sql - Create a mysql primary key without a clustered index? -
I am using a SQL Server that is using MySQL for a large upcoming project (due to licensing) and I I do not know more about the way to create a primary key without the package index. I have read all the documents say that a primary key is automatically given a compiled index because I have a binary (16) for the primary key column (GUID) ) Using So, I do not want a compiled index on it because ...
- Is it possible to make a primary key without a compiled index? I can always place the clustered index on the date_created column instead, but how do I prevent mysql from creating the clustered index on the primary key?
- If not possible, do I have a unique GUID column on the index and no primary key on the table? I am planning to use nhibernate here, so I'm not sure whether any primary key is allowed (not yet received).
Considering what is said, it seems that you are not really defined It is possible that the package index is set to:
- This is either a PK column
- or a unique index on the first column, with only zero-zero values
- Or on some internal columns - ^^
Not useful in your case: About the second question in your post: On the table Do not have PK, and a unique index on the GUID; This may be possible, but nothing about this package index will change: it will still be on the GUID column.
Anyone can be of any type:
- Do not define a primary key
- A unique on your date_created area Keep indexing (if you do not make many rows in a short time, it can be viable ...)
Not sure that you can put a second unique index on the GUID. .. maybe ^ ^
and not sure that a lot about the package index will change; But it may be worth a try ...
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