linux - Organizing School Workspace/Writing Makefile -

I am doing some programming for school and I think I have reused the libraries again, , User input, error handling etc.).

Right now, my personal SVN directory structure looks like this:

  trunk / | - 2520 | `- Assignment | | - A2. | - Makefile | | - README | | - calculator.c | | - calculatorlib.c | `- calculatorlib.h` - libs | - Misc | | - Error Leash. | | - Error Lib H | | - userinputlib.c | `- userinputlib.h` - stacks | - Stacklib.c` - stacklib.h  

Some of these files (UserPobil and Errilib) are used in almost every project I'm working on For the obvious reasons I copy the files Without having done these files, I want to be able to get involved in the project's work area (2520 / assignment / A2) because I do not want to manage copies of a file and I do not want to check in duplicate SVN The same file.
I have to do library files in project workspaces, so my makefile works without having to do a very manual configuration (or hard-coding path).

At first, I thought about the symbolic link (which SVN and tar support), but I may not have compiled my assignments in my directory given to my headers.

I can manually compile each header in an object file, the last linking, but I'm not sure how to do it automatically in MacFill


Edit: I forgot how I applauded my environmental setup. Please mention that I have searched Google and have received some code describing the automated dependency generation (maybe I want it?) I am using GCC-MM And I have read on the GNU manual, but nothing jumped on me

Use your project's sub -Directory for linking a dynamic copy of the Libs tree as deflection Can use the feature.

But in the end it's just a copy (it would be better to use a subversion copy, so it would be effectively a branch of the library code), so that you do not have to worry about the changes The library affects existing projects, and can merge the changes as needed.


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