c++ - Heap currupted error in VS2005 with OpenCV? -
When I try to debug this simple code, I'm getting an error called "I Corrects Corruption" I,
cvcpc capture * capture = cccaptuarefrem file ("1.avi"); If (capture) {cvNamedWindow ("motion", 1); While (true) {// hold frame and display image // no need of this, because the error is coming in cvCaptureFromFile ("1.avi"); }}
But the real problem is that if I try to run .exe (debug output) of code (not through .2005) then this error does not occur. Can anyone help me understand this? Thanks ...
This means that OpenCV avi can not load. I always convert my video to RAW I420 format; It loads completely.
The following command will convert a video into this format in this format:
Maincoder-Oxy Raw-nodes-VF format = i420 -o "% OUTPUT%" " % INPUT% "
where % INPUT%
and % OUTPUT%
are input and output files.
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