debugging - Best ways to fit bug fixing into a Scrum process? -

I have been reading and reading about Skrom in the last few days and reading about sprint planning and tasks I am One problem that has spread to my mind is that in dealing with bugs in Scrum, Henrik Nyiberg has given a list of some methods to deal with this issue in his very good book:

  1. Products The master prints the highest priority Zerah objects, brings them to the Sprint Planning meeting, and places them on the wall with other stories (which, in contrast to other things, Mika was clearly specified)
  2. The product owner creates references to jira items, for example "Fix the most important back office reporting bugs, cumin-124, cumin-126 and cumin-180" .
  3. Bug fixing is considered out of Sprint, meaning that the team has less substantial focus factor (for example 50%) to ensure that they have time to fix the bug. It is only believed that the team has spent a certain time to fix each sprinting bugs that were reported-
  4. Keep the backlog of the product in diamond (i.e. Dutch Excel). Treat bugs like any other story.

Is it really something that needs to be decided on a per-project basis or better solution? I can think of the problems with all those approaches. Are there a hybrid coming in those ways that works best? How do you manage it in your projects?

This is a very good question and I have some comments for different ways of this problem .

  1. Treating all the bugs equally with backlog items can seem like a good idea in theory (work done at one place) but do not work well in practice Does. Bugs are usually low-level and many more, so if you create a personal user story for each bug, the "real" stories will soon get blurred.
  2. The clear time is clear in each sprint reserved for fixes, if done in the manner that is visible to the product owner, the bugs should be mentioned during the daily scrum and about fixed bugs during the sprint review. Should discuss. Otherwise the owner of the product will not be aware of what is happening in the project.
  3. By entering the entire backlog in the bug tracking tool, problems 1 goes towards the same set. Apart from this, most bug trackers are not designed for this purpose, walking and using them in the mind can be painful.

To get the most satisfying solution, we had to write the story of a single user named "Ticket" or "Worms" on each sprint. Then such a story can be divided into low-level tasks, which describes a particular bug (if known during the planning) or the meta-work preserves the numbers given for normal bug fixing. Thus there is visibility in the process of the owner of the product and the Burgunde Chart shows the progress

Just simply remember all "bugs" that are really new features and create new backlog items for them.


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