Possible to disable javascript within a xul:browser element (firefox extension)? -
I have to present the submitted HTML to the user within an XUL panel. I am adding html to a XUL: inside the browser element panel so that invalid XHTML is not an issue (this browser has a sandbox in the frame).
Is there no way to disable Javascript inside the XUL: Browser? My original plan was to write some regex which removes all JS from HTML, but if I can just disable JS and do not worry about it then it will be so easy.
EDIT: OK, browser.docShell .allow JavaScript = false; Is what I was looking for. Unfortunately this only works when the browser type is set to "content", and if I set a type for "content": the browser does not render properly within a panel (known firefox bug which Has been around years). Without the content type, this loaded page gives access to CHROME, which is the reason that I want to disable JS for the first time .. ugh
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