation"); Frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOS

multithreading - Bad Fairness with a ReadWriteLock / SharedLock under load -

We are currently developing a multithreaded server application. In order to optimize the display, we can get a ReadWriteLock lock that has many threads if they want to read only, but only one thread can lock lock. This lock is used with a list and there is a "reading" operation again on the list Now this change from simple mutes actually increased performance, but only For a definite concurrency. If there are more threads, which wait for the lock lock, then it is hungry, because before locking an iterator, another intermediator often locks in advance. Any idea / default approach that is still doing better performance in the list to provide threads that want to change more fair? The solution is usually if your problem allows for it. MVCC will continue to read an older version, while the author can update and create a new version. The problem you describe is that the author can stop before waiting for all the readers, it is normal. If you can not make a versi

html - How to insert XUL into a XHTML document -

I have an XHTML document and want to embed XUL widget in the document. What is the right XML syntax to do this? & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML Public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Stronger // EN" "http: //www.w3 org / TR / xhtml1 / dTD / xhtml1-strict.dtd" & gt; & Lt; Html xmlns = "" xml: lang = "en" lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; Join XUL & lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; add xmlns: xul = "http: //www.mozilla. Org / keymaster / gatekeeper / " your gt; Tag tag Then & lt; Use xul: element & gt; , such as & lt; Xul: vbox & gt; Edit & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // w3c / / dttt xhtml 1.0 strict // n" "

sql - Updating many rows from a hash without just looping in Rails -

I have a hash that is more than thousand key / value pairs. I have a database table with several thousand rows. Update force on the table based on the hash is very easy to do this. Like: my_hash.each {| Key, value | Model.update_all ("column2 = # {value}", "column1 = # {key}"}} but it will be more than a thousand SQL update statements. Is there a good way to do this with (or just some) update statements (in Rail)? Fastest Way - In any language, it is not known how to do this especially in rail Is done - your in-memory hash will be dump in a temporary table in the database, in which there are columns for the keys of your hash only and with values, then issue an UPDATE command simultaneously, which will present your table with a new temporary table Link to update with Check the query plan to ensure that the adapter works with it, before creating a temporary index update, if not on your temporary table, create the index itself.

plsql - Oracle - Number to varchar -

I have a table in which the type of column of columns to create the table tmp ( / * Other field * / some_field number) And in a PL SQL script, I want to convert that area to a varchar. However, I do not know its length, so I get an exception Exception Message ORA-06502: PL / SQL: Numerical or Value Error: Character string buffer is too small < / Blockquote> v_some_field varchar (21); /*...*/ v_some_field: = TO_CHAR (Some_field, '999999999999999999999'); How should I declare v_some_field buffer? Establishing it in varchar (32767) seems very cruel, is there any alternative? You do not have an error because the number is too large, but because of your to_char Results are 22 characters long (21x "9" + one letter for the symbol): SQL & gt; DECLARE 2 some_field NUMBER: = 123; 3 v_some_field VARCHAR (21); 4 BEGIN 5 v_some_field: = TO_CHAR (Some_field, '999999999999999999999'); 6 END; 7 / ORA-06502: PL / SQL: Numeric or Value Err

c++ - How to determine where code spends a lot of time in a kernel space (system calls) -

I have noticed that there is a 10% system space in running my code though I do not know which system call I suspect, However, it is either files or timestamps. Is there any device to detect which system call is the culprit? In addition, I want to know the frequency (and location) of the call (and cali). I am on AS3 thx both strace and truss you can see which system calls are taking time -c To summarize the numbers. Two options are mutually exclusive. You want full system profiling tools, which will allow you to have kernel profiles in more detail. It is possible that it is best on your platform. From the platform, here are some options: Linux: Stress,. Solaris: (original) FreeBSD: OS X: and; The latter is a graphical UI on DTres and comes with the xD. DTress can also help you with your PID provider in your C / C ++ code profile, e.g. See.

Why do I get a duplicated entry in my Windows manifest? -

मेरे .exe में निम्न मैनिफ़ेस्ट जोड़ा गया है। & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8" स्टैंडअलोन = "हां"? & Gt; & Lt; विधानसभा xmlns = "कलश: schemas-microsoft-com: asm.v1" manifestVersion = "1.0" & gt; & Lt; ms_asmv2: ट्रस्टइन्फो xmlns: ms_asmv2 = "कलश: स्कीमा-माइक्रोसॉफ्ट-कॉम: asm.v2" & gt; & LT; ms_asmv2: सुरक्षा & gt; & LT; ms_asmv2: requestedPrivileges & gt; & Lt; ms_asmv2: अनुरोधित एक्सेक्यूशन स्तर स्तर = "asInvoker" / & gt; & Lt; / ms_asmv2: requestedPrivileges & gt; & Lt; / ms_asmv2: सुरक्षा & gt; & Lt; / ms_asmv2: trustInfo & gt; & Lt; asmv3: अनुप्रयोग xmlns: asmv3 = "कलश: स्कीमा-माइक्रोसॉफ्ट-कॉम: asm.v3" & gt; & Lt; asmv3: windowsSettings xmlns = "" & gt; & LT; dpiAware & gt; सच & lt; / dpiAware & gt; & Lt; / asmv

SQL Server: impact of column collation on T-SQL instructions -

I have searched today (*), depending on the server, my TSQL command case was sensitive, which means If the table name is tableId , then the following command can not be successful: Select from my table Table ID Depending on the coordinates of the column. SQL_Latin1_blablabla does not appear case-sensitive, when is Latin 1_blabblabla . So that's my first question !!! And secondly, what is the fastest move (SP?) To change all collations for all related columns in the database? Edit: To make things very clear: SELECT tableId myTable while working on all servers Select table from Meritable works on the server only with the SQL_Latin_blablabla section. Notice the difference between the two stars, we are not talking about data collation here, but the way we write the code, about the effect of this calculation! (*) I can use some additional and specific words here to make my state's mind eligible, but these are adult-rated ... after marc_s sys

How can i change the background color of datagridview headercell in code using C#? -

I want to change the backback of headercell in the DatagridView line. How can I do the code in C #? > Besides, how do I headercell.value ? How to change the font properties of the text of the name as the value of headercell like? -text "itemprop =" text "> you can do this In the Properties window Set EnableHeadersVisualStyles to false, then change columns headersDefault cell to font, cell color, alignment etc.

java - Subclassing Inner Class from Outer Class versus other Inner Class -

I'm worried about why this is allowed public square fu {Class bar foo {}} However, this is not allowed public square fu {extension of square fu {class} in class bar Fooey Bar {}} / Pre> The compiler has informed that it can not reference Fooey.this before the SuperTechPoint constructor. And this permission is Public class Foo {static class bar} extends the Foo {} class Fooey's extension bar {}} What's going on here? And how can I get more information about how succession of internal category works? Edit I came at both rather poor thoughts; Internal orbit is extensile in outer orbit and other stable internal classes are spread in the internal organs. I was not sure what was actually going on and how should I reflect this. I broke the interval classes and explained them in the outer classroom. First of all: Do not talk about this type of evil. Actually, Java 1.1 is highly restricted. Should have been specified in the form, IMO There is con

xslt count nodesets returned by key -

मेरे एक्सएसएलटी में, मैं अपने schedule_id मानों की संख्या निर्धारित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं > & Lt; event / & gt; s ताकि मैं एक तालिका का उत्पादन कर सकूं जहां प्रत्येक कॉलम एक schedule_id के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है निम्न कुंजी को आवश्यकता के अनुसार समूहित नोडसैट्स को पुनः प्राप्त करना चाहिए तो मैं कैसे तय कर सकता हूं कि कितने नोडसेट लौट आएंगे? & lt; xsl: कुंजी नाम = "ईवेंट-दर-अनुसूची" मैच = "ईवेंट" का उपयोग करें = "@ शेड्यूल_आईडी" / & gt; 3 (मैं जिस संख्या की गणना करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ) भिन्न schedule_id s: & lt; घटना event_id = "6" तारीख = "2009-05-27" शेड्यूल_आईड = "4" & gt; & Lt; ev_title & gt; एड की Bday & lt; / ev_title & gt; & Lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; घटना event_id = "4" तारीख = "2009-11-11" शेड्यूल_आईड = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; ev_title & gt; स्मरण दिवस & lt; / ev_title & gt; & Lt; / घटना & g

tracing - how to code an ip tracer program in c? -

I would like to code an IP tracer program in C, but I'm not able to start heading in it. No e-book, links or sample code will need a lot of help !! How many examples are there for implementing this kind of object in c

sql server - Where/How do I handle different connection types using Repository Pattern with ADO.Net? -

I'm new to the repository pattern, but building a repository to connect to two different database types I have those who have the same data structure. I will be connected to SQL Server 2005 and db2 (on iSeries) / li> I am using the repository in a WPF application. Although I want to use the unit framework, I can not. That's because IBM has imposed a good charge of $ 11,000 for a product called DB2 Connect, which will then give me access to my datacontext. Due to budget constraints, I am using ADOnate and using IDBCX interface. Why am I using two separate databases 1) Political, 2) Because our ERP system is based on AS-400 is very limited so I have to download my data to SQL Server and 3 ) Political I have discussed all the tutorials on opening the connection within the call to the GetRecords () method. However, it is limiting me to a database. So, should I pass my connection object into my GetRecords method ?: GetRecords (MyIDbConnection)? It seems to re

printing - HTML specify print pages? -

I am creating a table of data that needs to be printed. I want the header to be at the top of every page. So, I am thinking of the best way to do this, every third column is either to repeat the header and break it into sections but still there is no way to make sure that each section is printed on its page. I know Does anyone know what I am trying to do? Thank you! Ensure that your table headers are in the section of the table, then insert the CSS in style: / P> thead {display: table-header-group; }

Objective-C and C interoperability -

We are going to write a C library and this library has to be accessible from the objective. Now I do not know anything about purpose-C, so I wonder what simple purpose - C & lt; -> What is the difference? Is such a purpose simple to connect to C header and library in C code? Do I have to do something special (like extern "c" with bit C ++)? extern "C" or anything else. / html>

java - call another applet in an applet -

I have to call (just show another applet) An applet from another applet. I put a button on my first applet and used the getcontextapplet () method on its implementation schematic. But the second applet was not displayed. How can I show the second applet on any of the earlier responses ... Code: import *; Import java.applet. *; Import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event. *; Import java.sql *; Import javax.swing. *; Public square home appliance Extended ActionListener {Container C1; Label L1, L2, L3, L4; Textfield T1; Button B1, B2; Image icon icon; Panel 1; URL Orders; Do not use public zero init () {// applette layout manager. SetLayout (zero); L1 = new label ("Dimasufta Consultants"); Font fg = new font ("times new roman", font. Ba, 50); (L1) add; L1.setFont (FG); L1.setBounds (20,20,800,70); L2 = new label ("strength of 5000 employees"); Fg = new font ("Times New Roman", font.bad, 25); L2.setFont (FG); L2.setBounds (180,120,5

Getting windows ‘ShFileOperation’ API to recursively delete files in Delphi -

I am using the following code to delete a large number of files FastDelete Function (DIN: Const from string): Boolean; Var fos: TSHFileOpStruct; Zero memory start (@ fos, size of (foss)); Start with fos wFunc: = FO_DELETE; FFlags: = FOF_FILESONLY or FOF_NOCONFIRMATION or FOF_NO_CONNECTED_ELEMENTS or FOF_NOERRORUI or FOF_NO_UI; PFrom: = Pichar (from DIR + '\ *. *' + + + # 0); End; Result: = (0 = Shuffle operation (foss)); End; How do I get rid of all the files in the path again and again? Edit The problem is that after the removal of the FOF_FILESONLY flag the file is continuously From: FOF_NORECURSION < / Strong> Operation only in local directories do not work in sub-directories recursively, default behavior . It seems that your answer is right there, it should be automatically absorbed until you ask it. EDIT: It seems that there is a problem with your flag. You do not need to add them together or since the FOF_NO_UI is already Only

data access layer - Best practices for Domain Service classes in RIA Silverlight projects -

I would like to ask if there is a good practice, CRUD business commodities, a single domain service class Should we provide a domain service class for each BO? ProductDomainService.cs CustomerDomainService.cs ... or a single BusinessObjectDomainService.cs I went with a domain object, so my model is not that complicated. I would think it would be better to cluster domain services i.e. user service logging services This kind of logical clumping will be better than 1 for each business object.

.net - Position cursor at start/end of Word document -

We are connecting Word 2007 documents to .NET using Word Interop. Most of the fields are doing stuff like: field with d.Fields f.Select () // field for each F here next < P> This leaves the last field in the selected document Therefore, for cleanliness, we want to position the cursor on end of the document (or start Will also be fine). Googling does not throw much for the answer ... The closest I can find is that we need to include ourselves with categories or bookmarks. There is a GoTo method for document objects but none of the WdGoToItem options are available. Is there no easy way to send the cursor to the end (or start) of the document? Edit was part of my problem. I did not like to leave the last area selected. Now I realized that I wanted to remove the merge. / P> f.Unlink and just leave the field text in plain text. Whether it is a picker or not, we also restore the cursor @ Alexander Kozenvinov: help you Thank you for because you kept

sql server - column update without using trigger -

SCENARIO: मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं, टेबल 1 (कॉल 1 डेट) और टेबल 2 (कॉल 2 varchar (20 ))। आवश्यकता: जब भी कोई भी कॉल 2 में मान को अपडेट करता है, तो आज की तारीख को कॉल 1 में डाला / अपडेट किया जाना चाहिए। यह ट्रिगर्स का उपयोग किए बिना किया जाना चाहिए। अब, मैं ऐसा करने के लिए संभव कुछ भी नहीं सोच सकता। इसलिए, मुझे आपकी मदद की आवश्यकता है; कृपया। धन्यवाद। यह उपयोग किए बिना स्वचालित रूप से नहीं किया जा सकता चलाता है। तालिका 1 को अपडेट करने के लिए आपको मैन्युअल रूप से एक स्टेटमेंट चलाने की आवश्यकता है अपडेट तालिका 2 चलाना और एक लेनदेन के अंदर टेबल 1 स्टेटमेंट को अपडेट करना आप अपने डेटा की अखंडता सुनिश्चित कर सकते हैं।