iphone - Is there a way to find out what App Store the user is connected to? -

I'm planning to release my app as a free version, and then the user will be able to buy the full version should buy . I would like to customize the artwork so that if they are on the UK store, then it says "Buy the full version for 59p" and "buy full version for $ 1" at US store. Is there any easy way to get this information? I know NSLokel can provide this information, but whatever I can gather can be set in any country, and it is not necessarily an app store that is connected to the user.

In the section of the App Purchasing Program, the process of obtaining information about your product from the App Store Has been described. SKProduct objects that you withdraw from the store for the special element you purchase include value and priceloc properties, which can be used to create local value for your full version.

You may know how you can keep this pricing information inside the app, because many people (including me) in our free editions provide information on pricing information at any point in the The reasons are the rejected applications or updates. In-app purchase policy may take some time after this change.


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