sql - Create a mysql primary key without a clustered index? -

I am using a SQL Server that is using MySQL for a large upcoming project (due to licensing) and I I do not know more about the way to create a primary key without the package index. I have read all the documents say that a primary key is automatically given a compiled index because I have a binary (16) for the primary key column (GUID) ) Using So, I do not want a compiled index on it because ...

  1. Is it possible to make a primary key without a compiled index? I can always place the clustered index on the date_created column instead, but how do I prevent mysql from creating the clustered index on the primary key?
  2. If not possible, do I have a unique GUID column on the index and no primary key on the table? I am planning to use nhibernate here, so I'm not sure whether any primary key is allowed (not yet received).

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Considering what is said, it seems that you are not really defined It is possible that the package index is set to:

  • This is either a PK column
  • or a unique index on the first column, with only zero-zero values
  • Or on some internal columns - ^^

Not useful in your case: About the second question in your post: On the table Do not have PK, and a unique index on the GUID; This may be possible, but nothing about this package index will change: it will still be on the GUID column.

Anyone can be of any type:

  • Do not define a primary key
  • A unique on your date_created area Keep indexing (if you do not make many rows in a short time, it can be viable ...)

Not sure that you can put a second unique index on the GUID. .. maybe ^ ^
and not sure that a lot about the package index will change; But it may be worth a try ...


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