visual studio 2008 - Add prerequisites/dependencies to VS2008's Setup Project options? -

There are some built-in prerequisites in the VS-2008 setup projects (for example, NETFX version, VSTO, PowerPacks) that you simply check Can you close the bootstrap to make sure that they are installed but what about other dependencies you want to add, such as SQL Native Client (available only as MSI, not as a merge module) ODBC Data Provider for .NET?

Is there any way to add these dependencies to a Windows Installer Setup project?


M $ has provided some new bootstrap packages that can be downloaded - but of course I do not need this case.

So it seems that there are options:

  • Try creating your bootstrap package using the pre-existing instances in SDK's bootstrapper \ package folder
  • Add a custom action or MSI to check the dependency GUID (but how?)

I got some helpful information on (another example.)

I also have a Bootsper Manifest Generator (|) Rykram've had, but I have not done it yet - because I think the people from the hands to work properly.


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