Django: Admin, adding some new filters to a multiple choice field -

I am creating an article site that is using the demo. I have added many to my relationships between my articles:

  class articles (models.Model): # tiny URL url = model Chargefield (max_long = 30, exclusive = true) is_published = Models.BooleanField () Author = models.CharField (max_length = 150) title = models.CharField (max_length = 200) short_description = models.TextField (max_length = 600) body = tinymce_models .HTMLField () related = Modal. Many people ("self")  

Now in my admin site, I see more than one selection box (see image here)

What I want is the use of this box useful for the user, then articles will be chosen to bind them for an existing one. For Dahrn, is there a way to add some filtering? Like if I want to filter all the articles by section? And then reject the previous results and filter the whole set from name, etc?

Thank you in advance


I'm trying to check the possibility of adding filters to the horizontal but after that Like added:

ArticleAdmin (admin.modelAdmin): Exclude = ('video',) js = ('/site_media/js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js',) List_display = ( List_filter = ('author', 'block', 'uninterrupted', 'pb_date') 'filter_horizontal = [' related '] [search]' search_image ',' title ',' author ',' block ',' invisible '

Div class = "text-post" itemprop = "text">

If you have basic Filter Try to try to c, to:

If you want to customize filtering, you can actually do. :

django.contrib.admin.widgets to form class SelectionMultiple or directly select to filter and Do it what you want.

Then type sub-class ModelAdmin and formfield_for_manytomany in your ( View in django.contri

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