matlab - plotting bar chart colour x & y axis and change font size -
I have bar charts. I need to format the format of charts. I have managed to change the font size, but Can not change the font color? I can not change the color of the edge of the chart - the box around the entire chart
Below is my code, has tried many options, but lost a bit.
x_labels (:, 1) = name_splitter (data_cell (2: end, 1) ')'; H = figure; NP = Bar (chart_data); Ax = mill (gca); Cat = ax children; Set (GCA, 'Extreme', X_Label) set (GCA, 'Fontsis', 8); Title ('Tracking Errors', 'Fontsis', 10, 'Colors', MyBallu (1, :), 'FontWeight', 'Bold'); Scrsz = get (0, 'screen size'); Set (H, 'position', [1 scrsz (4) / 2 scrsz (3) /2.3 scrsz (4) /7.0], 'resize', 'off' set (gcf, 'paperposition mode', 'auto') Set (Cat (1), 'FaceColor', Mayballu (1, :)); Rescue (H, [pathfig 'my_chart.eps'], 'EPSC'); Close (h);
That's why I would prefer the font to blue & Amp; amp; The Y axis also like the blue box (where the red arrow is pointing towards) also blue.
If I understand correctly, then your question really is about changing the color of the box , The title based on your screenshot is OK. have you tried? From
set (GCA, 'box', 'on', 'XColor', 'b', 'ycolor', 'b')
Box - Axx Box Outline 'off' (default) | 'At'
The Axes box setting, specified as one of these values:
- outline the box Do not show axes around.
- Display the outline of the box around the axes. In the 3-D view, the planes behind the letters are outlined. Use BoxStyle property to control
, YColor
, and ZColor
properties. Outline color
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