Eclipse JavaScript project "was not validated since its include path is incomplete." -

I am using eclips and want to start using the JavaScript verification tool which is now available. I think this is the 3.4 version, but the help ... does not show the version number ... about it, only tells me that it is producing 200 9 120-1017.

This is a pre-existing EJB / JSP application that I have added to the "Javascript Toolkit" aspect.

The issue in hand is that JavaScript validation has not run. This message shows a single error under "JavaScript problems":

This project was not valid because the path involved is incomplete. The definition of class can not be found for the string. Please include the path, then try validating this project

in the window. Preferences | Web | JavaScript | Include path, "JavaScript Global Reference Root" is set to "Project" (default). The "user library" is empty.

There are four tabs in the project properties under "Javascript | Libraries": include "Library", "Global Supertip", "Source", and "Projects." Path "Settings here."

"ECMAScript Built-in Library" in the "Library" tab, "Web Project Support for JSDT", "ECMA 3", Firefox and Internet Explorer "Browser Support Library". To select "Add JavaScript Library" Over to Options are not shown.

The "Global Supertip" tab lists the three supporting libraries (all uncontrolled) and the "default" supertitle shows "Global" in ECMAScript System Library.

"Source" tag "contains: (all)" and "Excluded: ********* / *******. Ycomp.js shows; **** ***** / *******. Jsp "

The" referenced projects "list in the" Projects "tab is empty.

All Javascript settings are defaulted with the exception of adding "Excluded" paths and Firefox and Internet Explorer libraries, however, regardless of these settings the error appears.


  1. Preferences and project settings are correct (most missed)?
  2. Are the settings missing or incorrect?
  3. Is there other related settings that I should see?
  4. What is missing from being in the path?
  5. How to make the correct configuration so that javascript verification can be used?

EDIT: This is the 3.5 version. Help by opening it. Bugs or enhancements. | By opening the Eclipse Platform, and preferring the version number in the bug report form. Is this really the only way to establish an eclipse? I'm not really surprised that it is called Help | About About

EDIT: I can run the verification manually, and I get many errors:

  • Oh no one sort of solution.
  • HttpRequest can not be solved in a way
  • The type function can not be sorted. It is indirectly referenced with the necessary library files.
  • Type numbers can not be resolved It is indirectly referenced with the necessary library files.
  • Type object can not be solved. It is indirectly referenced with the necessary library files.
  • The type string can not be resolved. It is indirectly referenced with the necessary library files.


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