c# - SQL Server Compact Edition with Entity Framework -

I try to use SQL Server Compact Edition with Unit Framework in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 What I Do Here :

1) I create a new project, console application.

2) I right-click on the project, choose Add-> New Item. / P>

3) I choose to add a local database named "Something.sdf"

4) In the next page of the "Add new item" wizard, I get the default Dataset name (SomethingDataSet )

Now, in the server explorer, the new database is shown under Something.sdf data connection. 5) I click on the project again, and choose Add-> New item. 6) I want to create a model from the database, in the next page of the wizard, the default name, model 1. amx

7), an ADO unit data model.

Now it asks me "Which of your data connections will you use to connect to the database?". In this dialogue, I can choose between using a pre-built data connection, or creating a new connection.

The drop down is empty with pre-built data connections (I have some of my SDF here?) When I press a new connection, I can only select Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server database file , And - I can not select Microsoft SQL Server CE. If I choose another, the data source is shown as ".NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server", which I do not want.

What am I missing here? Why can not I select my SQL Server CE database in the Entity Data Model Wizard?

Not sure if this is the same problem, but I think that SEL Server Management Studio Express 2008 CE had to download to get it as an option in the dropdown. However, I give more information to this and give you a better response.


If you browse: C: \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v2.0.50727 \ CONFIG \ machine.config

You should find the following nodes:

  & lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; System.data & gt; & Lt; DbProviderFactories & gt; & Lt; Add name = "Microsoft SQL Server Compact Data Provider" irrevocable = "System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5" Description = "Net Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server Compact" type = "System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeProviderFactory, System .Data .SqlServerCe, version =, culture = neutral, public keynote = 89845dcd8080cc91 "/>  

Let me know that you do not know this.

Edit 2:

I am running VS 2010 Beta 1, and the process you have listed allows me to select SQL CE. However, I removed 2008 And as you get the same result, SQL CE is no longer an option for a data source.

I started my project for the first time in 2008, and for "Microsoft" SQL Server Compact 3.5 ST 1 Beta for Entity Framework Beta 3 ", as explained in the following link:

However, downloads are no longer available. I could not find it anywhere and the link provided by them in this article was broken.

On 2010 After upgrading I found a problem with CE in the same problem I did not have any idea, so I tried to install VS 2008 SP1, and finally I came to know that all that I had to do was add the node I mentioned above to the machine. Configure C: \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v4.0.20506 \ Config.

Sorry, I could not help much, but I think my 2008 SP1 is also suffering from the same problem.

Edit 3: It appears that the 2008 SP1 should be 'just work' There is no need to install it. "Compact 3.5 SP1 Beta for the unit framework" But when I tried to install Service Pack 1 for 2008, I still get the same symptom. Just trying to re-install some SQL CE 3.5 components left out of the thought.


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