c# - Get read/write properties of Anonymous Type -
I need to bring all the properties of an anonymous type that can be written.
var person = new {name = "person's name", age = 25}; Type anonymous type = person.GetType (); Var Properties = Anonymous Type.GetProperties (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
The problem is that all properties have their canwrite
property false
. It has come back as the right one for non-anonymous forms.
I tried to call PropertyInfo.GetSetMethod ()
, which returns null
How can I check whether the property can be written?
Edit: Maybe it would be enough to know if some type is unknown or not, how will I know if some type is anonymous due to reflection?
There are anonymous types generated from C # always is immutable, so writeable The set of properties is empty This is optional in VB: Each property default to be unstable, but if you upgrade it with the key
; For the similarity and hash code generation only the declared property using the key
count personally I like the approach of C #.
Can not return
always returns in the form of truth for non-anonymous types - only read-only attributes for people who write For example, you can only write, or read, for example:
test for the public class {// Cannreight will return false. CanRead will return true public int just to read ({get return 10;}} // will return right back to CanRead I CanRead will return false public int onlyonly {set {}} // canwrite right back to CanRead return true Will give public intradrad {get {return 10;} set {}}}
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