java - call another applet in an applet -

I have to call (just show another applet) An applet from another applet. I put a button on my first applet and used the getcontextapplet () method on its implementation schematic. But the second applet was not displayed.

How can I show the second applet on any of the earlier responses ...


  import *; Import java.applet. *; Import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event. *; Import java.sql *; Import javax.swing. *; Public square home appliance Extended ActionListener {Container C1; Label L1, L2, L3, L4; Textfield T1; Button B1, B2; Image icon icon; Panel 1; URL Orders; Do not use public zero init () {// applette layout manager. SetLayout (zero); L1 = new label ("Dimasufta Consultants"); Font fg = new font ("times new roman", font. Ba, 50); (L1) add; L1.setFont (FG); L1.setBounds (20,20,800,70); L2 = new label ("strength of 5000 employees"); Fg = new font ("Times New Roman", font.bad, 25); L2.setFont (FG); L2.setBounds (180,120,500,30); (L2) add; L3 = new label ("specific in IT and computing services"); L3.setFont (FG); L3.setBounds (90,180,500,30); (L3) add; L4 = New label ("Total 10 different departments"); L4.setFont (FG); L4.setBounds (140,240,500,30); (L4) add; B1 = New Button ("View Details"); B1.setBounds (150320,150,40); (B1) add; B1.addActionListener (this); B2 = New button ("ADD Detail"); B2.setBounds (450320,150,40); (B2) add; Try {Order = new URL ("C: \ Documents and Settings \ Administrator \ Desktop \ try \ add.html"); } Catch (Malformorception E) {System.out.println ("HH"); }} Public Zero Action (Action Event E) {if (e.getSource () == B1) {getAppletContext (). ShowDocument (order); Println ("HI"); }}  

Try or Google for

< / Html>


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