swing - how to stop cell editing in JTextPane ,cell editor of JTable -

I created JTablePane as a cell editor. I want to stop editing the cell and if I enter the key in JTextPane And I also want to use a line in JTextPane. Therefore, I add main list creator to JetExpain and call Stopclitting method. But this is not working, the focus is in jettextpen and if I click on the other cell, then the selected row and the selected column do not change. So, please help me use a line in JTextPane and if I join the default cell editor. thanks a lot!

Hi, I have just come to the same problem, I have a custom editor and default fire edit It was resolved by signing on

  Extending Private CelEditor AbstractCellEditor implements TableCellEditor {/ * here other code for editor ** / protected void fireEditingCanceled () {this.stopCellEditing ( ); }}  

took me a while to understand it, except if it does not work, you can use the model.setObject (object, line, call) in the cancel function Can try.


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