SQL Server: impact of column collation on T-SQL instructions -
I have searched today (*), depending on the server, my TSQL command case was sensitive, which means If the table name is tableId
, then the following command can not be successful:
Select from my table Table ID
Depending on the coordinates of the column. SQL_Latin1_blablabla
does not appear case-sensitive, when is Latin 1_blabblabla
So that's my first question !!!
And secondly, what is the fastest move (SP?) To change all collations for all related columns in the database?
Edit: To make things very clear:
SELECT tableId myTable
while working on all servers
Select table from Meritable
works on the server only with the SQL_Latin_blablabla
section. Notice the difference between the two stars, we are not talking about data collation here, but the way we write the code, about the effect of this calculation!
(*) I can use some additional and specific words here to make my state's mind eligible, but these are adult-rated ...
after marc_s
sys.objects, sys.column etc. column names and object names are < Em> database completion . Therefore, a binary collation means that the object name is considered as binary ...
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