- Thread Safety on my method -

Whether this code is considered to be a thread, even if many threads are used by voting the directory for files on the webserver at one time. Are you?

Thanks, Mike

  // Get a testimonial virtual root = hosting environment. Application virtual path; Configuration = Web Configuration Manager OpenWeb Configuration (Virtual Array); PathToNewsDirectory = configuration.AppSettings.Settings [""]. Values; FileListing = Directory.GetFiles (Pathtoence Directory, "* xml"); Int index = generator.Next (0, fileListing.Length); // Keep it in XML and get data to return to the certificate; Reader = new XML text reader (file listing [index]); TestimonialReader.ReadToFollowing ("bid"); Testimonials Data [0] = testimonialReader.ReadString (); TestimonialReader.ReadToFollowing ("Author"); Testimonials Data [1] = testimonialReader.ReadString (); TestimonialReader.ReadToFollowing ("authorTitle"); TestimonialsData [2] = testimonialReader.ReadString (); Return testimonials data; } Most of the calls under  

get a testimonial The comment thread should be safe.

However, it is not clear whether generator object, testimonialrereader , and testimonial data are created and whether they Threads are shared or not. If they are shared in threads, the code thread is not secure.


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