vb.net - Informing the user that a DataGridView is being populated -

I am writing a program in VB.Net to send a text message through an API. This allows you to view messages in the Detroit Wiver, and filter by date, sent / inappropriate etc ...

I am performing a SQL statement to load the messages and revert the datatale Which is then set in the form of datasource for my datagrid view control.

The problem is that many records may be selected based on the filter selected by the user and it will take some time to update the data source. I want to inform the user about this load time by providing some kind of progress bar or label.

I used the progress bar while looping during data but it is loading all at one go. I thought about displaying a label when the user clicks to load the data and then hides it when the data is loaded. But this happens instantly even when the data is still loading.

Is there an incident on the DataGrid view that I might use? as some. DatasourceLoadStart and .DataSourceLoadFinished

I know that I am just making those events ... but hopefully this makes me clear as what I want.

You can set labels to be visible while clicking on load and you can try: To hide the DataGridView.DataBindingComplete event, this event is called when the binding is completed.


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