c++ - Network File Streaming Performance Vista -

How do I get the best file streaming performance in Vista? My goal is to read a large file (several hundred MB) directly on the network in one memory.

I've allotted the same size as the memory block file. It is also my destination buffer. I tried ReadFile , _read , fread , , and boost :: Iostreams :: Mapped_file :: const_data - _O_SEQUENTIAL or FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN is appropriate when specifying However, I could not match the throughput through the simple cut-paste file copy. I receive only 50% of the file copy performance regularly - What is the explorer done by the task manager differently, and how can I get the same level of performance?

How big is the chunks that you read every time? If they are too small or too big, then you are not using the network for your full potential


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