Drupal Imagecache not working -

I created an image setting that comes in only 125px wide size The first issue is that the preview image is 404.

Then I

  & lt ;? I want to print an image through the Php print theme ('imagecache', 'imported_image'). , $ Node-> Picture, 'test', 'test', $ attributes); ? & Gt;  

'imported_image' preset and $ node-> the picture is a correct path I HTML prints right out, but the path that the image is trying to load does not exist is. There is no folder with the preset name in the sites / default / file / image cache; The predefined flushing does nothing; The Imagecache folder is writeable by everyone, it is on the mmp.

Does anyone know what this problem can be?

Imagecatch Friendly URLs are closed when not working If this is the case, then the site / default / Find the path to your folder in the files 'no'. When I turned them on, the folder was created properly with the name. Imagecached images do not appear here. I'm putting it to switch from Windows to Mac, as some people have been suggested on the Drupal Forum.

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