javascript - QUnitAdaptor for JSTestDriver passing failed test -

By using quoted adapters to test my quinnit tests, it has actually passed an examination that should fail:

  Exam ( "Very simple test", function () {var somevar = true; equals (some, wrong, "test");});  

The above test was passed when I went after capturing the browser program.

Has anyone experienced the same problem? If so, how did you get it? I am using Quinnit Adapter 1.1 with equiv.js, Asserts.js and JSTestDriver1.1.

I was able to reproduce the issue: It seems that if you already Once you run the suite and then add this test, then no new test comes out (and it passes). The trial was actually added to the suite and was unsuccessful because only by restarting the server and repeating the browser again it should have been in place first.

It is also not to know that it is of any help to you, but I still suggest you try to restart the server and try to retry the browser and then try again .
