What kinds of operator overloads does Delphi support? -

I wonder what type of operator overload is possible (and which version of Delphi)?

  • Subtract (left, right: type):
  • I know about:

    • Add (left, right: type): type (For the '+' operator)
    • Type (for the '-' operator)
    • Multiply (left, right: type): Type (for the '*' operator )
    • Split (left, right: type): type (for the '/' operator)
    • Full (Ave: type): Other type and
    • Full (examples: other type): type (for implied function: a: = b clear (Ave: Ta) I.ap): other type and
    • clear (examples: other type): type (for clear assignments of 'cast': a: = Type (b)

    However, I do not know that the names of '=', '& lt; =', '<', '', '>' and '> =' are the operator ' And what version of Delphi can I use these?

    PS: I still use Delphi 2009 at this time, so in 2010 they will have another strong upgrade logic; -)

  • Actually, me I got the answer myself, but kept the question as I can imagine that people will search this information regularly on the StaxHowflow;

    The official description on operator overloaders can be found here:

    Mainly, the people I was looking for have been given the name:

    • Equal, '=' for comparison: par (a: type; b: type): boolean;
    • '& lt;>' Not for comparison; Coefficient: (A: type; B: type): Boolean;
    • Greater tension for '>', compared to: Greaterton (A: type: B: type) boolean;
    • Greater thanan or aqual, Greater thana oracle (A: type; B: type) for the comparison of '> =': As a result;
    • Sublimation, '& lt;' Comparison for: Forbirth (A: Type: B: Type): As a result;
    • Commissions Oracle, '& lt; For '=': Comparison: Crescent Oracle (A: type; B: type): type as a result;


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