c# - sending sms through way2sms help needed -

I am creating a desktop app in Visual C # 2.0 which can send SMS via way2sms.com. Has any of you tried such a thing ...? help please.

This is the solution for the link

Can pass the URL parameters provided with the help of web request class. I did it with the following rows

  HTTP WebBurvey request = (WebTequest.Create HTTP WebBrowsition) ("_http: //www.aswinanand.com/sendsms.php? Uid =" + this .txtUserID.Text + "& Amp; pwd =" + this.txtPassword.Text + "& amp; Phone =" + this.txtToMobileNo.Text + "& msg =" + this.txtMessage.Text); StreamerMinder Reader = New Streamminder (Request Gatesresons (.) GetResponseStream (), Encoding .UTF8); Return Reader Reed to End ();  

There is another tool available in Java, which is now implementing in C #.


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