erlang - Jinterface OtpNode initialization -name or -sname flag -

What kind of node is it when creating an otponode installation? Is it like an ARL-sname xxx or ALR-NADA xxx?

this "-sname" At least according to the following example. (omitted for import purpose)

  Public category TryOTP {Public Zero Start () {OtpNode node = null; Try {node = new Otpnode ("Javambox @ localhost", "Z"); // name, cookie} {IOException ex} {System.exit (-1); } System.out.println ("associated with APMD ..."); If ( ("shell @ localhost", 2000)) {System.out.println ("shell @ localhost up."); } Else {System.out.println ("Shell @LocalHost is Down"); } Otmpbox mbox = node.Sentbox ("mbox"); While (true) {OtpErlangObject o = null; {O = mbox.receive () try; } Hold (pre-loadedDodeDationExation) {System.out.println ("The received message can not be decoded:" + east); to continue; } Hold (OprahParangAxt before) {System.out.println ("remote pin" + () + "has expired."); to continue; } System.out.println ("Received:" + o); }} Public static zero main (string [] args) {System.getProperties (). SetProperty ("OtpConnection.trace", "3"); New TryOTP () Start (); }}  

Erlang Opening:

  erl -sname shell @ localhost -setcookie zed (shell @ localhost) 1> Net_adm: Ping (javambox @ localhost). Pong (Shell @ Localhost) 2 & gt; {Mbox, javambox @ localhost}! Hello. Hello  


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