How to mix C++ and external buttons on seperate window? -

I have to create a C ++ button on Start> Run, but when I do What do I get to indicate?

I'm sorry I have seen that you do not get the question.

OK when you CreateWindowEx () ; I want to do this but put a separate window with SetAprent which I have already done Now the button is not working, so I need my program when it runs from the run window Clicked for example!

And yes you have it but this button is not making the problem, the problem is when it has been clicked with my program because it is no longer!

Older but still supported in Windows as you subclassing The technology needs to be implemented; It has been well explained (15 years old article, but still quite legitimate ;-) As it is written in this article,

Sub-closing is a technique that is a Allows the application to block messages for the second window. Touching the message messages for another window can increase, monet, or modify the default behavior of a window.

You would like "insulation subclassing" because you are interested only in a single window (either your new button, or, who has set your SetParent Button); If you decide the sub-section of the window related to any other process, then you must use the explained injection techniques in the article, such as system DLL injection into the system process and WH_CBT hook , And as if but I think that you can put the button in your own process even if you are in the window related to a different process, SetParent , in this case you are completely Ni own process can sub-classes, which is possible if very simple.

"Superclass" is an option of "sub-clasing", this article has also been explained, but there are not many advantages in doing so in comparison to the sub-classing of the example global can be compared with subclasses ... but, this is not what you need here).

You will find other interesting articles on such topics, and also shows a simple approach based on hooks - rich C ++ library for a large developing, subclassing that you may like Are). Each article has a very different attitude and examples of code, so I think that many people can be helped to get the right mindset and code for your specific needs!


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