sql - Classic ASP Parameters passing nulls (or empty parms) and ordering -

"post-text" itemprop = "text">

I am using classic ASP and I am trying to create parameters for a process which are optional (= NULL) parameters One of the parameters, @ macro, is essential.

When I try to pass through the following call:

  with Ojke Commands .ActiveConnection = oConn .CommandText = "usp_client_onsite_search" .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc Parameters.Append .CreateParameter ("maxrows", adInteger, adParamInput, 4, 10). Parameter. Apne. CretePamator ("Firstname", Aid Worker, Edeperminput, 50, VBiNl) & End  

SQL Server Address from this "exec usp_client_onsite_search 10, '1'"

In other words, the parameter is not being done according to the name; They are passing according to the order and some may not be present in every call.

I'm not sure if you are asking about it NULL or parameter order.

On the parameter order, if you set the property of the command object named 'prompt', then the parameter name will be passed through (

tap, instead of passing vbNull For example, try to pass the tap, though I'm sure it will work or not.

However, if you work in the named parameters, then you can do the default value for the parameters in the stored procedure What are you calling No. By not specifying the parameter in this way, a tap value will be found in the target curb.


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