compression - Does the common HTTP server implementation decompress POSTed form data? -

If I gzip the post request request form, an HTTP server will disinfect it, or it only works in other ways Is (server -> customer)?

Which web server are you using? I am assuming that you are posting from within a program. Although it is possible to send jaded data to a server, but the browser does not do this, because the server generally does not show how it accepts encoding. You can see how a server accepts with the option command:

  curl-iX option http: // localhost: 8080 / HTTP / 1.1 200 OK date: Tuesday, October 20 2009 00:54: 29 GMT server: Apache / 2.2.8 (Unix) mod_ssl / 2.2.8 OpenSSL / 0.9.8 AAV / 2 PHP / 5.2.6 SVN / 1.6.5 Proxy_HTML / 3.0.0 Allow: Received , Head, post, option, however, if you control both server and client, then the data stream you prefer Can send. For example, in both directions, but not dependent on the web server for compression / decompression. 


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