bitmapdata - Screendump from within Actionscript 3.0 is it possible or? -

We now have bitmap and bitmapadata objects and when using webcams, we get raw-pixel data output from it You can. But, can we get crude-pixase in any way from the "stage" or "SWF" object?

I want to use it to make "small thumbnails" of parts of action script applications and these are the strongest compositions at the same time with dynamic text, bitmap graphics, and movie clips. So it would be nice to create a "quick snap" and just get the current composite pixels in a bitmap and then "be able to save it later".

Is this possible? Is it so easy? Am I seeing the wrong place in Adobe Docs?

We have images, vectors, etc. on the stage at the same time, so I need to grab "Stage" objects bitmapdata

Create a BitmapData and its draw (call) )) Related to DisplayObject

  var bmpData: bitmapdata = new bitmap data (sprite.width, sprite.height, true); BmpData.draw (Sprite);  

If you want to shorten the thumbnail, create a matrix and call it with the required code scaling parameters with the createbox method and Pass it to Draw Method

  var bmpData: bitmapdata = new bitmapdata (thumb, thumb h, true); Var mat: matrix = new matrix (); Mat.createbox (thumbW / sprite.width, thumbH / sprite.height); BmpData.draw (phantom, mat);  


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