jdbc - Db2 connection problem with java -

I'm having trouble with DB2. I have just installed DB2 as DB2 Admin and when I try to connect to the database with password, this success is complete and I get an error: -

DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE = -204, SQLSTATE = 42704, SQLERRMC = DB2ADMIN.LOGIN, Driver = 3.57.82

I have a database named Iop and it has a table called 'Login', which contains two field usernames and There is a table called 'Login' with the password.

I'm going

  1. Choose from * Login; Gives me an error

DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE = -204, SQLSTATE = 42704, SQLERRMC = DB2ADMIN.LOGIN, driver = 3.57.82

    Choose from system.login; Gives me an error: - (// is the system schema name)

DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE = -551, SQLSTATE = 42501, SQLERRMC = DB2ADMIN; SELECT; SYSTEM.LOGIN, driver = 3.57 .82

I have tried all the resources on the net and are completely tired. Please help me

I do not know much about DB2, but seeing the error code Are ..

The first error is because you have not specified a schema, so this could not be the login table.

The SQLCODE-204 object DB2 is not defined

DB2 Apparently you need to specify the schema name or your login user in this schema Looks like the same name.

You qualify for SET SCHEMA or fully table name.

The second error is that you do not have privileges to select:

SQLCODE-551, error:

I'm not sure why db2admin users will not be able to select from this table ...



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