java - Apache HSSF POI excel doc to tab delimted file -
Gone and found a file that already "works" from here:
Note, I need a tab seam format, so I just went and changed to "", "\ t" and then removed a group of additional formatting, such as naming a workbook, the problem is that this code gives me some excel lines 2 + Divides into lines.
These are the lines where I have many columns, so many columns are empty, after more data, there is basically a line which is the difference between entries.
Everything is still properly aligned, but I do not know how correctly matches the records.
It is important that my tabs are delimited files that keep the rows as they were in Excel.
Are you sure about splitting up into two things? Not sure that your editor is showing a line in 2 parts because the line is too long? And are you sure that you did not introduce some crappy new misconceptions while "cleaning" the code? Do you try to process with the base version, that is, with a comma? On the other hand, I think that HSF's listener-based approach is slightly more for applying for you, and this can be enough, and can be very easy to understand and easy.
/ P>
And you can also see a look that I think is simpler and lighter than HSSF.
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